
=== JanC is now known as Guest1334
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
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maxedHi. Does anyone know how in-app purchases testing for Ubuntu Phone ended? Is there a general developer-ready release? I can't find any reliable information through Google of Ubuntu Wiki :(08:31
ohmyhello everybody08:51
ohmyQT channels are inactive but i believe that i may have my answer here also :)08:51
ohmyi need to develop an application with few screens, with a sort of carousel feature (Alt+Tab) that shows all the opened views in mosaic mode like http://goo.gl/TSDdsm08:55
ohmyI know such a feature can simply be implemented using QTWayland for example but it only runs on Linux08:56
ohmyanyone have an idea how can i implement such a feature please ?08:56
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=== Guest77720 is now known as ahoneybun
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
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davmor2ahayzen: hey dude any joy with what is going on with weather app seems really weird that it is just that one app that gets no location, I'm wondering if it is a framework thing maybe?15:35
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
=== javiercrowsoft1 is now known as javiercrowsoft
ahayzendavmor2, hmm i just tried reflashing my device and location is still broken, is this a known issue with mako ?16:46
davmor2ahayzen: ah you have mako, open unav and sit it in the window for 15 minutes16:46
ahayzenit used to lock in like 5 seconds :'(16:47
ahayzenthe only thing that works is the weather channel scope16:47
ahayzeneverything else is broken16:47
davmor2ahayzen: mako only has gps unless you use som bastardised version that may or may not of got new code for gps16:47
ahayzendavmor2, but i'm on the ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris.en channel, which used to have the HERE stuff for agps for mako ?16:48
ahayzen(which it even states it is doing in the system-settings)16:48
davmor2ahayzen: yeap but that may or may not of been update so may or may not be in a broken state no idea without digging and the official image is in Ubuntu so is the only one that gets tested16:49
ahayzenugh :-/16:49
davmor2ahayzen: bring it up with sil210016:49
ahayzendavmor2, ok managed to get a lock in unav and i can see weather is not picking it up17:01
davmor2ahayzen: but clock does right17:02
ahayzenlet me check..17:02
ahayzendavmor2, where does clock use location ?17:02
davmor2ahayzen: it say the town you are in based on location under the clock17:03
ahayzenhmm it does ...but the location indicator isn't lighting up17:03
ahayzenso does it get that from IP or GPS ?17:03
ahayzenwhereas weather and unav make the location indicator change to white17:03
davmor2ahayzen: no it is gps it lights up but only for the second it takes to get it17:04
ahayzenoh yeah split second as it boots17:04
ahayzenok yeah that is working17:04
davmor2it only shows white when it is active17:04
davmor2ahayzen: right and now weather app again and still nothing right?17:04
ahayzendavmor2, yup still nothing and i see some errors in the console when i enable location detection17:05
ahayzendavmor2, i get this http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/19920985/17:05
davmor2so I don't know what the clock is doing different but weather hasn't had a location for about a week or so on ota12 or daily, you can add a location manually so it's not a biggy but it is a bit meh17:06
ahayzenmaybe it isn't the location that has broken ...but the GeocodeModel {}17:07
ahayzenas that is the code that is failing, and maybe the other apps aren't using that to get the city, lat and long ?17:08
ahayzendavmor2, i've found that the quest GeocodeModel is doing to OSM is failing, i've commented on the bug ... gotta go now but will see if we can figure something out later17:36
kalikianat1mp: Just one comment https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/ActionBar-colors/+merge/300051 You should change the Layouts import version17:47
davmor2ahayzen: I wonder if it coinsided with their change in policy ie why unav went black and white17:55
MaxEdappdevs, so, what's the status of payment API on Ubuntu Phone? Can I use it to make IAPs, or is it still in beta?19:19
pmcgowanalecu, ^^19:27
alecuMaxEd: Hi! It's already being used by some apps in the store, like: https://uappexplorer.com/app/lonewolf.mterry19:31
MaxEdThat great! Is there any documentation or tutorials?19:31
alecuMaxEd: I need to add you to a group in launchpad if you want to use it, and I can give you further instructions19:32
alecuMaxEd: please mail me your launchpad username and the name of the app where you want to use it19:33
MaxEdAh, so it's still not quite open to general public? My e-mail on launchpad is max.savenkov@gmail.com19:33
alecuMaxEd: I'm alecu@canonical.com19:33
MaxEdWhat should I do to be added to that group?19:34
alecuMaxEd: it's not quite open yet, we'd like to try a few more apps first19:34
MaxEdI'd like to try it. All development for Ubuntu Touch presently is an experiment for me :)19:37
alecuMaxEd: that sounds great19:38
alecuMaxEd: so, please let me know your launchpad username and I'll add you to the group. I'm also sending further info on how to add IAP to your app19:40
MaxEdalecu, My username is max-savenkov19:40
=== javiercrowsoft1 is now known as javiercrowsoft
alecuMaxEd: I've added you to the launchpad group, and sent the instructions.20:04
MaxEdThank you!20:04
MaxEdI'll check everything out and e-mail you if I have any questions.20:05
alecuSure, let me know if I can help.20:05
alecuThanks a lot for your interest in this.20:05

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