oz_ | hey guys does anyone know on maas 1.9.3 can i tag multiple vlans on nodes added in maas itself? i was not able to change the part in the networking config on nodes. | 07:18 |
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban | ||
mup | Bug #1604702 opened: Unable to add a 16384-bit ssh key to my account from web UI <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1604702> | 07:57 |
mup | Bug #1604702 changed: Unable to add a 16384-bit ssh key to my account from web UI <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1604702> | 08:00 |
mup | Bug #1604702 opened: Unable to add a 16384-bit ssh key to my account from web UI <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1604702> | 08:06 |
siva | Hi. I have taken 3 physical servers. On one server I installed ubuntu 15.10(Wily). And then installed MAAS. Configured the MAAS Cluster. Now I am trying to register my hardware with MAAS. MAAS done with PXE boot of its nodes and assigned IPs . When i was trying to ssh into the MAAS nodes, it was giving Permission denied (public key issue). In MAAS UI I added public key of MAAS installed server. And finally it was showing commission statu | 09:25 |
siva | Cloud-init v.0.7.5 started running and finished . I am using MAAS Version 1.9.3+bzr4577-0ubuntu1 (wily1). Finally , the MAAS nodes have stuck with the info -> Cloud-init v.0.7.5 finished at wed, 20 jul 2016 13:01:51 +0000 Datasource DataSource ConfigDriveNet [net, ver=2] [Source=/dev/sdb1]. UP 43.10sec. | 09:26 |
siva | I observed the Maas log files under /var/log/maas. I didn’t get any error messages. But I didn’t understand why commission is failing. | 09:27 |
siva | MAAS log info : http://paste.openstack.org/show/537405/ | 09:27 |
siva | Could you please provide me the solution why MAAS commission failed. | 09:28 |
mup | Bug #1604738 opened: Dynamic subnet range disappears after edit and is replaced with "No IP ranges have been reserved for this subnet." <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1604738> | 10:06 |
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob | ||
acovrig | what debugging steps can I take, deployments are failing and I’m not sure why | 12:57 |
kiko | acovrig, you'll need to tell us more about the failure first :) | 13:15 |
kiko | siva, hey there | 13:16 |
acovrig | kiko: that’s what I’m asking, all I can tell is it says “Failed deployment”, how can I learn more about the failure to troubleshoot | 13:17 |
kiko | acovrig, what are you deploying? | 13:18 |
acovrig | ubuntu 16.04 | 13:23 |
roaksoax | acovrig: are you using MAAS 2.0 ? | 13:23 |
roaksoax | acovrig: get the installation log from the WebUI (at the bottom of the page) | 13:23 |
roaksoax | acovrig: and if you are using 2.0, look in: /var/log/maas/rsyslog/<machine-name>/../messages | 13:24 |
acovrig | roaksoax: the last thing I get is Node installation - ‘cloudinit’ running modules for final then Node changed status - From ‘Deploying’ to ‘Failed deployment’ | 13:25 |
acovrig | I see a few “timed out waiting for reply from <ip> (ntp)” which would explain it trying to hit a status point of 2012… | 13:27 |
roaksoax | acovrig: my guess is that it deployed successfully, but on the reboot, it either didn't boot from the disk, or it failed to reach maas after the the first reboot | 13:28 |
roaksoax | acovrig: can you pastebin the cloud-init outout + the install log from the wbeui ? | 13:28 |
acovrig | roaksoax: install log from the webui, where would the cloud-init output be? https://gist.github.com/acovrig/446fc9b616f72979c7995a5132fb607f | 13:32 |
roaksoax | acovrig: yeah, if it is not there, then that means cloud-init/curtin didn't send it back | 13:39 |
roaksoax | acovrig: also, can you pb the rsyslog ? | 13:39 |
acovrig | roaksoax: sure, currenlty I have the BIOS set to PXE boot first, should I not (I.E. have it boot from the HDD after deployment)? | 13:40 |
roaksoax | acovrig: no you don't, giving it a second look it seems something failed before the machine was actually rebooted | 13:41 |
roaksoax | Node changed status - From 'Deploying' to 'Failed deployment'Tue, 19 Jul. 2016 15:16:52 | 13:41 |
roaksoax | Node installation - 'cloudinit' running modules for finalTue, 19 Jul. 2016 15:16:52 | 13:41 |
roaksoax | acovrig: look at the timestamp | 13:41 |
roaksoax | acovrig: so the rsyslog should show why was that ? | 13:41 |
acovrig | roaksoax: OK, gist updated (https://gist.github.com/acovrig/446fc9b616f72979c7995a5132fb607f#file-rsyslog) | 13:42 |
acovrig | roaksoax: interesting: the rsyslog only goes to 13:53, not to 15:16 (time) | 13:43 |
acovrig | roaksoax: sudo grep 15:16 /var/log/maas/rsyslog/HOST-DELL-*/*/messages shows nothing O.o | 13:45 |
kiko | <acovrig> I see a few “timed out waiting for reply from <ip> (ntp)” which would explain it trying to hit a status point of 2012… | 13:47 |
kiko | roaksoax, acovrig: ^^^ is this not relevant? | 13:47 |
kiko | could the times be skewed and failing for that reason? | 13:47 |
acovrig | yea, I watched the physical console a few times and saw it getting a 401 from my MAAS server because of it; what would cause it to not be able to reach ntp? | 13:47 |
kiko | acovrig, IIRC the node is trying to reach ntp.ubuntu.com | 13:48 |
kiko | is that reachable? | 13:48 |
acovrig | kiko: odd, I’m deploying to 2 nodes now to see if it was just a timing issue; I SSH’d into one of them and it can ping the MAAS server (router for the nodes) but not ping google (, but it can DNS dig google.com... | 13:50 |
kiko | acovrig, well, typically dig will work, as MAAS is the DNS server | 13:51 |
kiko | acovrig, it looks like routing (or NAT) is broken? | 13:51 |
acovrig | kiko: I have 3 FW rules on MAAS: -A FORWARD -i eno1.8 -o eno1 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT | 13:52 |
roaksoax | kiko: the NTP shouldn't be an issue release | 13:52 |
acovrig | -A FORWARD -i eno1 -o eno1.8 -j ACCEPT | 13:52 |
roaksoax | acovrig: what do you have under /var/log/maas/rsyslog/ ? | 13:52 |
acovrig | and -A POSTROUTING -o eno1.8 -j MASQUERADE | 13:52 |
roaksoax | acovrig: is it just completely empty ? | 13:52 |
kiko | acovrig, the MASQUERADE entry looks wrong | 13:53 |
kiko | acovrig, shouldn't that be -o eno1? | 13:53 |
kiko | oh hmm | 13:53 |
acovrig | roaksoax: no, I have my 2 hosts/date/messages and maas-enlisting-node/date/{messages,ip} | 13:53 |
kiko | roaksoax, right, but if there is no upstream connectivity, could things be failing? | 13:54 |
acovrig | kiko: the MAAS server is on VLAN 8 (tagged) to get to the nodes (untagged) | 13:54 |
roaksoax | kiko: yeah it could, but NTP shouldn't be a cause of failure | 13:54 |
acovrig | don’t the nodes use a date to connect back to the MAAS server? | 13:55 |
kiko | acovrig, eno1.8 is external, I understand now | 13:55 |
kiko | acovrig, do the packets appear correctly masqueraded? | 13:55 |
kiko | acovrig, if you plug a laptop into the untagged vlan, can it get out? | 13:55 |
acovrig | kiko: good question, pending test | 13:56 |
kiko | roaksoax, sure, but NTP failing could be an indication that networking in general is failing :) | 13:57 |
acovrig | kiko, roaksoax: a windows 7 client can’t access icanhazip.com from chrome, so routing must be broken | 14:01 |
kiko | acovrig, right. fix the networking first and then come back to me. :) | 14:02 |
acovrig | I updated the gist (https://gist.github.com/acovrig/446fc9b616f72979c7995a5132fb607f) with my iptables and ifconfig; not sure what’s wrong... | 14:02 |
acovrig | sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward is on... | 14:03 |
kiko | acovrig, check the input and output chains too, otherwise add logging and use tcpdump/wireshark to see what's happening | 14:03 |
acovrig | kiko: OK, not sure what was wrong, but fixed iptables and networking works, just started a deployment, we’ll see what happens. | 14:11 |
kiko | acovrig, list out the rules you have now (iptables -L FORWARD -n, perhaps INPUT and OUTPUT too) and put it in a paste? | 14:12 |
acovrig | roaksoax: FYI: I couldn’t get maas to accept an SSH key yesterday and was able to install 2.0.0~beta3+bzr4941-0ubuntu1 and now it accepts my key(s). | 14:12 |
kiko | acovrig, cool | 14:12 |
acovrig | kiko: looking at diff, I got my ifs flipped; I guess the guide I looked at used eth1 as internet and eth0 as lan and I didn’t notice :/ | 14:15 |
kiko | aha | 14:15 |
kiko | thanks | 14:15 |
* acovrig emits a squeel of excitement: “Deployed” :D | 14:20 | |
acovrig | now to get juju and openstack to work :) | 14:22 |
kiko | acovrig, it worked? w00t! | 14:42 |
acovrig | kiko: yup, now I just need to find a good guide to get juju+openstack to work as a failover cluster for VMs | 14:44 |
roaksoax | acovrig: this should do : https://jujucharms.com/openstack-base/ | 14:44 |
acovrig | roaksoax: ooh, thanks | 14:45 |
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk | ||
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mup | Bug #1604901 opened: No way to retrieve complete event log through the cli <oil> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1604901> | 17:11 |
kiko | acovrig, all a-ok? | 17:17 |
acovrig | kiko: with MAAS, yes, I’m still working though juju/openstack ‘solutions’ | 17:18 |
kiko | okay | 17:18 |
G_Dog1985 | do i need two server to run maas and openstack or can it be don by on mass | 17:35 |
G_Dog1985 | done* | 17:35 |
mup | Bug #1604938 opened: node failed deployment "Exception: I/O operation on closed file." <oil> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1604938> | 19:59 |
mup | Bug #1604962 opened: node set to "failed deployment" for no visible reason <oil> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1604962> | 21:12 |
mup | Bug #1604987 opened: Event log should always include a reason why a node was marked Failed Deployment <oil> <MAAS:Triaged> <MAAS 2.0:Triaged> <MAAS trunk:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1604987> | 22:06 |
mup | Bug #1546760 changed: Re-attempt power on for initial PXE failure during node deployment to alleviate PXE failures <oil> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1546760> | 22:54 |
mup | Bug #1605008 opened: juju2beta12 and maas2rc2: juju status shows 'failed deployment' for node that was 'deployed' in maas <oil> <oil-2.0> <juju-core:New> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1605008> | 22:54 |
mup | Bug #1605008 changed: juju2beta12 and maas2rc2: juju status shows 'failed deployment' for node that was 'deployed' in maas <oil> <oil-2.0> <juju-core:New> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1605008> | 23:00 |
mup | Bug #1546760 opened: Re-attempt power on for initial PXE failure during node deployment to alleviate PXE failures <oil> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1546760> | 23:00 |
mup | Bug #1546760 changed: Re-attempt power on for initial PXE failure during node deployment to alleviate PXE failures <oil> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1546760> | 23:06 |
mup | Bug #1605008 opened: juju2beta12 and maas2rc2: juju status shows 'failed deployment' for node that was 'deployed' in maas <oil> <oil-2.0> <juju-core:New> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1605008> | 23:18 |
mup | Bug #1605008 changed: juju2beta12 and maas2rc2: juju status shows 'failed deployment' for node that was 'deployed' in maas <oil> <oil-2.0> <juju-core:New> <MAAS:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1605008> | 23:24 |
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