
=== kyrre_ is now known as zypres
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MrA\join #Windriver05:13
=== aaron is now known as Guest77720
AllonI installed yesterday kubuntu 16.04 and I do not find muon packager06:29
AllonI tryed to install it from logiteque (discover software application) but I can not find it there neither06:30
Allon?does anyone know how to start muon in new kubuntu 16.0407:43
AllonI have a very fresh installed version and no muon07:43
AllonI found it it was not installed I did a apt-get07:56
x-computerco ai viet nam khong08:24
=== jayhunold is now known as jhunold
rajivmarsIs "virtualbox" only able to run 32-bit operating systems or 64-bit as well?11:10
yossarianukrajivmars: 64 bit too11:12
yossarianukif you are missing the option for 64bit and you have a 64bit host - check your bios settings.....11:12
yossarianukrajivmars: see here -> http://www.fixedbyvonnie.com/2014/11/virtualbox-showing-32-bit-guest-versions-64-bit-host-os/#.V4y5xe0thhE11:13
yossarianukhowever really you are better off with KVM - I consider vbox = windows.11:13
rajivmarsyosarianuk: ok.11:13
rajivmarsyossarianuk: do i need to check the BIOS from virtualbx settings or from the system after rebootin it?11:25
rajivmarsyossarianuk: do i need to check the BIOS from virtualbx settings or from the system after rebooting it?11:25
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yossarianukrajivmars: if you can reboot - check bios11:36
rajivmarsyossarianuk: what has to be change in BIOS?11:44
yossarianukrajivmars: you have to ensure h/w virtulaisation + VT-d is enabled in the bios11:51
yossarianukmore info -> http://askubuntu.com/questions/607897/no-option-for-64-bit-os-virtualbox-guest-os-in-ubuntu-14-10-dell-optiplex-75511:51
viewer|83133hey guys I would like some help with my KDE Connect please..12:43
BluesKajHiyas all13:19
MrokiiHello. After a fresh install of Kubuntu 16.04 it seems that the html5-player on YouTube doesn't work anymore). I've had Ubuntu installed before, so I don't know if there's something I have to install additionally to make it work.14:06
MrokiiSpecifically, I am trying to watch YouTube via Firefox.14:07
BluesKajMrokii:  you might be trying to watch flash video which youtube still uses for some older legacy videos. HTML5 should work natively on firefox, Try installing kubuntu-restricted-extras as well.14:10
MrokiiBluesKaj: I have installed the restricted extras.14:11
MrokiiBluesKaj: And if I right-click on the video it shows an option "About the Html5-player", so I assume in this case it isn't using Flash.14:12
MrokiiAnd I also installed something to enable the chrome-Flashplayer in Firefox, Flash is shown as being active in the Firefox-plugins-window.14:15
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=== claydoh is now known as Guest72716
itahi there, will kubuntu 16 eventually update Qt to 5.7? 5.5 does not seem to work well with high dpi displays18:18
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keithzgita: Kubuntu 16.04 is a long-term support release, so something as major as updating Qt to 5.7 is unlikely to take place. Not sure of the roadmap for future *buntu releases; from a brief look, it seems like Yakkety (ie. 16.10, the next release) is currently still at 5.5.21:08
jaldharHello.  some recent update seems to have broken login to sddm.  Is this a known problem or just me?23:27
jaldharSymptom is you login and the screen remains black.  .xsession-errors says something about .Xauthority locks timing out but deleting that file and attempting to recreate it doesn't do anything.23:29
valoriejaldhar: you might check permissions on that file23:32
valoriefor some reason a few people had it owned by root instead of user23:32
jaldharvalorie: thanks. they are 0600 and owned by me.23:33
valoriecheck that one off then23:34
valorieone problem is that SDDM is not KDE software23:34
valorienor is it in use by most of the rest of the *buntuverse23:34
valorieyou might check the sddm github and see if anyone there reports a similar problem23:35
jaldharvalorie:  I will but how did I get it? This is a straight kubuntu install so I should have kdm right?23:35
valorienot for many years, no23:36
valoriewhat version are you running23:36
valoriewe've been providing SDDM since LightDM began requiring copyright assignment for all submitted patches23:36
valoriekdm has been deprecated by KDE for a long time23:37
valorieI doubt it made the jump to frameworks 5, plasma 5, etc.23:37
jaldharvalorie: oh ok.  I've never really looked at it because it always just works.23:37
valoriefor sure23:37
valorieboth lightdm and sddm are forks of gdm/kdm23:38
valorieas I recall23:38
jaldharhmm the .Xauthority file is 0 length.  Thats not right.23:39
jaldharAnd now its 0664 which it definitely wasn't before.23:39
valoriethat's funky23:40
jaldharThis system is in a vm which mounts its home directory from another server (running Debian.)23:41
jaldharPerhaps that system is doing something though I typically do not log in to X on it.23:42

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