
mhall119knome: sorry, we've discussed it briefly but not thoroughly yet01:42
mhall119knome: I'll send out a reminder email01:42
Mister_Qgood morning everyone o/06:39
Kiloshi Mister_Q toddy dholbach svij and others06:40
toddyhi Kilos06:52
dholbachhi Kilos07:05
dholbachhey dpm07:16
dpmmorning dholbach07:17
popeyGreetings from sunny Heidelberg07:18
tsimonq2hey all!07:18
tsimonq2ALAN! :D07:18
tsimonq2how are you?07:19
tsimonq2hey dholbach :D07:19
popeyhows you?07:19
dholbachhey tsimonq207:19
dholbachhey hey :)07:19
tsimonq2great popey :)07:20
tsimonq2hey hey hey dholbach :D07:20
tsimonq2how are you?07:20
dholbachgreat - how are you?07:20
tsimonq2great :)07:20
tsimonq2man I love being up at night :D07:21
tsimonq2you see the Lubuntu bug day details yet, dholbach?07:23
dholbachtsimonq2, I had a brief look at the page, but not time to digest it much07:23
dholbachdo you need help with anything?07:23
tsimonq2I would love for someone in Europe that has bug hunting experience to hang out in #lubuntu-devel and answer questions. :)07:25
tsimonq2on that day07:25
tsimonq2(just in case I decide to sleep normally that day :P)07:26
dholbachI'm not sure I'm a good person for that07:26
dholbachI don't know a single thing about lubuntu07:26
dholbachis nobody from the lubuntu community around?07:27
dholbachor somebody from the bug team?07:27
dholbachmaybe somebody from the ubuntu-quality list?07:27
tsimonq2the Lubuntu team is primarily in the US, with the exceptions of Rafael (artwork) and Julien who doesn't stick on IRC for much07:28
tsimonq2dholbach: I just wanted to ask to see if someone on the community team was available before I widen my search :)07:29
tsimonq2o/ czajkowski, how are you?07:29
dholbachtsimonq2, I'd ask somebody from the QA/bug community07:30
tsimonq2alright :)07:30
czajkowskitsimonq2: sleepy, but not bad. doing a quick check of mail then logging off till 4:30pm today as working west coast hours all this week07:32
tsimonq2oh okay czajkowski :)07:32
czajkowskitsimonq2: I sit in on QBRs this week and point out where I can help and how we can improve things for the next quarter and what influence the work we did to help in the last quarter07:33
czajkowskiQuarterly business reviews07:42
tsimonq2well cool :)07:42
tsimonq2what do you do? :)07:43
czajkowskitsimonq2: community manager at couchbase08:19
svijgood morning!08:29
knomemhall119, thanks. i'll be mostly this week, and when i come back, we plan to move the issue forward, so it would be very nice if you could do any potential commentary by next week08:33
tsimonq2cool czajkowski :)08:35
dholbachdpm, popey: are you going to do the Q&A from Heidelberg any time in the next days?12:52
dholbachI'm just asking because I won't be able to make it12:52
popeyI suspect that might be tricky12:52
dholbach(won't be able to make it tomorrow...)12:53
dpmdholbach, let's leave the Q&A as it is tomorrow, and we can look at whether we can organize a snappy Q&A on Wednesday12:54
dholbachdavidcalle, dpm, mhall119, popey: will any of you have time tomorrow?12:54
dpmdholbach, not popey or I probably. If you or mhall119 can't do it, I'd say please make sure it's reflected on the UbuntuOnAir calendar12:55
davidcalledholbach: I will12:55
dholbachdavidcalle to the rescue12:55
dholbachI'll be on the way to catch a plane12:56
davidcalledholbach: where there is WIFI, there is a way :P12:56
davidcalledpm: popey: how is the sprint going?12:57
dholbachsounds fair - maybe I'll get the security personnel at the airport to answer a few questions too :-P12:57
davidcalledholbach: "What's in Daniel's bag"12:58
dholbachmaybe they'll have an answer to "hud?" too :-P12:59
mhall119I can't do the Q&A tomorrow, will be taking the kids to school, I can do wednesday though13:03
popeydavidcalle: intensse13:20
mhall119popey: I hope nobody thought this was going to be a holiday for them :)13:30
mhall119popey: send my regards to all the community folks there13:31
dholbachjose, looks like we won't have a Q&A tomorrow - can you get it off the schedule for us?15:31
dholbachall right - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow!16:04
Kilossleep tight dholbach16:04
dholbachI'll do that, later :)16:05
Kiloshow do i remove a paste at paste.ubuntu.com please. it doesnt wordwrap17:25
Kilosso everything is in one long line. sigh17:26
pleia2you can try submitting a ticket to canonical IS, but unless it's a security problem I wouldn't waste their time17:27
Kilosno its not security related17:27
wxli would consider that a benefit, not a detriment17:28
Kilosthis blog poste could make waves so i would like some feedback before posting it17:28
Kilospleia2 you do the magazine, could you read it and tell me please17:29
Kilosany opinions are welcome17:29
Kiloshggdh will you as well please and wxl  of course17:30
wxlKilos: might want to try a google doc instead17:32
wxlthat would allow us to actually make reasonable comments on it as well17:33
Kilosmy other blogs go through fine wxl , its just the pastebin issue17:33
Kilosmy blog is at blogspot17:33
pleia2Kilos: do your blog posts go to planet.ubuntu.com ?17:34
wxli'm saying that you're asking for feedback. you can't really provide feedback on pastebin, but you can on a google doc.17:34
Kilosyes pleia217:34
wxland google docs ALSO wordwrap17:34
pleia2Kilos: I run the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, planet posts will make it in :) I'd likely put this in the LoCo News section17:35
pleia2s/Google Docs/pad.ubuntu.com17:35
Kilosyour decision pleia217:35
pleia2(let's promote free software here :))17:35
wxlI'd say it deserves some clarity of language17:36
Kilosill look at google docs as well17:36
Kilosexplain please wxl17:36
wxlfor example:17:36
wxlIt seems to me that running a LoCo there is a personal thing and not in the best interests of Ubuntu.17:36
wxli have no idea what the "personal thing" is17:36
Kilosthats what is going to make the waves17:36
wxli don't think it will stated the way it is17:37
wxlit'll just make people wonder17:37
Kiloshggdh can explain better17:37
Kilosill try reword it17:37
wxlif you put it up on Google Docs or Etherpad we can help17:37
Kilosoh yes i forget etherpad17:37
Kilosim older man17:38
Kiloswxl please give me a link to etherpad17:42
wxlKilos: pad.ubuntu.com17:42
Kilosstruggling tonight'17:42
Kilosit says developer summit17:43
Kilosis that ok to use for something like this?17:44
wxlwe really need to change that at some point17:48
wxlit gets heavily used during the developer summits17:48
Kilosok ill post to there now17:48
Kiloseish i cannot paste there17:51
Kilosso everything is in the chat block17:52
wxlthere i just pasted17:53
Kilosi cant close the window that opened when i ticked invite17:54
wxlbut it should be use that pasted it17:54
wxli'm going to break this down into individual sentences17:55
Kilosok ty17:55
Kilosim going to close and come back again that invite window is in the way17:56
wxlKilos: let's clean out that chatty business and we can start discussing the questions at hand?18:02
Kiloswhew that etherpad is for young peeps18:03
* wxl is not THAT young18:03
Kilosim 6518:03
wxli'm 39. so yeah, but still. :)18:03
Kiloswe can discuss it here , i have nothing to hide18:04
Kilosbetter if some of the cc see the discussion so that they are informed18:04
wxlso the comments i made (preceded with "  -- ") discuss some of the things where i think the language fails to communicate your point, or could be improved18:05
wxli'd start with working on those18:05
Kilosfor example- look at the ubuntu-pk site18:05
Kilosi changed that to badge of personal honour18:05
wxlyes and i think that's good18:05
Kilosok you ask and ill answer18:06
wxlJust when things start running smoothly at home18:06
wxl  --- so has your loco been running smoothly or your home life has been running smoothly?18:06
Kilosmy loco runs the best of all18:06
wxlok so then i'd state that18:07
Kilosthats why i get upset when i see these problems18:07
wxlbecause the natural logic is that your loco is running good and you are benefiting from it and others are, and you want to see that happen in the rest of the world or at least wonder why it's nto happening18:07
Kilosi want to try help locos run smoothly as mine does18:08
wxlso you can change that sentence. improving the communication of that logic will help people put themselves in your headspace and better empathize with the concerns you express later18:08
Kilosoh ok18:09
wxli think it's also a good idea to talk about what you have accomplished, both with your loco and with other locos18:09
wxlgiving examples of the positive effects of locos with involved leadership will again help people see the reason to be concerned about this issue18:10
Kilosin my blog the africa project was all explained18:10
wxli mean, that's why you care, after all18:10
wxlwell, not in what i'm reading :)18:10
wxlso you might want to add a link18:10
wxlbut also talk about other accomplishments you've made, such as the irc channels18:10
wxllike i'm talking about details18:11
wxlnot just mentioning it18:11
Kilosok so naming the channels is fine18:11
wxlthe more you can give someone a mental picture of the situation, the better they will be able to relate and the more they can relate the more they will care18:11
wxlif there are any particularly noteworthy experiences, i'd mention that18:11
wxlsay for example that while you were trying to help out some channel someone came in for support and got it and got to experience the value of a loco for the first time.. that's a good example. that kind of thing18:12
Kilosgonna be a long blog18:12
wxlit should be!18:12
wxlthis is no small subject18:13
wxlthis is not something that people are just going to immediately get or immediately relate to18:13
wxlthe primary issue i have with your post is that the logic doesn't really flow well or isnt' explained. i think if you can clear that up, people will get it18:13
wxlfor example:18:13
wxl  --- is this what started your task to improve locos globally or is this what caused the problem?18:13
wxlIt all started because one poor fella in Asia applied for Ubuntu Membership without any guidance or support from his LoCo.18:13
wxlthat sentence just seems to appear out of nowhere18:14
wxlit's not clear how it relates to the sentences around it18:14
Kiloswhat started it was a youngster applying for membership without guidance or support18:14
Kiloswhew let me work on that wxl then ill bother you again18:17
Kilos'ty for the help so far18:17
wxlKilos: that's what you get when you ask the writer for help :)18:17
Kilosi should give you the basics and let you run with it18:18
wxlwell, i want you to be able to write your own stuff, so you can write more in the future :)18:18

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