ax562 | | 01:52 |
ax562 | can someone help me with this error? | 01:52 |
PerfM | if you fart whistle praying to God, it should fix it | 01:53 |
ax562 | yeah thanks that didn't work either | 01:53 |
ax562 | i turned off fastboot in windows 8.1, shutdown properly and ran chkdsk c: /f /r | 01:53 |
ax562 | but still the ntfs partition will not mount :/ | 01:54 |
ax562 | had to run "powercfg.exe /hibernate off" in windoze | 02:19 |
ax562 | I hate windows updates | 02:20 |
Legendre_ | hi hi | 04:35 |
Legendre_ | so my machine has been a big fat pig since I installed the latest LTS. | 04:35 |
Legendre_ | can't seem to figure out what's up, or why it's so slow.. but dang, the poor thing is on it's face half the time, and this is just a basic desktop doing browsing etc. | 04:36 |
Legendre_ | #ubuntu | 04:36 |
Legendre_ | hm | 04:37 |
dreamon | Thunar takes about 30sec before it is started and visible. | 11:26 |
confusedaboutxub | Hello. | 11:36 |
confusedaboutxub | Would someone be able to help me with a problem I have installing Xubuntu? | 11:37 |
cfhowlett | !ask | confusedaboutxub | 11:38 |
ubottu | confusedaboutxub: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 11:38 |
confusedaboutxub | Okay, sorry. I'm new to this. Basically, when I try to install Xubuntu, I get an error "Bootloader install failed" and that it's a fatal error. I'm not sure how to fix it. | 11:39 |
cfhowlett | confusedaboutxub, could be many issues. 1. did you md5sum the .iso you downloaded? 2. did you md5sum your bootable USB? | 11:40 |
confusedaboutxub | I'm not sure what 'md5sum' means, sorry. I pressed the 'check disk for defects' option the second time I tried to install and it said that there were no problems with the disk. | 11:41 |
cfhowlett | !md5sum | confusedaboutxub | 11:41 |
ubottu | confusedaboutxub: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see | 11:41 |
confusedaboutxub | Oh good, it seems to have gotten past the grub part of the install. Thanks for all your help. | 11:42 |
cfhowlett | happy2help! | 11:43 |
confusedaboutxub | I selected LVM this time, possibly that worked. | 11:43 |
cfhowlett | ah! yeah, that would do it. | 11:45 |
confusedaboutxub | Okay, it's installed successfully now. Going to go. Thanks again for all your help. Bye! | 11:45 |
Gotolei | where in the profile is the behavior for the home button handled? | 16:18 |
Gotolei | power button* | 16:18 |
Gotolei | i have it set to "ask" in the power manager, but instead it instantly logs out | 16:19 |
Gotolei | and it works properly in a guest session | 16:19 |
flocculant | Gotolei: check what .config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/ power manager has for power button action | 16:30 |
Gotolei | 3 | 16:31 |
flocculant | here that shows as empty but if I go to the Settings Editor > xfce4-power-manager as 3 | 16:32 |
Gotolei | hm | 16:32 |
flocculant | which tallies with what I see in /etc/xdg/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/ power manager | 16:32 |
flocculant | so check ^^ now | 16:32 |
Gotolei | hm, guest session does actually say "empty" | 16:33 |
flocculant | right | 16:33 |
flocculant | I would change 3 to empty | 16:33 |
flocculant | it works as expected here with empty in 'user' - I get the ask options | 16:34 |
Gotolei | changing it through mousepad has no effect | 16:35 |
Gotolei | doing it through settings editor doesn't accept "empty" and changes it to zero | 16:35 |
Gotolei | s/zero/0 | 16:35 |
flocculant | mmm | 16:40 |
Gotolei | guest session is just type="empty" so trying to set that now | 16:41 |
flocculant | what did settings editor actually show? | 16:41 |
flocculant | because it needs to be 3 | 16:41 |
Gotolei | set to 3, and: | 16:41 |
Gotolei | is there a way to restart the power manager in-place so it re-reads the settings | 16:43 |
Gotolei | xfconf-query -c xfce4-power-manager -p /xfce4-power-manager/power-button-action -t empty | 16:46 |
Gotolei | ..just returns "3" | 16:46 |
Gotolei | | 16:49 |
Gotolei | can't make the changes stick | 16:53 |
Gotolei | just did full reboot | 16:53 |
Gotolei | even if i rename the file, it just creates a new one with the same old settings | 16:53 |
Gotolei | :/ | 17:00 |
Gotolei | it was broken to hell in 14.04 too, but i don't remember what i did to fix it back then | 17:01 |
Gotolei | or if it was even broken back then, and some interim update broke it at some point in the past year or so | 17:01 |
Gotolei | just upgraded to 16.04 last night while keeping the same /home and figured that'd do at least something to fix it, but nope same problem | 17:02 |
Gotolei | same for the whisker menu logout button | 17:06 |
Gotolei | the command's called without any params and it still just immediately logs out without asking | 17:07 |
Gotolei | found | 17:10 |
Gotolei | nice of that to be just tucked away so you have to dig for it :I | 17:11 |
dreamon | having problem with thunar at startup. It take up to 30sec. till it pops up. | 17:24 |
dreamon | using xubuntu 14.04 | 17:24 |
walrider | W: Failed to fetch Hash Sum mismatch | 19:15 |
walrider | < when i run sudo apt-get update then i see this eror how to fix it ?? | 19:15 |
Gotolei | ok, more fun | 20:16 |
Gotolei | how does one get gtk2 themes that depend on pixbuf working in 16.04? | 20:17 |
Gotolei | themes like vertex, adwaita | 20:17 |
Gotolei | doesn't load the images, just this hideous solid blue | 20:18 |
GeekDude | What's the latest version of Xubuntu that /doesn't/ require PAE? | 20:22 |
GeekDude | My Xubuntu tablet (originally WinXP) seems to have crashed quite spectacularly and I'm looking to reformat it | 20:23 |
GeekDude | seems forcepae works | 21:12 |
GeekDude | And my wifi hardware is working in the latest 16.04 :D | 21:12 |
adrian_1908 | hello. I noticed that firefox has a new save file dialog with a different layout. Does anyone know if this is GTK3 stuff, or Mozilla stuff? | 21:13 |
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