
=== maclin1 is now known as maclin
=== maclin1 is now known as maclin
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pittigood afternoon, Earthlings!15:00
* slangasek waves15:00
* infinity coughs.15:01
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Jul 14 15:03:15 2016 UTC.  The chair is slangasek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.15:03
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick15:03
slangasek[TOPIC] Lightning round15:03
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Lightning round
slangasek$ echo $(shuf -e barry doko bdmurray slangasek caribou infinity sil2100 robru cyphermox pitti tdaitx xnox chiluk mwhudson)15:03
slangasekbarry infinity robru sil2100 tdaitx doko bdmurray slangasek mwhudson pitti chiluk xnox caribou cyphermox15:03
barryubuntu-image: landed flow branch; landed argparse branch; fixed ci; many meetings; working on `snapd weld` branch15:03
barrydebian bug #830611; python-webob 1.6.1-1; debian bug #830712; enum34 1.1.6-1; nose2 0.6.5-1; debian bug #828883 (dh-python; testing git repo fix); zope.interface 4.2.0-115:03
ubottuDebian bug 830611 in src:python-webob "python-webob: accesses the internet during build" [Serious,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/83061115:03
ubottuDebian bug 830712 in python-enum34 "python-enum34: add Breaks: python-enum" [Grave,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/83071215:03
ubottuDebian bug 828883 in dh-python "zope.interface: FTBFS: E: Please add apropriate interpreter package to Build-Depends, see pybuild(1) for details" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/82888315:03
infinityVery short week (1 day) due to DebConf and a swap day:15:04
infinity* Looked at point release live filesystem building for HWE-X15:04
infinity* Discussions (right now) about binutils libbfd regression15:04
robru* resurrect feature to indicate merge approvers in bzr commits15:04
robru* transition to new britney in git15:04
robru* track down some new britney tracebacks with pitti15:04
robru* continue working on porting status job, nearly finished!15:04
sil2100- Another crazy day, pipe breakage, boiler breakage - recovering from damages15:05
sil2100- Landing team work, silo coordination, preparing landing e-mails15:05
sil2100- RTM status meetings15:05
sil2100- OTA-12:15:05
sil2100  * Importing last-minute custom and device tarballs15:05
sil2100  * Fixing up some earlier mistakes in some OTA-12 rc candidates (wrong rootfs)15:05
sil2100  * Requesting some image re-tests15:05
sil2100  * Publishing the new frameworks to the store15:05
sil2100- Midori:15:05
sil2100  * Copying silos and spinning new candidate images15:05
sil2100- Touch xenial:15:06
sil2100  * Preparing and deploying the cdimage change for enabling arm64 for touch15:06
sil2100  * Building first images, investigating failures15:06
sil2100  * Fixing missing langpacks for xenial, enabling qtmir-android fro arm6415:06
sil2100- Reviewing and publishing (slightly not-perfect) repowerd15:06
sil2100- Reverting repowerd from vivid as it was causing regressions in autopkgtests15:06
sil2100- Preparing new frameworks for OTA-1315:06
sil2100- Fixing some edge-cases for the landing-info script in landing-team-tools15:06
sil2100- Writing ubuntu-touch-custom re-spin documentation15:06
sil2100(technicians are finishing up the boiler replacement right now)15:07
sil2100Made a hole in my wall sadly ;/15:07
chilukjust thing sil2100, now you get to paint, and can choose new and fancy colors.15:07
sil2100Yeah, I'm simply thrilled about this thought15:08
tdaitxlet me know when I should go, I was late and missed today's shuffle15:08
slangasektdaitx: your turn :)15:08
tdaitx= Merges15:08
tdaitx- halfway through isc-dhcp15:08
tdaitx= OpenJDK security update15:08
tdaitx- backporting the jaxp patch (requires additional backports from jdk8)15:08
tdaitx- preparing OpenJDK 8 package for the security team15:08
tdaitx= Other15:08
tdaitx- fighting a cold since yesterday15:08
chilukcold's suck tdaitx ..15:08
tdaitxslangasek, thanks15:08
slangasekdoko is out15:09
tdaitxchiluk, it does, always15:09
bdmurraycoming back from vacation15:09
bdmurrayinvestigation into staging cassandra / lift & shift status15:09
bdmurraynew staging not working due to old python-txstatsd15:09
bdmurrayinvestigation into failed queue retracing queue growing15:09
bdmurraysubmitted test crashes to daisy staging for new gdb version15:09
bdmurrayreviewed retracing of crashes in staging ET (good to go)15:09
bdmurrayresolved software-properties test failure15:09
bdmurrayresearch into hwe-support-status15:09
bdmurrayirc discussion with psusi regarding bugpattern for ubiquity installer crashes15:09
bdmurraywrote a bug pattern for a ubiquity installer crash15:10
bdmurraySRU queue reviews for unity, drupal7, openstack, and snapcraft15:10
bdmurray✔ done15:10
slangasek * ubuntu-image design discussions15:10
slangasek * SRUs: SRUs for new secureboot policy published to trusty...xenial15:10
slangasek * spent some time trying to get -proposed under control15:10
slangasek * MP review for fixing vagrant images to their pre-16.04 glory15:10
slangasek * this week: further ubuntu-image development and image yaml prototyping15:10
pittiExecMount=/bin/mount /dev/disk/by-label/cloudimg-rootfs / -t ext4 (code=exited, status=32)15:10
pittierr, no, not that one15:10
pittinetwork-yaml: add support for manual addresses, crank test coverage to 100%, fix some autopkgtest instability; getting blocked more and more on spec review and a name+config file path15:10
pittisystemd-session: update work items to all packages that ship an upstart session job, discuss/proposed some infra piece to systemd upstream, prepare  PPA and git for next week's sprint15:10
pitti - Robustify worker against invalid test requests15:11
pitti - britney: Rebase our enormous delta on current Debian, clean up obsolete patches, send upstreamable patches to Niels, port our stuff to changed Debian concepts15:11
pitti - Further debug arm64 breakage in scalingstack (#1531768)15:11
pitti - britney: Investigate CI train traceback for Robert; turned out to be a version collision between a xenial SRU and the overlay PPA15:11
pitti - merges: debhelper, procps15:11
pitti - Debug and propose a fix for networking restart/ssh deadlock (#1584393)15:11
pitti - Initial investigations on snapd failure on yakkety (#1599799); this now  needs to be looked at by someone who actally knows what this does15:11
chiluk- Presented an Ubuntu Development Primer at Texas Linux Fest this past weekend.15:11
chiluk- Other than that, just maas 2.0 support requests.  Mostly usage issues.15:11
chiluk- (done)15:11
slangasekand xnox is off playing volleyball15:13
slangasekand caribou is celebrating national nation day15:13
chilukdamn I didn't know he played.15:13
slangasekand cyphermox is off15:13
slangasekso looks like that's everybody15:13
sil2100What is the meaning of life?15:15
slangaseknot sure that fits in this meeting; we can schedule a UOS session15:15
slangasek[TOPIC] AOB15:16
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AOB
slangasekanything else?15:17
bdmurraySo I'm looking at update-manager and this hwe support stuff, which only exists in precise, and part of it involves some gui changes to update-manager.  I was wondering if anybody remembers what they do15:17
infinityMichael might remember.15:18
slangaseksounds like that's a wrap then15:20
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Jul 14 15:20:13 2016 UTC.15:20
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2016/ubuntu-meeting.2016-07-14-15.03.moin.txt15:20
sil2100Mc wrap, thanks!15:20
pittithanks everyone!15:21
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos

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