
=== GitGud is now known as TheRealGitGud
=== TheRealGitGud is now known as GitGud
skyanyone worked with uwsgi on 16.04?03:00
GorianI tried to use it, got a segfault, and switched back to apache since I couldn't find anything on how to fix it03:00
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jamespageddellav, coreycb: backporting pyopenssl to UCA - needed for compat with pycrypto - I think its the cause of the master branch build failures for xenial across the board today.10:36
=== Guest81296 is now known as spammy
jancoowHi there10:57
jancoowI  was uprading my serve 14.04 server to the newest version xeneos10:57
jancoowunfortinally the installation process got stuck10:57
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ddellavjamespage ok, good news. I was fixing up CI and wondering why I couldn't get any packages to build. I was getting some very strange build-dep issues12:38
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coreycbjamespage, ok thanks12:51
ddellavcoreycb jamespage unable to build barbican in xenial-newton. It needs pykmip 0.5 but it's not in uca/newton-staging so sbuild can only find the xenial version, 0.413:04
coreycbddellav, ok it's in yakkety but needs to get backported13:05
ddellavcoreycb right. I'm using sbuild-newton so it adds the newton-staging ppa to the xenial build13:06
coreycbddellav, ok I kicked off a backport for that13:07
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coreycbddellav, ok that looks like it's backporting successful, you should see it building now in the staging ppa13:14
ddellavcoreycb fantastic thanks13:14
rbasakcpaelzer: I'm a little confused by your yakkety debdiff in bug 1590688. What's this a diff against?13:14
ubottubug 1590688 in clamav (Ubuntu) "clamav-daemon doesn't start after installation" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/159068813:14
cpaelzerrbasak: well it should be against clamav as in yakkety - let me check13:23
cpaelzerrbasak: I see the orig files from my moving that form the Xenial code/test area into yakkety - let me refresh that for you13:25
cpaelzerrbasak: was anything else on top of that?13:25
cpaelzerrbasak: I cleaned that up, the file sizes should have made me wonder13:30
cpaelzerrbasak: thanks for letting me know13:30
cpaelzerrbasak: new files should be good now13:30
ddellavcoreycb aodh point release ready for review: lp:~ddellav/ubuntu/+source/aodh13:55
coreycbddellav, ok13:56
rbasakcpaelzer: thanks13:58
rbasakcpaelzer: the clamav debdiff looks good, thanks. Would you like me to upload both Yakkety and Xenial or just Yakkety and wait for your instructions to upload Xenial?14:09
rbasakcpaelzer: I can give you the signed files actually, to upload when you're ready.14:09
cpaelzerrbasak: while I trust myself in this case I'd still like to have the extra safety to test once more whatr appears in yakkety archive14:12
cpaelzerrbasak: so yes uploading yakkety and providing a signed xenial file would be perfect14:12
cpaelzerrbasak: once I tested yakkety I could dput that myself then14:13
rbasakOK, I appreciate your caution.14:13
aderyuginhi there! I have a question regarding cloud-archive. There's a murano-agent packaged for newton, but no murano itself. Is there any estimates on murano packaging for newton?14:50
aderyugincoreycb, jamespage ^^15:00
coreycbaderyugin, hi, we're working on it.  some packages aren't backporting cleanly so we need to work through them.15:01
aderyugincoreycb: ok, thanks15:06
coreycbddellav, aodh 2.0.2 is pushed/uploaded. thanks.15:10
ddellavcoreycb ack15:10
=== SeanS is now known as Guest74888
noonienhello folks17:40
nooniendoes xenial core not come with snappy installed?17:40
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rsalveticpaelzer: hey, are you going to import dpdk rc2 and rc3 as well?17:58
rsalvetiwanted to started testing that more, but wanted to make sure I'm using the latest :-)17:59
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sarnoldnoonien: I'm not sure what "xenial core" is, but snappy ought to be pre-installed on most xenial systems18:11
noonienthe xenial ubuntu-core root found at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/xenial/daily-preinstalled/current/18:11
nooniensnappy appears to be installed18:13
noonienhowever, if I chroot in, and run `snap list`18:13
noonienI get the following error: error: cannot list snaps: cannot communicate with server: Get http://localhost/v2/snaps: dial unix /run/snapd.socket: connect: no such file or directory18:13
sarnolddid you start the snappy daemon in the chroot first?18:14
noonienhow would I do that?18:14
sarnoldI'm not sure that's going to work anyway, but if you didn't start the daemon then there's nothing for the client to talk with18:14
noonienroot@kaneki:/# systemctl start snapd18:15
noonienRunning in chroot, ignoring request.18:15
noonienI figured that much :(, however, I can't seem to be able to start the daemon18:15
sarnoldI don't think snappy works in an lxd container yet, and if systemd won't start it in a chroot, that may mean your only option is to try it in a VM or on native hardware18:15
noonienwell, I'm trying to create a bootable pxe image, and I need to install the packages I need before creating initrd18:16
ddellavcoreycb ci fixes for lp:~ddellav/ubuntu/+source/barbican and lp:~ddellav/ubuntu/+source/ceilometer ready for review/push18:46
coreycbddellav, pushed, thanks18:54
coreycbddellav, did you start on ironic for newton ci?19:05
ddellavyes, but it's broken due to a new dependency version requirement19:05
coreycblooks like we need ironic-lib 2.0.019:06
ddellavpython-ironic-lib (>= 2.0.0)19:06
coreycbok I'll do that19:06
coreycbddellav, ok 2.0.0 should publish to yakkety-proposed shortly: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-ironic-lib19:17
coreycbddellav, want to backport that to xenial after it's in yakkety-proposed?19:18
coreycbddellav, looks like we need a new stevedore for keystone.  I'll get that.19:20
ddellavcoreycb ok, thanks, i was going to work on that after i get done showing carlos the ci process :)19:20
coreycbddellav, np I'll get this one19:21
coreycbddellav, ok stevedore 1.16.0 is uploaded19:37
coreycbddellav, want to backpor that shortly once it's available in yakkety-proposed?19:37
ddellavcoreycb sure19:37
coreycbddellav, did you start on the mitaka cinder failure?19:47
ddellavcoreycb no, not yet19:47
coreycbddellav, ok I'll get that19:47
Guest_87473Allah is doing21:11
Guest_87473sun is not doing Allah is doing21:12
OerHekssun is bought by oracle.21:12
Guest_87473moon is not doing Allah is doing21:12
rattkingis allah doing Linux too?21:13
Slingnot this again21:13
ubottuSome topics are controversial and often end in negativity. Take care on subjects like war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, potentially illegal activities and suicide. The topics are not banned; stating your position is ok, but trolling, baiting, hostility or repetition are not. If you are asked to stop, do so politely. Disputes to !appeals, please adhere to !freenode Policy and the !CodeOfConduct21:13
SlingOerHeks: this is just a spamme21:13
Slinghas been going on in freenode channels all over this week :)21:13
nRy2hi, I hope that someone can help me with something beginner level but it is very annoying to me...23:18
nRy2I am simply trying to find an easier way to manage files on my ec2 Ubuntu 14.04 web server23:19
nRy2What is the best method for moving files back and forth from my local system to the remote ubuntu web server?23:20
nRy2I can't seem to get the permissions to work with Filezilla23:20
nRy2and I am also having problems with SCP23:20
nRy2help is much appreciated, thanks in advance ;-)23:20
sarnoldmany options; rsync, sftp, scp, sshfs, mounting NFS mounts over a VPN, submitting files to s3 and then pulling them back down from s3...23:21
sarnoldoh yes, maybe git, if that's a good match for the files..23:21
nRy2what would you say is the easiest method?23:22
sarnoldit depends what you're doing. If you're moving one file around on occasion, scp is great23:22
nRy2I would prefer to use sftp, but it seems that my web server is setup to deny permissions that way23:22
sarnoldif you've got a directory of files locally that you'd like to get replicated onthe remote server, rsync is great23:22
sarnoldif you've got changes coming from either direction and you'd like to merge them back and forth, git is great23:23
nRy2well for right now SCP might be best23:23
nRy2I am just trying to move two files for my updated SSL certificate23:23
nRy2but I am having all sorts of trouble.23:23
sarnoldare you perhaps trying to do something like scp filename hostname:/etc/ssl/private/  ?23:24
sarnold.. and I assume that your user account on the remote system won't have permission to write to /etc/ssl/private23:25
nRy2this is the string I tried using23:25
nRy2scp -i ~/name.pem ~/home/user/Documents/Security/SSL/server.crt ubuntu@ipaddress:~/etc/apache2/ssl/23:25
nRy2and I am doing this from a cleared command terminal23:25
nRy2on Ubuntu 16.04 LST desktop23:25
nRy2the server is Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS23:25
nRy2my local system is Ubuntu Desktop 16.04 LTS  is what I meant to say23:26
sarnoldI suspect ~/etc/apache2/ssl/ is a mistake -- unless the ubuntu user account really has a directory etc/apache2/ssl/ in its home directory :)23:26
sarnoldprobably the ubuntu user account can't write to /etc/apache2/ssl/ anyway, so just removing the ~ won't fix it23:26
sarnoldso scp the file to the ubuntu user account directory and then login and move it to /etc/apache2/ssl/ by hand23:27
nRy2the directory on the server that I am trying to upload to the two SSL files to is: /etc/apache2/ssl/23:28
nRy2I think this is pretty standard on Ubuntu Server 14.0423:28
nRy2this is also what it shows here: https://www.domainsatretail.com/blog/security/simplest-way-use-ssl-certificates-amazon-ec2-ubuntu-server/23:28
nRy2sarnold: how would I login and move the file by hand as you suggested?23:29
nRy2do you mean login via SSH?23:29
patdk-lapor any other method23:30
sarnoldnRy2: ssh -i ~/name.pem ubuntu@ipaddress   -- then run "sudo mv foo.crt bar.key /etc/apache2/ssl/"23:30
sarnoldpatdk-lap: :P23:30
patdk-lapvnc :)23:30
patdk-laptelnet people still use it?23:30
sarnoldnRy2: you'll probably want to configure your ~/.ssh/config to save you from typing -i .. and ubuntu@  all the time :)23:30
sarnoldpatdk-lap: ooh ooh mosh  :)23:31
nRy2you guys lost me23:31
nRy2sorry trying to keep up23:31
nRy2sarnold: so you are suggesting that I first copy the SSL files to my web server's home directory...and then move them via the mv command?23:32
nRy2sarnold: also how do I configure my ~/.ssh/config ?23:33
nRy2btw: thank you for the help23:33
sarnoldnRy2: a small nitpick; your web server is apache and its home directory is probably /var/htdocs/ or /var/www/ or something similar :)  you want to copy the files to your user account's home directory on the remote system23:33
nRy2Google was giving me a lot of misinformation I think.23:33
nRy2yes /var/www/23:34
sarnoldnRy2: for your ~/.ssh/config file you'd want to use a block sort of like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/19970970/23:36
nRy2what would I do with that block?23:37
sarnoldnRy2: you'd configure it for your system -- put in your aws IP address and put in the path to your private key23:37
nRy2I will need to try to figure that out after23:38
sarnoldmakes sense23:38
nRy2for now, I am a bit lost on how to properly use SCP23:39
sarnoldI think you'll be happier once you do sort it out :)23:39
nRy2should I first be SSH'ed into the ec2 instance before using SCP?23:39
sarnoldit won't help or hurt23:39
nRy2ok so what is the proper strong to copy a file from local to host with SCP?23:39
nRy2if I am logged in?23:39
sarnoldon your local system, probably something like "scp -i ~/.path/to/key ./filename ubuntu@ipa.add.ress:"23:40
nRy2hmmm still not working23:43
nRy2I must be doing something wrong here.23:43
nRy2I have used SCP in the past, but for some reason I have all sorts of trouble using it with this web server23:44
nRy2I only started to work from Ubuntu Desktop full time about a year ago.23:44
nRy2so the process must have been different from putty23:44
nRy2when I try something like: scp -i ~/home/user1/Documents/Security/pems/name.pem ~/home/user/Documents/Security/SSL/server.crt ubuntu@ipaddress:~/etc/apache2/ssl/23:49
nRy2I am getting an error23:49
nRy2.pem not accessible: No such file or directory.23:49
nRy2Permission denied (publickey).23:49
nRy2lost connection23:49
nRy2shouldn't the syntax just be:23:50
nRy2scp ~/my_local_file.txt user@remote_host.com:/some/remote/directory23:50
vachohello all, I am running a LAMP server on Ubuntu 16.04. I was wondering if there is anyone here that is willing to share their deployment script. I am trying to learn the best way to deploy a LAMP server.23:52

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