
dufluThat's all of them06:09
dufluAnyone else finding fully updated yakkety can't start Unity7 today?06:11
dufluI know at least two of us hit this06:11
dufluIf only I had a log file that could tell me why Compiz/Unity7 never starts06:20
dufluNo crashes happened06:20
pitti~/.cache/upstart/unity7.log something?06:21
seb128do you use yakkety-proposed? (just in case)06:21
dufluNope, just yakkety06:22
dufluno PPAs06:22
duflunothing custom06:22
dufluMyself and Brandon can't log in today06:22
seb128does it just send you back to the greeter?06:22
seb128maybe delete .cache/upstart then try to log in and see what logs are there06:22
dufluGrr. I'm spending more than half my days triaging bugs06:23
dufluWait, too many crash reports now.06:24
dufluNeed to delete them all and restart06:24
qenghopitti: Assuming yakkety, is there anything necessary to testing the local resolver changes, other than updating nsswitch.conf?06:25
pittiqengho: nsswitch should have been updated automatically, wasn't it?06:25
qenghopitti: I don't know.06:25
pittiqengho: the "hosts" line should have "resolve dns"06:26
dufluWeirdly we're in a situation where Unity8/Mir starts more reliably than Unity7/X1106:26
dufluFor some values of "we"06:26
seb128we didn't have much unity7 session issues for  a long time06:27
dufluOK, first thing is indicator-datetime crashes at the login screen06:28
dufluThat's a new upload06:28
pittiI get that too06:28
seb128right, seems th06:28
seb128right, seems they forgot to depends on whatever new gsettings schemas they need06:28
seb128dunno how that could land06:28
seb128Mirv, ^ can we get that looked at or reverted?06:29
seb128duflu, you are right, session not starting06:29
dufluseb128: yakkety Unity7?06:29
seb128without dbus-user-session06:30
seb128could be a fallout of the systemd user session work we started06:30
ricotzhey desktopers06:31
dufluseb128: dbus errors are hurting GTK/Firefox etc in Xmir too. Lots of dbus errors06:33
dufluOnly simple apps free of dbus run quickly06:33
ricotzhi, is there a known *xenial* problem where lightdm looses the session-indicator after running a gnome-flashback session06:34
seb128ricotz, hey, not a known bug afaik06:35
seb128hey andyrock, up early!06:35
andyrocki've to go back to Apulia this afternoon06:36
dufluseb128: Surprisingly first bug?   https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-datetime/+bug/160425106:36
ubot5Error: launchpad bug 1604251 not found06:36
dufluIt's private while retracing06:36
ricotzseb128, I see, this is while using the unity-greeter which I guess still uses some upstart bits06:38
seb128it does yes06:38
seb128robert_ancell, good morning!06:40
robert_ancellseb128, hi!06:40
seb128robert_ancell, sorry to start your day with a question ... ;-)06:41
Mirvseb128: indicator-datetime? ok, I'll test the new bileto revert feature and try preparing a silo for the release from 10h ago.06:41
seb128robert_ancell, is lightdm using the Exec= value of the sessions' .desktop directly?06:41
seb128or through X11 scripts and $STARTUP?06:41
seb128Mirv, thanks06:41
pittiseb128, duflu: I'll revert the Exec= change in gnome-session for now, that gets back to working session06:42
robert_ancellseb128, it runs it through /usr/sbin/lightdm-session which runs the X11 scripts06:42
pittiyeah, that's what I thought06:42
duflupitti: Cool, thanks. Can I test a workaround?06:42
pittiand /etc/X11/Xsession.d/99upstart completely overwrites it, so I couldn't see how it would be relevant06:42
pittiduflu: downgrade ubuntu-desktop or sudo vi /usr/share/xsessions/ubuntu.desktop to replace Exec=gnome-session --session=ubuntu06:43
Mirvnot sure if you're already uploading a fix but a revert is building at https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-017/+packages06:49
seb128no, we are working on gnome-session issues06:50
duflupitti: Thanks, that works06:52
Mirvseb128: oh, maybe it's because gsettings-ubuntu-touch-schemas is in proposed? no? https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/silo/054 is the landing from where indicator-datetime came from06:55
Mirvhmm, I guess not if it was on desktop and touch-schemas is on touch only06:55
seb128Mirv, could be, but it should have a depends on the version it needs06:56
Mirvat least on my xenial desktop I don't have that package installed so maybe it's unrelated then06:56
seb128Mirv, well, they looks like they depends on a new key that was added to that schemas and it's missing the depends and overlooked the desktop case07:01
Laneyochosi: nice07:03
pittirobert_ancell: unping, I know what happened07:03
ochosiLaney: looking back, in terms of maintenance i'm sure it's the better way to go (SASS/SCSS)07:07
ochosiotherwise it's hard to impossible to go from one gtk3 version to the next07:07
ochosiit all just becomes far too unreadable07:07
Laneyit's pretty mad07:07
seb128hey Trevinho, Italy is waking up today!07:09
seb128they probably couldn't digest those big steaks07:09
Trevinhoseb128: ahahah, that's the thing :-D07:12
Trevinhoseb128: 1.2kg is the minimum cut you can get, so... We went for 1.6 :)07:12
seb128you are kidding right?07:13
seb128each? ;-)07:13
Laneyseb128 had a "Lady Steak" last night07:13
TrevinhoNo, no... That's to share07:13
TrevinhoAnd it includes the bone.... But, still... Lots of meat.07:13
* seb128 hides in shame07:13
TrevinhoAnd the bone has the best meat... But you've to work on it07:13
seb128but 1.6k07:14
qenghoTrevinho: 1.2 is a weird place to draw the line. Any idea why?07:14
TrevinhoIt's because Fiorentina steak has to have a certain thikness, and it can be done only in certain parts....07:14
qenghoOkay, I see. I don't want to give any UKers ideasa about blaming the EU.07:15
TrevinhoWe can still export to them to very high prices... Although is not cheap here too... It goes from 38-45€/kg07:17
Trevinhoanway... Laney did you see my patch/messages?07:18
LaneyYEAH MAN07:22
Laneyi'm building your nautilus right now07:22
pittiLaney: https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/375007:29
tedgseb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/indicator-datetime/systemd-unit/+merge/30042007:30
seb128tedg, https://bloerg.net/2015/03/06/pkg-config-variables-in-cmake.html07:53
willcookemorning all07:57
seb128hey willcooke07:57
willcookegawd, it was hot last night.07:58
seb128today is going to be the same according to L_aney07:58
seb128he showed us the bbc prevision07:59
seb128enjoy real summer!07:59
willcookeboth days of it :)07:59
seb128well, it's most that you usually have07:59
seb128those brits never happy07:59
seb128you should summer-exit07:59
Laneyyeah, it goes away when I get home07:59
qenghoEU Regulation VRQ 97.882§9 mandates July temperatures be no warmer than 306 Kelvin.08:02
Sweet5hark1when I was on vacation in Wales as a kid, they had a post with two pictures subtitled "summer in Wales" and "winter in Wales".08:20
hikikorobert_ancell: ping08:21
robert_ancellhikiko, hi08:21
hikikohello :)08:21
hikikoI wanted to ask you something you might have done it08:21
Sweet5hark1Both picture showed a green field and a sheep ... in the rain. Coming from nothern germany, it felt very much like home (except for the sheep).08:22
hikikorobert_ancell: I have this "problem": my pc has 2 GPUs an nvidia and an intel. I want to test a bug in nvidia cards that occurs in multimonitor with the nouveau driver. So, I plugged 2 monitors in the nvidia and I had 2 monitors in the intel as well... So, on xfce4 I am able to choose any monitors I want (nvidia, intel share the same opengl implementation) but on unity I can't start the 2 nvidia08:26
hikikomonitors together... plus when I boot, only the monitors that are plugged in the intel are active (the intel driver works) can I somehow configure xserver and then lightdm to use the nvidia monitors with unity and the nouveau driver?08:26
hikikoI don't use the prop driver because it has its own gl implementation08:27
robert_ancellhikiko, you are switching between xfce/unity at the greeter? i.e. everything outside the session is the same?08:28
hikikorobert_ancell: I use another session for xfce4, I run startx, different xserver instance08:29
robert_ancellhikiko, are you using any X configuration when using startx?08:29
hikikono, I don't have any xorg.conf, I think the default settings are used08:30
robert_ancellhikiko, at the moment the only thing I can think of is unity-settings-daemon is doing something different to the xfce equivalent08:30
hikikoI'll compare those thanks robert_ancell :)08:33
LaneyTrevinho: where do you see black corners?08:44
TrevinhoLaney: in everything that is ran before unity08:46
TrevinhoLaney: so for example if you open a natilus window08:47
Laneylooks ok to me here08:47
Laneyi guess it's racy?08:47
TrevinhoLaney: run something like stop unity7 && gnome-calendar & sleep 1 && start unity708:47
TrevinhoLaney: no, it's because gtk doesn't reset the rgba value when a compositor arrives (this happens also with metacity and no gtk patches)08:48
TrevinhoLaney: for unity7 there's another issue08:48
TrevinhoLaney: basically we include in _NET_SUPPORTED that we run in unity7, but gdk doesn't update the net supported list when it changes (but 1), plus that's delayed compared to the compositor appearance.. So we'd still need a timeout08:49
TrevinhoI've some hacks around, but I've to fix gdk before, then I can fix the other part08:50
Laneyoh right, so some stuff that comes up before unity doesn't notice this08:50
Trevinhosome fixes can be shared with upstream too08:50
Laneythanks for looking, lookig forward to your patches ;-)08:50
Trevinho"(but 1)" ^^^ s/but/bug08:51
Laneyi uploaded your nautilus to the ppa now08:51
Laneycan haz wallpaper08:51
TrevinhoLaney: funny is that without our gtk patches even the workaround of restarting it, wouldn't work08:51
TrevinhoLaney: yeah... speaking of nautilus bg eh... However the patch I provided would fix it for both cases08:56
Trevinhoas for gtk apps I'll see what I can do, but there's something wron in gdk about notifying the net supported changes09:00
Laneygo chat to upstream :P09:01
Trevinhoyeah, you're right09:01
hikiko_Laney, help :)09:28
Laneyat your service09:29
hikiko_Laney, do you remember that multiple monitor bug a few days ago?09:29
hikiko_that you tested in your nouveau card09:29
LaneyI'm not at home so I can't test stuff09:30
* Laney is at seb's place09:30
hikiko_I got an nvidia myself09:30
hikiko_I just can't reproduce it09:30
hikiko_I have a 3ple monitor setup09:30
Laneyusing nouveau?09:30
Laneyit was just: open dash on second monitor09:30
hikiko_OpenGL vendor string: nouveau09:30
Laneyon yakkety09:31
Laneybut that change is reverted, so you need to install the old version or build from bzr or something09:31
Laneydistro won't have the bug09:31
hikiko_oh I just reproduced it, I just needed to open the dash in the 3rd monitor so, it's the last monitor09:32
hikiko_thanks Laney :)09:32
hikiko_"solved" :p I have to fix the bug now :p09:32
hikiko_but thank you :)09:32
Laneygood luck09:33
pittiLaney: journalctl -t gnome-keyring-daemon|cat09:48
=== hikiko_ is now known as hikiko
=== hikiko is now known as hikiko|ln
Trevinhohikiko|ln: I've like the impression is cased by the dash trying to get a location that is not correctly blurred because you're now passing to it some relative sizes11:06
Trevinhonot sure what's the best way.. But i guess that's what happens...11:06
TrevinhoAlthough... That wouldn't explain why this doesn't happen in non nvidia cards11:07
hikiko|lnI'll look at the blur after lunch break it seems that it always starts in the 1st monitor so it can be the position11:10
hikiko|lnbut why in nvidia only?11:11
TrevinhoLaney: as for the greeter... Mh, which issue is there?11:29
TrevinhoI also think there's something inside unity to change, since we're forcing a theme for force-quit dialogs and... that doesn't work anymore -_-11:30
Sweet5hark1dpm: when is that session about l10n and snap packages? do you have a schedule somewherE?11:42
=== hikiko|ln is now known as hikiko
dpmSweet5hark1, https://trello.com/b/oMRh1Jtx/snappy-sprint-heidelberg-july-2016 - I've not yet put it on the schedule, but it'll most probably go on Thursday, as IIRC you couldn't make it on Wednesday12:27
Sweet5hark1dpm: yeah, I have visitors from RedHat on Wednesday. I also have two calls on Thursday -- I think I can skip the for once, but I'd like to know so I can tell them.12:29
dpmSweet5hark1, we go through the schedule every evening, it's a bit dynamic and we need to make sure there is no conflict12:56
LaneyTrevinho: get the password wrong or press escape on the password prompt14:54
LaneyTrevinho/andyrock/hikiko: https://mail.gnome.org/archives/desktop-devel-list/2016-July/msg00017.html <- interesting for you15:09
willcookeLaney, seb128 - are you guys around for the meeting?15:28
seb128I can post my status update15:29
seb128going to be concise anyway15:29
willcooke#startmeeting Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-07-1915:31
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Jul 19 15:31:04 2016 UTC.  The chair is willcooke. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.15:31
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick15:31
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-07-19 | Current topic:
willcookeRoll call: andyrock (out), attente, desrt (hols),  dgadomski, fjkong, happyaron (out), hikiko (out), laney (sprint), qengho (out), seb128 (sprint), sweet5hark, themuso (out), tkamppeter, trevinho, robert_ancell (sprint)15:31
willcookeI'm going to get started since I have mostly copy & paste today15:32
willcookeand we can get done quickly15:32
willcooke#topic andyrock15:32
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-07-19 | Current topic: andyrock
willcooke1. [BUG:1506023] Unityshell sometimes is removed from active-plugins15:32
willcookeunity list - DONE15:32
willcooke2. [BUG:1600389] Keep the screen locked if autologin is enabled - DONE15:32
willcooke3. [BUG:1526322] Lock screen shows unnecessary warning about numlock - DONE15:32
willcooke4. Bug Triaging15:32
willcooke#topic attente15:32
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-07-19 | Current topic: attente
willcookeHey attente if you're not ready I can come back to you later15:32
willcookecounting down from 30....15:32
attentei'm ready15:32
willcookeah cool!15:32
attentethis week was just final revisions to the menu patches, which i just merged into gtk master this morning15:33
attentealso did/doing some more patch review of anpok's gtk-mir fixes15:33
attentethat's all15:33
willcookethanks attente, well done :)15:33
attentejust writing up some requirements for the mir team now15:34
willcookesuper, thanks15:34
willcookeattente, eof?15:34
attenteyup, sorry, (eof)15:35
willcooke#topic dgadomski15:35
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-07-19 | Current topic: dgadomski
dgadomski* after some non-desktop distractions I'm back to working on bug #159818315:35
ubot5bug 1598183 in gvfs "Operation not permitted while writing to symlinked fuse locations" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/159818315:35
dgadomski* back to darktable snap - debugging gtk-launch wrapper15:35
willcookethanks dgadomski15:35
willcookelet us know if you need help with the gtk launcher15:35
willcooke#topic FJKong15:35
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-07-19 | Current topic: FJKong
FJKong hi15:36
FJKong1 analyze coredump file of sogou IM, prepare for improveing stability in next version of upgrading15:36
FJKong2 translate for Photos Scope (bug/1588640)15:36
FJKong3 fixing libpng dependency problem of sogou IM building15:36
willcookethanks FJKong15:36
willcooke#topic happyaron15:36
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-07-19 | Current topic: happyaron
willcooke1. network-manager SRU lands in xenial15:36
willcooke2. libxml2/2.9.415:36
willcooke3. yet another dkms patch merge15:36
willcooke#topic hikiko15:36
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-07-19 | Current topic: hikiko
willcooke- setup, lxc etc and merged my 1st snap (for hexchat)15:36
willcooke- spme minor fixes on nux (compile errors on other systems)15:36
willcooke- minor lowgfx u7 fixes for icon animations that won't be merged15:36
willcooke- reverted the multimonitor fix that revealed a blur related bug (only15:36
willcookeseen in nvidia cards) and started the debug (that today)15:36
willcooke#topic Laney15:37
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-07-19 | Current topic: Laney
Laneyone second15:37
willcookeLaney, you want me to come back?15:37
Laney• Some work on the appstream staging environment, ready for me to move into next now15:37
Laney• Help with landing some unity changes and reverts, including into SRU15:37
Laney• Verify some SRUs15:37
Laney• Some small work on libpeas rdeps now that this is synced15:37
Laney• sprint on systemd --user, currently finding and fixing some issues15:37
Laney• Last theme things, merge some contributions, fix a few more issues, review some contributions from Trevinho, should be good enough to go this week or Monday now15:37
willcookethanks a lot Laney15:38
willcooke#topic qengho15:38
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-07-19 | Current topic: qengho
willcooke- Chromium deb security update 51.0.2704.10615:38
willcooke-- Fixing Precise builds and libstdc link15:38
willcooke-- Maybe switching to single binary instead of 40 dynamic linked libs.15:38
willcooke-- Finished moving from GYP to GN!15:38
willcooke-- Using ~8 more dev packages from repos, instead of so many tree-bundled copies.15:38
willcooke- dekko snap almost done. Needs theme fix (halp? Qt doesn't want Humanity icons!) and real-world mailing tests.15:38
willcooke#topic seb12815:38
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-07-19 | Current topic: seb128
seb128• thursday off for french national day15:38
seb128• helped verifying some of the .1 SRUs15:38
seb128• systemd mini sprint15:38
seb128 15:38
seb128that's it for me this week15:38
willcookethanks seb12815:38
willcooke#topic Sweet5hark115:38
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-07-19 | Current topic: Sweet5hark1
Sweet5hark1- LibreOffice 5.2 rc2 now available as a snap with some basic l10n from the store15:38
Sweet5hark1- blogged about that and shared: https://skyfromme.wordpress.com/2016/07/18/libreoffice-5-2-0-2-available-in-the-snap-store/15:38
Sweet5hark1- various upstream code review15:38
Sweet5hark1- submitted papers for two talks at the LibreOffice conference in Brno15:38
Sweet5hark1- various snap bits about channels and audiences15:38
willcookethanks Sweet5hark1 - nicely done on the upload to the store15:39
willcooke#topic TheMuso15:39
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-07-19 | Current topic: TheMuso
willcooke* Discussed with snappy folks about extra bits required to support a cdparanoia snap, see snapcraft ML and bug #.15:39
willcooke* Finally got Pulse 9 into yakkety.15:39
willcooke* Worked on upstreaing a patch for libao to allow easier configuration of where it finds its config file, so that libao can be snapped properly without the need for patches. Not usptreamed yet, will do so in coming days.15:39
willcooke* Further improvements to flac and vorbis-tools snaps, need to get them somewhere public, although vorbis-tools requires libao, and the above problem needs solving.15:39
willcookeno till atm15:39
willcooke#topic Trevinho15:39
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-07-19 | Current topic: Trevinho
Trevinho· Fixed nautilus black-background on Gtk 3.2015:39
Trevinho· Analyzed the issues causing non-rgba Gtk windows when compositor is not enabled15:39
Trevinho· Fixed regressions in Compiz CCP causing crashes15:39
Trevinho· Rewritten unity migration scripts to work with both unity profiles15:39
Trevinho· Fixed unity script to take care of the unity-lowgfx profile15:39
Trevinho· Disabled one remaining animation in switcher (when in lowgfx)15:39
Trevinho· lowgfx SRU finally landed in xenial-updates15:39
Trevinho· Some more work in the ubuntu system components menu items15:39
Trevinho· Learned how to make Orecchiette pasta15:39
Trevinho· END of Italians accidental (but actually productive) minisprint :/. Need to organize a new wider one.15:39
willcookethanks Trevinho :)15:40
willcooke#topic robert_ancell15:40
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-07-19 | Current topic: robert_ancell
willcooke- LightDM Unity 8 in-session greeter work15:40
willcooke- Snap sprint15:40
willcooke#topic AOB15:40
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-07-19 | Current topic: AOB
willcookeI'm off Thursday and Friday this week.15:40
willcookeI think normal service will be resumed next week.15:40
Laneyparty time?15:40
willcookeWell, interesting story15:41
willcookeI'm going to Dungeness15:41
willcookeand I will tell you all about it when (if) I get back15:41
seb128good luck!15:41
Laneymaybe you'll gain some extra toes15:42
willcookeand then on Saturday I'm going to.....15:42
willcookebecause why not15:42
willcookethat's a pretty normal thing to do, right?15:42
Laneywhen in the vague eastern area...15:42
Laneyis this organised or just you?15:43
willcookeMe, popey and aquarius15:43
willcookeand if it works out, then I'll publish the agenda and route15:43
seb128there is no way u.k is leaving15:43
seb128they prefer to blow it out of the map15:43
* Laney alerts the CNC15:43
seb128sounds like a wrap for the meeting though :-)15:44
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Jul 19 15:44:30 2016 UTC.15:44
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-desktop/2016/ubuntu-desktop.2016-07-19-15.31.moin.txt15:44
willcookethanks all15:44
seb128you get the badge of the most efficient meeting of the year15:44
Sweet5hark1seb128: lets just dry out the channel. then they cant leave!15:45
seb128well they are blowing the island off15:45
Laneysome dutch person trolled me about brexit today15:45
Sweet5hark1we just drill a hole it the roof of the eurotunnel and wait until the channel is empty15:45
Sweet5hark1Trust me, I studied physics once.15:46
* ogra_ also once read a physics book and totally approves 15:47
* Sweet5hark1 still loves the british humor. SkyNews just showed a Brexit teaser -- and as a background music they used the Who's "Wont get fooled again". No lyrics to be heard, but hilarious if you know the lyrics.15:50
desrtattente: congrats on the menu patch!16:04
seb128indeed, well done attente!16:04
attentedesrt, seb128: thanks! ^_^16:05
desrtThat is an awesome accomplishment16:05
desrtYou should feel proud16:05
attentemight pop open one of your coronas tonight16:07
=== JanC is now known as Guest39320
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
Laneypitti: http://paste.debian.net/783210/16:46
pitti            dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd $v=$$(eval "echo \$$$${v}"); \16:48
pitti  yummy!16:48
willcookequittin time17:44
willcookenight all17:45
* willcooke goes to look for somewhere cool17:45
pittibregma: hey!18:29
pittibregma: do you happen to know any qemu -vga option that works with unity 8?18:29
bregmapitti, ho!18:29
pittiI tried vmware and qxl so far18:30
bregmapitti, no, I have never tried Unity 8 under QEMU18:30
pittibregma: ok, thanks; I'll keep trying18:30
bregmaMir is sorely lacking proper VESA support18:30

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