risen | so i have a question that has probably been asked a million times over.. but i; | 00:00 |
risen | im running on a pi 2, nd just put the image on the sd card for ubuntuMATE | 00:01 |
risen | is it just the pi being this slow or is it the stock config? | 00:02 |
=== serge is now known as Guest86511 | ||
david132 | Hi' spanish? | 02:42 |
david132 | Hello, | 02:43 |
=== bill is now known as Guest66956 | ||
namnaj | good morning | 03:09 |
=== Emma_Drey is now known as emma|offline | ||
marcos | buenas noches a todos | 06:04 |
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Guest59043 | resulta que cuando le doy a minimizar a cualquier ventana, esta desaparece y no aparece en la barra de estado/tareas, tengo que darle a ALT+TAB para buscarla nuevamente..no he podido solucionarlo | 06:06 |
Guest59043 | buenas noches... | 06:23 |
Guest59043 | necesito ayuda | 06:23 |
=== victor is now known as Guest25385 | ||
turtle_ | does anyone else have sound issues on mate? | 09:18 |
bekks | How does that poll help you solving your sound issues? | 09:19 |
turtle_ | well if someone else had the same problem we might work something out | 09:19 |
turtle_ | only headphones work atm | 09:20 |
bekks | Then you#'ll be two people with non-working sound. | 09:20 |
bekks | Instead of wasting even more time and bandwidth, how about starting to state your actual problem? | 09:21 |
turtle_ | my sound doesent work, only my headphones output sound, on alsamixer speakers are on max | 09:21 |
alkisg | turtle_: try right clicking on the sound applet, then settings, then the hardware tab, and select and test your speakers there | 09:22 |
turtle__ | my laptop randomly turned off, what did i miss | 09:24 |
alkisg | (12:22:25 μμ) alkisg: turtle_: try right clicking on the sound applet, then settings, then the hardware tab, and select and test your speakers there | 09:24 |
turtle__ | still nothing | 09:26 |
alkisg | Which output devices do you see there? | 09:26 |
turtle__ | built in audio | 09:27 |
alkisg | Only one device? | 09:27 |
turtle__ | yes just 1 | 09:27 |
alkisg | And which profiles do you see there? | 09:27 |
turtle__ | do u want me to list all of them | 09:28 |
turtle__ | ? | 09:28 |
alkisg | If you are using the correct one, it's ok | 09:28 |
turtle__ | analogue stereo output is the one im using now | 09:28 |
alkisg | So the audio works from the front output in your case, but not from the output in the back? | 09:29 |
turtle_ | laptop turned off again sorry | 09:30 |
* alkisg wonders if you have more severe issues than the audio :D | 09:30 | |
alkisg | (12:29:23 μμ) alkisg: So the audio works from the front output in your case, but not from the output in the back? | 09:31 |
turtle_ | no audio output except headphones work | 09:32 |
alkisg | Where do you put the headphones? | 09:32 |
alkisg | What happens if you put speakers there? | 09:32 |
alkisg | Does it work in other distros/flavors/OSes? | 09:33 |
alkisg | Give more info | 09:33 |
turtle_ | if i plug in headphones audio works, when i take out, speakers not working | 09:33 |
turtle_ | still | 09:33 |
ali1234 | turtle_: | 09:34 |
turtle_ | hm | 09:34 |
ali1234 | is it a laptop? | 09:34 |
turtle_ | yes | 09:34 |
turtle_ | thinkpad x60 | 09:34 |
alkisg | Ah, sorry, then you mean the internal speakers | 09:34 |
turtle_ | yes | 09:34 |
alkisg | Which kernel do you have? uname -r | 09:35 |
ali1234 | turtle_: | 09:35 |
turtle_ | 4.4.0-31-generic | 09:36 |
ali1234 | install alsa-tools and then run "watch sudo hdajacksensetools" | 09:36 |
ali1234 | plug / unplug the headphones and observe what happens | 09:37 |
alkisg | In the sound settings dialog, in the "output" tab, does it list the internal speakers in the "connector" drop box? | 09:37 |
turtle__ | laptop turned off randomly again, i will try to fix that first :L | 09:38 |
alkisg | (12:37:53 μμ) alkisg: In the sound settings dialog, in the "output" tab, does it list the internal speakers in the "connector" drop box? | 09:38 |
turtle__ | i see "Speakers" | 09:39 |
alkisg | Are they selected when you're testing sound output? | 09:39 |
turtle__ | yes | 09:39 |
alkisg | (12:33:15 μμ) alkisg: Does it work in other distros/flavors/OSes? | 09:40 |
alkisg | E.g. did it work in previous versions that had older kernels? | 09:40 |
turtle__ | im not sure i have only run ubuntu mate on this laptop only on this kernel, just go it | 09:41 |
turtle__ | got it | 09:41 |
alkisg | So it might be a hardware issue? | 09:41 |
alkisg | Btw, ali1234 said that, maybe you didn't see it: | 09:42 |
turtle__ | idk | 09:42 |
alkisg | (12:36:25 μμ) ali1234: install alsa-tools and then run "watch sudo hdajacksensetools" | 09:42 |
alkisg | (12:37:03 μμ) ali1234: plug / unplug the headphones and observe what happens | 09:42 |
turtle__ | ok | 09:42 |
alkisg | ...although I don't see a command named hdajacksensetools | 09:42 |
alkisg | Personally, before troubleshooting more, I'd try an older live cd or even a windows "live cd" | 09:43 |
alkisg | ...there's no point in troubleshooting software if it's a hardware issue | 09:43 |
turtle__ | ok | 09:43 |
turtle__ | :/ | 09:43 |
turtle__ | i have a custom bios | 09:44 |
turtle__ | libreboot | 09:44 |
turtle__ | ill reflash and try again if sound works | 09:44 |
alkisg | Yeah that's one of the things you should mention in the beginning, when joining IRC :) | 09:48 |
turtle__ | rebooting now | 09:52 |
turtle_ | still no sound after reflash :c | 09:56 |
alkisg | turtle_: try a different ubuntu version, or even a different OS, to make sure it's not a hardware issue | 10:00 |
turtle_ | ubuntu mate is the only os where my laptop doesent constantly beep | 10:01 |
turtle_ | what program uses alsaconf | 10:01 |
turtle_ | when i type alsaconf it says not found | 10:01 |
turtle_ | ill try to see if my external DAC works | 10:11 |
fnord_ | hi alkisg after install ubu-mate 16.04.1 no update && dist-upgrade requiered. is it right? | 10:46 |
fnord_ | alkisg, http://paste.ubuntu.com/20730273/ | 10:48 |
bekks | No, thats not right. | 10:48 |
bekks | After an installation, you should install updates as the first step. | 10:48 |
bekks | Before installing updates, you should configure package sources to your needs, and then you might get updates the installation process did not even take into account. | 10:49 |
fnord_ | bekks, sorry, it not works for me an I do not know why? | 10:53 |
bekks | What does "not work" for you? | 10:54 |
fnord_ | I do that not for first time | 10:55 |
fnord_ | now it does not work | 10:55 |
bekks | WHAT does not work? | 10:55 |
fnord_ | http://paste.ubuntu.com/20730273/ | 10:55 |
bekks | What does not work in your paste? The output looks perfect. | 10:55 |
fnord_ | the process of updating | 10:56 |
fnord_ | after installing | 10:56 |
bekks | IT works perfectly, no errors to be seen. | 10:56 |
bekks | Why do you suspect it isnt working? | 10:56 |
fnord_ | moment | 10:56 |
fnord_ | please | 10:57 |
ouroumov | That's just because your system is already up to date fnord_ | 10:57 |
ouroumov | So there's nothing to be done | 10:57 |
bekks | Which is totally different from "does not work". | 10:57 |
fnord_ | ouroumov, really, great.. | 10:57 |
ouroumov | ^^ | 10:57 |
fnord_ | bekks, sorry | 10:57 |
bekks | Just READ the actual output in your pastebin. | 10:57 |
ouroumov | bekks, I suspect fnord_ is rather new at this | 10:58 |
fnord_ | bekks, :-) | 10:59 |
bekks | I know he isnt, since he was around in the german ubuntu channels for quite a long time. | 10:59 |
bekks | He isnt updating for the first time :P | 10:59 |
fnord_ | ouroumov, from day to day I will be better | 10:59 |
fnord_ | ouroumov, I feel that | 10:59 |
fnord_ | :-) | 11:00 |
fnord_ | bekks, ouroumov First, what I do ever after istalling, is updating.. I did it twice: 1. willcome fenster 2. terminal. Every method leaded to the same result: system is updated. | 11:45 |
fnord_ | I was very surprised | 11:46 |
fnord_ | of that | 11:46 |
bekks | And why does that lead to your assumption of "does not work" then when it clearly tells that it works fine and no updates had been found? | 11:52 |
fnord_ | bekks, because I see it for the first time ever after 1410 linux installations. | 12:07 |
fnord_ | nothing to updade was a surprising for me | 12:08 |
bekks | I strongly doubt you did thta much linux installations. | 12:17 |
bekks | And with a working internet connection during the install and NO modifications to the sources the outcome is "already updated". Always. | 12:18 |
bekks | Hpwever. Your system is up to date. | 12:19 |
fnord_ | bekks, I got it, thx | 13:21 |
hp | in | 13:23 |
hp | l | 13:24 |
hp | hey | 13:24 |
ouroumov | hi | 13:24 |
hp | hey there | 13:24 |
hp | my name is FoxyTheBoy | 13:24 |
hp | you can call me Foxy | 13:24 |
hp | oops... | 13:25 |
hp | gotta go! | 13:25 |
=== dnv_ is now known as ne1l | ||
=== ne1l is now known as ne1l- | ||
ben_nabiy | How do I get Ubuntu-Mate USB installer to detect UEFI? | 15:40 |
ben_nabiy | When I set up my linuxmint installer, it automatically detects that UEFI is available, and I can boot in UEFI mode, but not so with Ubuntu-Mate | 15:41 |
ouroumov | afaik you don't have to do anything | 15:41 |
ben_nabiy | that is what I thought, but it is not working | 15:41 |
ben_nabiy | and my other installer is working | 15:41 |
ouroumov | are you manually partitioning? | 15:42 |
ben_nabiy | I used the USB Startup Disk | 15:42 |
ben_nabiy | forget the name of it | 15:42 |
ben_nabiy | I can install in legacy mode, but would rather use UEFI | 15:43 |
ben_nabiy | is it possible I have too many UEFI devices, and it is not registering? | 15:43 |
ouroumov | <ouroumov> are you manually partitioning? | 15:43 |
ouroumov | Anyway. | 15:45 |
ouroumov | Check in your Boot menu if you have an UEFI option for your USB device (I mean your BIOS boot menu, not the GRUB boot menu) | 15:46 |
ben_nabiy | I am not getting a UEFI option for my boot device (the USB stick) when I do get one for the same stick flashed with linuxmint installer | 15:50 |
ouroumov | How are you flashing it? Startup Disk Creator? | 15:51 |
ben_nabiy | ouroumov: yes | 15:51 |
ouroumov | Okay, I'm not sure what that program's actually doing. Have you tried the more violent "dd" method? | 15:51 |
ben_nabiy | ouroumov: I have done this many times in the past and worked fine | 15:51 |
ben_nabiy | I am going to check my UEFI again, make sure something didn't get switched around in it | 15:52 |
ouroumov | SDC has been stripped of features in recent releases | 15:52 |
ben_nabiy | As long as I know it "should work" then I will look for other mistakes on my end | 15:52 |
ben_nabiy | that could be | 15:52 |
ouroumov | For instance: it doesn't allow for persistence space setup anymore | 15:53 |
ben_nabiy | I noticed that | 15:53 |
ouroumov | Who knows what else went with that :/ | 15:53 |
ben_nabiy | perhaps I need to fire up an older version and create it that way | 15:53 |
ouroumov | ben_nabiy, can you try the "dd" flashing method before you do that? | 15:53 |
ouroumov | If you don't know the method, I can explain | 15:54 |
ben_nabiy | ouroumov: dd if=path/to/image of=/dev/blah oflag=direct ? | 15:59 |
ouroumov | dd if=/image.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M && sync | 15:59 |
ouroumov | While being careful not to write the wrong sdX, because if you write sda you'll nuke your system | 16:00 |
ben_nabiy | ouroumov: you assume I am installed to /dev/sda :) | 16:00 |
ouroumov | right | 16:00 |
ouroumov | whateveer before that identify your USB drive using lsblk or df -h | 16:00 |
ben_nabiy | ouroumov: be careful about asserting things like that because someone might not have a standard install. But thank you for the caution | 16:01 |
ben_nabiy | will try things out, back in a bit | 16:02 |
ubuntu-mate | hi there | 16:08 |
pavlushka | Hi mate! | 16:09 |
ubuntu-mate | i trying to install ubuntu mate 16.04 but get error from grup install | 16:09 |
ubuntu-mate | and cansel the insatallation | 16:09 |
ubuntu-mate | how i can fix | 16:10 |
ouroumov | What's the error? | 16:10 |
ubuntu-mate | well say fatal error grub many canot insall | 16:11 |
pavlushka | ubuntu-mate: can you boot from live CD/USB? | 16:13 |
ubuntu-mate | im in live usb | 16:13 |
ubuntu-mate | now | 16:13 |
ben_nabiy | amazing what a bios flash will do | 16:13 |
ben_nabiy | all of a sudden I had UEFI again :) | 16:14 |
pavlushka | ubuntu-mate: then run in terminal "sudo -i", and press enter, and then "fdisk -l" and paste it in paste.ubuntu.com and give us the paste link | 16:14 |
ben_nabiy | ouroumov: thank you for trying to help :) I don't want you to think I didn't appreciate your imput | 16:15 |
ben_nabiy | *input | 16:15 |
ubuntu-mate | Device Start End Sectors Size Type | 16:16 |
ubuntu-mate | Disk /dev/sdb: 7.4 GiB, 7906263040 bytes, 15441920 sectors | 16:16 |
ubuntu-mate | Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes | 16:16 |
ubuntu-mate | Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes | 16:16 |
ubuntu-mate | I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes | 16:16 |
ubuntu-mate | Disklabel type: gpt | 16:16 |
ubuntu-mate | Disk identifier: 57A8AD39-34EF-414A-B0C0-B42E5404AB2D | 16:16 |
ubuntu-mate | Device Start End Sectors Size Type | 16:16 |
ubuntu-mate | root@ubuntu-mate:~# | 16:16 |
ubuntu-mate | '/dev/sda1 2048 616447 614400 300M Windows recovery environment | 16:18 |
ubuntu-mate | ' | 16:18 |
ubuntu-mate | dev/sda1 2048 616447 614400 300M Windows recovery environment | 16:19 |
pavlushka | ubuntu-mate: do you have any other system installed on that machine? | 16:19 |
ubuntu-mate | windows | 16:21 |
ubuntu-mate | i cant past the disk list some reason | 16:21 |
ubuntu-mate | dev/sda2 616448 821247 204800 100M EFI System | 16:21 |
ubuntu-mate | dev/sda3 821248 1083391 262144 128M Microsoft reserved | 16:21 |
ubuntu-mate | Device Start End Sectors Size Type | 16:21 |
pavlushka | ubuntu-mate: do you want to keep the MS-windows system? | 16:21 |
ubuntu-mate | well i like to have windows | 16:22 |
ubuntu-mate | to play some game | 16:22 |
* pavlushka laughs | 16:22 | |
ubuntu-mate | \Device Start End Sectors Size Type | 16:23 |
ubuntu-mate | \ | 16:24 |
ubuntu-mate | dev/sda1 2048 616447 614400 300M Windows recovery environment | 16:24 |
ubuntu-mate | dev/sda2 616448 821247 204800 100M EFI System | 16:24 |
ubuntu-mate | dev/sda3 821248 1083391 262144 128M Microsoft reserved | 16:24 |
ubuntu-mate | dev/sda4 1083392 203880447 202797056 96.7G Microsoft basic data | 16:24 |
pavlushka | ubuntu-mate: and your Windows version is? | 16:24 |
ubuntu-mate | dev/sda5 203880448 204802047 921600 450M Windows recovery environment | 16:25 |
ubuntu-mate | dev/sda6 204802048 1740802047 1536000000 732.4G Microsoft basic data | 16:25 |
ubuntu-mate | dev/sda7 1740802048 1938987007 198184960 94.5G Linux filesystem | 16:25 |
ubuntu-mate | dev/sda8 1938987008 1953523711 14536704 7G Linux swap | 16:25 |
ubuntu-mate | 10 | 16:25 |
pavlushka | ubuntu-mate: Go to system bios and disable secure boot first. | 16:26 |
ubuntu-mate | is disable | 16:26 |
pavlushka | ubuntu-mate: and.... | 16:26 |
ubuntu-mate | well i bin have mate for couple monts | 16:27 |
ubuntu-mate | but for some reason last night when i put my laptop on mate no load | 16:28 |
pavlushka | ubuntu-mate: side by side with windows? | 16:28 |
ubuntu-mate | and i trying to reinstall and give me the error | 16:28 |
ubuntu-mate | yes | 16:28 |
=== ubuntu-mate is now known as PartyLine | ||
PartyLine | now i trying again and i passt the error | 16:31 |
PartyLine | this time | 16:32 |
pavlushka | PartyLine: so, its good? | 16:32 |
PartyLine | well we see | 16:33 |
PartyLine | half way done | 16:33 |
pavlushka | PartyLine: and like to know if you Ubuntu-MATE is 32 or 64 bit? | 16:33 |
pavlushka | *your | 16:34 |
PartyLine | 64 | 16:34 |
PartyLine | but i | 16:34 |
pavlushka | it should go well I suppose | 16:34 |
pavlushka | PartyLine: but ? | 16:34 |
PartyLine | but if i cant install the system now im scro i dont have system to donwold another system | 16:35 |
pavlushka | PartyLine: Lets see and you have windows! that should do, :p | 16:36 |
PartyLine | well with out grup i cant run windows | 16:37 |
pavlushka | PartyLine: without GRUB you can, but that's another story. | 16:38 |
PartyLine | i anable internet this time to see if any diferent | 16:38 |
PartyLine | a i have lenovo z50-75 | 16:39 |
pavlushka | PartyLine: will depend on your internet speed, the time. | 16:39 |
ouroumov | It's usually not, it just takes longer | 16:39 |
PartyLine | mate cant found wifi driver | 16:39 |
pavlushka | PartyLine: and though with super speed even, it will take a little longer than installing from USB, :) | 16:40 |
pavlushka | PartyLine: haven't you enable the option while installing,"install the third party drives" or something like this? | 16:41 |
pavlushka | *drivers | 16:41 |
pavlushka | *enabled | 16:41 |
PartyLine | yes | 16:42 |
pavlushka | PartyLine: no problem, we can work on that after install, :) | 16:42 |
PartyLine | yes i do now i connect my phone with usb debugin for internet | 16:42 |
PartyLine | if we intall | 16:44 |
PartyLine | i bin have problem with this commant last time | 16:45 |
PartyLine | sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r) git | 16:45 |
PartyLine | and i cant insatll git clone | 16:45 |
PartyLine | i have ath10k-firmware | 16:46 |
pavlushka | PartyLine: you just have to install git. | 16:49 |
pavlushka | PartyLine: and then you can use git to clone, see? | 16:50 |
pavlushka | PartyLine: and I guess you are talking about this thread https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2303292 | 16:51 |
PartyLine | with internet i have install complete | 16:58 |
pavlushka | and PartyLine you should take a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI | 16:58 |
pavlushka | for installation issues. | 16:58 |
PartyLine | no installation issuse i will restat now | 16:59 |
* pavlushka hoping for a successful boot, keeping his fingers crossed. | 17:00 | |
pavlushka | Hello ouroumov ! | 17:01 |
ouroumov | hi | 17:01 |
pavlushka | ouroumov: please correct me if I make some mistakes, :) | 17:01 |
ouroumov | 'bout what? ^^ | 17:02 |
pavlushka | ouroumov: just in case, you are the backup plan , :p | 17:02 |
ouroumov | I'm sorry I gave up on understanding what PartyLine was writing a while ago | 17:03 |
pavlushka | ouroumov: no problemo, still you are the backup plan, :p | 17:04 |
latitude | need some help setting up a VPN | 17:34 |
bekks | First, you need to ask a specific question. | 17:45 |
pavlushka | latitude: you can take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN | 17:50 |
ouroumov | latitude, also the OpenVPN documentation is pretty good. | 18:09 |
ouroumov | (If by setting up you mean the server-side) | 18:09 |
latitude | thanks for the info. I have lots to read before I ask more question about VPN setup. | 18:24 |
megazell | Hey all! | 21:14 |
megazell | Hi all. I have a quick issue I am trying to resolve on Ubuntu Mate 16.04.01 64 bit. | 22:19 |
=== emma|offline is now known as Emma_Drey |
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