YankDownUnder | adriano_: What's up? | 00:12 |
adriano_ | I'm getting a poor performance in my laptop | 00:12 |
adriano_ | Using Ubuntu-MATE | 00:12 |
adriano_ | Or any other linux distribution | 00:12 |
adriano_ | My CPU is AMD E-350 | 00:13 |
YankDownUnder | adriano_: So *any* linux distro you try to run on this is "lagging", eh? | 00:13 |
adriano_ | Yup | 00:13 |
adriano_ | And Web Browser lag so much too | 00:13 |
YankDownUnder | adriano_: Here's something to test out - since you're testing things out - download a 32-bit version (of whatever) and try that...see what you get, hmm? | 00:14 |
adriano_ | My Laptop have 3gb RAM | 00:14 |
adriano_ | It'll work? | 00:14 |
adriano_ | I have a Windows 7 installation on another partition and runs smoothly | 00:16 |
adriano_ | Anyway i'll try a 32bit version. | 00:16 |
adriano_ | The Ubuntu-MATE it self. | 00:16 |
YankDownUnder | adriano_: Look, that particular processor appears to have been specifically created for laptops with an MS OS on 'em...so, since most linux distros are fully 64-bit, they're going to push that puppy to the max...HOWEVER, if you want to test something out, try a current 32-bit version - OR - the other option is to get something "older" - like Ubuntu 14.04...and see how that does, hmm? | 00:16 |
adriano_ | I see | 00:17 |
adriano_ | But i believe you when said about MS OS improved CPUs | 00:17 |
adriano_ | It makes me sad :-/ | 00:17 |
adriano_ | I had an A4 Desktop | 00:18 |
YankDownUnder | adriano_: But hey, get you the Ubuntu-Mate 16.04, pop it on a USB, and fire it up - test it...if it's fast? Well, then you have the option to install it, eh... | 00:18 |
adriano_ | Man | 00:18 |
adriano_ | Ok | 00:18 |
adriano_ | I'm downloading right now | 00:18 |
YankDownUnder | It's not about "MS OS Improved" CPU's - it's all "smoke and mirrors" - MS uses the CPU differently than does any other OS...so they take big shortcuts...(all based on lies to the public) | 00:18 |
adriano_ | hummmm... Tell me more about this conspiracy :-P | 00:19 |
YankDownUnder | adriano_: MS started to play the "Devil's game" back in 1991 - before Win95 came out - so, they've made "pushes" on AMD and Intel - along with all the rest of the hardware developers. Then into software developement. SO, this answers qeustions that are easily answered - WHY are all the games programmed to run on Windows? Why are some CPU's "fast" under Windows but slow on anything else? Why isn't MS Office compiled for linux | 00:23 |
YankDownUnder | if it's compiled for OSX? Why does MS have such a huge part of the market share? (Because nearly every new PC has Windows on it - get it?) Does any of that make sense, hmm? | 00:23 |
adriano_ | I see | 00:24 |
adriano_ | I think make sense | 00:24 |
adriano_ | I've found a xubuntu 16.04 i386 on my folders. I'm writing on an USB flash drive. | 00:26 |
YankDownUnder | adriano_: Good on ya, mate. Boot it up, play with it - and then you can decide what to do. You've got options. | 00:26 |
adriano_ | Well, in the worst case, i'll continue to use the Ubuntu-MATE i've already installed. | 00:28 |
YankDownUnder | adriano_: Test it. If anything else, there are some tweaks to possibly make your current installation work a bit, er, well, faster than slow, eh? | 00:29 |
adriano_ | Going to reboot my laptop | 00:39 |
adriano_ | See ya | 00:39 |
cheers460 | Cheers everyone. Since amd dropped fglrx for the 16.04 distros, anyone know the lead time of amdgpu? The open source driver is okay but I can't get boinc crunching working with it. Should I just drop back down to 14.04? | 00:57 |
cheers460 | I talked to amd guy back in march and he says wait a couple months but as far as I can tell its not out yet? | 00:58 |
YankDownUnder | adriano_: So? | 01:03 |
adriano_ | YankDownUnder: I had little increase in performance | 01:03 |
adriano_ | Thanks | 01:03 |
adriano_ | It's not drastic, but better than i'm having with amd64 | 01:03 |
adriano_ | going to switch to Ubuntu-MATE i386 | 01:04 |
YankDownUnder | adriano_: So you've got that as an option...I also have to ask - when you installed Mate in the first place, did you install the suggested third party drivers for your system as well? | 01:04 |
adriano_ | Yes | 01:05 |
YankDownUnder | adriano_: Had to ask... | 01:05 |
adriano_ | For the CPU, just a package called microcode | 01:05 |
YankDownUnder | adriano_: Yes...that's kinda important... | 01:05 |
YankDownUnder | adriano_: As well, you might want to look into the "Mate Tweak Tool" - which will assist in cutting down some things...along with that, you might want to disable some of the effects - anything to do with transparency or animation - etc etc etc..."clean up" things...that reduces the load on the CPU, ya know. | 01:07 |
adriano_ | What does this do? | 01:07 |
adriano_ | The microcode | 01:08 |
YankDownUnder | adriano_: All of the "desktop effects" cause the CPU to work harder... | 01:08 |
YankDownUnder | AH...the microcode is for directly "talking to the CPU" as it were. | 01:08 |
adriano_ | In a ~90kb package | 01:10 |
adriano_ | ? | 01:10 |
YankDownUnder | adriano_: Yes...code is quite small...smaller than you might realise in some instances, my friend. | 01:10 |
adriano_ | Anyway, thanks for the help YankDownUnder | 01:12 |
YankDownUnder | adriano_: De nada, by all means, please have a great day. | 01:13 |
adriano_ | Thanks | 01:13 |
adriano_ | Hey | 01:13 |
adriano_ | You talk portuguese? | 01:13 |
YankDownUnder | adriano_: Ingles...de Los Estados Unidos...but I live in Australia now... :) | 01:14 |
adriano_ | Oh, i see | 01:14 |
adriano_ | By the way, i live in Brazil. Is night where i live :-) | 01:14 |
adriano_ | So, have a good day to YankDownUnder | 01:15 |
adriano_ | *too | 01:15 |
YankDownUnder | adriano_: Brazil is beautiful - blessings, mate. | 01:15 |
adriano_ | Ok, see ya. (Australia is awesome too) | 01:15 |
wzp | hi | 04:20 |
wzp | hello | 04:27 |
dave__ | how to burn a slide show in ubuntu mate16-4 ? can anyone advise me | 04:56 |
nomic | 'burn a slide show? | 05:07 |
wzp | hi | 05:14 |
=== mortalius__ is now known as mortalius | ||
aaran | morning, I have done something to my mate install, when I tap F12 it no longer drops down from the top of the screen its half way between monitors and half way down the screen | 08:13 |
YankDownUnder | aaran: Have you logged out and back in again? | 08:15 |
aaran | rebooted and its not changed | 08:16 |
YankDownUnder | aaran: Right oh, fair enough. Strange that. | 08:17 |
aaran | yeah, anything I can do to fix it? is there a config file that stores its location | 08:20 |
YankDownUnder | aaran: Just a quick question - have you updated - like recently...? | 08:20 |
aaran | I have the automatic updates runnin | 08:20 |
aaran | g | 08:20 |
YankDownUnder | aaran: Most of the actual configuration files will live in ~./config along with ~./local/share => that being said, something I've done in the past - especially when my desktop was acting freaky, was to log out of that account, go to the first TTY (ALT+F1), login and clean out all the crap in the ~./cache directly | 08:21 |
aaran | Ok, whats the actually application that drops down when you press F12 is it just a standard terminal with some fancy settings ? | 08:24 |
YankDownUnder | aaran: "tilda" | 08:24 |
aaran | could I try removing and adding it again would that not work | 08:25 |
aaran | if I told it to purge | 08:25 |
YankDownUnder | aaran: If you look for the "tilda" configs/prefs and delete 'em, well, that SHOULD resolve the issue, ya reckon...just thinking from a logical perspective... | 08:26 |
YankDownUnder | aaran: In ~./config/tilda => you'll find a config file => so, that being said, you could "killall -9 tilda", then delete that configuration file, then login again and see if it's all happy again, eh...? | 08:27 |
aaran | Let me give that a try thanks | 08:29 |
aaran | nope that did not work :( | 08:32 |
aaran | also tried a purge after and that did not work either | 08:32 |
Akuli | whats the problem? | 08:32 |
YankDownUnder | aaran: Can't blame solar flares...hmm... :) | 08:32 |
aaran | pressing f12 drops tilda half way down the screen and split between 2 monitors | 08:32 |
aaran | let me take a screenshot | 08:32 |
aaran | https://s31.postimg.org/fv66trwaj/Screenshot_at_2016_07_19_09_33_41.png | 08:34 |
aaran | thats 2 monitors, xchat is pushed up to the left of the right monitor | 08:34 |
Akuli | is that mate-terminal? | 08:35 |
aaran | thats the terminal you get when you press f12 | 08:35 |
YankDownUnder | aaran: Just another quick question - have you tried to change resolution and then change it back - to see if that does anything? | 08:35 |
YankDownUnder | Akuli: "Tilda" | 08:35 |
aaran | with tilda open or closed at the time? | 08:35 |
YankDownUnder | aaran: Open | 08:35 |
Akuli | https://github.com/lanoxx/tilda/issues/131 | 08:36 |
aaran | thanks I will take a look after lunch | 08:42 |
YankDownUnder | Enjoy your lunch. I'll eat my dinner. ;) | 08:42 |
Akuli | just the first thing i found on google | 08:42 |
YankDownUnder | In the next week, there should be heaps of strange issues as the last of the updates/upgrades for 16.04.1 are pushed out to the world...hmm... | 08:47 |
TaZeR | ubuntu-mate the OS of champions | 12:19 |
TaZeR | im an early adopter =) | 12:19 |
TaZeR | i was soo excited when the first alpha of this ever came out | 12:20 |
scottd_ | Hi all | 12:36 |
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hoverboots | So... What about the snap packages? | 13:22 |
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wangjunying | gewei | 14:40 |
wangjunying | dajiahao | 14:40 |
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rastacalavera | has anyone had luck install s4a (scratch 4 arduino) on mate 16.04? I am using a 64bit machine and need 32bit dependencies but when i try to get apt-get install ia32-libs as recommend, there isn't any package in the repo | 17:41 |
SCHAAP137 | rastacalavera: sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 | 17:44 |
SCHAAP137 | sudo apt-get update | 17:44 |
SCHAAP137 | and retry | 17:44 |
rastacalavera | still says no installiation canidate | 17:46 |
rastacalavera | says that these are available instead "lib32ncurses5 lib32z1" | 17:46 |
SCHAAP137 | try: sudo apt-get install package-name:i386 | 17:46 |
SCHAAP137 | just put :i386 behind the packages you need in 32-bit form | 17:46 |
rastacalavera | well, they don't say what the specific package is called | 17:47 |
SCHAAP137 | http://askubuntu.com/questions/107230/what-happened-to-the-ia32-libs-package | 17:47 |
rastacalavera | the instructions i am following here: http://s4a.cat/ don't say either | 17:47 |
rastacalavera | when i run the app i get " could not find the module vm-sound-pulse aborted (core dumped) | 17:48 |
rastacalavera | would that be pulse audio 32bit stuff maybe? | 17:49 |
SCHAAP137 | i get this when i open the package in GDebi package installer | 17:49 |
SCHAAP137 | http://storage4.static.itmages.com/i/16/0719/h_1468950611_3218190_a6aeaca9e1.png | 17:49 |
SCHAAP137 | allows me to install it, with 4 extra dependencies to install | 17:50 |
SCHAAP137 | i have amd64 with i386 added as well | 17:50 |
SCHAAP137 | try manually opening the .deb with GDebi, it should show you something similar | 17:50 |
SCHAAP137 | then reinstall | 17:51 |
rastacalavera | ok thanks i'll try | 17:52 |
SCHAAP137 | http://storage2.static.itmages.com/i/16/0719/h_1468950772_6404385_9acddefe92.png | 17:52 |
rastacalavera | i'll uninstall it first i guess | 17:52 |
SCHAAP137 | it just says i need these 4 extra i386 packages for it | 17:52 |
SCHAAP137 | it's likely these were not installed, forcibly skipped and being unavailable, earlier when you used dpkg manually to install the .devb | 17:53 |
SCHAAP137 | *.deb | 17:53 |
SCHAAP137 | i'm convinced it'll work | 17:54 |
Artemis3 | the problem i see is thats a very old binary compiled at a time multiarch wasn't very well defined (names lib32 in front of lib is a dead giveaway) | 17:54 |
Artemis3 | it might work doing fancy symlinks.. but a recompile would be the cleaner solution | 17:55 |
Artemis3 | or simply use an old debian install for it | 17:55 |
SCHAAP137 | the dependencies seem to check out though, over here | 17:57 |
SCHAAP137 | it could still work | 17:57 |
Artemis3 | hmm you might have luck using someone's ppa | 17:57 |
Artemis3 | then force install it | 17:57 |
rastacalavera | I'm going to try gdebi now, just finished uninstalling it | 17:58 |
Artemis3 | if ldd binary doesn't complain... | 17:58 |
rastacalavera | says it will install 24 additional packages | 17:58 |
SCHAAP137 | if these dependencies check out, there's a chance that kind of symlink stuff is already done, for background compat reasons | 17:58 |
rastacalavera | don't see the details like in your image | 17:59 |
SCHAAP137 | yeah that's an extra clickable button | 17:59 |
SCHAAP137 | *backward | 18:00 |
Artemis3 | this ppa has it: ppa:llxdev/xenial | 18:01 |
Artemis3 | if i were you, i'd get rid of that deb and use that instead | 18:02 |
Artemis3 | or compile it yourself | 18:02 |
rastacalavera | if this doens't work I'll go that route Artemis3 | 18:02 |
rastacalavera | thanks for the ppa link | 18:02 |
rastacalavera | did you just google s4a ppa to find it? | 18:02 |
Artemis3 | search inside launchpad | 18:03 |
rastacalavera | ah, i saw the package list but didn't know what category to search | 18:03 |
rastacalavera | http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/ | 18:03 |
rastacalavera | you looked there? | 18:03 |
Artemis3 | just search the app and dig within the answers | 18:03 |
Artemis3 | nah at launchpad | 18:03 |
rastacalavera | oh ok sry | 18:03 |
Artemis3 | if its inthe official repo even better | 18:03 |
Artemis3 | do search there first | 18:04 |
rastacalavera | ok schaap137, the install still gave me the same error | 18:06 |
rastacalavera | Thanks for the help guys, I'll dig in later and hopefully it'll work out | 18:17 |
pinewuser | hi | 19:16 |
mrx | sup | 19:49 |
t3kg33k | greetings | 19:51 |
t3kg33k | In 16.04, is there an easy way to remove unwanted software (Thunderbird, Pidgin, etc.) without having to use a terminal? This is question is geared mostly for the common user that do not know how to use the terminal. | 19:53 |
Akuli | synaptic? | 19:55 |
Akuli | better yet, use another tty instead of the terminal! :D | 19:55 |
t3kg33k | Akuli: yeah, I gues Synaptic is an option. I just wish the new Software Boutique had the option to remove software that is preinstalled. | 19:59 |
Akuli | it doesn't? | 20:00 |
Akuli | i've heard its great, but i guess its not then | 20:00 |
t3kg33k | Akuli: it seems the new Software Boutique is only used for installing additional software. | 20:01 |
Akuli | then we need synaptics | 20:01 |
Akuli | personally i never use it :) | 20:01 |
t3kg33k | Looks like the installation of Ubuntu Software Center may be the better choice than Synaptics since it has better user interface for someone new to Linux and Ubuntu. | 20:07 |
t3kg33k | I just converted my Dad, a senior citizen, from Wincrap 10 to Ubuntu Mate 16.04 and he was asking how to remove software. I, personally, just bring up a terminal and remove that way but I can tell him to do that. He would need a nice GUI to help him out. | 20:08 |
t3kg33k | *can't tell him to do that | 20:09 |
Akuli | i can make a really basic gui remover | 20:09 |
t3kg33k | Next question: Does anyone know how to setup Ubuntu Mate as a lock down kiosk that launches a web browser to a specific web page at startup? | 20:12 |
Akuli | easy | 20:12 |
Akuli | set a start page in a web browser and add it in startup applications | 20:12 |
SCHAAP137 | he probably means something to prevent hassle with the system as well | 20:13 |
SCHAAP137 | *he/she | 20:13 |
Akuli | maybe the guest account? | 20:13 |
Akuli | if we could just create a similar setup there | 20:13 |
t3kg33k | Akuli: Well, whatever account is used to login would need to be locked down to just read only of that specific web site. Again, kiosk mode. | 20:13 |
t3kg33k | I can setup autolaunch of Firefox to a specific web page, that's the easy part. I just need a kiosk mode so that the browser fills the entire screen and that specific account is locked down to no other user. | 20:15 |
Akuli | you want another account for that | 20:15 |
t3kg33k | *no other use | 20:15 |
t3kg33k | I haven't figured out how to get that Firefox autolaunch to launch at full screen yet either | 20:16 |
t3kg33k | I'll be back on later... | 20:19 |
anthony_ | hdmi audio to work | 20:20 |
anthony_ | running ubuntu mate on my raspberry pi 3 and cant get AUDIO to work | 20:21 |
anthony_ | any suggestions | 20:21 |
mate|31880 | Hi everyone... | 23:27 |
ouroumov | hi mate|31880 | 23:28 |
mate|31880 | Hi ouroumov. I have many questions about Ubuntu Mate... Could you help me? I use Ubuntu 14.04.4 but wanna try ubuntu mate do you recommend that? | 23:30 |
ouroumov | Yes | 23:31 |
ouroumov | Especially if you're already using gnome-session-fallback on top of standard Ubuntu | 23:31 |
ouroumov | What's your hardware like? | 23:32 |
mate|31880 | Well... I'm not a expert on Ubuntu. I tried to learn something about 3 years ago but none of i saw convinced to me. | 23:34 |
mate|31880 | 4GB RAM, 750GB DD... intel core i3.... | 23:35 |
ouroumov | Do you have dedicated graphics hardware (AMD / NVIDIA) ? | 23:36 |
Nepper | Ayyy | 23:37 |
mate|31880 | Wait...please | 23:39 |
ouroumov | mate|31880, I can provide you with a command to list your hardware specs if you want | 23:40 |
ouroumov | Type this in a terminal open with (CTRL+ALT+T) and copy/paste the resulting url here: inxi -ACDSMNIG | nc termbin.com 9999 | 23:41 |
mate|31880 | ouroumov: Sure. That help. | 23:41 |
ouroumov | (you can copy stuff from the terminal using "CTRL+SHIFT+C") | 23:43 |
mate|31880 | Yes. Thanks! | 23:44 |
mate|31880 | Oh, I see... That thing says NVIDIA. | 23:45 |
ouroumov | The inxi command lists different aspects of your system's hardware | 23:45 |
ouroumov | Including the drivers, which is neat. | 23:46 |
ouroumov | So anyway mate|31880, from what you told me your hardware is more than enough to run Ubuntu MATE. | 23:47 |
ouroumov | If you want to see what Ubuntu MATE can be made to look like, we have a pretty well stocked Screenshots category on the forums: https://ubuntu-mate.community/c/multimedia/screenshots | 23:48 |
mate|31880 | Sorry. I was searching you asked me. But I don't have install inxi. I'm installing right now. | 23:48 |
ouroumov | oh | 23:48 |
ouroumov | right, sorry I forgot you're on 14.04 | 23:49 |
mate|31880 | No problem | 23:49 |
ouroumov | You can install it using: sudo apt install inxi | 23:49 |
mate|31880 | Thanks! Well. [1;34mGraphics: [0;37m [1;34mCard:[0;37m Intel 3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller | 23:50 |
ouroumov | mate|31880, use the command above to paste it on termbin.com rater, that way I can download it in my terminal and use the color codes (those [1,34m... stuff) | 23:52 |
ouroumov | inxi -ACDSMNIG | nc termbin.com 9999 | 23:52 |
mate|31880 | I did. | 23:53 |
ouroumov | It should give you an URL :) | 23:54 |
ouroumov | I need the URL to find the correct paste | 23:54 |
mate|31880 | http://termbin.com/of22 | 23:55 |
mate|31880 | Here is http://termbin.com/of22 | 23:55 |
ouroumov | Thanks | 23:55 |
ouroumov | Okay, so I don't expect you to run into any problems due to your hardware | 23:56 |
ouroumov | Everything should be OK | 23:56 |
ouroumov | Oh wait, | 23:56 |
ouroumov | You might encounter a Wifi problem | 23:56 |
mate|31880 | Yes? | 23:56 |
ouroumov | I remember someone with a Qualcomm wifi having issue | 23:57 |
ouroumov | But if it's working fine right now on 14.04 it should be OK once you install the driver pack | 23:57 |
ouroumov | (You're guided through those steps by the Welcome splash screen after the installation) | 23:58 |
ouroumov | (And it's a one-click install) | 23:58 |
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