
walriderubuntulog, he04:04
walriderQA, he04:04
QAwalrider: Excuse me?04:04
walriderQA, whats the time in dhaka04:05
QAwalrider: It is 2016-07-19 10:05:07 BDT04:05
walriderQA, what the time in california04:05
QAwalrider: *blink*04:05
walriderQA, what the time in California04:05
QAwalrider: *blink*04:05
walriderQA, what the time in California04:05
QAwalrider: Huh?04:05
walriderQA, what the time in California04:05
QAwalrider: *blink*04:05
walriderQA, what the time in California04:05
QAwalrider: Sorry...04:05
walriderQA, what the time in California04:05
QAwalrider: What?04:05
walriderQA, what the time in California04:05
QAGeez, give me some time to think!04:05
walriderQA, what the time in California04:05
QAGeez, give me some time to think!04:05
walriderQA, what the time in California04:05
QAGeez, give me some time to think!04:05
walriderQA, what the time in California04:05
QAGeez, give me some time to think!04:05
walriderQA, what the time in California04:05
QAGeez, give me some time to think!04:05
walriderQA, what the time in California04:05
QAGeez, give me some time to think!04:05
walriderQA, what the time in California04:05
QAGeez, give me some time to think!04:05
walriderQA, what the time in California04:05
QAGeez, give me some time to think!04:05
walriderQA, what the time in California04:05
QAGeez, give me some time to think!04:05
walriderQA, what the time in California04:05
QAGeez, give me some time to think!04:05
walriderQA, what the time in California04:05
QAGeez, give me some time to think!04:05
walriderQA, what the time in California04:05
QAwalrider: Excuse me?04:05
walriderQA, what the time in California04:06
QAwalrider: What?04:06
walriderQA, what the time in California04:06
QAwalrider: Huh?04:06
walriderQA, what the time in California04:06
QAwalrider: Huh?04:06
walriderQA, what the time in California04:06
QAwalrider: *blink*04:06
walriderQA, what the time in California04:06
QAwalrider: What?04:06
walriderQA, what the time in California04:06
QAGeez, give me some time to think!04:06
walriderQA, what the time in California04:06
QAwalrider: Excuse me?04:06
walriderQA, what the time in California04:06
QAGeez, give me some time to think!04:06
walriderQA, what the time in California04:06
QAwalrider: Sorry...04:06
walriderQA, what the time in California04:06
QAwalrider: Excuse me?04:06
walriderQA, ayyy lmao04:21
QAwalrider: *blink*04:21
walriderQA, tell pavlushka bhai dhakacom repo thik hoise 05:04
QAwalrider: Okay, I'll tell pavlushka on freenode05:04
pavlushkaMorning Kilos !07:48
pavlushkaand Hello everyone!07:48
Kiloshi pavlushka and others07:55
Kilospavlushka you got mail07:55
zakihi Kilos & pavlushka 08:27
Kiloshi zaki 08:28
pavlushkaHello zaki , and thanks, I am honored, :)08:28
Kiloshere is the new blog08:28
pavlushkaKilos: please take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/zaki, :) zaki ha updated and stated the things I missed in my page, :)08:29
zakiha ha.. :D 08:30
pavlushkaKilos: sorry no access for me on https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=5568785920185573408#allposts08:31
zakiKilos, no access to your blog08:31
Kilosoh my08:31
Kilosi forget everytime08:31
pavlushkayep, Its there, nice, you have power of words Kilos !08:33
pavlushkabbl, :)08:44
zakiKilos, bye now. :) lunch time.08:51
=== nazmul is now known as pnazs
pavlushkaHey la, I am back, :p14:31
pavlushkaHello every one!14:31
Kiloshi pavlushka 14:32
Kiloshi AudaciousTUX 14:32
AudaciousTUXhello kilos14:32
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: বলু14:32
pavlushkaHow are you Kilos !14:33
AudaciousTUXki bulbo.... ghum dibo ekhon14:33
Kilosok ty and you?14:33
pavlushkaKilos: great, thanks14:35
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: ভাল কথা, আমি কিছুক্ষন আগে ঘুম থেকে উঠলাম, :p14:56
zakihi everyone. :)14:58
AudaciousTUXbye everyone :v14:59
zakiকুতায় যাচ্ছ। :314:59
zakiগাও গুমাও গিয়ে। :v15:07
pavlushkaHello zaki 15:34
pavlushkagotta run, bbl, :) ahve fun.15:34
zakioky. :)15:38
zakiKilos, how can i edit my ubuntu forum profile?16:19
zakiyou do not have permission to access this page.16:20
Kilosi have never looked at forum stuff, give me a link please16:21
zakithis my profile. and i can't edit it16:22
Kiloscan you login there16:24
Kilosi had to login with sso and then it shows me16:24
Kilosive never used the forums16:25
zakiyes i can log in16:25
zakiyes 16:26
zakioky, i will talk to pavlushka about it. :) 16:26
Kilosmaybe its been locked down same as wiki16:26
zakimay be. 16:26
Kilosyes he is more up to date16:26
pavlushkazaki: for a starter, it is disabled, the default is used16:27
Kilosi go eat16:28
pavlushkazaki: you have to gain enough reputation to have the right to edit, until then just work on and your reputation will increase, :)16:28
pavlushkaKilos: :) please16:28
zakioky. :016:28
pavlushkazaki: same applied for askubuntu, :)16:29
zakiহুম , বুগতে পারছি। :D16:29
pavlushkazaki: but in askubuntu, things are clearer, and there is an easy way to increase points in askubuntu, proof reading and editing questions and answers16:30
zakiyeah. 16:31
pavlushkathe beginners make much of the mistakes, so you just have to keep an eye on newbee's posts, and you will get your chances16:31
pavlushkazaki: and remember, in the morning time in our time zone, the west and Europe is almost sleeping, it's a good time to look for chances, otherwise there will be many like you active. 16:33
pavlushkazaki, and you'll see that seeing there is nothing, you are going to post something and you'll get some other posts posted by other simultaneously during the prime time, that is after midday to late night16:35
pavlushkazaki: its good for you to check in the morning to increase your chances and to be able to work with ease.16:35
pavlushkazaki: got my point?16:36
pavlushkazaki: for instance look at the time of posting of the both users here, http://askubuntu.com/questions/798026/partition-does-not-show-up-after-editing-fstab/798038#79803816:38
zakigot it.16:40
zakithank you so much. :)16:40
zakioky, i have to go for now. 16:43
zakisee you later. 16:43
walriderpavlushka:  bhai 17:08
pavlushkawalrider: yes17:08
walriderpavlushka: repo thik hoise dekhsen ? 17:08
walridertobe amar mone hoy kisui jhamela roia gese 17:09
pavlushkawalrider: ami Japan এর repo use করি, :),so..17:09
walrideraktu change maira dekhen :D 17:09
pavlushkawalrider: that's possible, but to what avail?17:10
pavlushkawalrider: just post the issue in paste bin and give me the link, that will do, :)17:11
walriderxam dia bashay aisha ubuntu on korlam dekhi flash player kaj kore na 17:12
walriderjhir jhir kore 17:12
pavlushkawalrider: run "sudo apt search flash"17:13
walridershob korsi 17:13
walriderno result 17:13
walriderpore off koria dia porte boshchi 17:13
pavlushkaand post the paste bin link17:13
walridermatha gorom kora jabe na kalke xam ase 17:13
walriderkalke xam bhai 17:13
walridershob kalke aisha korbo xam dia aisha 17:13
pavlushkawalrider: that is to check, not a solution, not a fix, try to understand17:14
pavlushkawalrider: ok, after exam then, :)17:14
walriderakhon e lagbe ?? ami to windows e asi now 17:14
walriderjaiga bhai xam ase porte boshla, doa koiren GG 17:15
pavlushkawalrider: do it to your convenience, post it here, I will see that eventually, :)17:15
walriderok bhai 17:15
Kilosso how long has http://www.ubuntu-bd.org been broken17:36
KilosRezwan ?17:37
Kilosright pavlushka did you see in locoteams?18:26
Kilosthe ball is rolling18:26
Kilosboth councils mailed18:27
Kilosnow i go soak in a hot bath to warm up18:30
pavlushkaKeeping fingers crossed, :)18:30
pavlushkaKilos: wow, that would be so soaked of you, :p18:31
Kiloshmm... so nice to be warm and in bed19:31
pavlushkaKilos: wow, Good night then I guess, see you tomorrow, :)19:31
Kilossleep well lad. i go hospital for meds and chest xray early tomorrow19:32
Kilosso ill be here late afternoon19:32
pavlushkano problem, :)19:33
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: Good night!19:33
Kilosyou be good19:33

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