[00:33] Using 16.04. Setting users language from Settings is not respected. Every user will inherit the language setting of the login screen. Format setting does work. Any way around this? [01:27] what's the recommended way for me to add something to my path in ubuntu gnome? [01:33] josephpagoda-lap: I would try askubuntu.com [01:34] i know of a few ways to do it [01:34] but I was hoping for the best way :) [01:34] http://askubuntu.com/q/60218/1579 looks like the top-rated answer [01:36] i'll try that out [01:37] * josephpagoda-lap hopes he will rise victorious [01:37] :) [02:01] Using 16.04. Setting users language from Settings is not respected. Every user will inherit the language setting of the login screen. Format setting does work. Any way around this? [06:48] Hello! [06:49] How do I change the background of the login screen (gdm3)? I can't find the option in GNOME Tweak and the solutions online were for older GNOME 3 releases (mine is 3.16). [06:49] *3.18