
mupBug #1456717 changed: TestUpgradeStepsStateServer fails <ci> <test-failure> <juju-core:Invalid> <juju-core 1.25:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1456717>00:25
mupBug #1532849 changed: precise-amd64 and trusty-ppc64el unittests do not complete <ci> <ppc64el> <precise> <regression> <unit-tests> <juju-ci-tools:Fix Released by sinzui> <juju-core:Won't Fix> <juju-core service-to-application:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1532849>00:25
mupBug #1568150 changed: xenial lxc containers not starting <cpec> <cloud-init:Fix Committed> <juju-core:Invalid> <cloud-init (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1568150>00:25
* thumper goes to make lunch while the merge into model-migrations hopefully lands00:57
mupBug #1603841 opened: delete support for legacy models.yaml/accounts.yaml format <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1603841>01:53
mupBug #1603841 changed: delete support for legacy models.yaml/accounts.yaml format <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1603841>01:59
mupBug #1603841 opened: delete support for legacy models.yaml/accounts.yaml format <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1603841>02:05
thumperI have a test that is trying to read a charm from the charm dir of a unit agent02:09
thumperobviously in the test it is unlikely to be there02:10
thumperthe worker can't be patched from the outside02:10
thumperso I'd like to copy the test charm into the agent worker dir for the test02:10
thumperanyone know of places where we do this?02:10
anastasiamacthumper: we have charms we use for tests... neither of them work? u cannot add anothe test charm?02:11
thumperI think it is working02:12
thumperbut due to various parts of the system not sharing the testing clock02:12
thumperit takes 3s for it to notice02:12
* thumper fires up the windows laptop to test02:12
mupBug #1602935 changed: Juju 2.0 DB2 charm giving error while deployed using ZFS as storage backend   <charmstore:New> <juju-core:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1602935>02:23
mupBug #1582667 changed: i/o timeout when deploying/upgrading charm <juju-core:Expired> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1582667>04:20
mupBug #1582667 opened: i/o timeout when deploying/upgrading charm <juju-core:Expired> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1582667>04:41
wallyworldaxw: when you get a chance, no rush, would appreciate a review on http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5256/04:47
mupBug #1582667 changed: i/o timeout when deploying/upgrading charm <juju-core:Expired> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1582667>04:47
axwwallyworld: will do a bit later, trying to finish up this modelcmd branch05:05
wallyworldyep, no rush05:05
menn0wallyworld or axw: this just happened to me: http://paste.ubuntu.com/19866993/05:37
menn0known issue?05:38
axwmenn0: not known to me05:38
wallyworldhmmmm, not seen that before05:38
wallyworldit must be intermittent because i've bootstrapped with bets1305:39
menn0wallyworld, axw: it's intermittent for me too (only happened once).05:39
wallyworldbug time05:40
menn0wallyworld, axw: I /was/ boostrapping 2 controllers concurrently05:40
menn0wallyworld, axw: I'll try to repro and will write up a ticket05:40
menn0wallyworld, axw: I just made it happen again, so it's not too hard to repro05:43
wallyworldmight be the 2 concurrently thing05:44
axwwallyworld: I'm guessing it's related to dropping bootstrap config fallback, since that's the biggest change recently related to login I think05:45
axwprobably something wasn't quite right before, and it was falling back silently. just a guess tho05:45
wallyworldcould be. there was also a change to check for controler api addresses being present, or else bootstrap was considered not to be finished, but actually, i think that went away when the fallback was dropped05:46
mupBug #1603865 opened: migration: cater for virt-type constraint <juju-core:Triaged by anastasia-macmood> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1603865>06:29
=== jamespag` is now known as jamespage
wallyworldaxw: and here's the fix for determining model config value source http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5258/07:54
axwwallyworld: sorry this change is taking ages :/  I'll probably be working later on, so will look later if I don't get to it soon07:57
wallyworldaxw: no worries07:57
mupBug #1594665 changed: reboot-executor is missing from the list of workers <juju-core:Invalid by fwereade> <juju-core model-migration:Fix Committed by fwereade> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1594665>07:59
mupBug #1594665 opened: reboot-executor is missing from the list of workers <juju-core:Invalid by fwereade> <juju-core model-migration:Fix Committed by fwereade> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1594665>08:08
mupBug #1594665 changed: reboot-executor is missing from the list of workers <juju-core:Invalid by fwereade> <juju-core model-migration:Fix Committed by fwereade> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1594665>08:17
axwwallyworld: how are we supposed to tie-break config source names?08:20
axwcurrently taking the last match, just wondering if that was on purpose08:20
wallyworldaxw: there will be a fixed set (default, controller, region)08:20
wallyworlddefault is defaults from code08:21
wallyworldregion not done yet08:21
axwwallyworld: yep. so if the default is the same in all three, and the value is default, what should the source be?08:21
axwI would have thought "default", rather than "region"08:21
axwmost general, rather than most specific08:22
wallyworldi have currently done it to pick the most specific other than model, because we want to show the user what they would get if the unset a model attribute and caused the default to be used08:22
wallyworldthere's a separate model-tree command to show the source of config values08:23
wallyworldso if i have set apt-mirror in my model, and I unset it, what value would be used. that's what Default will need to show, hence we want the most specific value in get-model-config output08:24
mupBug #1603888 opened: be able to specify "--bind" for bundle deployments <binding> <bundles> <network> <ux> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1603888>08:26
axwwallyworld: if they're all the same, it's also valid to say that it'll be set to the controller or default, so I don't see how saying that it's going to be set to the region value is any more helpful08:29
axw(nor is saying the others, that's just what *I* expected)08:29
wallyworldaxw: side issue - we won't show region specifically as a source AFAIK08:30
wallyworldjust default / controller / model08:30
wallyworldthe spec is a little vague08:31
wallyworldaxw: the reason for saying the source is the most specific also means that you can reason ablout what would happen if you updated the more specific value and then created a new model08:32
axwwallyworld: ok. had to reset my brain a bit, I get it now08:34
wallyworldaxw: no worries, i still need to think a bit each time08:34
axwwallyworld: I've redone http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5205/, could you please take a look - tomorrow is fine08:44
jambabbageclunk: standup?09:03
babbageclunkoops, omw09:03
jambabbageclunk: I just mean stand up, there's something on your chair :)09:04
wallyworldaxw: looking in a bit09:10
mupBug #1603910 opened: model-level log forwarding not supported <oil> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1603910>09:35
frobwarejam, babbageclunk: if we don't have a default gateway for a container should we error or log as a critical warning? My feeling is error. Thoughts?11:41
wallyworldfwereade_: how do you make a worker run *only* for the controller model?11:55
fwereade_wallyworld, I would probably make sure it was singular and run in the machine agent if JobManageModel11:59
fwereade_wallyworld, warning: lots of machine jobs were done wrong, with then activity controlled by logic hidden away in the manifold instead of dragged out into the light11:59
fwereade_wallyworld, agent/engine.Flag and agent/engine.Housing are your friends when Doing It Right12:00
wallyworldfwereade_: i'm not across the new manifold config stuff so much - i assume i put something in agent/model/manifolds.go, but i have no idea what12:00
fwereade_wallyworld, I think we probably want to put it in agent/machine/manifolds.go12:02
fwereade_wallyworld, for consistency's sake12:02
wallyworldfwereade_: sorry, was a typo12:02
fwereade_wallyworld, ah cool ok12:02
fwereade_wallyworld, what's the job, just for context?12:02
wallyworldfwereade_: fwiw, it's the log forward worker; i think it is starting for hosted models as well as the controller model; i need to start a system to check, but the worker is there already12:03
wallyworldline 40412:03
wallyworldof said manifolds.go12:03
fwereade_wallyworld, right, the manifold is deeply confused12:06
wallyworldfwereade_: yeah, this was the initial implementation handed across, i'm trying to fix stuff12:06
fwereade_wallyworld, worker/logforwarder/manifold.go:53 in particular12:06
fwereade_wallyworld, it declares a dependency on state, which, WTF12:07
fwereade_wallyworld, but presence or absence of a dependency does not affect whether or not you're started12:07
wallyworldyeah, that bit confused me too12:07
fwereade_wallyworld, so it literally does nothing12:07
fwereade_wallyworld, and it also does a bunch of default-logic-inserting garbage, and has no tests at all12:08
fwereade_wallyworld, but, derail12:08
wallyworldfwereade_: there are a lot of tests missing in a few places - the code just needed to land to meet a contractural deadline12:08
fwereade_wallyworld, the quick fix is to find another important-looking manifold and see what that does -- it will figure out the agent jobs by some means, probably foul, and exit if it's not wanted12:09
fwereade_wallyworld, this is dumb but at least it's consistent12:09
wallyworldfwereade_: yeah, i tried to find something i could cargo cult but was not sure - maybe the migration master?12:10
fwereade_wallyworld, the correct thing to do would be to extract N JobFlag workers, and wrap the workers that need them in engine.Housings that declare the dependency, which *will* cause the worker not to be started if suitable flags aren't present12:10
fwereade_wallyworld, worker/resumer/manifold.go12:11
wallyworldta, looking at that12:11
fwereade_wallyworld, clean textbook example of doing it wrong12:11
jamfrobware: so without a default gateway, is there any way for us to tell that there is a problem? I'd tend to go with Warning if there is any way we can progress12:11
wallyworldfwereade_: so what not to do :-)12:12
fwereade_wallyworld, the worker shouldn't care where it's running, and it shouldn't hit some crazy different facade to find out the jobs :)12:12
frobwarejam: it's not clear any progress will really be made. you can get into the container but no route out means not much will get done.12:13
jamfrobware: sure, but just dying will mean we get restarted anyway12:13
wallyworldfwereade_: right. agreed. perhaps there's no current example to look at then?12:13
fwereade_wallyworld, if you *were* to extract a JobFlag worker/api/apiserver, and extract all -- or just some -- of the job-munging logic from the worker manifolds, that would be great; and if you wanted to do *that*, see the lifeflag and migrationflag workers, and how they're used in the manifolds funcs12:14
frobwarejam: but to me it smacks of the config is just so wrong nothing but manual intervention will help12:14
jamfrobware: so that is entirely likely to be true, but if you stop what you're currently doing, the other infrastructure code will just restart you, I think. Or is this during cloud-init ?12:14
frobwarejam: generating cloud-init for the container12:15
fwereade_wallyworld, lifeflag and migrationflag are very similar, and I think jobflag would be too12:15
fwereade_wallyworld, I looked a little while ago and couldn't figure out how to generalise nicely though12:15
jamfrobware: so... will we even be able to download the tools tarball if we can't setup a gateway?12:15
jamis this likely to actually be a problem in practice, or is it just a drive-by thing?12:15
wallyworldfwereade_: i'll take a look. realisitcally, i have zero time to spend though, as this log forward work is supposed to be finished in beta 1112:16
frobwarejam: part of this it's just a plain ol bug from our side (https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1602054)12:16
mupBug #1602054: juju deployed lxd containers are missing a default gateway when configured with multiple interfaces <2.0> <network> <regression> <juju-core:In Progress by frobware> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1602054>12:16
frobwarejam: we were assuming eth0 would be the route out, but no so if your MAAS network topology ends up with no route out12:17
frobwarejam: in the general case we will have a default route (well, once the bug is fixed). so I would say if we really really end up with a network config that has no gateway then there's clearly no point continuing.12:20
frobwarejam: in this particular bug it's not that we didn't have one, we just made wrong assumptions12:20
jamfrobware: so, I'd counter with the fact that we can set up the agent, and get tools, etc, because they could very easily be in the same subnet.12:21
jamso you can actually have a perfectly running simple charm even without a default gateway12:21
frobwarejam: you're talking about addressable containers. :-D12:21
frobwarejam, yep, ok.12:21
jamthe Controller could be in the same subnet, which lets us at least get the agent up, which takes the 'machine' out of pending.12:22
jamwe could then have the agent tell us "I can't get the charm, etc" but that's better than the machine being stuck in Pending, IMO12:22
* frobware reverts his lunch. and some of his changes too. :)12:24
frobwarejam: here's another. two interfaces (eth0 dhcp, eth1 static) but static has a gateway, should we assume the gateway comes from the DHCP lease or should we write the gateway option when rendering eth1?12:29
perrito666rogpeppe1: ping12:41
perrito666morning all12:41
jamfrobware: doesn't the entire machine get a default gateway?12:44
jam(each interface is likely to have *a* gateway, but there is one global default gateway for the machine)12:44
=== gnuoy` is now known as gnuoy
babbageclunkfrobware: I have a problem where I can add a machine, and once it starts it is reachable, but then if it gets rebooted the network never comes back up.13:17
babbageclunkI've used your trick to remove the password so I can get in through the terminal, but I can't see why the network isn't working.13:18
frobwarebabbageclunk: can we HO in say 20mins?13:19
frobwarejam: ENI can only have one entry that is 'gateway'13:19
babbageclunkfrobware: that would be great, thanks13:20
frobwarejam: the point about DHCP and static (where static has a GW) is which wins?13:20
frobwareballoons: ^^ I think our 1 hour quick test should first reboot any machine, once boostrapped, and then run the tests13:21
jamfrobware: if we actually have that situation, which one wins in routes?13:21
balloonsfrobware, any particular reason?13:21
balloonsI'm curious how that is more or less representative13:22
frobwareballoons: it helps verify that the ENI we rewrite doesn't just work the once. If we reboot the machine it helps verify that things are just working because of current state13:22
balloonsfrobware, ok. It's not something we do as part of any test, so we're expanding into something new13:23
frobwareballoons: sure - just something that has been on my mind for a while as a few people/bugs have mentioned that on reboot some things are not working13:23
frobwarejam: don't know off-hand. I don't know if you have eth0/dhcp, eth1/static whether ifupdown will apply the latest - I'm guessing so but any DHCP re-lease(sp?) would/could change that13:24
balloonsfrobware, mind if I return a question back at you then? I can't seem to get juju to build from scratch using go get / go install. Am I doing something wrong? It fails to fetch the azure provider and if I workaround that, it fails to build13:25
frobwarejam: as we're processing and generating ENI in the container we could say that if we've seen a DHCP iface then we've seen that gateway too13:25
balloonsI run go get -d -v github.com/juju/juju/... then go install -v github.com/juju/juju/...13:26
frobwareballoons: dependencies need updating?13:26
frobwareballoons: if building from scratch I have: "rebuild-juju is aliased to `[ -f $PWD/juju/api.go ] && { nukegopkg; make clean; godeps -u dependencies.tsv; make install;}'13:27
balloonsfrobware, mmm.. possibly. I'll try playing with godeps. The thing is, this is a clean pull, so in theory nothing should be getting in the way13:27
balloonsfrobware, thank you I will try that.. nuking is what I had in mind ;-)13:28
frobwareballoons: nukegopkg is aliased to `[ -d "$GOPATH/pkg" ] && rm -rf $GOPATH/pkg'13:28
frobwarebabbageclunk: ho?13:41
frobwarebabbageclunk: standup HO13:42
balloonsfrobware, ty btw. That worked13:49
frobwareballoons: possibly related to stale stuff in go/bin, go/pkg13:49
rogpeppe1perrito666: pong14:01
mupBug #1600722 changed: MachineSuite.TestHostedModelWorkers is unreliable <intermittent-failure> <tech-debt> <unit-tests> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1600722>14:06
mupBug #1604006 opened: BundlesDirSuite.TestGet fails <ci> <intermittent-failure> <jujuqa> <test-failure> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1604006>14:06
perrito666rogpeppe1: I just answered via mail :)14:12
frobwarebabbageclunk: "console=ttyS0,115200"14:23
alexisbkatco, ping14:25
katcoalexisb: pong14:25
alexisbheya katco happy monday14:26
katcoalexisb: happy monday14:26
babbageclunkfrobware: I can't get into new vms created using your script - it's like cloud-init isn't running.15:41
frobwarebabbageclunk: want to HO again?15:50
babbageclunk frobware yes please15:50
* rick_h_ grabs lunchables15:58
redirI'm so lagged. I wonder why.16:29
katcoperrito666: hey, thought of you when i saw this: http://blog.binchen.org/posts/enhance-emacs-git-gutter-with-ivy-mode.html. how is your emacs adventure going?16:29
perrito666katco: hijacked by nvim :p16:29
perrito666It was my more lasting attempt I must admit16:30
katcoperrito666: lol16:30
perrito666also, got large amounts of pain in my wrist :p16:30
katcoah, that's no good16:30
perrito666man I really am sorry we did  not use this 1->2 change to make all "Id" appearances into "ID"16:31
perrito666It would save me from many complaints by my linter16:31
mgzperrito666: did you forget about monsters from the id?16:33
perrito666well that was an obscure reference for sure16:34
perrito666mm, there is a book that might be a bit more bearable than the movie, I might even read it16:35
mgz...return to the forbidden planet isn't that obscure...16:35
mgzthough, I have to admit I don't know how popular it is in south america16:35
natefinchmgz: most movies from 60 years ago are pretty obscure16:36
perrito666the robot I never heard of it and I am as nerd as it gets16:36
mgzsure, the movie is old, but there's the musical as well16:36
mgzI was the robot in school musical16:37
natefinchlol I had no idea there was a musical16:38
perrito666mgz: how old are you? and what is a school musical?16:38
mgz..it was less than 60 years ago16:38
perrito666i thought school musicals only happened in disney movies16:39
natefinchperrito666: a play with songs and music performed by students at school16:39
natefinchperrito666: lol, no, they're ubiquitous in the US, at least.16:39
perrito666and are all the kids participating unrealistically aestethic like in disney movies?16:40
natefinchno :)16:40
perrito666meh, and now you are telling me that they are not pro pop singers either16:40
mgzperrito666: just said *I* was in it...16:40
perrito666mgz: you are not in the US, plus you might have been a been of uncanny beauty in your youth, then learned how to code16:41
perrito666I was rather good looking and in good shape in high school16:42
perrito666then my folks bought a computer16:43
mgzyou're a good shape now, just a cuddlier one16:44
perrito666sadly the only known thing my country has are footballers so people expectations are rather hight16:47
rogpeppe1perrito666: sorry, took a while, but you around for a chat?16:49
mgzrogpeppe1: nope, only for a cuddle16:49
rogpeppe1mgz: c'mon then16:49
perrito666rogpeppe1: a sec16:50
natefinchrick_h_: so, I'm not sure what to do about the default lxd cloud being called "localhost".  I mean, obviously that's a thing I can change, but I presume it was chosen on purpose, even if I personally think its a horrible name.16:51
rick_h_natefinch: so we have the list there, can we just call it lxd in the list16:52
rick_h_natefinch: and treat localhost as the auto region16:52
rick_h_natefinch: so you get done with a lxd-localhost named entry?16:52
rick_h_natefinch: especially since I think we should pull the 'type' column16:53
natefinchrick_h_: well, so, the cloud is called localhost.  juju list-clouds16:53
rick_h_natefinch: thinking16:54
natefinchI can do whatever you want, but then lxd will be inconsistent with the rest that use the actual cloud name16:54
rick_h_natefinch: right, but I'm ok with that in the sense that it's the one that doesn't make any sense if you follow the rules16:54
rick_h_natefinch: so it's going to be an exceptoin one way or other16:55
rick_h_natefinch: so I'm open to suggestions on how best to encode that "special" ness16:56
rick_h_natefinch: but feel strongly that it reads well for the lxd case.16:56
natefinchrick_h_: so, for clouds that only have one region, let's not put the region in the controller name. It's like, duh, I know that azure-china is gonna be in cn-north-1 given that's the one and only region (which I presume people in china are well aware of).16:57
natefinchrick_h_: I think the idea is that the type of the cloud should be much less important than the cloud name.  People shouldn't really care that it's lxd locally, just know it's running on localhost.  At least, that's what it seems like we're going for.16:59
rick_h_natefinch: the issue there is that when it comes to getting help/docs not having lxd in the name hampers you17:00
rick_h_natefinch: as it won't be obvious for everyone that tries it what it is imo17:00
natefinchrick_h_: that's a good point.17:00
rick_h_natefinch: for that I think I do want to try to do lxd-localhost and when we get to actually supporing remote lxd it'll be -not-localhost17:01
rogpeppe1perrito666: one sec or two? :-)17:02
perrito666solving a git conflict, brt17:02
perrito666could anyone http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5259/  please?17:06
perrito666rogpeppe1: ok, ready17:06
mupBug #1604081 opened: lxd out of order in list-clouds <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1604081>17:09
redirnatefinch: rick_h_ I thought the 1 pager wanted the active user's username to be prepended to the default name17:14
rick_h_redir: the default name of the cloud?17:15
redirrick_h_: the controller17:15
natefinchredir: oh yeah, I missed that it was using the logged in user's username... misread it and thought that might be the credential name or something17:16
redirrick_h_: I think I see what you mean17:16
natefinchin that case, mark-localhost is not so bad17:17
rick_h_redir: let's leave it out atm. Right now list-controllers outputs the controllers name, the user, and the cloud/region.17:17
redirnatefinch: mark-lxd-localhost no?17:17
rick_h_adding all that into the name of the controller seems overloaded17:17
natefinchredir: the spec calls for username-region17:17
* redir backs away slowly and goes back to removing users17:17
natefinchredir: actually, it conflicts with itself17:17
rick_h_this is why I want to bit off the earlier bits17:18
rick_h_it's a ton of duplicated info down the layers here17:18
natefinchNot sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing that the problem we're having is deciding which strings to concatenate17:19
rick_h_natefinch: bad thing, so we're just trying to get through the minimum atm17:19
rick_h_natefinch: so we can build up the rest of the experience around it and try to push back on the whole concat all the things17:20
rick_h_stokachu: is the maas local file spec up to date with what's the plan?17:23
stokachurick_h_: yea17:24
mupBug #1563936 changed: juju bootstrap azure azure WARNING juju.provider.azure instancetype.go:100 found unknown VM size "Standard_D15_v2" <azure-provider> <bootstrap> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1563936>17:33
mupBug #1604081 changed: lxd out of order in list-clouds <juju-core:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1604081>17:33
perrito666ok ppl, will be back in about 1.5h18:00
alexisbkatco, ping18:05
katcoalexisb: hey18:05
alexisbheya katco, I am on the HO18:09
katcoalexisb: oh... really? i'm sitting in there lol18:09
katcoalexisb: one sec let me refresh18:09
natefinchreview comment of an internal method I exported: If this is now exported there should be a test for it.18:22
natefinch...... this is why I test internal methods18:23
mbruzekOur partners at IBM pinging me about the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1600311  I see it is listed as incomplete, but I believe Prabakaran has added the information requested.18:35
mupBug #1600311: Juju 2.0 Bootstrap Fails on Ubuntu Trusty Power machine. <juju-core:Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1600311>18:35
natefinchmbruzek: oh, we don't support trusty in 2.0 any more18:40
natefinchmbruzek: .... kidding!18:40
mbruzeknatefinch: good one!18:40
mbruzeknatefinch: And ppc64le no less18:41
natefinchmbruzek: it sounds like a lxd bug18:41
mgzmbruzek: looks like a apparmour thing?18:41
mgzsee the second log18:42
mbruzekIt looks like a lxd bug to me. I asked Prabakaran to show me 'sudo lxc image list' and that worked fine.18:42
mgzmbruzek: probably need one of the lxd guys18:42
mupBug #1604106 opened: azure provider 500s are not explained as azure problems <azure-provider> <observability> <reliability> <ui> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1604106>18:46
mbruzekmgz: but we had the discussion in #juju-dev19:03
mbruzekmgz: I see my logs in that room.19:03
mgzyeah, I have it19:04
mgzyou did somehow have a juju2 package still installed19:04
mgzwe really need to sort out our ppa packaging too19:04
=== akhavr1 is now known as akhavr
mbruzekmgz: I am happy to help where you need it19:07
natefinchrick_h_, redir: I went with this naming scheme: (os-username || "local")-(len(regions)>1 ? region-name : cloud-name)19:10
rick_h_natefinch: no local please. We're trying to get rid of the local: and such from the strings.19:11
natefinchrick_h_: sure.... what would you recommend?  there's a call os/user.Current() ... which can fail.  I need a replacement standin, in that case19:13
rick_h_natefinch: just leave it blank?19:14
rick_h_natefinch: skip it vs adding a 'local' to it19:14
natefinchrick_h_: ok19:14
mupBug #1604120 opened: new models do not inherit image-metadata-url from bootstrap config <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1604120>19:16
mgzstokachu: doing a test build now19:28
mgzurk... balloons imported the tarball with a - not a ~19:29
balloonsyep.. I've been down that road, but lp wants it's '-'19:29
mgzwell, the tarball needs that, right19:30
mgzbut the import should say the version for debian purposes is with a tilde, see my beta10 import19:30
mgzanyway, building now19:30
balloonsmgz, ahh, right, I think I could make that happen19:32
mgzyeah, you just specify the revision with a tilde on the import19:32
mgzbut never mind19:32
mgzwe need to find some time to just redo this at some point19:33
redirgah. My laptop fonts are gone everywhere but chromium after suspend/resume19:36
mgzdebian-changelog-line-too-long line 919:41
mgzthanks lintian...19:41
stokachumgz: coo19:44
redirnatefinch: so Y/n in parens (Y/n) but other items in brackets [some-default]?20:22
natefinchredir: hmm... it's tricky.  Y/n are options, not a default.20:25
redirnatefinch: understood, just verifying before I start changing things20:35
natefinchredir: I guess parens for now.  at least different behavior is different display, even if both are arbitrary20:36
redirnatefinch: also a ? about destroy/remove20:36
* redir puts it in the doc20:36
redirfor posterity20:36
natefinchredir: what about destroy vs remove?20:39
natefinchredir: other than it's confusing? :)20:39
redirnatefinch: asked in doc20:40
redirbrb reboot and lunchables20:41
natefinchredir: responded in the doc.20:47
mupBug #1603584 changed: juju-uitest calls obsolete --show-passwords <ci> <juju-gui> <regression> <juju-core:Fix Released by axwalk> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1603584>21:22
alexisbwallyworld, thumper can you guys kick off the release standup21:26
alexisbI will be htere shortly21:27
perrito666no one should be allowed to leave a job without clarifying all their todos22:19
mupBug #1604176 opened: github.com/juju/juju/worker/reboot timeout on windows <ci> <regression> <timeout> <unit-tests> <windows> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1604176>22:22
perrito666anyone from team network around?22:27
thumperperrito666: whazzup?22:46
perrito666thumper: sorry I answered myself22:46
mupBug #1600311 changed: Juju 2.0 Bootstrap Fails on Ubuntu Trusty Power machine. <juju-core:Invalid> <lxd (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1600311>23:19

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