
monsterjampHey tsimonq200:21
tsimonq2monsterjamp: hey, what's your progress? :O00:21
monsterjampWell I passed all the checks, I'm not sure where to go from here. I guess I have to wait till one of the collaborators notices my pr?00:23
tsimonq2monsterjamp: let me do a full review quick here, so I can see if I can spot anything they would :)00:25
tsimonq2monsterjamp: have you signed the Canonical CLA?00:26
monsterjampYeah but my launchpad username is different than my github one.00:26
tsimonq2monsterjamp: can you indicate so in your PR description?00:27
tsimonq2monsterjamp: can you link it here?00:30
monsterjampMy launchpad account?00:31
monsterjamptsimonq2 https://launchpad.net/~filjoa00:32
tsimonq2monsterjamp: no your PR00:35
monsterjampOh :P00:36
mupPR snapcraft#664: New plugin: Bash <Created by monsterjamp> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/664>00:36
monsterjampDo most of the devs use Launchpad over GitHub?00:38
tsimonq2well it depends00:38
tsimonq2...you aren't part of the Canonical CLA team in Launchpad?00:38
monsterjampI thought I signed it :/00:39
monsterjampOne sec00:39
monsterjamptsimonq2 sorry for the long wait, I couldn't get passwords and keys program to work.01:21
monsterjampBut I finally got the CLA signed01:22
monsterjampI think01:22
liuxgdoes anyone know how to assign a hardware to a snap app? I tried to build the snap at https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/tree/master/demos/webcam-webui, however, the camera seems not opened, and I cannot capture any pics. thanks01:43
qengholiuxg: "snap interfaces" and "snap connect"01:52
liuxgqengho, how can I connect to the camera then? I used the command to connect the plug and slots. But I do not know how to connect to a camera01:55
qengholiuxg: You connected the app to the "camera" interface?02:29
liuxgqengho, oh, yeah, thanks. I did not notice the camera interface. I will have a try02:34
liuxgqengho, so, it is something like something like: sudo snap connect foobar:camera ubuntu-core:camera, right?02:39
liuxgqengho, for the webcam-webui case, it is like something like: sudo snap connect webcam-webui:camera ubuntu-core:camera, right?02:41
qengholiuxg: Probably. All the pieces are in "snap interfaces" output.02:43
liuxgqengho, yeah, previously, I did not see the "camera" interface there. thanks for your help!02:44
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mupPR snapd#1559 closed: network-observe: add device read support <Created by jaymell> <Closed by jaymell> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1559>05:47
mupBug #1603879 opened: Requesting additions to optical-drive interface for cdparanoia. <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1603879>07:23
liuxgdholbach, ping08:19
dholbachliuxg, pong08:19
liuxgdholbach, how can I report a bug against the sample demo at https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/tree/master/demos/webcam-webui?08:19
liuxgdholbach, the problem for the demo is that it misses the "camera" plug in the snapcraft.yaml08:20
dholbachif that fixes it, you could send a pull request for it :)08:20
liuxgdholbach, I think the tutorials for the docs both in the developer website and also the one in the documenthttps://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/blob/master/docs/your-first-snap.md08:21
liuxgdholbach, I need to fork it first, right?08:21
dholbacheither that or just file a bug08:21
liuxgdholbach, OK. I will file a bug first.08:22
dz0nyany idea on this one08:23
dz0nyUploading champ_0.0.1~git_amd64.snap [====================================] 100%08:23
dz0nyReceived 403: 'Developer profile is missing short namespace.'08:23
liuxgdholbach, anyway, I have created a bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/160389508:25
mupBug #1603895: Missing "camera" plug in the webcam-webui sample app <Snapcraft:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1603895>08:25
dholbachdz0ny, do you need to head to https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/register-name/ maybe?08:25
dholbachthanks liuxg08:25
liuxgdholbach, you are welcome.08:25
pbekln: failed to create symbolic link08:40
pbeksorry, I didn't want to paste that08:40
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dz0nydholbach: thx :)09:00
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pbekHi all, does anyone has an idea why the qownnotes snap doesn't use the native Qt theming even though the binary is called with `desktop-launch` and uses `desktop/qt5`? https://git.launchpad.net/~pbek/qownnotes-snap/tree/snapcraft.yaml09:43
pbek-has +have09:44
pbekdholbach: maybe you? :)09:44
dholbachdidrocks, ^ do you know? is this something pstolowski maybe figured out?09:44
cavanAny good projects for a first snap?10:40
pbekcamako: https://uappexplorer.com/app/qownnotes.pbek ;)11:38
dholbachdavidcalle, nice work on the snappy report12:30
sborovkovHi. I've been running my snap on RPI without issues. But now I tried installing it classic image and getting this assertion. GLib-CRITICAL **: g_once_init_leave: assertion 'result != 0' failed; getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0)12:33
sborovkovany ideas why this can be happening?12:33
renatuhey guys I am trying to install a new version of my snap app, but I got this error: error: cannot install snap file: snap "ubuntu-calendar-app" has changes in progress12:35
renatuI tried abort the changes with: sudo snap abort 3212:36
renatuit is saying the changes was aborted: 32   Abort   2016-07-18T12:23:40Z  -                     Install "ubuntu-calendar-app" snap from file "ubuntu-calendar-app_0.1_amd64.snap"12:36
renatubut I am still not able to install the app12:36
dholbachzyga, ^ do you know what renatu can do?12:37
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mupPR snapd#1560 opened: Drop warning about 2.0 API being different - we're already 2.0! <Created by robert-ancell> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1560>13:34
mupPR snapd#1561 opened: many: remove integration-test coverage metrics  <Created by fgimenez> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1561>13:39
mupPR snapcraft#665 opened: Update broken links to https://snapcraft.io <Created by nottrobin> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/665>13:43
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willcookeerk, I just ctrl-c'd the wrong terminal and interupted an installing snap and when I try install again it says there are changes in progress.  What do I do to fix it?13:55
balloonsdholbach, sure13:56
dholbachballoons, what did you do and what's the error message?13:56
balloonsso whenever I do anything with snap, I get this error: sudo snap try prime/13:56
balloonssorry, unless I use sudio I get: snap try prime/ error: access denied (snap login --help)13:57
dholbachwillcooke, it might be worth recording ("snap changes", etc.) the current state and let mvo, zyga and pedronis know13:57
balloonsit's a bit confusing and the help didn't really clarify things. I assume this is working as expected, but from the user side is confusing13:57
dholbachwillcooke, in the worst case, you'd need to use: https://github.com/zyga/devtools/blob/master/reset-state13:58
willcookethanks dholbach13:58
dholbachballoons, what are you trying to do?13:58
balloonsdholbach, I made a snap, and now I want to iterate on it13:58
dholbachballoons, afaik you shouldn't have to use "sudo" for "snappy try"13:58
dholbachballoons, are any files owned by root now?13:58
balloonsdholbach, I installed it and had to use sudo or it gave me the error13:58
balloonsso if I shouldn't have to do that, then that's a bug I guess13:59
balloonsdholbach, well I can check. However, after installing, I couldn't find my new binary13:59
dholbachcan you remove the one that's already installed?13:59
balloons(which is why I tried out 'snap try')13:59
dholbachdoes "snap list" say?13:59
dholbachdoes "snap list" list it?13:59
dholbachand it's worth using "snap login" :)13:59
kyrofawillcooke, snapd is actually two things: a client and a server14:00
balloonssnap list does list the one I installed with 'try'14:00
kyrofawillcooke, ctrl+c'ing the client currently only cancels the displaying of the install-- not the install itself (which happens server-side)14:00
kyrofawillcooke, this is a bug14:00
kyrofawillcooke, if you run `snap changes` you'll see the installation still happening14:00
willcookekyrofa, ah! cool  Oki, so it says...14:01
willcooke105  Done    2016-07-18T13:53:57Z  2016-07-18T13:55:33Z  Install "libreoffice" snap from "beta" channel14:01
willcookeso that's probably good news14:01
willcookeand indeed it is!  It runs!14:01
kyrofawillcooke, you can wait for it to finish, or you can abort it with `snap abort <change id>`14:01
willcookekyrofa, we're all good. thanks14:02
dholbachballoons, can you remove it, then do snap login and then snap try without sudo?14:02
kyrofawillcooke, no problem, just wanted to make sure you had the full picture14:02
dholbachand maybe check if some of your files are now owned by root :)14:02
balloonsdholbach, I was under the impression I didn't need an account to use snappy. What would I login as?14:02
kyrofapopey, are you in a session right now?14:03
dholbachballoons, you don't have to, but it's nice to use it with the ubuntu store (just like the phone)14:03
dholbachit's just normal sso14:03
balloonsdholbach, I'm assuming it will "fix" my issue, but it seems like there is a bug then if I can't do this without logging in?14:04
dholbachlet me try to log out and use 'snap try' just like that14:04
dholbachI find it very convenient, so I never tried14:05
dholbach(and I'm not hacking on snapd, so I don't know specifics :-))14:05
dholbachok, so logging out, I have to use "sudo snap try prime/"14:05
dholbachand it works just fine14:06
balloonsdholbach, ok. So is that "expected" behavoir?14:06
balloonssounds like I should just open a bug and see what the feedback is14:06
mupPR snapd#1562 opened: many: cleanup/update rest.md; improve auth errors <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1562>14:06
dholbachI think I'd rather send a mail to the list14:08
dholbachespecially if you don't know if it's a bug14:08
dholbachlet me see if I can find anything in the docs about this14:08
dholbach"snap login --help" says http://paste.ubuntu.com/19901483/14:09
dholbachso yeah, use "sudo" if you really don't want to use "login"14:10
dholbachif "try" then still doesn't work, then that's a bug (if the prime/ directory of your snap is not broken)14:10
mupBug #1604016 opened: Snap requires sudo if not logged in <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1604016>14:11
balloonsdholbach, I did see snap login --help, but I didn't find the help to be very clear14:12
balloons(though obviously I did manage to figure it out and using sudo aligns well with the traditional apt experience)14:12
dholbachok, I think the bug is fair with regard to expecting a clearer error message14:13
CavanI just finished the 'Your first snap' on the Ubuntu website, how to I actually run the snap, I tried the commands and there not working...14:13
dholbachballoons, does the snap work when you "try" it?14:14
balloonsdholbach, ty. Feel free to mark won't fix, etc. I may be the only one who missed the boat on it :-)14:14
dholbachCavan, which command fails?14:14
dholbachballoons, no, sorry - I think the bug is quite fair :)14:14
balloonsdholbach, snap try prime does stuff, then prints a display showing the output of snap list with just my snap listed. That said, I think it's the snap. I have binaries in prime/bin, but there don't seem to be any executed14:16
CavanI may be doing something wrong, followed all the steps and completed in but cant figure out how to run it. 'command: bin/webcam-webui' Is the only command in the.yaml14:16
dholbachballoons, does the snap contain a service or an app?14:16
dholbachballoons, can you pastebin the snapcraft.yaml?14:16
dholbachCavan, it's supposed to run a service14:17
balloonsdholbach, http://paste.ubuntu.com/19902241/. This is another attempt at snapping juju. snapcraft handled it well enough it seems. hat snapcraft.yaml file is from like April :-)14:18
dholbachCavan, can you try to add 'camera' to the plugs definition?14:18
dholbachballoons, can you just run ./prime/bin/juju --help?14:18
dz0nyCavan: if you have fresh install of snapd you have to reboot device14:19
balloonsdholbach, yes I can. Binary seems fine14:19
dz0nyit needs to setup some discovery stuff for your profile :)14:19
mupPR snapcraft#666 opened: Allow / in parts <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/666>14:19
dholbachballoons, if you have the juju Ubuntu package installed, it will trump whatever snap provides it ("which juju" should confirm)14:20
ratliffif I am creating a snap for a project that uses a custom build script, do I have to create a script plugin or is there an existing plugin that will work?14:20
dholbachsergiusens, ^ nice PR # :-P14:20
Cavandholbach, I think its already in the plug definitions, I can link you the website if you like? dz0ny, reboot my pc?14:20
dholbachratliff, yes, a custom plugin sounds sensible (https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/build-apps/plugins/)14:21
balloonsdholbach, blargh. /snap/bin/juju, not $SNAP/bin/juju14:21
balloonsmakes more sense14:21
dz0nymhm, or just logout&login14:21
zygarenatu, dholbach: sorry :/14:22
dholbachCavan, https://bugs.launchpad.net/developer-ubuntu-com/+bug/1600122 was filed earlier and I hadn't had time to look at it yet14:22
mupBug #1600122: Cannot successfully build the webcam-webui example on 16.04 <snap-docs> <Ubuntu Developer Portal:New> <Snapcraft:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1600122>14:22
renatuzyga, rebooting the machine did the trick :D14:23
dholbachrenatu, nice :-)14:23
ratliffthanks, dholbach! next question: if I have a build config file (silently answers questions that the custom build script asks), does it exist in the directory next to snapcraft.yaml or should I store it elsewhere?14:24
Cavandholbach, I'm not receiving any errors, I just cant figure out how to run the service after the snap is complete14:24
dholbachratliff, where does your build script expect it?14:24
dholbachCavan, ok, let me try it too14:24
dholbachCavan, if you install it and do "ps afxvw | grep cam" - what do you see?14:25
ratliffin the same directory as the build script. top level directory after the tarball is expanded14:25
dholbachratliff, ok, in that case just put it in the same dir14:26
Cavandholbach, ps afxvw | grep cam 26675 pts/1    S+     0:00      0   200 21099   960  0.0          |       \_ grep --color=auto cam 26665 ?        Ss     0:00      0     0  4508   796  0.0 /bin/sh /snap/test-snap/x2/bin/webcam-webui14:27
dholbachok, so the webui is running14:27
ratliffdo you mean copy it in after the tarball is expanded?14:27
Cavandholbach, is there anyway to view it, like an actual UI or something?14:28
balloonsdholbach, thanks for your help! When I'm in devmode, should I expect any differences between the binary in prime, and my snap binary?14:28
kyrofajdstrand, I'm having a snappy-debug issue: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/19903287/14:28
dholbachCavan, looking at it right now - give me a minute14:29
balloonsdholbach, (I ask because clearly I'm seeing failures that only happen running the snapped version)14:29
dholbachballoons, some, but I don't know specifics14:29
balloonsdholbach, brillant. So I'll work on solving them then. ty14:29
dholbachballoons, you can use snappy-debug.security (from the store) to see failures logged14:29
ratliffjdstrand is still supposed to be on vacation today14:29
ratliff^^ kyrofa14:30
kyrofaratliff, ah, thanks for the heads up14:30
dholbachballoons, I think Jamie once wrote a mail to explain how it works and what exactly is different, but I can't find it right now - it'd be great to add that answer to http://askubuntu.com/questions/783945/what-is-devmode-for-snaps14:31
SamYapleis there a way to host a private snappy repo that the `snap` tool can interact with yet?14:32
zygadpm: hey, do you want to meet and talk about day wrap up summay?14:33
dholbachkyrofa, does the webcam-webui work for you?14:34
balloonsdholbach, snappy debug showed me the app armor denials, which correspond to the issue I see. Thanks14:36
dholbachballoons, cool14:36
mupPR snapd#1563 opened: Hardware observe <Created by cwayne18> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1563>14:37
CroephaSamYaple: I haven't tried it yet, but this looks fresh: https://github.com/noise/snapstore14:43
SamYapleCroepha: so thats not official, but a RE of the apis. Worth following14:45
Cavandholback, any luck or should I just move to a different project for now?14:46
dholbachratliff, yep, that sounds good14:47
dholbachCavan, you could have a look at the other examples in https://github.com/ubuntu/snappy-playpen or https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/tree/master/demos14:47
dholbachCavan, they should give you a good idea of what's all possible14:48
dholbachand ideas for your own project :)14:48
Cavandholbach, cool thanks14:48
thurstoni'm trying to make a snap package from a single executable binary (the output of a game engine),  however I can't seem to get it to work.  I can make the snap package, however when I install it and run the command to execute the program, it segfaults15:00
jibelrenatu, Hey I heard that you met this error while building the addressbook http://paste.ubuntu.com/19906424/15:00
jibelrenatu, do you have a workaround?15:00
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dholbachthurston, can you install 'snappy-debug' from the store (snap install snappy-debug) and run 'snappy-debug.security scanlog' and then run the snap again and see what happens?15:02
dz0nythurston: you will probably need bunch of dri,x11 libs in package too15:02
dholbachthurston, I could imagine that it's an apparmor/seccomp denial15:02
dholbachor what dz0ny said... missing deps(?)15:02
thurstonsnappy debug?  i'll check it out15:02
dholbachit's good stuff :)15:02
thurstonokay i have snappy-debug,  how to use it?15:04
thurstoncan't even figure out what the man page is15:05
dholbach"snappy-debug.security scanlog"15:05
dz0nydholbach: on that note, how would you enable access to specific libraries on host, like rpi video drivers in /opt/vcore ?15:05
dholbachrun that in one terminal, and run your app in another15:06
dholbachdz0ny, I have no idea - I'd probably ask on the snapcraft list :-/15:06
thurstonlooks like an apparmor problem15:07
thurstonLog: apparmor="DENIED" operation="connect" profile="snap.rpgdiceroller.rpgdiceroller" pid=24743 comm="rpgdiceroller" family="unix" sock_type="stream" protocol=0 requested_mask="send receive connect" denied_mask="send connect" addr=none peer_addr="@/tmp/.X11-unix/X1" peer="unconfined"15:07
dholbachthurston, add the x11 plug and rebuild the snap15:08
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
balloonsdholbach, thoughts on Log: apparmor="DENIED" operation="bind" profile="snap.juju.juju" pid=11972 comm="juju" family="unix" sock_type="stream" protocol=0 requested_mask="bind" denied_mask="bind" addr="@/var/lib/juju/mutex-/store-lock"? It seems like seccomp allows me to bind, but the /var/lib/juju is a no-no. How can I play ith this? I looked at playing with the profile rules directly, but that won't help the snap15:10
thurstonalright,  I've tried to read on how to add plugins,  but haven't successfully done it yet...   do i copy from my local libraries?15:10
dholbachballoons, no idea - I'd suggest asking on the list or see if juju can be configured to look for data elsewhere?15:10
dholbachthurston, not plugins, plugs15:11
dholbachthurston, in the "apps:" definition15:11
thurstonk,  checking that out15:12
thurstonhow do i reference x11?   plugs: x11  doesn't work15:14
jibeldholbach, I'm trying to build the calculator to test some autopilot stuff and get http://paste.ubuntu.com/19906424/ and the diff is http://paste.ubuntu.com/19906861/15:14
jibeldholbach, this is with the snapcraft.yaml from trunk15:14
jibeldholbach, do you know what it is? I'm building on yakkety15:14
thurstongot it, nevermind15:15
sergiusensasac GOARCH=$arch GOARM=7 CGO_ENABLED=1 CC=${plat_abi}-gcc go build -ldflags "-extld=${plat_abi}-gcc"15:17
sergiusensasac plat_abi=arm-linux-gnueabihf15:18
renatujibel, try this http://paste.ubuntu.com/19908318/15:18
renatujibel, is not working for gtk but I think it works for qt515:18
thurstonk,  i got rid of the apparmor issue,  and now it just segfaults with no debug output15:20
jibelrenatu, it is not working15:23
camakoIs there a way to force-remove a snap? I am trying to remove the calculator app but am getting :15:26
camako2016-07-18T10:25:10-05:00 ERROR cannot remove snap file "ubuntu-calculator-app", will retry: [stop snap-ubuntu\x2dcalculator\x2dapp-5.mount] failed with exit status 1: Job for snap-ubuntu\x2dcalculator\x2dapp-5.mount failed. See "systemctl status "snap-ubuntu\\x2dcalculator\\x2dapp-5.mount"" and "journalctl -xe" for details.15:26
camako[-] Remove snap "ubuntu-calculator-app" from the system15:26
dholbachjibel, in a call, will get back to you in a bit15:27
balloonsdholbach, I'm seeing some of the snapd state issues again when using install / try: http://paste.ubuntu.com/19909550/15:30
dholbachballoons, can you please send a mail to the snapcraft list?15:38
dholbachI'm about to wrap up my day and need to finish something else15:38
balloonsdholbach, sure thing. No worries15:38
dholbachjibel, try to apply something like this: https://github.com/ubuntu/snappy-playpen/pull/178/files15:39
mupPR ubuntu/snappy-playpen#178: fix build by working around #1600238 <Created by dholbach> <Merged by caldav> <https://github.com/ubuntu/snappy-playpen/pull/178>15:39
dholbachlfaraone, according to popey Heidelberg sprint coordination stuff is fine in here ;-)15:39
lfaraonekk :P15:39
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ilivwhat is the purpose of autotools related install-via: and what options does it support?15:58
dholbachall right - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow!16:04
plarswho handles updates of ubuntu-core? I was wondering if/when that would be updated16:18
plarssome of the snap tests that we run in checkbox hit a problem with the version of snap installed inside the existing ubuntu-core snap (normally wouldn't be an issue I suspect but for us it is). If I force it to use a newer version of 'snap' then it works, but it's a bit hacky16:19
plarsif we had a more recently built version of the ubuntu-core snap thouh, I think it would just work16:19
kyrofaplars, have you tried the one on edge?16:36
plarskyrofa: seems to be the same version, unless I'm doing it wrong:16:37
kyrofaplars, ah, okay. Ask mvo, then16:38
plarsack, thanks16:38
=== Michaela is now known as Mikaela
jaymellI'm trying to package an app that requires apparmor read access to /dev/sda1, as well as cap_sys_rawio. This isn't currently provided by any of the default interfaces. Is this something that could potentially be added?18:11
jaymellI'm not really sure that it fits with any of the existing interfaces, though (maybe 'system-observe', based purely on name, anyway)18:12
monsterjamptsimonq2 I guess it just takes a while for the CLA to be approved, but I just got an email that says I'm in the Canonical Contributor Agreement team on Launchpad.18:21
mupPR snapd#1564 opened: snap/squashfs: fix test not to hardcode snap size <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1564>19:05
mupBug #1604123 opened: speed-test snap error TypeError: Cannot read property 'settings' of null <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1604123>19:19
mupBug #1604123 changed: speed-test snap error TypeError: Cannot read property 'settings' of null <Snappy:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1604123>19:28
tsimonq2well cool monsterjamp19:52
tsimonq2kyrofa: ping19:53
ratliffplainbox-test-tool in the demos section of https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft errors out with "Issue while loading plugin: unknown plugin: plainbox-provider" after I issue the snapcraft command20:12
zygacwayne: ^^ (look at ratliff's comment please)20:57
mwhudsonare you guys going to release snap-confine again today or should i upload 1.0.38 to debian? :)21:30
cwayneratliff: zyga: which version of snapcraft were you running? it hasn't been included in a release yet afaik22:19

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