
=== JanC is now known as Guest1334
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== aaron is now known as Guest77720
Mirvmzanetti: hi! can you update on https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1411 (which is updating just to have it in sync with overlay)? I see in the bug report Pat had a problem with hang with the test app, but no comment from you?06:56
=== maclin1 is now known as maclin
=== maclin1 is now known as maclin
tsdgeosMirv: welcome back?¿09:09
Mirvtsdgeos: that too :)09:12
=== olli_ is now known as olli
tsdgeosMirv: when you have some time have a look at silo 00112:15
tsdgeosit has a small patch that'd be nice to land12:15
Mirvtsdgeos: I have noticed it12:20
Mirvseems pretty safe and long in 5.5 and 5.612:21
tsdgeosi was trying to get sil2100 to land it but i guess he's been busy12:25
tsdgeosif you can take over that'd be nice12:25
sil2100tsdgeos, Mirv: it's in QA's hands since Friday12:41
sil2100Nothing more can be done with it12:41
tsdgeossil2100: ah, awesome12:41
davmor2sil2100: if this is the blocked silo with your name on then it is blocked :P12:42
sil2100tsdgeos: sorry it took so long, I was actually almost sure I switched it to Approved looong way ago12:42
tsdgeossil2100: no worreis12:42
sil2100tsdgeos: could you just comment on the trello card in my stead? ;) You know better which UITK test failures it fixes12:43
tsdgeossil2100: url?12:43
sil2100tsdgeos: https://trello.com/c/M75g1XTv/3428-1630-ubuntu-landing-001-qtdeclarative-opensource-src-qtdeclarative-opensource-src-gles-sil2100-tsdgeos12:44
tsdgeosi have stupid trello trying to format things12:49
tsdgeosand not having any kind of "what kind of stuppid formatting we use" link12:49
Mirvsil2100: tsdgeos: right! there's then another qtdeclarative upload to be prepared after that one has landed first, for dandrader13:20
mterrydednick, is this snap decision dialog doable today without changes on unity8 side?  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Networking#Inserting_a_new_SIM14:06
mterrydednick, i.e. can a user specify button color to be red and such?14:06
dednickmterry: give me a sec14:12
mterryI see we can set x-canonical-private-rejection-tint...14:12
dednickdednick: ermmmm.14:13
dednicki'll have to look at the dialog code.14:13
mterrydednick, But can't seem to control which button gets the tint?14:13
mterryIt seems strictly based on order14:13
dednickbut should be fairly easy to ascertain14:13
ltinklmterry, dednick: I should know14:13
mterryltinkl, oh hey ^14:14
dednickmterry: i think the order is fixed.14:14
dednickas in which one is accept action, which one is reject action14:14
ltinklmterry, dednick: the order is defined, 0 accept, 1 reject, then everything else14:14
dednick"as designed"14:14
dednicksounds entirely straight forward ;)14:15
ltinklmterry, dednick: look in Notification.qml, around line 48014:15
mterryltinkl, got it...14:15
mterryltinkl, dednick: so...  what should we do for this dialog?  :)14:16
ltinkl"tint" here means the button gets green/red, nothing else14:16
ltinklotherwise it's a regular button14:16
mterryltinkl, dednick: x-canonical-private-reverse-tints?  :-/14:16
dednickmterry: well, the red one is the reject one.14:16
mterryI wish we could associate a tint with a particular action index14:16
dednickwhich is button 114:16
mterrydednick, that looks like button 0?14:17
dednickwhich is "restart" in the picture no?14:17
ltinklmterry, not quite sure what you _want_ to achieve :)14:17
ltinkldednick, yeah, red == reject, number 114:17
ltinkl0 would be accept14:17
mterryltinkl, in that picture, is the Restart Now button index 0 or index 1?14:17
dednicki would seriously hope the one on the right is 1.14:17
dednickotherwise we ave a very strange indexing system.14:18
ltinklmterry, dednick: the red (restart) is 014:18
ltinklas in "accept"14:18
ltinkldo it now :)14:18
mterrydednick, buttons go reverse in dialogs14:18
ltinklyup, they get filled from the right side14:18
dednickof course they do!14:18
ltinkldednick, as designed :p14:19
mterrydednick, well there's some thought behind it -- your eye ends up in the bottom right by default -- so we want the "preferred" action there14:19
mterryGNOME does it too14:19
dednickmterry: i guess the restart needs to be green then.14:19
mterryltinkl, so yeah, thoughts on best way to get that dialog in the spec?14:19
ltinklyeah, Gnome and MacOS, the default/accept/OK button is always the rightmost one14:20
mterrydednick, except it's a destructive action14:20
ltinklmterry, just emit a notification14:20
ltinklmterry, I suppose from indicator-network?14:20
mterryltinkl, right...  but to get the index==0 button to be red...14:20
mterrydednick, red is for "negative and irreversible actions"14:21
mterryIt just also happens to be the "preferred" action here14:21
ltinklmterry, ah... hmm, no better suggestion than patching Notification.qml14:22
dednickshould probably have an x-canonical-private-affirmative-index / x-canonical-private-rejection-index.14:22
mterryltinkl, dednick: rejection-tint seems bizarrely specific (in assuming index==1 -- like it was coded only for one dialog).  What about if we supported x-canonical-private-rejection-tint-XXX where XXX is an action index.  And if there isn't an XXX, we assume 1?14:23
ltinkldednick, mterry: hmm no... let me come up with a simple patch14:23
ltinklshouldn't be too hard14:23
mterrydednick, ltinkl: oh right, a hint can have a value14:23
mterryltinkl, dednick: I like -index14:23
dednickthen we can deprecate the "-tint"14:24
ltinklmterry, dednick: https://pastebin.kde.org/p1x46wiug14:25
ltinklthis should work for both buttons14:25
ltinklah, small correction14:26
dednickwhile we're in there somebody should clean that button loader up... why are there 2 repeaters?14:27
dednickoh, a row and cloumn.14:27
mterryltinkl, ah but we don't want both buttons red14:28
ltinklyeah, a sec14:28
mterryltinkl, dednick: so if we were to implement rection-index, is there anything we need to modify besides unity8's Notification.qml?  LIke any spec or approval we need from someone?14:28
dednicki have no idea if there is a spec around somewhere14:29
dednickshould be. there are loads of hints.14:29
mterrydednick, ltinkl: looks like we should expose it in the capabilities in unity-notification14:30
ltinklmterry, dednick: yeah, if you add new hints, you should add them also to the unity-notifications backend14:31
ltinklshouldn't be a big prob14:31
mterrydednick, ltinkl: OR....  we could keep going with the bad current hint and assume that if ONLY rejection or affirmative are specified, it should be for index==0...14:31
mterryThat makes some sort of sense to me, without the bother of adding new hints14:31
ltinklmterry, then it's break as soon as the other button should be colorized too :)14:32
mterryltinkl, yes...  but maybe by then we have proper dialogs  :-/14:32
ltinklmterry, I wouldn't bet my socks on that ;)14:32
mterryltinkl, well fair enough.  We can do the right thing.  So dednick, ltinkl: any objections to me adding rejection-index and affirmative-index?14:33
ltinklmterry, if we can't come up with anything better, sure14:33
mterryltinkl, do you mean to say you don't like the -index idea?14:38
ltinklmterry, I mean I'm fine with it14:38
ltinklmterry, can't see any other (better) way atn14:39
mterryltinkl, dednick: from a client point of view, do they name actions or index them?14:39
mterrylike if I'm writing code for an app, and I add actions to a notification14:39
ltinklmterry, it's an ordered list14:39
mterryDo I give it a name or just know the order?14:39
mterryltinkl, yeah, but do I also name it?  Like does any part of the api refer to indexes already or is it all names?14:40
ltinklmterry, just the order; the format is sth like "actionId:Visible text"14:40
dednickmterry: it's in a model14:40
ltinklmterry, let me verify14:40
mterryI think they name them... so having them specify name might be nicer14:41
ltinklmterry, dednick: the model is a plain string list (with pairs), so every odd number is a label, every even number is the action id14:41
mterrylike it's an ordered list of action names14:41
ltinklsorry, the opposite14:42
dednicki guess maybe use action name rather than index then14:42
mterryltinkl, dednick: yeah.  So I'm thinking "x-canonical-private-affirmative-action=actionId"14:42
ltinklmterry, dednick: see MockActionModel.cpp14:42
dednickmterry: yup14:43
mterrySo this means you couldn't specify more than one positive / negative button...14:43
ltinklmterry, dednick: yup, better identify them by the actionId14:43
mterryx-canonical-private-affirmative-actionId=true ?14:43
ltinklthat's also exported to the QML side14:43
mterryOr maybe that restriction is good...?14:43
dednickltinkl: no, i think better not muddle with dynamic hint names14:43
dednickunless it comes from desigh14:44
ltinkldednick, so you suggest x-canonical-private-affirmative-action=plop, where plop is the actionId or index?14:44
dednickltinkl: ya14:44
mterryOK, I can go with that.  Designs aren't likely to use multiple affirmatives...14:44
ltinkldednick, right, that's what I meant :)14:44
mterryOK.  x-canonical-private-affirmative-action=actionId14:45
dednickltinkl: oh, it was directed at mterry; not you :)14:45
dednicksorry, you're both showing up as highlight color :)14:45
ltinkldednick, mterry: ok then the Notification.qml code should be easy, lines 555-58914:46
mterrydednick, ltinkl: we could do x-canonical-private-affirmative-actions=actionId1,actionId2,etc14:46
ltinklcould be a list yeah, more flexible14:46
dednickmterry: fyi; there's a could of spots using the tint i think14:47
dednickand you need to make sure the old way works still14:47
mterryyeah that's fine14:47
mterrywe can support old way14:47
mterryOK, will prepare some branches.  This is all in service of bug 1332306, btw14:48
ubot5bug 1332306 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Hot-swapped SIMs should be detected and prompt user to reboot" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133230614:48
mterryWhich I inherited from Mirco!  :)14:48
mterrydednick, ltinkl: should we worry about affirmative-actions=... sounding a lot like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affirmative_action ?14:51
mterryI'm not worried, but still.  Feels weird looking at it in source code14:51
dednickwell i dont think it's trademarked or copywrite; so i think it'll be fine.14:52
=== Guest77720 is now known as ahoneybun
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk
ltinkldednick, mterry: regarding the most recent comment... why do we need this dialog in the first place? the SIM should be usable without a reboot15:27
dednickltinkl: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ofono/+bug/133230615:28
ubot5Launchpad bug 1332306 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Hot-swapped SIMs should be detected and prompt user to reboot" [High,Triaged]15:28
mterryltinkl, I don't know the full technical details.  But bug 1332306 gets into it a bit.  I think only some platforms support it or something?15:28
ltinkldednick, mterry: yeah, check the last comment15:28
ltinklI wouldn't spend much time on the dialog now :)15:29
mterryltinkl, ah cool.  OK15:29
mterrythx  :)15:29
ltinklmterry, dednick: I mean, it must be possible without a reboot, some android phones do it (unlike the stock android)15:30
dednicksome network operators require a reboot after picking up new data settings i think.15:34
dednickbut meh.15:34
=== dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader
mterryltinkl, on my dogfood phone, I'm seeing "Mute" in indicator-sound instead of "Silent Mode" -- is that expected?17:47
mterrybregma, is there an easy way to port config over to a libertine container?  Like, my xchat-gnome config and such18:33
mterrybregma, oh I found the rootfs18:33
bregmayeah, thye're bind-mounted in18:34
mterrybregma, oh, what's bind-mounted in?18:34
* mterry wants a way to have libertine just point at my rootfs18:35
mterrya 'fake' container18:35
bregmamterry, the root of each container is available in the host OS at ~/.local/share/libertine-container/user-data and bind-mounted into the container18:36
mterrybregma, got it18:36
bregmaif you;re trying to break out of the container and have your host filesystem used as a 'fake' container you're going to have to work pretty hard18:37
bregmabreaking containment isn't a supported option18:37
mterrybregma, just would make for easier dogfooding of u8 -- if all my apps didn't lose config.  I know it's not in-scope for libertine.  I actually just want a "native apps" scope18:37
mterryto hell with confinement for this use case18:38
bregmathat would miss the whole point of containment, then, wouldn't it?18:38
mterrybregma, yes18:38
mterrybregma, but I'm actually only interested in dogfooding u8, not confinement right this second18:38
bregmawhat you want is to use the snap scope and just use snapcraft to repackage all your apps18:38
bregmait's just that simple18:39
mterrybregma, sure, the future is bright.  :)  But dogfooding on the way to that future is not18:39
bregmadogfooding Unity 8 means following the containment story18:39
bregmaif you;re not using containment and Unity 8, you;re not dogfooding Unity 818:39
bregma(you can always hand-craft .desktop files if you really want to bypass containment, but there's no X11 server for you then)18:40
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk
mterryjosharenson, I tried to test chooser-gui on Friday, but the branch hadn't been updated?  Did you not push to LP?18:56
josharensonmterry: let me check18:57
josharensonmterry: try pulling now?18:58
mterryjosharenson, got updates!  OK, will retest18:59
josharensonmterry: cool, sorry about that18:59
mterryjosharenson, also, consider updating from trunk?  get nice focus fixes that way too19:07
josharensonmterry: will do, gimmie a few min to finish lunch19:11
mterryjosharenson, no rush  :)19:11
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
=== dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader
mterrydandrader, still around?  https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity8/mirSurfaceInputBounds/+merge/298780 has a conflict?21:56
dandradermterry, let me check...21:58
dandradermterry, no. didn't find any conflict with trunk22:01
mterrydandrader, LP shows the conflict in debian/changelog22:02
dandradermterry, LP web diff can get confused. I tried it locally and it merges fine22:03
mterrydandrader, why the version bump anyway?22:03
dandradermterry, can you reproduce the conflict?22:03
dandradermterry, because of ubuntu-keyboard dependencies22:03
mterrydandrader, I can't reproduce the conflict.  so good I guess22:04

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