
pavlushkaMorning Kilos 07:00
Kiloshi pavlushka 07:01
Kilosyou ok?07:01
pavlushkayep, totally, fixing some one's android, :)07:02
pavlushkaand what about you?07:02
Kilosim ok ty08:04
pavlushkaহেলু AudaciousTUX !09:59
AudaciousTUXhost lagbe temporary :(10:00
AudaciousTUXjodio host ache..... 10:00
AudaciousTUXailshami lagteche :310:01
* pavlushka laughs10:01
pavlushkaHello zaki 10:48
zakihi. :)10:49
zaki|| {{https://s19.postimg.org/6cy2hb61v/location.png}} Location || Panchagarh, Rangpur, Bangladesh ||10:52
zakiuse this in your wiki page location section10:52
zaki:p 10:52
pavlushkazaki: noticed that already, as I have said, i am watching you, :p10:53
pavlushkazaki: and thanks, and good work, :)10:54
zakihe he.. 10:54
zakithnx. :)10:54
zakihi Kilos :) 10:56
zakihow are you?10:56
Kiloshi zaki im ok ty and you11:23
zakii'm fine :) things are great here today. 11:24
Kilosthats good11:24
zakihmm. :)11:25
Kilosai! now pavel is gone again12:48
=== pavlushka is now known as Guest80334
zakiwb Tuhin 14:45
Tuhinthank you14:45
Kiloshi Tuhin zaki 14:48
Kilosive found what your site used to look like14:49
AudaciousTUXআহা... অভ্র আবার কাম করতেছে... মাগার প্রিভিউ উইন্ডো অন করলেই আর কাজ করে না ঃ৩14:49
Kilostell pavel when he wakes up please14:49
zakiKilos, oky. :)14:49
pavlushkaI am convincing another guy, :p17:32
pavlushkafor ubuntu17:32
pavlushkaI am back folks!17:32
Kiloswb pavlushka 17:34
pavlushkaKilos: I know you laughed at the "convincing another guy" thing, :p18:11
Kilosnot a nasty laugh, it makes me happy to see you promoting ubuntu18:11
Kilosdid you see pavlushka i found a tool that can find old sites18:13
Kilossomewhere it has a error 404 repair tool as well18:13
Kilosits called wayback machine18:13
Kilosi remembered18:14
Kilossomeone told me about it about 3 years ago18:14
pavlushkaKilos: I was thinking about it to find a removed site, but forgot, thanks for reminding me, :)18:14
Kilostoo much thinking for me to use though18:15
Kilosneeds a young fast mind that can remember things18:15
pavlushkaI read it on a daily news paper when I wan in school, :)18:15
pavlushkabut wow, Kilos you did that, \o/18:17
Kilosdid what18:17
Kilosi hunted for hours18:17
Kilosbut someone thats clever can get used to using wayback and be able to repair sites i think18:18
zakiকি অবস্থা ভাইয়েরা সবাই। :)18:39
Kilosand the same to you18:40
Kiloswhatever thaqt means18:40
Kilosi dont know how you guys can read that even18:40
zakiha ha.. :D18:41
zakiit means, how are you guys.!18:42
Kilosfine ty and you??18:42
zakii'm fine too. :) 18:42
zakinow pavel is gone again18:43
zakihad dinner? 18:43
Kilosyes ty nearly 2 hours ago18:43
Kilosi still feel uncomfortable18:44
Kilosate too much18:44
zakiha ha.. 18:44
Kiloswb pavlushka 18:51
Kilossleep tight zaki 19:13
Kilossee you tomorrow19:13
zakigood night kilos. :)19:22

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