
slangasekcjwatson: yeah, and cady's yakkety chroot has wrong sources, so I can't actually investigate it there... I have an RT open06:12
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Trevinhoinfinity: hey, please once you're here could you consider promoting unity/compiz and friends from xenial proposed to updates? It's quite important for us and OEM to have that in the .1 image.09:09
infinityTrevinho: It's on my radar.09:15
LaneyUnity, descend to -10 feet09:17
Trevinhoinfinity: thanks09:18
seb128unity-settings-daemon would be good to get as well09:36
infinityseb128: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-greeter/+bug/1571640 seems to still be in limbo?10:21
ubot5Launchpad bug 1571640 in unity-greeter (Ubuntu Xenial) "unity-greeter scaling factor changes after a delay" [High,Confirmed]10:21
seb128infinity, the corresponding greeter change didn't land so it's basically a no-op, emiting a signal nobody uses10:21
seb128I can mark it verification-done on the basis that it doesn't create regressions10:22
infinityseb128: WFM.10:23
xnoxinfinity, hello =) would you release a few SRUs for me please? =)10:35
xnoxbug #159299010:35
ubot5bug 1592990 in s390-tools (Ubuntu Xenial) "HCPGIR450W CP entered; disabled wait PSW 00020000 80000000 00000000 00004502" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/159299010:35
xnoxbug #159549510:35
ubot5bug 1595495 in partman-base (Ubuntu Xenial) "DASD drives can only hold 3 partitions" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/159549510:35
infinityxnox: Yeah, yeah.10:36
infinityxnox: You verified it 4 minutes ago, patience.10:36
xnoxand then I would like to upload ubiquity to fix two bugs in yakkety, and same into xenial:10:36
xnoxbug #158441710:36
ubot5bug 1584417 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Xenial) "Location/Timezone picker crashes on install" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158441710:36
xnoxbug #160392610:36
ubot5bug 1603926 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Xenial) "In ubiquity many translations have incorrect substituition variables" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/160392610:36
xnoxwould that be ok?10:36
xnoxlet me paste the debdiff10:36
xnoxinfinity, thank you sir =)10:37
infinityxnox: If you're doing ubiquity, could you help verify the console-setup in proposed before doing a source refresh?10:38
infinityxnox: And, y'know, do a source refresh.10:40
xnoxinfinity, all changes are systemdish right? so check that things don't explode and work correctly post-install?10:41
xnoxyeah, source refresh.10:41
* xnox is validating that the bugfixes in ubiquity are correct in yakkety now.10:41
infinityxnox: Well, validate that the bugs are fixed.  cyphermox didn't get around to it before he went and got married.11:09
infinitypitti: And if you could verify your systemd SRU, that'd be nice.11:15
pittiinfinity: ok, I'll look into doing at least some12:21
pittiinfinity: would you be ok with short-cutting some other -updates, like the 5 day old ones?12:22
pittithis morning I released the ≥ 7 days stuff12:22
infinitypitti: I did a ton.  Check -changes12:30
pittiah, good12:31
pittiso pending-sru just needs to update12:31
pittiinfinity: meh, so it does not regress, but it fixes only half of bug 159337912:48
ubot5bug 1593379 in systemd (Ubuntu Xenial) "systemd 229-4ubuntu6 ignores net.ifnames=0 on USB or /etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-setup-link.rules being a /dev/null symlink" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/159337912:48
pittibut either way, none of those are really important for .112:48
infinitypitti: The upgrade bug seems important, at least.12:55
pittithat yes12:55
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infinitypitti: If you're happy that nothing has regressed, I'd like to release this, and you can follow-up with a proper fix for 159337912:56
infinitypitti: If that seems reasonable to you.12:56
pittiinfinity: yes, sounds good; I'll reopen after releasing12:56
pittiinfinity: upgrade, reboot, shutdown etc. was fine12:56
pittiand it has a ton of autopkgtests too12:57
infinitypitti: Reopen away.12:57
xnoxinfinity, console-setup is good, and auberginy13:26
xnoxwill upload into proposed queue, ubiquity with sources updated to the -proposed console-setup and -proposed partman-base13:28
infinityxnox: Ta.13:32
infinityxnox: Do you need images built with that ubiquity to verify it?14:23
xnoxinfinity, not really. I upgrade from live session and test it that way. There is nothing that affects things before multi-user.target14:48
xnoxi will test the binaries from -proposed to verify the two bugs and that things didn't explode in a second.14:49
infinityxnox: Danke.14:49
infinitypitti: Review my base-files to make sure I can type?14:50
pittiinfinity: LGTM, accepted15:28
xnoxinfinity, xenial-proposed ubiquity is good.17:29
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slangasekcjwatson: fooey - cady's chroot is sorted, and the haskell-http-conduit build failure isn't reproducible there either.  But consistently reproducible in LP18:24
slangasekand a distinctive lack of verbose output from the test log18:24
slangasekoutput in failing log:18:25
slangasek  Response cookie jar is nothing when request cookie jar is nothing18:25
slangasekTest suite test: FAIL18:25
slangasekoutput in successful log:18:25
slangasek  Response cookie jar is nothing when request cookie jar is nothing18:25
slangasek  TLS18:25
jderoseinfinity: latest 16.04.1 daily desktop ISOs still seem to have proposed enabled by default... was that intentional or an oversight?18:30
infinityjderose: Spinning non-proposed images tonight after I promote ubiquity and base-files.18:31
jderoseinfinity: gotcha, sounds good. thanks!18:31
infinityxnox: You didn't comment on the bugs or change the tags...18:50
infinityslangasek: Upload to a PPA with a "cat dist-ghc/test/http-conduit-2.1.11-test.log" on failure?18:54
jderoseinfinity: out of curiosity, when should 14.04 start prompting folks for upgrades to 16.04?18:56
infinityjderose: Best case scenario, Thursday.  We might delay a few days to make sure we have solid upgrade testing, but assume "soon".18:57
jderoseinfinity: we're doing 14.04 upgrade testing today, so i'll let you know if we find anything. so i assume right now i need to use `upgrade-manager -d` to force it still?18:58
rbasakIf possible I'd like to land the MySQL SRU before prompting release upgrades. There are a bunch of bugs that cause postinst failures that should be fixed.18:58
rbasak(I have yet to verify but will do so before the ageing period is done)18:58
infinityjderose: Yep.18:58
jderosecool, thanks18:58
slangasekinfinity: I just catted a successful one and it's even more useless than the build log... I suppose we can see what a ppa says19:10
infinityslangasek: Oh.  I was just taking the message's word on it being useful. :P19:11
infinityslangasek: I should know not to trust programmers.19:11
slangasekyeah, I'll try it anyway, maybe it's usefully verbose only on failure19:13
jderoseinfinity: one little issue i just found: i did a 14.04 to 16.04 upgrade. upgrade worked fine, but at the end clicking "Restart Now" has no effect... system does not reboot, update-manager just closes19:36
infinityjderose: Curious.  Does restarting via other methods work?19:36
infinityjderose: Cause that sounds a bit like something forgot how to talk to upstart to reboot into systemd.  Which we have a lot of icky hacks for.19:37
jderoseinfinity: restarting from the indicator and power button both opened the reboot/shutdown dialog, and they rebooted fine. so at a glance seemed like a problem with upgrade-manager.19:40
infinityjderose: Huh.  If it's reproducible with a simple recipe, please file a bug.19:40
jderoseinfinity: okay, will do after i eat some lunch19:40
xnoxinfinity, yes, ran out to a birthday party =/20:03
infinityxnox: I read that as "ran out of birthday party".20:03
infinity"Man, I'd do that, but I'm all out of birthday party."20:04
infinityxnox: Anyhow, I trusted you and released it.  But do document something in the bug in case someone yells at me later for being a cowboy. ;)20:04
infinityI wonder if I can make "out of birthday party" a thing.  Basically, the new lack of carefactor.20:05
xnoxand done20:05
cjwatsonslangasek: Could be something that only happens on 64-bit kernels?  Though can't imagine what20:18
infinityAhh, crap.  I didn't disable PROPOSED for those RCs.20:59
* infinity head -> desk.21:00
jderoseinfinity: hehe :P21:00
infinityMeh.  I'll respin in the morning.21:01
cjwatsonslangasek: BTW you don't need to use devirt PPAs for arm64 any more21:01
infinityThey'll only pick up one or two packages from proposed anyway.21:01
cjwatsonor armhf for that matter21:01
slangasekcjwatson: yeah21:01
cjwatsonslangasek: I notice that the description of that PPA specifies a condition under which it should be deleted, and that condition now holds :)21:01
cjwatsonslangasek: (but maybe it's been repurposed for s390x ...)21:01
slangasekcjwatson: except the ppa doesn't have s390x enabled ;)  if you could do that, I would repurpose it, yes21:02
cjwatsonslangasek: done21:03
slangasekcjwatson: thanks21:04
slangasekhmm do I not have -proposed enabled for this ppa? <checks>21:05
slangaseksure didn't :P21:05
slangasek0 of 1 test suites (0 of 1 test cases) passed.21:13
slangasekTest suite test: RUNNING...21:13
slangasekTest suite test: FAIL21:13
slangasekTest suite logged to: dist-ghc/test/http-conduit-2.1.11-test.log21:13
slangasekyep, super useful21:13
slangasekthanks for that21:13
cjwatsonslangasek: #debian-haskell@oftc might have clues21:31
infinityslangasek: You beat me to that accept by a few seconds.21:31
infinityslangasek: Got very confused.21:31
slangasekinfinity: roaksoax escalated to me directly :)21:32
infinityslangasek: I assume he wants it on point release media (see #-devel)21:32
slangasekcjwatson: yeah, I'm not going to spend any more time on this one today during work hours21:32
* cjwatson nods21:33
infinityslangasek: If so, you have my blessing to expedite the -updates promotion while I'm asleep, I'll be respinning tomorrow for isc-dhcp, probably, and for the PROPOSED blunder.21:33
slangasekinfinity: ack21:33
jderoseinfinity: seems 100% reproducible - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-release-upgrader/+bug/160417321:59
ubot5Launchpad bug 1604173 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "Clicking "Reboot Now" after 14.04-->16.04 upgrade has no effect" [Undecided,New]21:59
jderosesmall issue in the grand scheme of things, though21:59
slangasekthat's odd, has someone recently subscribed me to notifications for Xubuntu Desktop images on the ISO tracker?22:03
slangasekI certainly do not recall subscribing myself, or receiving notifications for previous milestones22:04

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