
qenghoGood morning!01:52
=== JanC is now known as Guest1334
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
qenghoHi hi05:06
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pittitedg, Laney: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/convergence-y-replace-upstart07:30
willcookemorning sprinters08:00
hikikoandyrock, Trevinho https://code.launchpad.net/~hikiko/nux/nux.fixed-smart-ptr/+merge/300293 could you review this branch? (it fixes nux compile errors)08:00
willcookexnox, morning.  Is this (potentially) a quick fix do you know?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/160322308:01
ubot5Launchpad bug 1603223 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "German Translation shows $(Release) instead of Ubuntu 16.04" [Undecided,Fix committed]08:01
hikikomorning willcooke, Laney seb128 pitti Sweet5hark qengho :p08:01
willcookehi hikiko!08:02
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seb128hey hikiko willcooke08:07
willcookehey seb128, how goes the sprint so far?  Need anything arranging?08:08
seb128it's going well08:08
seb128no, everything is fine08:08
seb128thanks for asking!08:08
Laneywe're missing caviar08:12
willcookeLaney, I can ship some fish paste over night.  Best I can do08:12
davmor2willcooke: oh come on you can do better than that, nip round you local chippy can grab a bundle of roe and ship that, at least that way it is fish eggs08:13
Laneywe coincided with the heatwave08:19
willcookeIt's pretty good here so far, up to ~ 25 in the sun already08:20
willcookehikiko, Trevinho - anything pending re: lowgfx for .1?  If we hurry we might still get it in the image08:28
davmor2willcooke: pfff08:29
davmor2willcooke: no it won't I start testing in anger today08:30
willcookeAre you open to bribes?08:31
hikikowillcooke, we reverted the multimonitor change and I think Trevinho does the sru again :/08:33
robert_ancellwillcooke, seb128 - hi from a similar timezone!08:35
seb128hey robert_ancell!08:35
willcookehey robert_ancell!  "Good" flight?08:35
willcookeblimey:  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-3682227208:36
robert_ancellwillcooke, I didn't realise I was meant to pick up my luggage in Vancouver but it got here today :)08:36
willcookerobert_ancell, erk!  I hate having to do that.08:36
robert_ancellwillcooke, yeah, I was suprised08:36
willcookeglad it found you08:36
willcookeI think this ARM sale is pretty bad news for the UK08:36
robert_ancellwillcooke, do you know who owned it before?08:37
robert_ancellIs it the founders selling out?08:37
robert_ancellwillcooke, seb128, do you know what the state of the gsettings/snap work is? Is it tracked anywhere?08:38
willcookeI think it was Apple, ex-Acorn bods, VLSI and a few others.  I imagine they still all hold shares.08:39
robert_ancellGuess they all wanted their own private islands08:40
seb128robert_ancell, I think it's "on desr_t's backlog, not started, and she's on holidays for the next weeks"08:40
willcookerobert_ancell, desrt and I still need to kick it off properly and break down the tasks.  So it's not re-started yet.  There are some app armor patches which the security team need to review from attente first08:40
robert_ancellseb128, that's what I assumed, but I haven't been able to get in touch with desrt.08:41
seb128robert_ancell, but gsettings is working today if you use the gsettings and home interfaces08:41
willcookeIf j_dstrand is around at the sprint he might be able to advise re: the patches08:41
robert_ancellok, cool08:41
seb128robert_ancell, you need some hack in the wrapper, I think didrocks put those in the common desktop one08:41
robert_ancellyeah, was talking to him about that08:42
seb128to symlink $snap_user/.config/dconf to the normal userdir one08:42
seb128robert_ancell, is gsettings blocking anything or are you just being curious?08:43
robert_ancellseb128, not blocking, just don't know the state if anyone asks08:44
robert_ancellI'll just say TBD08:44
willcookerobert_ancell, if poss. would be nice to get an agreeement from #security to review and accept a_ttente's patches08:45
robert_ancellwillcooke, link?08:45
robert_ancellI will chase that up08:45
willcookerobert_ancell, sorry, will need to defer to attente ^08:45
robert_ancelloh yes, he'll be online too soon.08:46
* robert_ancell feels spoily having so many people online at the same time08:46
willcookeWe all usually go out for ice-cream around 1208:46
Trevinhowillcooke: hey08:47
Trevinhowillcooke: so lowgfx stuff is all verified and in prepared. It only needs to be promoted to updates in order to get it in the image.08:48
willcookeTrevinho, cool.  And all the regressions are reverted (at least those we know of) right?08:49
Trevinhowillcooke: Yes08:49
desrtrobert_ancell: hey.. sorry.  on vacation.08:49
willcookeTrevinho, can you poke people to get the promotion done please? Beg and plead if necessary.08:49
robert_ancelldesrt, np08:50
seb128hey Trevinho, how are you?08:50
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Trevinhohey seb128 allright, is your sprint already on?08:57
seb128Trevinho, yes, full speed09:01
seb128hey andyrock09:01
seb128are you guys still having your own mini sprint?09:01
Trevinhoseb128: sort of.. :)09:02
seb128made more pasta?09:04
seb128or pizza?09:04
Trevinhoseb128: more pasta...09:04
Trevinhoseb128: no pizza this time... I need more people to fire up my huge brick oven..09:04
seb128you have one of those?!09:05
Trevinhoseb128: sure... It's normal here (i'm in my hometown). Anyone had to cook the bread daily in the past...09:06
robert_ancellseb128, have you noticed any login delays since the hipdpi change wen't through? I've occasionally had ~20s delays while the u-g waits for the xsettings plugin09:07
seb128robert_ancell, no, but I'm on xenial and you didn't SRU the u-g change?09:07
robert_ancellseb128, it hasn't gone though, but I'm not pushing it atm09:07
seb128robert_ancell, also the yakkety update is blocked in proposed09:07
seb128so I guess nobody but you got it09:08
Trevinhoseb128: this weekend it was mostly about supporting two my friends in a rally... And the Ubuntu Rally car it was... http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7489/28366881705_71fd9bf2a6_k.jpg :-)09:08
robert_ancelloh, is it?09:08
seb128Trevinho, nice!09:08
seb128unity-greeter/s390x unsatisfiable Depends: upstart09:08
seb128robert_ancell, let me try to fix that by deleting the binary, you might need to add a build-depends on upstart as a workaorund09:09
seb128upstart is missing on s390x09:09
seb128which is creating issues09:09
robert_ancellseb128, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-greeter/16.10.1-0ubuntu2 is showing everything built...09:09
seb128robert_ancell, right, the issue is that it depends on upstart and the upstart binary got deleted on s390x09:10
seb128so it makes the greeter not installable on that arch09:10
seb128I deleted the binary from yakkety the other day09:11
seb128but I think we need to delete the new one as well09:11
seb128just did that09:11
robert_ancellso, what are you supposed to do on s390x if you depend on upstart?09:11
seb128let's see what it does on the next publisher run09:11
seb128build-depends on it09:11
seb128so you depwait09:11
seb128and you just go missing on s390x09:11
seb128but it's fine09:11
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xnoxwillcooke, potentially a quick one, yes. Let me see if I can fix that up.09:41
willcookethanks xnox09:41
willcookealso yay - 50Mbit wifi connection from the shady end of the garden09:42
seb128trying to make us believe there is sun over the u.k?09:42
Odd_BlokeNah, there are drug-dealing squirrels down there.09:44
xnoxwillcooke, so https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/+source/ubiquity/+pots/ubiquity-debconf/de/+translate?batch=10&show=all&search=Download+updates+while09:57
xnoxis the one that is broken.09:57
xnoxi can fix it in the source, and upload. But the translation on launchpad needs to be fixed as well.09:57
xnoxi'll try to contact Ubuntu german translators about it.09:57
willcookexnox, awesome, thanks.09:58
seb128xnox, pitti can probably help you10:01
xnoxoooh, pitti are you "official" german translator? Ich bin nicht....10:02
ubot5Launchpad bug 1603926 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Yakkety) "In ubiquity one german translation has incorrect substituition variable" [Undecided,New]10:02
xnoxactually there are a bunch of bugs like that.10:03
pittiseb128: pkg-config --variable=systemduserunitdir systemd10:07
xnoxoh i am not logged in10:08
xnoxi see suggestions now.10:08
qenghoxnox: is it just the curly brace to paren problem10:09
xnoxqengho, yes.10:09
xnoxcurly is the correct form.10:09
xnoxI have these to fix as well https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/+source/ubiquity/+pots/ubiquity-debconf/af/+translate?batch=10&show=all&search=%24%2810:10
pittixnox: updated in LP10:10
xnoxyeah \o/10:11
xnoxqengho, can you approve afrikaanas as well? https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/+source/ubiquity/+pots/ubiquity-debconf/af/+translate?batch=10&show=all&search=%24%2810:12
hikikoquestion: can lightdm accept parameters for Xorg?10:24
hikikoI'd like to do this thing:10:25
hikikoI have 2 GPUs and 4 monitors, I'd like to create 2 configurations files for xserver: one for GPU1 and one for GPU2, then start xserver1 with gpu1 configuration and xfce and configure lightdm to start xserver2 with the gpu2 configuration file10:28
seb128hikiko, that's a question for robert_ancell, you can probably try to catch him after lunch10:28
hikikoso that I have an xfce4 instance running with startx on gpu1 (intel) and start unity using lightdm on gpu2 (nvidia)10:28
hikikothanks seb128 :) I will ask him!10:28
davmor2willcooke: do you happen to know if the new amdgpu-pro stuff landed for 16.04.1 if so I'd like to run some upgrades and installs around that10:36
willcookedavmor2, I dont know, sorry.  Maybe tjaalton does?10:37
tjaaltondavmor2: I'm not sure, tseliot?10:38
tjaaltonI think the pro-pkg is still brewing10:38
tseliotdavmor2: no, amdgpu pro is not in the archive10:38
davmor2tseliot: do you know if it is being targeted for .1?10:39
tseliotdavmor2: no, not for .110:39
davmor2tseliot: awesome thanks for the update10:40
attenterobert_ancell: hey, those patches are on the ML here: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/apparmor/2016-January/009171.html, but they've been sitting around since January12:17
Sweet5harkhmmm, you have been watching: a hard system freeze out of nowhere.12:28
* Sweet5hark gets slightly nervous about that.12:28
tedgpitti: The indicators: https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/+git/systemd-graphical-session12:42
Sweet5harkwillcooke: around?12:55
=== hikiko is now known as hikiko|ln
Sweet5harkoh, wow. ARM is not a UK company anymore.13:31
Sweet5harkapparently it is japanese now.13:32
davmor2Sweet5hark: no not yet it's only just going to the dear shareholders I recommend that we ...... bit, but eventually it will be13:34
davmor2Sweet5hark: unless the Americans don't want it to be Japanese in which case one of the big tech giant might put in a bigger counter offer and so on13:35
Sweet5harkdavmor2: lol, May is like: "Move along, nothing to see here" as someone is using the cheap GBP to extract massive IP out of the UK: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-arm-holdings-m-a-may-idUSKCN0ZY16R13:36
Laneypitti: http://paste.debian.net/782711/ ~/.config/systemd/user/session-migration.service13:42
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seb128Laney, pitti, I think it's https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7890513:55
ubot5Freedesktop bug 78905 in daemon "systemd: support for D-Bus "user bus" model (patch)" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]13:55
Laneyseb128: maybe fix that in src/polkit/polkitunixsession-systemd.c too14:04
Laneythat is where the warning comes from14:04
seb128Laney, looking, thanks for the pointer14:05
Laney-> pointer for you14:06
pittitedg: pkg-config --variable=systemduserunitdir systemd14:08
pittitedg: /run/systemd/users/$(uid)14:13
pittitedg: /run/user/$(uid)/systemd/14:15
Sweet5harkseb128: careful, Laney might trick you into derefing a NULL14:17
seb128Sweet5hark, trying to hack my laptop!14:17
Laneyex falso quodlibet14:28
pittiLaney: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/tmp/session.sh14:34
TrevinhoLaney: I've found the issue with the black desktop eh... It's in gtk. If you'd run that with stock gtk it would be always black. If you use the version patched with unity support, it works in some cases, but not always because of another issue... So I've a patch for natuilus for now, then i'll fix gtk too.14:53
TrevinhoLaney: how do you want me to provide the patches? branch, debdiff or what?14:53
LaneyTrevinho: are the patches upstreamable?14:54
TrevinhoLaney: nautilus one... not sure since upstream nautilus has no desktop, isn't it?14:55
TrevinhoLaney: as for gtk, there's something that can be upstreamed too... Althogh our implementation might differ14:55
Laneyit does the icons, but the gnomebg stuff is patched14:55
Trevinhoso... I could work in both solutions14:55
TrevinhoLaney: I mean, I don't thin it has nautilus-desktop-window.c file at all, has it?14:55
Laneyi don't remember the exact files14:56
Laneylook in debian/patches14:56
TrevinhoLaney: there's indeed an error in ubuntu-revert-no-desktop patch15:13
TrevinhoLaney: I've like the impression that the root problem with nautilus is that it's not really using the desktoip-background either, but just uses the root window to paint it... And only paints the icons on top.. as g-s does15:45
TrevinhoAh, no... it works15:50
TrevinhoLaney: apply this for the black bg fix16:12
Trevinhoonly for nautilus, gtk one is something I check better16:12
ubot5Freedesktop bug 67728 in daemon "allow_active/inactive match against the active session not the active user" [Normal,New]16:37
seb128Cannot register authentication agent: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: Passed session and the session the caller is in differs. They must be equal for now.16:39
seb128Cannot register authentication agent: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: Error getting subject: Error parsing unix-session subject: Didn't find value for key `session-id' of type s16:53
seb128calling it a day!17:11
seb128have a good evening desktoper17:11
seb128see you tomorrow17:11
willcooke_gnight all17:45
TrevinhoLaney: it seems the gtk one is way more annoying... Since it seems that gtk doesn't listen properly _NET_SUPPORTED changes, then when unity loads it doesn't get informed about handling transparency properly.... Thus black corners on windows _-17:55
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ochosiLaney: hey, just so you know I've ported Greybird to Gtk3.20 and SASS in some evening hours, wasn't all-too-hard in the end, just very boring ;) so anyway, xubuntu will be fine in 16.10 if you go all 3.20 on everyone21:25
qenghoGood morning. SYN23:03

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