[08:56] morning boys and girls. [09:46] morning all [09:46] morning MooDoo [09:47] :) [09:47] :) [14:56] Hi. Everyone in this room. Have a question to ask, which I have already asked in the #google room through this chat program (XChat-GNOME). Hope that is ok? : ) [14:59] Hello? [15:01] ask the question! [15:06] penguin42: Thanks for your reply - glad someone has replied at last. Was also making sure that it is OK before asking! : ) [15:06] Which free app from the Google Play Store, especially security, does not interfere or change settings on a phone like close other apps and draw over other apps? [15:07] Hope I get some sort of answer/reply very soon! Thanks. : ) [15:07] I don't understand your question - no app should interfere with other apps or draw over them [15:09] some do [15:09] very rare, but some do [15:09] Talking censorship? [15:09] yes but what is Welshman actually asking for? [15:12] I own 2 Samsung Galaxy mobile phone and I have only recently found out that 3 free antivirus apps close other apps and draw over other apps after reading the Other description for each of those apps on the Google Play Store website. So.... [15:16] Hope I get some sort of answer/reply very soon! Thanks. : ) [15:23] Well? [15:26] well, keeping in mind that this is a Ubuntu channel, and a small one to boot, and it's Sunday, answers might not be quickly forthcoming [15:26] but continuing on your question [15:28] why would you have an antivirus on your phone? I know some people manage to infect their phones with all kinds of crap but if you've got some sense in what links to click, and not enable silly apps to sideinstall, the point of an antivirus is a bit lsot [15:28] lost, even [15:28] funny pokémon mock-up is funny - the story is interesting too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDZjm4f9CEo [15:28] Myrtti: Have just sent the following message to penguin42 after he asked "yes but what is Welshman actually asking for?": "I own 2 Samsung Galaxy mobile phone and I have only recently found out that 3 free antivirus apps close other apps and draw over other apps after reading the Other description for each of those apps on the Google Play Store website.". Hope he answers/replies soon! Thanks. : ) [15:29] Welshman: You might want to get used to the basics of irc first [15:30] Welshman: 1) Dont repeat questions constantly 2) Dont private message people without asking 3) Use the right channels 4) Realise that if you don't get a reply there might not be people who know the answer 5) Really check if your question is clear [15:30] 6) … 7) profit [15:31] also be aware there are moron diddlers about [15:31] Myrtti + penguin42: Away for a few minutes playing a game whilst I await a response to my question. Thanks. : ) [15:59] Well? [16:04] see penguin42's point 4) [16:17] Myrtti: That means I will have to repeat my question etc again just incase someone else enters this channel/room and knows that answer or knows about Android apps! So, will return again in the next few minutes to repost my question etc. Thanks. : ) [16:19] eh. [16:26] Myrtti: Have returned for a few minutes to repost my question etc. So here goes! : ) [16:26] please don't [16:26] Hi. Everyone in this room. Have a question to ask, which I have already asked in the #google room through this chat program (XChat-GNOME). Hope that is ok? : ) [16:26] the population of the channel hasn't changed almost at all [16:27] Which free app, especially security, does not interfere or change settings on a phone like close other apps and draw over other apps? [16:27] the people that would answer the question still are doing something else, or don't know the reply [16:28] To explain why I have asked that question. I own 2 Samsung Galaxy mobile phone and I have only recently found out that 3 free antivirus apps close other apps and draw over other apps after reading the Other description for each of those apps on the Google Play Store website. : ) [16:28] Welshman: every single antivirus app for android is a scam [16:28] at best they do nothing, at worst they are literally viruses pretending to not be viruses [16:29] the best way to avoid viruses on android is to check the permissions which the app requests and don't install anything that requests significantly more than it would appear to need [16:29] and especailly don't click on anything that claims to be anti-virus, or claims to have detected viruses on your phone [16:30] ali1234: What? Even the antivirus scanner contained within the 360 Security app? [16:30] is a joke, yes [16:31] nothing but a scam, like all norton software made in the past 15 years [16:31] ali1234: Yes, I am well aware of "don't click on anything that claims to be anti-virus, or claims to have detected viruses on your phone". Don't have to be told! [16:32] ali1234: Evidence: link for blog or post or website name, please! [16:33] http://www.cnet.com/news/googler-android-antivirus-software-is-scareware-from-charlatans/ [16:34] essentially the bottom line is that android has built-in sandboxing which functions in much the same way as desktop antivirus [16:34] if malware can get past that it will have no trouble getting past a third party app [16:47] ali1234: Thank you for link - have copied. Also, will visit that/the website soon to check the date of blog or post. If early 2015 or earlier will return as it should be up to date! Thanks. : ) [16:50] ali1234: Just visited the website using the link that you have provided. I have found out that the blog/post was 'written' on November 18, 2011! That's 5 years ago. So, I don't think it/that stands. Sorry. But thanks again! : ) [16:51] yeah because they made it less secure OOTB to help scammers [16:54] diddledan: Thanks for reply. Also, excuse me for my ignorance, but: What does OOTB mean or stand for? Thanks. : ) [17:01] * m0nkey_ tickles diddledan [17:01] * diddledan giglges [17:15] Welshman: out of the box [17:15] i.e. default setups [17:23] daftykins: Thanks for reply. : ) [17:26] Welshman: bit horrified by the way you perceive information to be legitimate or not [17:28] seems reasonable to me [17:28] i mean, asking for a recent source does not seem unreasonable [17:28] the EU probably legislates over the legitimacy of aged documents :-p === mike_ is now known as Guest79314 [17:30] ali1234: I think the issue is dismissing JUST based on the age, rather than verifying whether it has been superseded assuming that it must have been. [17:31] here’s the kicker: it might be accurate! perish the thought [17:32] ^ dan knows it [17:32] "sorry your claim is old, i shall ignore it entirely" [17:32] * diddledan diddles in public [17:32] ooh you fiend [17:32] :-p [17:33] it’s terrible to mention me without diddling :-p [17:33] * diddledan diddles all over the room [17:34] i had some woes with my lovely new machine again last night :( two total lock ups just on a skype video call, here on IRC via KiTTY (the PuTTY fork) and watching a horrible quality XviD Whoopi Goldberg film [17:34] sounds like the dentist is next-door [17:34] i'm blaming Whoopi for this one [17:34] sorry sir :P i shall avoid skipping the diddling in future! [17:34] daftykins: Question is how hard did it lock; did it ping? capslock? mouse pointer? ctrl-alt-f2 ?Anything in the logs? [17:34] lol [17:35] penguin42: I think he runs ‘dows [17:35] diddledan: Oh well, we can fix that I think [17:35] I’m not sure alt+ctrl+f2 does anything over in redmond [17:35] fixed image display, fixed tone across the speakers... [17:35] total goner [17:35] * penguin42 hands daftykins a FreeDOS floppy [17:36] :-o [17:36] >.< [17:36] i memtest'd earlier but it's all good [17:36] does that come with a web browser yet? [17:36] * diddledan downloads and runs in VB [17:36] diddledan: Apparently there is one called arachne [17:37] how big should I make it’s hard thingy? [17:37] * penguin42 isn't sure I should answer that in polite company [17:37] and RAM? 8GB? [17:38] VB suggests 32MB [17:38] surely it’s lying [17:38] for FreeDOS - not unreasonable for hard disk [17:39] nono, not disk, ram [17:39] disk it’s defaulting to 500MB [17:40] 32MB would seem excessive for DOS but I'm suspecting it might be able to do it [17:46] I need a new hard drive dock.. anyone recommend a good one? USB3 preferred. [17:48] look for something with UASP support as a minimum [17:48] UASP? [17:48] USB attached SCSI protocl [17:49] more commonly known as UAS [17:49] ugh my keyboard is dropping o's again today [17:49] Something like this? http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIAAMW42C2136&cm_re=hard_drive_docking_station-_-9SIAAMW42C2136-_-Product [17:49] not based on every enclosure i've seen (: [17:49] daftykins: o-dear [17:49] nah it's an old mechanical that's been giving up for a few months [17:50] if not years [17:51] daftykins: Yeh I've got a few model m's that each have their own quirks [17:51] ali1234, daftykins, diddledan + penguin42: Thanks. Also, I will now leave as it seems that I will need to do 2 things: 1. Ask my question and provide the info elsewhere; 2. Before installing any security app for my 2 'phones I will have to visit the Google Play Store to look at the Other section to make sure that it does not close other apps and draw over other apps amongst 'other things' (was hoping that someone would answered my original quest [17:51] ion). But I might return here in the future to ask another question. So, thanks to you all and all the best for the rest of 2016 + the future!! : ) [17:52] i'd rather you found appropriate places in future [17:53] Welshman: ask yourself how anti-virus software is supposed to stop viruses without closing them? [17:55] m0nkey_: looks a bit cheap [17:55] like wise it needs to draw over them to show a warning [17:55] I wonder at what point the kitchen has cooled enough that we can go get the laundry through it from the garden [17:56] o_O [17:56] hot kitchen? [17:56] dinner plans of making chili con carne got swapped to just eat pizza [17:56] yeah, we've got a west facing conservatory with no door in between [17:57] aah [17:57] Tell D to install a door :) [17:57] my bedroom up in the uninsulated roof was 30 deg C again just before :( [17:57] I think I'll make the chili tomorrow morning before it gets too hot [17:57] m0nkey_: why bother, just get the house to market during fall and move out :-P [17:57] that works too :) [17:59] ali1234: ? Before I go please explain what you meant by the following: "how anti-virus software is supposed to stop viruses without closing them?"! Look forward to your explanatory answer/reply. Thanks! : ) [17:59] it was a question to you [18:00] There's this thing called Google. You might have heard of it. :) [18:00] Welshman: android software runs in a sandbox. the antivirus software can't interfere with any other processes unless you give it the necessary permissions [18:01] that means it can't block viruses unless you give it permission to stop other apps [18:01] and it can't warn you that an app is a virus unless you allow it to draw over other apps to display that warning [18:16] ali1234: OK. But after reading "close other apps and draw over other apps" and 'other things' listed in the Other section of the 3 free antivirus apps for Android I became concerned. I only found out about it today! Also, even though I will do as I said previously I do have 1 final question. My question is: Is the same for Apple/the iPhone? Look forward to your answer/reply! : ) [18:16] i have no idea about apple but probably [18:17] the bottom line is anti-virus can't operate without superuser access [18:17] and neither can malware [18:17] Welshman: i would say that running any kind of AV on a phone is utterly stupid and a waste of money + time [18:17] regardless of OS. [18:20] and battery [18:21] daftykins: Am certain that you have once read a report sometime of a virus or of viruses 'attacking' the Android OS! : ) [18:23] Welshman: this is not the 90s, there aren't viruses anymore [18:23] * diddledan sneazes [18:24] damn you daftykins , you told me I wouldn’t get any more viruses! [18:24] Welshman: and no, all you can do is use an up to date device and be sensible about not installing apps from unrecognised sources [18:24] that's how all the bad things tend to get android users, is they do idiotic things - just like computer users ;) [18:24] or silly apps like “FREE FART MASHINE" [18:27] * daftykins spots it on diddledan's home screen [18:27] well I needed to provide some plausible deniability to my bottom [18:28] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/ZD4A96Ay/ [18:28] * diddledan whistles [18:37] daftykins: Have just found 2 separate articles about/on a virus that can attack the Android OS dated earlier this year (DuckDuckGo and Google)! : ) [18:38] they are not virii [18:39] Welshman: please stop acting like finding an article of a topic you don't understand disproves someone else [18:40] omg the DDG Virus! [18:40] related to the DDT pesticide [18:40] daftykins: Here are the links to prove that I am saying the truth: www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3450938/Beware-Android-virus-WIPE-phone-Experts-warn-users-Mazar-malware-spread-text-message.html and www.idigitaltimes.com/hummingbad-malware-targets-android-app-downloads-how-detect-and-remove-root-access-544389 [18:41] omg, the daily fail [18:41] ah dailymail proof [18:41] Welshman: i think you need to understand the difference between trusted and reliable sources. [18:41] * diddledan checks el reg [18:42] Welshman: i can find claims that God is a flying spaghetti monster online, does it mean i believe them? no. [18:42] diddledan: It's sad when el reg is classified as a trusted source [18:42] penguin42: it’s funny though [18:42] penguin42: I like their laisez faire attitude [18:43] daftykins: “claims”? you seem to be dismissing that the holy pastafar touched moses with his noodley appendage on top of a mountain! [18:43] me too :D the site vocabulary is great [18:44] daftykins: The Daily Mail is well known trusted UK paper. Also, if the idigitaltimes.com is not a reliable and trusted site then I will try to find 1 that is! [18:44] bo yackor shar! in yo face, daftykins ! [18:44] Welshman: i'm trying to tell you that AV is rubbish, i have no reason to lie or any way to gain from this - either take it for what it is or go and enjoy your own thoughts, but i do not care to hear of them. got it? [18:45] diddledan: that it did, it's also a crime that folks aren't allowed to represent their beliefs in their driving licenses! [18:45] inorite [18:47] !fud | Welshman [18:47] Welshman: Please do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) - it is not welcome here! Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt [18:47] !moo [18:48] damn you lubotu3 [18:48] probably got deleted ;) [18:48] apt-get moo [18:48] !info mo [18:48] Package mo does not exist in xenial [18:48] ugh keybard [18:48] !info moo [18:48] Package moo does not exist in xenial [18:48] aww [18:49] !learn moo? [18:49] she’s not playing ball :-( [18:50] did we forget to give scooby bot snacks? [18:51] "Since most HummingBad attacks have occurred in China and India, it is believed most smartphones acquired the malware because users downloaded apps from unofficial app stores with lax security protocols." [18:51] what i stated already. [18:51] rubbish scaremongering links [18:53] did you see that you’re not able to watch pornography at mcdonalds anymore?! [18:54] ali1234, daftykins, diddledan + penguin42: Am now, finally, leaving this channel/room. But I might return in the future. So, thank you all and all the best for the rest of 2016 and the future! : ) [18:54] no wai [18:54] what did they go and do? [18:54] don’t tell us you’re going, just go [18:54] sorry guys i mentioned the free market [18:56] http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/07/16/starbucks_bans_smut/ [18:56] maccy-d and startbucks [18:57] I’m going to boycott mcdonalds now! [18:57] you can imagine something like that starts from a single bad experience by someone uptight enough to complain about it [18:58] daftykins: it was just one time [18:58] at band camp [18:59] i just saw the pic they chose for the ubuntu forums story - https://regmedia.co.uk/2016/01/18/happy_penguin_image_via_shutterstock.jpg [19:11] i was pondering today as i walked from dublin home if douglas adams description of the shoe even horizon should actually be the starbucks event horizon [19:14] if he was writing today it probably would be [19:14] or pound shops [19:14] maybe not pound shops. you could probably have a functioning society with only pound shops [19:15] admittedly not a great one [19:15] i was in a eurostore today looking for a power pack... €20 for a 7500mah decent little battery for charging devices... [19:15] for 1 euro? [19:15] that’s more than a euro [19:15] wait, what? [19:16] i'm confused [19:16] * penguin42 is glad it's not just me [19:16] they sell big stuff in euro stores in ireland... not in uk? [19:16] ah yeah, sometimes they do have a couple expensive items by the tills [19:16] "expensive" [19:16] as in not £1 [19:17] they even had an android smart watch for €20 [19:17] still cheap tat [19:17] i bought a smartwatch for £5 [19:17] i don't want to even imagine how bad a €20 smart watch is [19:17] for small values of “smart" [19:17] not android though. i bet those ones aren't either... they're just android "compatible" [19:17] they make sure to write that all over the marketing material [19:17] this had notifications, music player controls and a few other things mentioned on the box [19:18] yeah [19:18] but it doesn't actually run android [19:18] i think the outside of the box was the extent of the instructions mind... :-P [19:18] i bet it was something like this: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Bluetooth-Support-Notification-Pedometer-Compatible/dp/B00YUDQWDW/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1468783110&sr=8-3&keywords=bluetooth+smartwatch [19:18] that actually has a phone built in by the way, so it can operate standalone [19:18] and i have been tempted by the dumbphones they sometimes have their for similar dosh [19:19] but it is only 2G so it is largely useless [19:19] i should take a pic next time... [19:19] 2g is still around, though they are trying to remove the masts here in ireland to push people to 4g [19:20] that thing actually runs the same OS as the recent nokia dumbphones [19:20] it can even run some of the same apps [19:20] oooh s40. a decent little os [19:21] not S40 [19:21] ah [19:21] nothing to do with symbian at all [19:21] symbian is s60. s40 is java based dumbphones [19:21] oh yeah... well, it's not that either [19:23] ah... S30 they call it i think [19:24] no wait... S30+ [19:40] I thought it was still symbian just not the latest s60 [19:41] one thing ms did was kill symbian deader than windows mobile... [19:41] it’s amaziing how far android has changed since the htc magic [19:42] (I had one of those!) [19:43] ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTC_Magic [19:43] my first was htc hero with the chin. it was shipped with donut when i got it [19:44] amazing to think that was only 7 years ago [19:45] of all the smart phones that i had i think the nokia e61i was the best. decent keyboard, screen, battery life, apps [19:45] all downhill from that [19:45] they weren’t even fully-invested with touch back then, having that lil ball to navigate if you wanted [19:46] doubling as a flashy thing [19:47] 288 MB RAM On the hero [19:48] 512MB internal storage [19:48] oof [19:48] (of which only 165 was available for apps) [19:48] the most impressive app on the hero was google skies. it impressed more nerds than any other app/feature [19:48] i've the far newer HTC Desire no the shelf, it too suffers from storage space making it useless [19:49] I think I had the gnex after the magic: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galaxy_Nexus [19:49] with a stop-over in iphone 3gs [19:50] i still have my iphone 3g on prepay here [19:50] I’ve been sending them to a cash for phones reclaimation service [19:51] mazuma methinks [19:51] obviously that’s once I’d upgraded [19:53] ooh, zootropolis might land for purchase tomorrow [19:53] movie* [19:53] that looks fun [19:53] kids movies tend to be hilarious [19:54] with lots of adult “wink wink” jokes that go over the kids’ heads [19:56] ooh ooh, dark matter ep3 tomorrow, too (I’ve purchased the season-pass on iTunes!) [21:02] curley braces are the manner of heaven [21:02] mannar? [21:02] how do you spell that? [21:03] either way, C-style language construction is much nicer to my eye than things like ruby or python [21:03] manner indeed [21:03] and we won’t mention scheme [21:04] unless it's Wile E Coyote's ? [21:04] manna? [21:05] how are you supposed to grok this ruby code? (prepare for paste link) [21:05] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/rdJLSBzv/ [21:05] i just got irritated with my mechanical keyboard to the point of doing something, so i've unplugged it and thrown it on a chair, now i've got a membrane based Dell cheapy i have spare in my spares box, it feels far inferior :( [21:06] I still like my macbook pro’s keyboard and my old aluminium wired mac keyboard [21:06] i just hooked an ancient packard bell keyboard that was shipped with a winme pc many moons ago up to my new tablet which support otg connections... :-) [21:06] although the keys are in the wrong places :-p [21:07] argos were giving them away for €99 8" lenovo tablet... [21:07] “I’m hitting all the right keys! not necessarily in the right order, I’ll grant you that, but at least they’re all the right keys." [21:07] "...alluded the monkeys in the typerwriter room." :D [21:08] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7GeKLE0x3s [21:08] * zmoylan-pi wonders when they talk about infinite monkeys and infinite typewriters do they budget for the infinite staff who have to clean the poop out of the typewriters... [21:08] aww, that video is blocked in the UK [21:09] because it contains content from BBC Worldwide [21:09] works in ireland :-) [21:09] I don’t get that at all. it’s BBC who own the rights and I pay their bills! why can’t I see it?! [21:10] because it means you're a commie downloader... [21:10] I would understand it being blocked everywhere EXCEPT the UK but blocked in the UK only seems a bit backasswards [21:10] never got on with apple peripherals myself... not much of apple anything actually ;) [21:10] you're supposed to use iplayer [21:11] * diddledan hides his OS X user-agent string [21:13] shopping for new keyboards but everyone's started ditching the right hand context menu key down by super and alt gr - and turned it into a silly "Fn" that does daft media things [21:15] I don’t get those fn keys at all [21:15] s/get/understand/ [21:15] they have to squeeze in those extra media keys no one wants so normal bogstand keys have to go... [21:16] https://dixunusmoumzz.cloudfront.net/filer_public/f3/01/f3017669-5604-4fcd-943b-a6263d942658/apexm500_keyboard_design_merged_02.png [21:16] and then often you get close to the norm, but they'll only show you the nasty US layout ;) [21:16] this is a keyboard i intend to get at some point gods of internet commerce permitting... http://cherryamericas.com/product/g84-4100-miniature-keyboard-2/ [21:16] daftykins: even worse is shipping you the US layout [21:17] the fun i had getting the £ symbol in the 80s and 90s... [21:17] Ireland doesn’t believe in the £ symbol though! [21:18] unless you used it for the Irish pound? [21:18] loading network drivers, memory drivers and then an accounts system that wanted a lot of conventional memory meant there wasn't always space for the keyboard drivers [21:18] drivers... for keyboards!? [21:18] we used it till the euro came along, it's still on irish keyboards but we use the € more now [21:18] that's the other thing actually, a lot of just keyboards and mice want software now, ridiculous [21:18] keyb uk in dos [21:19] I love that old programs required memory below 640KB to work [21:19] free memory* [21:19] or: s/(memory)/free \1/ :-p [21:19] you could get weird dos versions to give you 700k+ low memory... could make computer act weird though [21:19] * diddledan likes confusing people with regexes [21:20] wait, wha? [21:20] you need the £ symbol for when you’re talking with the mainland [21:20] * diddledan ducks [21:21] damned colonies [21:21] * diddledan ducks again [21:21] we do a lot of dealings with nigeria and they use the £. they drink more guinness there now and it's stronger stuff too [21:22] so if you’re knocking-off the guinness factory you make sure you get the nigerian shipment container? [21:22] guinness takes security _very_ seriously [21:23] well yeah. otherwise they’d be unable to sell anything because it’s all been drunken [21:23] damned staff [21:23] drunk-in-charge of a brewery should be an offence [21:23] my mate was in Dublin this weekend sampling some, i've asked him to have one once he gets home and to compare [21:23] diddledan: and a bucket list entry [21:24] lol [21:24] it should be identical. they send vans around to ensure that guinness everywhere is 'proper' [21:24] of course outside ireland you find a lot of places can't even pour a pint right [21:24] like the BBC detector-vans? [21:24] yeah but this is Guernsey, the oft forgot [21:24] lol [21:25] all that TV license checking they don't do [21:25] just FUD [21:25] if guinness is on tap, then there's a van there sometimes to check the pipes [21:25] you see them all over dublin and rest of the country [21:25] ah har [21:25] maybe i'll make it over again someday [21:27] guinness saved irelands economy in wwii... http://www.irishcentral.com/roots/history/How-Guinness-saved-Ireland-in-World-War-II.html [21:35] did you sell it to the Germans? [21:35] :O [21:35] if they wanted to pop over and pick it up yes... [21:36] i do remember reading of a german interned after he ended up in ireland escaping from the camp leaving a note to the effect. 'have escaped for the weekend, going to dublin for dinner and a show, back tuesday' [21:57] USB has had a version bump to enable super-fast charging? https://twitter.com/MikeStucka/status/754796456180088841 [21:58] how floppy drives worked: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHRc-QMoUE4 [22:00] 8" disks. just going out of fashion when i started... [22:03] the physical size of those floppy drives... [22:08] commodore pets... i learned to type on those... [22:53] https://twitter.com/Nivo0o0/status/754811021986897921 [23:09] * zmoylan-pi wonderws if i can start sending replies in ogham to next emojii message i get... [23:23] no [23:30] challenge accepted... :-D