
=== spammy is now known as Guest81296
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mupBug #1603947 opened: ntp dhclient exit hook does not remove most servers <amd64> <apport-bug> <trusty> <MAAS:Triaged> <ntp (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1603947>11:23
mupBug #1603947 changed: ntp dhclient exit hook does not remove most servers <amd64> <apport-bug> <trusty> <MAAS:Triaged> <ntp (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1603947>11:29
mupBug #1603947 opened: ntp dhclient exit hook does not remove most servers <amd64> <apport-bug> <trusty> <ntp (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1603947>11:44
mupBug #1603947 changed: ntp dhclient exit hook does not remove most servers <amd64> <apport-bug> <trusty> <ntp (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1603947>11:53
BlackDexHello there, can a normal user add a machine via MAC? If not, how can we let a normal user do that.11:59
BlackDexTo prevent changing default settings etc..12:00
MonsieurBonHi guys. Is there a way to install maas < 2.0 on xenial?12:20
BlackDexMonsieurBon: Nope, use 14.0412:22
MonsieurBonseriously? there is only a beta version available on an LTS server OS? that's a bit disappointing12:24
BlackDexUbuntu LTS Server isn't released yet12:24
BlackDexatleast not fully12:25
BlackDexthat will happen with 16.04.112:25
MonsieurBonI would call this released: http://www.ubuntu.com/server12:25
BlackDexTrue, but an upgrade for example isn't supported yet12:26
BlackDexfrom 14.04 to 16.0412:26
BlackDexthat will happen only when the PointRelease is done12:26
MonsieurBonOk, good to know12:27
BlackDexmaas currently is on 2.0rc212:27
BlackDexso i think it will be final during that time12:28
MonsieurBonok. Hope the same applies to juju. Because juju 2.0 seems far from stable to me :)12:32
MonsieurBonthx for the clarification anyway12:32
virginie__hi all, I am trying to boot ubuntu VM using iPXE with MaaS12:53
virginie__without success. The error is "no bootable device"12:53
brendandvirginie__, have you configured the vm to boot from the network interface - is it a kvm vm?13:22
virginie__brendand, I checked the box and the VM starts using iPXE but I got an error13:28
virginie__Maas created a bootstrap vm but I have got this error13:30
virginie__error 0x040ee11913:32
virginie__the pb was that I have 3 different NIC and the iPXE boot on the wrong one. So I need to press F12 key to see boot menu and select the right interface14:10
virginie__also for the minimum kernel, I had to set "trusty" rather than "no minimum"14:12
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roaksoax;/win 615:36
acovrigis it possible to login to the provisioning environment?16:45
kikoacovrig, yes17:26
kikoacovrig, by provisioning, in maas-speak, do you mean deployment? or commissioning?17:26
acovrigkiko: I netboot a new client, it boots to an ubuntu login prompt, how do I login to that?17:27
kikoacovrig, I assume you uploaded SSH keys?17:28
acovrigyes, and I tried logging in from that system as ubuntu and I think as root, what user should it be?17:29
acovrigI’m trying this from 16.04, it hung somewhere on the boot process for quite a while, so I tried 14.04 then it hangs on the ubuntu login after trying to conenct to a 169.254.*.* for a long time17:31
acovrigI just let a 16.04 go for several minutes an eventually got the ubuntu login prompt; how long should I expect it to sit at this prompt before it shutsdown after enrollment?17:31
kikoacovrig, as ubuntu17:36
kikoacovrig, hmmm.17:36
kikoacovrig, I don't know in what phase you are getting stuck. are you enlisting the machine, commissioning or deploying?17:36
acovrigkiko: I’m not sure either; from what I understand I can take a new piece of hardware, netboot it, then it will show up in the MAAS web interface so I can decide what OS and software to run on it.17:47
kikoacovrig, correct. that first netboot is called "enlistment"17:47
acovrigIt’s getting stuck when I netboot it. I believe it’s supposed to enlist in MAAS then shutdown17:48
kikoacovrig, once enlistment concludes the machine shuts down17:48
kikoacovrig, ah. so enlistment is not concluding. is it the same for all your machines or do some enlist while others hang?17:48
acovrigall machines17:48
kikoacovrig, can the machines reach the internet?17:49
acovrigcurrenlty I’m doing this in virtualbox on my macbook, but plan to use it to netboot and install MAAS on a physical server (because I have yet to have success installing from USB)17:49
acovrigkiko: are they supposed to? the MAAS server has 2 nics, 1->internet, 2->internal network to the physical&VMs, but doesn’t have a router on it17:50
acovrigam I supposed to manually create FW rules and ipv4_forward rules on the MAAS server so the clients have internet?17:50
kikoacovrig, enlistment requires packages be installed, which could come from a proxy. the simplest way to ensure it works is to give clients internet access.17:51
acovrigI’m a little confused on how that’s supposed to work: do I need to configure the MAAS server to be a router or not use DHCP on the MAAS server and configure a router to give the netboot DHCP option?17:52
kikoacovrig, configure the MAAS server to provide DHCP on the segment your clients are on, and have it be a router, or indicate the correct default gateway17:56
kiko(if you have another router on the segment)17:56
kikoacovrig, does that make sense?17:56
acovrigI think so, by default, does it configure itself as the router in DHCP, so if I add the FW rules and enable forwarding in the kernel it should work then?17:57
kikoacovrig, I believe it does advertise itself as the router unless you specify otherwise in the settings page18:00
kikoacovrig, by FW rules I assume you are going to NAT the clients?18:00
acovrigyea, my plan is to make an openstack cluster between 3 servers (for failover); from what I undertand I can have 1 network for internet (LAN) and a few other networks for cluster management18:01
acovrigcurrently my thought was to install ubuntu server from my laptop to the 3 servers over an unused cluster network then convert one of them to be the MAAS controller18:02
kikoright, that works fine18:06
kikobut indeed, the machines need external access, so you need to set up NAT and routing18:06
acovrig:D I got my first machine to show up in MAAS! I guess I missed something in the docs, or something needs to be specified more clearly in the docs. It booted much quicker too, I guess it was trying to conenct for a while during the boot process18:09
kikoacovrig, yeah, the process and the failure more is still sadly invisible18:10
kikoacovrig, fortunately once it works it really does work18:10
acovrigyea, unfortunately I’ve been testing this w/a VM nic bridged to a host VLAN that goes to the server room, and I don’t think that will work, so I guess I need to untag my laptop on the cluter network to netboot the servers from my laptop :)18:11
acovrigtoo bad virtualbox doesn’t do _real_ network bridges18:12
mupBug #1604103 opened: maas doesn't install in xenial unprivileged container <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1604103>18:21
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mupBug #1604111 opened: MAAS does not allow an interface to be "disconnected" and not have an associated (vlan, fabric) <MAAS:In Progress by blake-rouse> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1604111>19:15
mupBug #1604103 changed: maas doesn't install in xenial unprivileged container <MAAS:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1604103>19:45
mupBug #1604128 opened: [2.0RC2] Unable to add a public SSH Key <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1604128>19:45
mupBug #1604128 opened: [2.0RC2] Unable to add a public SSH Key due to lp1604147 <cdoqa-blocker> <MAAS:In Progress by allenap> <MAAS 2.0:New> <MAAS trunk:In Progress by allenap> <maas (Ubuntu):New> <maas (Ubuntu Xenial):New> <maas (Ubuntu Yakkety):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1604128>21:24
mupBug #1604169 opened: maas login yields "ImportError: No module named 'maasserver'" <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1604169>22:01
mupBug #1604128 changed: [2.0RC2] Unable to add a public SSH Key due to lp1604147 <cdoqa-blocker> <verification-needed> <MAAS:In Progress by allenap> <MAAS 2.0:New> <MAAS trunk:In22:48
mupProgress by allenap> <maas (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <maas (Ubuntu Xenial):Fix Committed> <maas (Ubuntu Yakkety):Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1604128>22:48

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