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LeMike | hello. On a server hosting multiple services, is it possible to grant SSH access but jail them in their own context? The crux for me is, that every user may use a different mysql-server or other db - so I don't know how to jail, if jail is good and how to swap sockets to their login. | 05:52 |
AtuM | the topic is wrong about 14.04 to 16.04.. it's July 22nd... so when will this be possible (without intermediate upgrades)? | 07:02 |
henkjan | AtuM: i guess upgrading to 16.04 should work now | 07:13 |
henkjan | as 16.04.1 seems on the mirrors http://releases.ubuntu.com/ | 07:13 |
AtuM | henkjan, Perhaps our local mirror is not updated yet... so it works in general elsewhere? | 07:14 |
thekrynn_ | hey all, does anyone know of a preferred/faster way to scan a large FS faster for a small list of changed files? | 07:15 |
henkjan | AtuM: maybe canonical still needs to flip a bit to make the update checker aware of the new LTS | 07:15 |
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AtuM | henkjan, since I've waited so long.. a bit more won't matter :) | 07:18 |
zetheroo | what is the equivalent of these commands for Ubuntu: systemctl stop getty\@tty1 | 07:34 |
zetheroo | systemctl disbale getty\@tty1 | 07:34 |
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InnerCode | Hi, Is there a way to convert LXC 1.* containers to LXC 2.0? | 11:21 |
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mdeslaur | rbasak: https://utcc.utoronto.ca/~cks/space/blog/linux/Ubuntu1604MySQLUpdatePain | 12:17 |
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meekrat | Anybody know when do-release-upgrade will start to work for 16.04.1? | 12:27 |
mhoney | can an iscsi lun be setup on top of an lvm logival volume? | 12:43 |
mhoney | What I'd like is an iscsi target that can grow if needed | 12:43 |
jamespage | coreycb, ddellav: have a hunch that the ironic ftbfs is due to slightly old pecan - proving that now | 13:18 |
jamespage | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ironic/+bug/1605629 | 13:26 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1605629 in Ironic "requires pecan > 1.0.2" [Undecided,New] | 13:26 |
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jamespage | ddellav, coreycb: cotelydon is in the NEW queue in debian (thanks zigo) | 13:51 |
jamespage | once that's accepted we can sync and fix the aodh and ceilometer build failures - okies... | 13:51 |
jamespage | ddellav, the wedges in yakkety-proposed appear to mostly be s390x autopkgtest failures | 13:52 |
jamespage | I tried fixing one by adding rabbitmq-server to the list of pkgs, but that did not appear to resolve the problem | 13:52 |
hallyn | meekrat: i don't think do-release-upgrade does that, just a regular apt upgrade | 13:53 |
meekrat | hallyn: neither seems to trigger it - the ubuntu servers may not be handing it out yet, I guess | 13:56 |
hallyn | meekrat: according to #ubuntu-devel topic it has been released. i'm not sure what you're expecting to see - it's not a full upgrade, it's | 13:59 |
hallyn | just a new 'release' based on what's in xenial archive at the moment | 14:00 |
hallyn | http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/releases/16.04.1/ | 14:00 |
hallyn | bt if you've been keeping uptodate, yo'ure likely already there | 14:00 |
Pici | meekrat: are you on 14.04 now? | 14:00 |
hallyn | oh i c. that'd make sense :) | 14:01 |
Pici | according to the release folks, they're waiting for things to settle down before the release upgrade from 14.04 will be turned on. And yes, I thought it would be the day and date when .1 was released too. | 14:03 |
meekrat | pici: I'm on 14.04.x LTS | 14:19 |
meekrat | I'm thinking they are just letting things settle down - I can wait....thought the 16.04.1 LTS would trigger the release. Thanks all | 14:20 |
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mpjetta | my fresh ubuntu 16.04 from a -server.iso is showing a black screen on the local console on boot, I have to Ctrl-Alt-F5 to get a login prompt. any ideas how to get rid of the black screen? | 16:04 |
mpjetta | it boots so fast that it is hard to tell the server is up ;) | 16:05 |
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heydrick | any idea when http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/locator/ec2/ will have the 16.04.1 images? | 17:27 |
Tangurin | Hi, can someone here help me find out why my subdomain not working on my Ubuntu Server (Apache)? It is the first time I am doing this, and I don't know if I done something wrong | 17:33 |
Superdawg | Does anyone know what changed in 16.04 that would cause a locally created apt repository (using dpkg-scanpackages) to not work? It works in 15.10. | 17:34 |
sarnold | Superdawg: do you get any error messages? | 17:35 |
sarnold | Tangurin: do you get any error messages? | 17:35 |
Tangurin | Just that I can't reach the site | 17:36 |
Tangurin | http://laravel.io/bin/523O8 | 17:36 |
Superdawg | sarnold: only from apt-show-versions "Error: No information about packages! (Maybe no deb entries?)" | 17:36 |
Superdawg | I don't have the Release.gpg or InRelease files that 'apt-get update' tries to grab, and I'm not sure if that's what is causing it. I *do* have the Release file. That's been sufficient for all debian based distros I've used since some point pre-debian etch. I tested the same sources.list entry on a 15.10 box and it works fine. | 17:37 |
teward | Tangurin: is it a page showing coordinates, and a username/password auth? | 17:37 |
sarnold | heydrick: they may not be called 16.04.1, it's just 16.04 with everything updated; the daily builds are already that.. | 17:38 |
sarnold | Superdawg: "the same" -- did you change the "wily" to "xenial" and so on? | 17:38 |
Tangurin | ... yes teward | 17:38 |
Tangurin | how did you get in :O | 17:39 |
Superdawg | This is a private deb repository that I maintain. | 17:39 |
teward | Tangurin: it's up here. Nuke your browser cache and try again. | 17:39 |
sarnold | Tangurin: how about the /var/log/apache/error.log ? | 17:39 |
Tangurin | sarnold: I tried to access the log but I got permission denied when I am trying to access the /var/log/apache2 folder :S I don't know why | 17:39 |
Superdawg | my sources.list entry looks like 'deb [trusted=yes] http://hostname/ref_mirrors/debmirror stable main' | 17:39 |
teward | Tangurin: because you should be using `sudo tail /var/log/apache2/error.log` or similar, it's locked out to standard user access | 17:39 |
teward | Tangurin: that said, erase your browser cache, start again. | 17:40 |
Superdawg | It works in 15.04, 15.10, but not 16.04. | 17:40 |
teward | Looks like it's working | 17:40 |
Tangurin | teward: okey, great info, thanks :) | 17:40 |
Tangurin | teward: I did: sudo dscacheutil -flushcache but it did not help :S | 17:40 |
teward | Tangurin: i didn't mean on your server | 17:40 |
teward | I meant on your computer where you're trying to access the site from ;) | 17:41 |
Superdawg | I use the same format for many mirrors. Ranging from way back at debian etch all the way to, at this point, ubuntu wily. | 17:41 |
heydrick | sarnold: gotcha. the most recent AMI on the ami finder is from 6/27, was hoping for a newer image that has all the updates | 17:41 |
Tangurin | I wrote: sudo dscacheutil -flushcache on my computer, in the terminal | 17:41 |
sarnold | heydrick: hmm that feels like a surprisingly long time ago | 17:41 |
Superdawg | So I'm confused on what is causing the break in 16.04. Haven't found much with regard to what might be wrong. | 17:41 |
sarnold | Superdawg: hmmmmm. very curious. :/ | 17:42 |
sarnold | Superdawg: the InRelease files are relatively new in the last few years, it's a combination of Releases and Releases.gpg files that can be updated atomically | 17:43 |
sarnold | Superdawg: (I don't think that's related here, but maybe if those files exist and are blank, maybe..?) | 17:43 |
Superdawg | sarnold: Yeah, that's what I'm suspecting is the problem. Maybe they added that as a requirement. | 17:43 |
Superdawg | It doesn't like a blank version of those files. I tried that this morning. | 17:44 |
Tangurin | teward: is there another way to clear cache? :) | 17:44 |
Superdawg | I also tried just one that works but doesn't necessarily reflect what I've got | 17:44 |
Superdawg | that didn't work either. heh | 17:44 |
teward | Tangurin: i don't think you know what I mean by cache | 17:44 |
Superdawg | I'll try to go about generating that and see how we end up. | 17:44 |
Tangurin | Maybe not? | 17:44 |
Tangurin | teward: | 17:44 |
teward | oh you're on Apple | 17:45 |
Tangurin | teward: yes :) | 17:45 |
teward | dscacheutil is the Directory Service cache ***NOT*** your web browser cache | 17:45 |
teward | Tangurin: nuke your web browser's 'temporary internet files' or 'cached files' (depends on the browser how to do it), then try again | 17:45 |
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Tangurin | teward: Thanks it was cache :) Appreciate your help! | 17:50 |
teward | bleh missed him by a minute | 18:00 |
* teward goes back to poking the Internet | 18:00 | |
sarnold | Odd_Bloke: hmm, the newest 'xenial' on http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/locator/ec2/ appears to be from 20160627 -- but there was a kernel published on 2016-07-14 https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux -- is the autopublisher thing working well? | 18:32 |
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Superdawg | sarnold: Looks like generating the gpg signed InRelease, Relase.gpg and then importing the key into apt was the fix. I am now able to get the packages on my repo. That kinda sucks since I need to change my build process around a bit, but oh well. Those are the pains of upgraing. | 18:56 |
Superdawg | upgrading* | 18:56 |
Superdawg | sarnold: Thanks for the second set of eyes | 18:56 |
sarnold | Superdawg: hmm. that's not exactly a satisyfing answer but at least you've got a path forward | 18:57 |
Odd_Bloke | sarnold: It's working its way through now. | 19:02 |
sarnold | Odd_Bloke: thanks :) | 19:04 |
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jonah | hi can anyone help. It's just take over an hour to install a new ubuntu server and then right at the very end it's sprung up with "Unable to install Grub in /dev/sda" "Executying 'grub-install /dev/sda' failed! Does anyone know how I get get grub installed correctly without losing all this time/setup..? | 21:09 |
sbeattie | jamespage: hey, does ceph relly need 1GB sized test-dbg debs? http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/c/ceph/?C=S;O=D | 22:18 |
sbeattie | seems kinda mirror-hostile. | 22:19 |
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