[11:28] Found an old blog post from netritious that just came in handy [21:12] Anyone else having problems with people coming on to their property because of Pokemon Go? [21:13] Walked out my garage door and there was a teenager, literally in my driveway 10 feet from the garage door pointing her phone at my door [21:14] cyberanger: which blog post? [21:16] ...Got a tazer? :P [21:20] ha, walking out with a sig p250 seems to work, too :) [21:21] Hah, niice! [21:27] Is there a way to see local spots in my neighborhood without downloading the app or signing into Ingress? [21:45] Wow, speaking of which, aHR0cDovL2Fyc3RlY2huaWNhLmNvbS90ZWNoLXBvbGljeS8yMDE2LzA3L2NoaWxkLXNleC1vZmZlbmRlci1hcnJlc3RlZC1hY2N1c2VkLW9mLXBsYXlpbmctcG9rZW1vbi1nby13aXRoLWtpZHMvCg==