mup | PR snapd#1565 opened: interfaces: also allow rfkill in network_control <Created by lpotter> <> | 00:06 |
mup | PR snapd#1566 opened: network-observe: read perms for network devices <Created by jaymell> <> | 02:38 |
mwhudson | why might running a command from a snap fail with | 03:53 |
mwhudson | "cannot mind mount /media to /tmp/snap.rootfs_blah/media. errmsg: Permission denied" ? | 03:54 |
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun | ||
qengho | mwhudson: hrm, anything in "dmesg" around that time? | 04:55 |
dholbach | good morning | 05:25 |
qengho | hi | 05:28 |
gdw | hello, I would like to have some infos on how to manage license keys from the Ubuntu Store in a snap package. Thanks | 05:57 |
mup | PR snapd#1564 closed: snap/squashfs: fix test not to hardcode snap size <Created by zyga> <Merged by chipaca> <> | 06:21 |
mup | PR snapd#1567 opened: store: small cleanups (more needed) <Created by chipaca> <> | 06:26 |
qengho | Is it my imagination, or is snapcraft's organize: not idempotent? | 06:45 |
mup | PR snapd#1568 opened: Enable SNAPPY_STORE_AUTH_DATA_FILENAME override for client auth data <Created by absoludity> <> | 06:54 |
miken | Thanks mvo. Is discussion for PRs here or on telegram? | 07:04 |
dz0ny | qengho: you mean build? | 07:30 |
dz0ny | if that's the case yes | 07:30 |
dz0ny | the problem is that it uses host ost instead ubuntu-core as base | 07:31 |
dholbach | can somebody respond to the last question in | 07:31 |
dholbach | pbek seems to have quite a few issues with his snap | 07:31 |
dz0ny | a had all sorts of problems with linking | 07:31 |
ratliff | cwayne: snapcraft --version = 2.12.1 and I just did a git clone from the repo and tried to build the demos. the busybox snap works but the plainbox-test-tool doesn't | 07:47 |
ratliff | I was looking for a working demo of plugins | 07:48 |
qengho | ratliff: "doesn't work" isn't enough to comment about. | 07:49 |
ratliff | qengho: this is a continuation of an earlier discussion where I described exactly what "doesn't work" | 07:51 |
ratliff | qengho: 15:12 < ratliff> plainbox-test-tool in the demos section of errors out with "Issue while loading plugin: unknown plugin: plainbox-provider" after I issue the snapcraft command | 07:51 |
ratliff | qengho: 17:19 < cwayne> ratliff: zyga: which version of snapcraft were you running? it hasn't been included in a release yet afaik | 07:52 |
mup | PR snapd#1560 closed: Drop warning about 2.0 API being different - we're already 2.0! <Created by robert-ancell> <Merged by chipaca> <> | 07:57 |
mup | PR snapd#1569 opened: Drop license documentation and error kind - this has not been implemented <Created by robert-ancell> <> | 08:05 |
dpm | pstolowski, moved your session, please re-check the schedule | 08:26 |
dpm | pstolowski, I had to schedule it after the break | 08:26 |
magicaltrout | hello fine people | 08:47 |
magicaltrout | trying to write a first snap | 08:47 |
magicaltrout | if I want to get a remote zip file and just extract and use it as a part | 08:47 |
magicaltrout | a) can i | 08:47 |
magicaltrout | b) what plugin? | 08:48 |
tsimonq2 | elopio: I just fixed the two bugs you reported! \o/ | 08:50 |
tsimonq2 | elopio: snapcraft#667 | 08:50 |
mup | PR snapcraft#667: Fix two typos in `snapcraft help sources` and `snapcraft help plugins` respectively <Created by tsimonq2> <> | 08:50 |
mup | PR snapcraft#667 opened: Fix two typos in `snapcraft help sources` and `snapcraft help plugins` respectively <Created by tsimonq2> <> | 08:50 |
tsimonq2 | ha ha | 08:50 |
qengho | magicaltrout: Use it how? | 08:51 |
dholbach | magicaltrout, yes you can - just use the .zip url in source: and use whatever plugin you need to build/copy | 08:52 |
magicaltrout | yeah so i was just looking at the copy plugin | 08:52 |
magicaltrout | if I don't want to compile anything just unzip and use it | 08:52 |
magicaltrout | does that sound like the right path? | 08:52 |
dholbach | yes, that sounds good | 08:52 |
magicaltrout | cool | 08:52 |
dholbach | :-D | 08:52 |
dholbach | magicaltrout, take a look at | 09:03 |
magicaltrout | ooh thanks dholbach | 09:03 |
magicaltrout | i was leaching the idea playpen example | 09:03 |
magicaltrout | but this one is better | 09:03 |
dholbach | I just used "git grep" to find if there was something for you :) | 09:04 |
magicaltrout | lol | 09:04 |
magicaltrout | i should probably search harder :) | 09:04 |
magicaltrout | okay dholbach, currently I have whilst testing this stuff | 09:08 |
magicaltrout | your example doesn't unzip the file, yet I assume this happens at some point | 09:08 |
dpm | hey robert_ancell, we had to reshuffle the schedule (surprise!) - can you join us for the app indicator support for desktop apps session at 11:45? | 09:09 |
magicaltrout | my pdi file is copied in (I guess thats what I can see in prime) but isn't extracted and the command thing fails | 09:09 |
robert_ancell | dpm, sure | 09:09 |
qengho | My snapped Qt app wants to load theme images. "QML QQuickImage: Failed to get image from provider: image://theme/list-add". I see prime/usr/share/icons/Humanity/actions/48[[et al.]]/list-add.svg What gives? | 09:10 |
dpm | robert_ancell, thanks, nothing like pinging you and then bumping into you on the main room :) | 09:11 |
qengho | magicaltrout: we only extract source: lines. If you say "file", you get a file. | 09:13 |
magicaltrout | ah right | 09:14 |
magicaltrout | thanks qengho | 09:14 |
magicaltrout | oh wow it built and nearly worked and everything | 09:20 |
dholbach | yeehaw :) | 09:21 |
qengho | magicaltrout: We're working on that last 2%. It's kind of tough. | 09:25 |
magicaltrout | no problem qengho! I'm just hacking around. (Full disclsure for anyone in Heidelberg I was the random guy asking about Java apps in the meeting this morning) | 09:27 |
qengho | magicaltrout: I'm not in Heidelberg, but I wish I was. I bet it's fun on the Neckar. | 09:30 |
magicaltrout | its warm :) | 09:30 |
ogra_ | very warm | 09:30 |
ogra_ | :) | 09:30 |
magicaltrout | i'm used to english weather where high summer is about 17 C ;) | 09:30 |
qengho | magicaltrout: that's what radler is for. | 09:31 |
magicaltrout | qengho: you're like a mind reader | 09:31 |
dholbach | :-) | 09:35 |
magicaltrout | ok other random question | 09:40 |
magicaltrout | i stole the launcher script from that examaple and munged it up a bit | 09:41 |
magicaltrout | the command in the example is bin/launcher | 09:41 |
magicaltrout | how do I make sure the exec bit is set? | 09:41 |
magicaltrout | because in prime mine isn't | 09:41 |
magicaltrout | hmm maybe i need to clean to make sure the file is updated | 09:42 |
qengho | magicaltrout: hmm. That's hard. Can you run bin/sh $SNAP/bin/launcher instead? | 09:42 |
magicaltrout | i could, but I was curious to know why the playpen one didn't | 09:43 |
magicaltrout | but it may just be that my build didn't detect the +x and didn't replace the file | 09:43 |
dholbach | magicaltrout, what kind of app are you working on right now? is it anything to do with qt or gtk or java or anything else? | 09:43 |
qengho | magicaltrout: bzr and git store the x bit. snapcraft preserves it. Yeah, it might be that snapcraft doesn't see that as a change to apply when updating. | 09:43 |
magicaltrout | dholbach: java app, uses swing so I guess leverages gtk as well | 09:44 |
dholbach | ok | 09:45 |
magicaltrout | yeah qengho snapcraft clean solved it | 09:45 |
dholbach | so that example wasn't too far off :) | 09:45 |
* qengho yells at Qt snap not using humanity theme. | 09:45 | |
magicaltrout | absolutely spot on dholbach, I picked idea cause I knew it was java based, but this one is much better | 09:45 |
magicaltrout | i have a bit of a plan once i have an idea of how it works to build a maven plugin to auto generate snapcraft.yaml from a pom definition, so that Java developers don't have to rebuild their build routine or do anything too weird to get onboard with snaps | 09:47 |
magicaltrout | we do similar with a spotify plugin for docker where you define the dockerfile in a maven pom and have it run as the last step in the chain | 09:48 |
qengho | magicaltrout, you are a madman. An awesome, awesome madman. | 09:49 |
magicaltrout | well if you're trying to get traction, telling people they need to rearrange their build process to add some random bash script to the end is normally a big turn off | 09:50 |
magicaltrout | so if I can write a maven plugin that creates the yaml and any other resources, that users can then implement inside their existing maven builds, thats a much cleaner way for people to integrate with snaps (if you're a maven user) | 09:50 |
magicaltrout | especially when people already have their CI systems, build processes in place and working | 09:51 |
magicaltrout | really need something to eat and drink.... refuse to leave my laptop until it at least boots..... | 09:55 |
magicaltrout | argh the thirst | 09:55 |
magicaltrout | okay | 10:02 |
magicaltrout | we're getting somewhere | 10:02 |
magicaltrout | it tried to load a lib from my user home directory | 10:03 |
magicaltrout | but I get permission denied errors | 10:03 |
magicaltrout | I guess more than anything whats best practice there? I'm not entirely sure how the lib got there in the first place, I suspect the java app probably populates the folder when it can't find the files | 10:04 |
magicaltrout | /home/bugg/.swt/lib/linux/x86_64/ /home/bugg/.swt/lib/linux/x86_64/ cannot open shared object file: Permission denied | 10:05 |
dholbach | hum... I've never seen ~/.swt | 10:11 |
dholbach | but I'm not an expert | 10:11 |
magicaltrout | yeah its dumped in by the app | 10:11 |
magicaltrout | if it can't find the lib it will put it in ~/.swt for you | 10:11 |
magicaltrout | but the app launcher clearly can't read/open it | 10:12 |
qengho | magicaltrout: find out what environment variable lets it know anything about /home/bugg/ . Whatever provided that should be set to something like $SNAP_USER_DATA anyway. | 10:12 |
magicaltrout | okay qengho | 10:13 |
magicaltrout | thanks | 10:13 |
mup | PR snapcraft#668 opened: Add exception for `tar-content` in `snapcraft help` <Created by tsimonq2> <> | 10:17 |
trijntje_ | magicaltrout: I had a similar problem when an app wanted to put stuf in home, I solved it by adding "java -Duser.home=$SNAP_USER_DATA" to the wrapper | 10:18 |
qengho | ah yeah! ^^ | 10:19 |
magicaltrout | ooh | 10:19 |
qengho | magicaltrout: after that, it works. | 10:20 |
qengho | modulo font problems. | 10:20 |
tsimonq2 | thanks a ton for merging sergiusens :) | 10:21 |
mup | PR snapcraft#667 closed: Fix four typos in `snapcraft help` <Created by tsimonq2> <Merged by sergiusens> <> | 10:23 |
tsimonq2 | \o/ | 10:25 |
mup | PR snapcraft#655 closed: Gradle plugin fix for command invocation <Created by ZenHarbinger> <Merged by sergiusens> <> | 10:29 |
flexiondotorg | | 10:32 |
flexiondotorg | dpm, didrocks ^^ | 10:32 |
mup | PR snapcraft#669 opened: Add detection for an existing `.snapcraft.yaml` file before running `snapcraft init` <Created by tsimonq2> <> | 10:32 |
tsimonq2 | \o/ | 10:34 |
mup | Bug #1604346 opened: snapd apparmor tests fail on ArchLinux <Snappy:New> <> | 10:34 |
timothy | zyga: :P | 10:34 |
magicaltrout | wooooo | 10:40 |
magicaltrout | it works and everything | 10:40 |
magicaltrout | thanks for the tip trijntje_ | 10:40 |
magicaltrout | no i need to understand what i've done | 10:42 |
magicaltrout | +w | 10:42 |
=== hikiko_ is now known as hikiko | ||
magicaltrout | so it looks cool, I have a usabilty question (the answer is probably just: tough) | 10:48 |
magicaltrout | I've given the snap access to home | 10:48 |
magicaltrout | but the file browser doesn't make it obvious to users that they'd have to find their way there | 10:49 |
magicaltrout | also if a user clicks on file system is just throws an error because there is no access | 10:49 |
magicaltrout | anyone seen this or is this just a feature I've "introduced"? ;) | 10:49 |
magicaltrout | if I force it to go to /home/bugg | 10:49 |
magicaltrout | it renders my home just fine | 10:50 |
cwayne | ratliff: im not able to reproduce on a fresh pull of snapcraft on my xenial system, let me try and poke around | 10:55 |
cwayne | zyga: ^ | 10:55 |
=== hikiko is now known as hikiko|ln | ||
mup | Bug #1604356 opened: symlink creation over and over on install, creates file too long situation <Snappy:New> <> | 10:58 |
magicaltrout | alrighty | 11:05 |
magicaltrout | so here's what i'm thinking (a rough draft) | 11:05 |
magicaltrout | | 11:05 |
magicaltrout | something like that in a maven pom | 11:05 |
magicaltrout | to build the yaml | 11:05 |
trijntje_ | magicaltrout: congrats on the working snap | 11:05 |
magicaltrout | and then have it call snapcraft afterwards | 11:05 |
trijntje_ | and I also have the same concern about the usability regarding $HOME. But I'd guess there should be a way to start file dialogs in HOME | 11:07 |
magicaltrout | not just me then! | 11:11 |
thurston | i got my snap working! however I'd like to make it create a launcher, not just run from the command line. is there a tutorial for that? | 11:30 |
dholbach | set up a setup/gui directory, like | 11:31 |
thurston | ah, i have the icon file there, just no .desktop....thanks! | 11:34 |
dragly | Is it possible to package QML apps using the latest version of snappy? I had some trouble a couple of months ago because I couldn't access OpenGL, X or similar in a way that worked with snappy. | 11:35 |
mup | PR snapcraft#666 closed: Allow / in parts <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <> | 11:38 |
balloons | jdstrand, got a minute to help explain getting through apparmor errors on a new snap? | 11:39 |
dholbach | thurston, I added it to askubuntu - feel free to comment/edit: | 11:40 |
balloons | dragly, absolutely. The core apps are written with qml and snap up. | 11:40 |
dholbach | dragly, that's possible - check out | 11:40 |
dragly | balloons: Great, thanks! I'll try my app again. I remember I had issues with the clock app as well, so if that works, I should be all set :) | 11:41 |
dholbach | :-D | 11:43 |
mup | PR snapd#1570 opened: snapstate: remove artifacts from a snap try dir that vanished <Created by mvo5> <> | 11:52 |
thurston | woohoo! i finished my snap! dholbach thanks for all your help yesterday and today! | 11:55 |
dholbach | thurston, great work - which snap did you work on? | 11:56 |
thurston | my own dice rolling app. there aren't any dice rollers for linux except for a command line one. so i made one that works totally cross platform | 11:56 |
thurston | and has a gui | 11:56 |
dholbach | thurston, did you upload it to the store already? | 11:57 |
thurston | not yet...checking that out now. i don't have a license for it yet....its not necessarily open source, what license should i use? | 11:57 |
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mup | PR snapd#1571 opened: tests: add network-observe interface spread test <Created by fgimenez> <> | 12:07 |
thurston | are there license requirements for snaps? | 12:22 |
dholbach | for uploading them to the store | 12:23 |
mup | PR snapcraft#670 opened: Remove .la files generated by autotools <Created by robert-ancell> <> | 12:23 |
ogra_ | thurston, well, it is kind of expected that you are allowed to redistribute whatever you upload | 12:24 |
ogra_ | beyond that there are no reqs. | 12:24 |
thurston | yeah, i'm just wondering about my situation. because i made my app in a game engine that only spits out a single binary. I don't think the source code is actually visible | 12:27 |
thurston | as a side note, i've already published my app on google play store.... does that matter? | 12:29 |
mup | PR snapcraft#671 opened: Add initial snapcraft manpage <Created by tsimonq2> <> | 12:29 |
tsimonq2 | \o/ | 12:30 |
thurston | | 12:30 |
thurston | wait, do i even need to include a license? | 12:48 |
ogra_ | well, whatever your upstream requires from you ... | 12:49 |
ogra_ | their license should define what you can and should do when you distribute it | 12:49 |
thurston | well Godot is MIT licensed, and thus anything made with it can be relicensed any way the creator wants | 12:50 |
ogra_ | then i would just include their license file | 12:50 |
mup | PR snapd#1567 closed: store: small cleanups (more needed) <Created by chipaca> <Merged by mvo5> <> | 13:10 |
thurston | great, got it. CC-BY-SA 4.0 is perfect. so now i'll publish | 13:17 |
dholbach | go go go! :) | 13:18 |
thurston | uploading now | 13:20 |
thurston | this is so much easier than dealing with .deb | 13:22 |
qengho | upload dance | 13:23 |
thurston | k its uploaded | 13:23 |
thurston | now whatt? | 13:23 |
ogra_ | wait til the utomated tests finished | 13:24 |
ogra_ | then click publish | 13:24 |
dholbach | you might have to choose a channel for it too | 13:27 |
dholbach | but I think that's just on first upload(?) | 13:28 |
ogra_ | yeah ... | 13:29 |
thurston | k, says its published | 13:33 |
ogra_ | how is it called ?? | 13:34 |
thurston | rpgdiceroller | 13:34 |
ogra_ | ogra@styx:~/Devel/packages/snaps$ snap find rpgdiceroller | 13:35 |
ogra_ | Name Version Developer Notes Summary | 13:35 |
ogra_ | rpgdiceroller 1.7 quality-mix - A dice roller with simple GUI | 13:35 |
ogra_ | ogra@styx:~/Devel/packages/snaps$ | 13:35 |
ogra_ | ;) | 13:35 |
thurston | yay! | 13:35 |
thurston | now that i know that works, i'll be able to publish my games via snaps | 13:37 |
thurston | sweet | 13:37 |
mup | PR snapd#1522 closed: Introduce a simple key-value store for user-specific data <Created by stevenwilkin> <Closed by mvo5> <> | 13:51 |
thurston | thanks for your help everyone | 13:58 |
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk | ||
sergiusens | chrisatlee hey, what is the story behind firefox plugins | 14:38 |
chrisatlee | sergiusens: they're installed into the users profile directory | 14:39 |
chrisatlee | So they should work OK | 14:41 |
chrisatlee | I suppose some may need different permissions... | 14:43 |
sergiusens | chrisatlee great, that is one less worry | 14:45 |
mup | PR snapcraft#665 closed: Update broken links to <Created by nottrobin> <Merged by sergiusens> <> | 14:47 |
chrisatlee | sergiusens: There are some plugins that want to run commands that read stuff from your homedir for instance....those will probably break | 14:49 |
msvb-lab | A little lost (sorry) but I'm looking for some official collaboration from Canonical for a few forthcoming educational events, workshops. Anyone know who the contact would be for embedded/IoT snappy education? | 15:00 |
msvb-lab | Seems the role of community manager has not been filled since Jono? | 15:00 |
ogra_ | it sure has ... | 15:01 |
ali1234 | msvb-lab: there is a community team instead now | 15:04 |
msvb-lab | ali1234: Are they reachable in Launchpad or an IRC channel? | 15:04 |
ali1234 | yes | 15:04 |
ogra_ | yeah ... theyy went from dictatorship to democracy ;) | 15:05 |
ali1234 | | 15:05 |
zyga | tyhicks: hey | 15:06 |
zyga | tyhicks: can you please tell me what is the apparmor syntax for symlinks? | 15:06 |
ali1234 | you can also ask them difficult and annoying questions on thursday afternoons i think, when they do a live stream | 15:06 |
ogra_ | | 15:07 |
ogra_ | (and yes, what ali1234 pointed to ... ) | 15:07 |
ali1234 | the canonical team is the one you want | 15:07 |
mup | PR snapcraft#672 opened: Capture the correct exception when not being able to decode json <Created by sergiusens> <> | 15:17 |
Croepha | protip: if you want to try out customizing ubuntu-core base image without having to build a new flash image, you can just mount over what you want to edit with tmpfs | 15:40 |
ogra_ | works also for application snaps | 15:44 |
ogra_ | just bind mount the changed file on top | 15:44 |
Croepha | nice | 15:46 |
Croepha | is there a way for ubuntu-device-flash to copy from a directory and preload stuff onto the writable partition? | 15:47 |
Croepha | actually, i shouldn't say partition, because there is only /one/ partition, but i mean the writable fs | 15:47 |
ogra_ | not yet ... everything is changing and cloud.init will be able to do such stuff (that you have to define in the gadget snap) | 15:48 |
ogra_ | *cloud-init | 15:48 |
Croepha | hmm, im probably not understanding (im not exactly sure what a gadget snap is), but the point of putting it into writable, was that it wouldn't actually be in a snap, so it could be edited later | 15:49 |
Croepha | but probably cloud-init could do that too | 15:50 |
Croepha | oh, do you mean, that it would get copied out of a snap and put onto writable by cloud-init ? | 15:51 |
gustavopadre | Hi guys, I'm wondering why telegram-sergiusens is not showing up anymore in terminal "snap find", I got to install with sudo snap install but can't find in snap find | 15:53 |
ogra_ | Croepha, exactly | 15:57 |
ogra_ | ogra@styx:~/Devel/packages/snaps/jTileDownloader$ snap find telegram-sergiusens|grep ^tele | 15:58 |
ogra_ | telegram-sergiusens 0.9.49 sergiusens - Telegram desktop client | 15:58 |
ogra_ | ogra@styx:~/Devel/packages/snaps/jTileDownloader$ | 15:58 |
ogra_ | i can find it here | 15:58 |
gustavopadre | ogra_, taskwarrior-plars 2.5.1-1 pwlars - feature-rich console based todo list manager | 16:00 |
gustavopadre | teatime 16.04 paroj - Simple egg timer application for the Unity Desktop | 16:00 |
gustavopadre | test-snapd-tools 1.0 canonical - Tools for testing the snapd application | 16:00 |
gustavopadre | tio 1.20 lundmar - A simple TTY terminal I/O application | 16:00 |
=== rcj` is now known as rcj | ||
gustavopadre | those are the only listed "T" here in snap find =[ | 16:00 |
ogra_ | that is what you get when you search for telegram-sergiusens ? | 16:00 |
=== rcj is now known as Guest10260 | ||
gustavopadre | using your command I find your result | 16:01 |
gustavopadre | using only snap find I don't | 16:01 |
ogra_ | because that is limited to 100 lines | 16:01 |
ogra_ | and there are farm more than 100 snaps now | 16:01 |
=== Guest10260 is now known as rcj | ||
ogra_ | *far more | 16:01 |
gustavopadre | Oh, that's sad, I wish I could find all just by doing snap find, and it serves as good propaganda to the number of packages | 16:04 |
popey | msvb-lab: hello. feel free to drop me a mail - | 16:04 |
ogra_ | | 16:04 |
ogra_ | try that instead :) | 16:05 |
gustavopadre | ogra_, thanks | 16:05 |
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ali1234 | hey i just thought of something | 16:29 |
ali1234 | if, in the future, i run snapcraft on ubuntu 16.10, does that mean i can build snaps using packages newer than the ones in 16.04, that will work on 16.04? | 16:30 |
ali1234 | without having to go to the trouble of building all the stuff manually? | 16:30 |
mup | PR snapd#1572 opened: interfaces: add bluetooth-control interfaces <Created by morphis> <> | 16:45 |
mup | PR snapcraft#673 opened: Updating styling and examples for `snapcraft init` in <Created by wandrewkeech> <> | 17:30 |
thurston | i can't seem to get my snap to run on my desktop.... i can't tell why. it uses different video drivers, but I didn't think that mattered? | 18:21 |
Croepha | what are the files you get from ubuntu_device_flash query? are they the default options to core for os and gadget snap? | 19:25 |
Croepha | so, if I need to customize the OS snap, does snapd know to not get updates? | 20:57 |
wililupy | I'm assuming the first partition in Ubuntu-Core that is labeled "grub" if the EFI partition? | 21:06 |
Croepha | on my system the second partition is efi | 21:07 |
Croepha | the first is a 4M partition called BIOS boot | 21:07 |
Croepha | not sure what that is | 21:07 |
wililupy | I just ran blkid against my ubuntu-core image and I see 3 partitions labeled p1 grub p2 system-boot and p3 writable | 21:09 |
Croepha | hmm maybe its because im on 16 | 21:10 |
wililupy | Croepha, I am as well. I just built my image today with ubuntu-device-flash | 21:10 |
wililupy | I'm trying to flash my network device which uses UEFI booting only, but when it tries to update the grub.cfg to point to /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/grub.cfg, it doesn't see the path. | 21:12 |
Croepha | | 21:13 |
Croepha | if it does a scan it should pick it up automatically, im booting off of efi | 21:15 |
Croepha | what do you mean by network device? are you netbooting? | 21:15 |
wililupy | I am flashing ubuntu-core onto a network switch. | 21:16 |
Croepha | im not sure I can help | 21:17 |
Croepha | all i can say is that efi on a PC works | 21:17 |
wililupy | I can get it to write to the device, but when it goes to update grub so that I can still load the diagnostic partitions on the device it fails becuase it cannot see my /boot/efi/EFI/BOOT/grubx64.efi | 21:17 |
Croepha | when you load the efi shell, can you search around for it? | 21:18 |
Croepha | try to load it manually | 21:18 |
wililupy | I think I figured it out. My script to convert the image to ONIE does not understand the EFI partition. | 21:19 |
ali1234 | i think i am finally getting somewhere with getting a working Qt eglfs on ubuntu | 22:23 |
ali1234 | i found the landing ppa for qt 5.6 on xenial... i have the videocore ppa... i know how to modify the qmake.conf so it uses the right EGL libraries | 22:24 |
ali1234 | so it should be a matter of putting everything in a ppa and waiting | 22:24 |
MrMcaustin1 | I need help with getting past the rainbow screen on a raspberry pi | 22:40 |
ali1234 | okay? | 22:40 |
MrMcaustin1 | Any help? | 22:41 |
ali1234 | insert a correct sd card | 22:41 |
magicaltrout | everyone loves a rainbow | 22:41 |
MrMcaustin1 | What do you mean by correct sd card? I have the sd card with snasppy on it | 22:41 |
ali1234 | rainbow screen means the pi cannot understand what is on your sd card | 22:42 |
MrMcaustin1 | So what do I do? :P | 22:42 |
magicaltrout | 23:33 ali1234| insert a correct sd card | 22:42 |
magicaltrout | ;) | 22:42 |
ali1234 | tell us what you did | 22:43 |
ali1234 | what version of raspberry pi | 22:43 |
ali1234 | what version of snappy | 22:43 |
ali1234 | how did you make the sd card | 22:43 |
ali1234 | etc | 22:43 |
MrMcaustin1 | First generation of raspberry pi B | 22:43 |
ali1234 | well there is your problem | 22:43 |
ali1234 | ubuntu won't run on that | 22:43 |
MrMcaustin1 | Oh? | 22:43 |
ali1234 | you need a 2B or 3B | 22:43 |
MrMcaustin1 | Okay thanks :) | 22:43 |
mup | Bug #1604619 opened: ubuntu-fan keeps wifi from starting properly <Snappy:New> <> | 23:33 |
mup | Bug #1604619 changed: ubuntu-fan keeps wifi from starting properly <Snappy:New> <> | 23:45 |
thurston | any help in tracking down a bug? | 23:56 |
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