isleofman_dan | I've settled on a medium length SSID and password, and have just finished reconfiguring all my IoT things to connect again. Off to bed now. Thanks to all for input. I won't do anything about a bug report, as it only seems to be me with the problem! | 00:09 |
diddledan | still very strange that you're getting problems anyway | 00:14 |
diddledan | something is wonky and it feels bad not to find out what the problem is and only work around it in your case | 00:15 |
isleofman_dan | Yeah. Maybe someone else will run it the issue. If not, it'll be the Manx fairies to blame! | 00:19 |
isleofman_dan | goodnight | 00:19 |
mappps | hi | 03:01 |
=== mappps is now known as mapps | ||
MooDoo | howdy all | 06:44 |
popey | Good morning | 08:03 |
MooDoo | howdy popey | 08:03 |
knightwise | mornign | 08:31 |
knightwise | Plz type slowly when talking to popey .. he apparently has bad wifi | 08:31 |
TwistedLucidity | O | 08:36 |
TwistedLucidity | K | 08:36 |
davmor2 | popey: morning and welcome back | 08:38 |
popey | I do? | 08:38 |
davmor2 | popey: well it's that or it is your head from the sprint last week ;) | 08:39 |
davmor2 | and then a weekend with AQ | 08:39 |
popey | the bad wifi was in the hotel in heidelberg 😛 | 08:40 |
TwistedLucidity | What always impressed (terrified?) me in HD were the flood levels marked on the sides of the buildings by the river. | 08:51 |
TwistedLucidity | Also really cool to see an actual working river is the various barges toing and front (often with the family car lashed on the back) | 08:52 |
TwistedLucidity | s/front/froing | 08:52 |
brobostigon | morning boys and girls. | 09:08 |
daftykins | gm \o | 10:50 |
daftykins | barely. | 10:50 |
zmoylan-pi | good or morning? :-P | 10:51 |
daftykins | time'll tell :> | 11:03 |
daftykins | penguin42: afty \o | 11:03 |
* penguin42 yaawwwnns at the end of a long weekend | 11:03 | |
daftykins | that good eh? | 11:04 |
* zmoylan-pi pushes mugs of tea and aldi knockoff penguin bars towards daftykins n penguin42 | 11:04 | |
daftykins | yay :D | 11:04 |
* penguin42 grabs an unpenguin bar | 11:04 | |
penguin42 | daftykins: Well a 4 day weekend is a good thing; not got much done though | 11:04 |
daftykins | :) that's the whole point i'd imagine! | 11:05 |
zmoylan-pi | so a good weekend then :-) | 11:05 |
daftykins | i received my new Startech special slimline optical to USB 3.0 enclosure today, so i was just then robbing the bluray drive from my old HTPC and popping it in | 11:05 |
diddledan | daftykins: | 11:06 |
daftykins | :D i always wanted to know what the guards said in the next bit | 11:07 |
zmoylan-pi | i managed to take a pic of the €20 'smart' watch... | 11:11 |
daftykins | WOW indeed | 11:20 |
daftykins | looks like a right Fitbit clone | 11:20 |
zmoylan-pi | a near disposable fitbit... | 11:21 |
daftykins | actually the strap on a clients actual one died the other day, i took it apart for fun but nope - you can't change the strap at all on the - Charge HR i think it was | 11:23 |
daftykins | though phoning in, they sent another one for free | 11:23 |
zmoylan-pi | i suspect from reading the reviews and comments in various chat rooms that wearables are been killed by users at high rates | 11:24 |
diddledan | wearables need to be durable because people are careless about what they do with their arms | 11:25 |
zmoylan-pi | i went through a fair few watches in 80s as i treated it as armour for holding open doors that were closing etc. | 11:26 |
diddledan | and you wonder why we only give you nokia phones | 11:26 |
zmoylan-pi | lost one throwing a punch. strap just died on impact... | 11:27 |
daftykins | my my | 11:28 |
zmoylan-pi | only nokia make moylan proof phones... nokia nokia that is, not ms nokia... | 11:28 |
diddledan | rumors yesterday were accurate: | 11:30 |
zmoylan-pi | 5beeelion dollarsss... ::holds pinkie to mouth:: | 11:30 |
zmoylan-pi | 1 billion goes to mozilla seemingly | 11:31 |
DJones | For Y!A!H!O!O! ? Wow, do people still use that | 11:31 |
zmoylan-pi | the oil trading industry uses yahoo messenger almost exclusively | 11:31 |
DJones | In other news, owner of isohunt settles a lawsuit for $50M | 11:31 |
zmoylan-pi | their email has been doing well recently | 11:31 |
DJones | | 11:32 |
zmoylan-pi | tumblr is growing... even if it is a _lot_ of porn | 11:32 |
daftykins | ooh amazon tell me my pi3 has dispatched | 11:32 |
* daftykins is soon to be known as daftykins-pi | 11:32 | |
daftykins | ;) | 11:32 |
DJones | Heh, I read somewhere that the biggest piracy/porn search engine now is | 11:33 |
daftykins | Bing! and the law is broken | 11:33 |
DJones | Nice to MS's stand against piracy is working | 11:33 |
daftykins | since when did they have one? | 11:33 |
zmoylan-pi | pat the postman dispatched or al pacino dispatched? :-) | 11:33 |
zmoylan-pi | it's ok when they steal from someone, it's not ok to steal from ms | 11:34 |
DJones | Perhaps not in general terms, but thinking of all the anti piracy stuff included in Windows | 11:34 |
DJones | Region encoding for dvd's etc | 11:34 |
zmoylan-pi | region encoding for dvds as horrible as it is, is not ms's fault | 11:35 |
daftykins | DJones: i'm horrified that you think that's Microsoft, that's in drive firmware! | 11:35 |
daftykins | it's no wonder you open source folk have such bias when you make things up like this | 11:35 |
zmoylan-pi | ms media player... not _THATS_ ms's fault... :-) | 11:35 |
zmoylan-pi | *now | 11:36 |
diddledan | lol | 11:36 |
DJones | Years ago I had a cd reader/writer that was blocked by Windows, rather than the firmware on the device, worked fine with Slackware for anything, just wouldn't work with windows | 11:36 |
daftykins | well that's heavily anecdotal | 11:36 |
DJones | Maybe that was just that the opensource community had a workround for a hardware block | 11:37 |
daftykins | sounds more like misconfigured Windows to me | 11:37 |
DJones | That wasn't incororated in Windows | 11:37 |
diddledan | I believe decss bypasses the firmware by reading it as data | 11:37 |
diddledan | I might be making that up on the spot though :-p\ | 11:38 |
daftykins | i would expect any drive interaction has to go via firmware | 11:39 |
zmoylan-pi | that _might_ be ms doing all the reading by the book whereas linux has had to make it up as they went along | 11:40 |
DJones | I'm not anti-windows, it does some things better than linux (regardless of distro) so I use maybe 1 day week, I just prefer Linux via Ubuntu which meets 90% ofmy needs without monetary cost, no matter what, people use the best or easiest tool available to them | 11:40 |
DJones | I like powerpoint & publisher, they are easy to use and work well for what I need to do with them | 11:40 |
daftykins | just cost in time :D | 11:40 |
diddledan | DJones: except dicky stallman whose morals are too staunch to sacrifice freedom in favour of ease | 11:41 |
diddledan | I admire him for his tanacity | 11:41 |
DJones | diddledan: Well, respect to him for making the choice, no arguments there | 11:41 |
diddledan | exactly! | 11:41 |
DJones | Outside of those two apps, there's nothing I can't do on Ubuntu/Linux | 11:42 |
diddledan | blurry on linux is still a pain | 11:42 |
diddledan | :-( | 11:42 |
DJones | Even then I could find alternatives, but when I'm sharing files with pure windows users its easier just to stick with the, | 11:42 |
daftykins | nah, install makemkv... symlink a couple of libs and hey presto Kodi can play movies direct from disc | 11:42 |
diddledan | I worry about what makemkv does in it's binary blob though | 11:43 |
popey | \o/ contractor arrived, has a thinkpad. opening discussion about thinkpads | 11:43 |
diddledan | popey: yey! | 11:43 |
popey | I guessed x220t, was x230t, close | 11:43 |
daftykins | i'm actually dumping a Sopranos episode from this bluray drive over USB 3.0 with makemkv right now | 11:43 |
zmoylan-pi | play conkers with your thinkpads to show their superiority :-D | 11:43 |
popey | should have looked at the keyboard better | 11:43 |
popey | last time I had a chat with a stranger about his thinkpad was on a plane, and he turned out to be one of the designers of the BBC Micro | 11:44 |
DJones | daftykins: Was kodi the follow on form xmbc? I think so, I used to use that and found it worked with everything, don't need it now with a smart tv though | 11:44 |
popey | chatted to him for hours. | 11:44 |
popey | Thinkpads are great ice breakers | 11:44 |
DJones | s/form/from. | 11:44 |
zmoylan-pi | it's the geek equivalence of a pet dog. a conversation starter... | 11:44 |
daftykins | DJones: yeah the new name after some software company asked them to change | 11:44 |
DJones | daftykins: Ta | 11:44 |
daftykins | been using it for my HTPC on the TV since the original xbox days :) | 11:44 |
daftykins | | 11:45 |
daftykins | dug it out the other day and it still runs! | 11:45 |
diddledan | :-o | 11:45 |
DJones | Nice,I think I reformatted mine | 11:45 |
daftykins | 2.0x bluray so 8.5MB/sec is the max i'm getting off my old HTPC's bluray drive :( | 11:46 |
popey | I've managed to get to 2016 and not have any blueray devices | 11:46 |
daftykins | 30 mins to pull off a 13.6GB episode :) | 11:46 |
daftykins | mmm i'd not own one either if it didn't just come with my HTPC, but i ran Kodi from Linux so i never used it either | 11:47 |
zmoylan-pi | i watch most of my movies on screens smaller than 10" blu ray is a waste of capacity to me | 11:47 |
daftykins | never assumed they'd get it working | 11:47 |
daftykins | 10" ? wat | 11:47 |
daftykins | zmoylan-pi: did you just stop wanting any tech around one day? :) | 11:47 |
zmoylan-pi | i don't have a tv, i just use tablets and netbooks and phones for watching movies | 11:48 |
daftykins | that's horrible :( | 11:48 |
zmoylan-pi | i have bad eysight so big screens far away are of no use to me, a small screen close by is grand | 11:48 |
daftykins | you just pull up a chair :D | 11:48 |
popey | i found the hudl2 perfect size for watching 1080 at a few inches away | 11:48 |
popey | watched loads on that | 11:49 |
daftykins | i quite like having decent sound :P | 11:49 |
popey | headphones ftw | 11:49 |
daftykins | dear Tux no :P | 11:49 |
zmoylan-pi | as long as i can read the subtitles on seven samurai any screen size is acceptable... just right now that means a tablet usually | 11:49 |
popey | hard to get a full dolby digital setup on a plane | 11:49 |
daftykins | we weren't talking about flights i thought | 11:50 |
daftykins | if you keep changing the use case it surprisingly changes the constraints too | 11:50 |
zmoylan-pi | now if blu ray was more easily accessed for storing data i'd love the 20+gb of storage they allow for archives | 11:50 |
penguin42 | popey: They could always mount 85" LCDs along the wings and turn the window seats around | 11:51 |
zmoylan-pi | i'd have to open a window and wing walk to watch... :-P | 11:51 |
daftykins | i was on a flight the other day where nobody was allowed peanuts because a 'hyper allergic' was onboard o0 | 11:52 |
daftykins | seems those baseball stadiums in the US have special suites for those folk too, to spare them from the slightest whiff of peanut exposure | 11:53 |
zmoylan-pi | so you had to use your emergency stash of snickers to feed your peanut habit... | 11:53 |
MooDoo | :) | 11:54 |
penguin42 | daftykins: It must be really difficult in the US - they put peanuts in everything | 11:54 |
diddledan | they even put peanuts in butter!! | 11:54 |
diddledan | :-p | 11:54 |
daftykins | :D | 11:54 |
DJones | nuts....Disgusting things, just bits of wood...might as well chew on a chair leg, its the same material :) | 11:54 |
DJones | Unless its coconut of course | 11:55 |
diddledan | eww | 11:55 |
diddledan | hate coconut | 11:55 |
* zmoylan-pi loves a bounty bar once in a while | 11:55 | |
zmoylan-pi | the dark chocolate version | 11:55 |
DJones | Something I've never liked nuts apart from salted peanuts when in a pub (as long as they're not in a bowl on the bar) | 11:55 |
* penguin42 now has a terrible vision of zmoylan-pi in a grass skirt | 11:55 | |
daftykins | ugh not dark :P my parents would always ruin chocolate stashes with that preference! | 11:55 |
penguin42 | daftykins: Send the dark chocolate this way | 11:56 |
daftykins | mmm salted peanuts, dry roasted and cashews \o/ | 11:56 |
diddledan | I believe this is needed at this juncture (mildly unsafe for kids) | 11:57 |
daftykins | diddledan: i suppose that's still on the topic of nuts... | 11:58 |
diddledan | well there's chocolate and nuts so I figured it followed | 11:58 |
zmoylan-pi | back when chef was part of southpark... | 11:58 |
diddledan | s/nuts/salt/ | 11:58 |
daftykins | back when they were insulting everything except his own beliefs :) | 11:59 |
diddledan | I've not seen southpark since the movie | 11:59 |
diddledan | I blame canada | 11:59 |
zmoylan-pi | haven't seen it since my last tv died in 2008 | 12:00 |
DJones | Never watched it, something I didn't like | 12:00 |
penguin42 | can watch it in small doses | 12:00 |
diddledan | zmoylan-pi: get an hdhomerun and you can watch tv on your 10inch thingies | 12:00 |
daftykins | they've become highly topical, there's some very good stuff in there if you can skip past the toiler humour rubbish | 12:00 |
zmoylan-pi | there are some good bits, some inspired brilliant bits but a lot of annoying bits | 12:01 |
zmoylan-pi | paging david_ll_ fix your connection | 12:01 |
daftykins | it's ok, i even emailed the guy now | 12:01 |
daftykins | must be away or something :) | 12:01 |
daftykins | if only we had active ops that could set a temporary ban until it's resolved... | 12:02 |
DJones | Not much in lastlog, just one read error and one client quit | 12:03 |
diddledan | some idiot outside has loud gangsta noises (can't call it music) playing | 12:04 |
zmoylan-pi | warm weather has idiot drivers driving around with windows open... | 12:04 |
DJones | I saw a lot of connection failures over the weekend though | 12:04 |
DJones | zmoylan-pi: I saw a picture on a local police twitter account that had a "home made convertible", the owner had just cut the roof off | 12:05 |
daftykins | well that guy has been dropping all weekend | 12:05 |
zmoylan-pi | i saw a mini pickup over the weekend... | 12:05 |
zmoylan-pi | not often you see a car with less cabin space than a smart car... | 12:06 |
daftykins | wow crucial seem to have some 80s synth as their hold music | 12:08 |
diddledan | \o/ | 12:08 |
diddledan | synth ftw | 12:08 |
zmoylan-pi | less cool is that it's ben there sinc the 80s... :-) | 12:08 |
DJones | I think the link was this | 12:08 |
daftykins | XD | 12:08 |
diddledan | I like that the police had stopped them | 12:09 |
zmoylan-pi | apologies for dm link... compared to this wreck... | 12:11 |
daftykins | nice tortoise | 12:11 |
zmoylan-pi | the terminator car, positively absolutely will not stop... | 12:12 |
diddledan | damn | 12:12 |
diddledan | "qmail is not an MTA. it's a set of building blocks to make your own. so it's kinda like netBSD" | 12:13 |
zmoylan-pi | some assembly required | 12:14 |
DJones | Like Lego or Mecano then | 12:18 |
zmoylan-pi | more like dna... :-P | 12:18 |
zmoylan-pi | with no picture on the box to help... | 12:18 |
DJones | zmoylan-pi: That car is wrecked | 12:18 |
zmoylan-pi | i wonder if it would pass any countries mot... | 12:19 |
DJones | Its got a wheel at each corner (even if it is triangular) | 12:20 |
zmoylan-pi | it does make you curious as to what happened to it that crushed it so much but left it running | 12:21 |
diddledan | it looks like it was lifted by a chain | 12:21 |
DJones | This was on the NW Motorway police twitter feed the other day drink driver over twice the legal limit, drove on the motorway with his vehicle like this.. | 12:27 |
DJones | Looks 100% roadworthy compared to the car in zmoylan-pi's link | 12:28 |
daftykins | :S | 12:29 |
daftykins | can only imagine they must've crashed and then kept going | 12:29 |
DJones | Either that or the tyre blew & kept going | 12:30 |
daftykins | the poor road :) | 12:31 |
zmoylan-pi | and the debris left behind to be thrown up by following cars | 12:31 |
foobarry | restricted mode on youtube is ridiculous | 13:27 |
penguin42 | what's that? | 13:28 |
foobarry | i want to disable smutty thumbnail suggestions from coming up after i've watcha video | 13:28 |
foobarry | its a safe mode | 13:28 |
foobarry | but its a blunt mallety | 13:28 |
foobarry | it turns off comments and the most benign videos, such as lara croft locks the butler in the freezer | 13:28 |
foobarry | they need a better filter than that | 13:29 |
foobarry | and there's a big difference betwewen seeing comments and unrelated pornographic still shots | 13:29 |
daftykins | those thumbs are becoming all too common, youtube is a real mess for sure | 13:30 |
penguin42 | yeh | 13:33 |
diddledan | dang: | 13:44 |
diddledan | that's a long closure | 13:44 |
zmoylan-pi | they found a leaf on the line? :-P | 13:45 |
DJones | wonder how it'll affect uk workers....Oh, not at all | 13:46 |
zmoylan-pi | well depends how bad brexit is by then and which british companies end up in manhattan... :-P | 13:46 |
daftykins | closer to 'home', i hear southwest trains have gotten quite rough? | 13:46 |
popey | southern, maybe? | 13:46 |
popey | swt are okay | 13:46 |
popey | also, free wifi | 13:47 |
daftykins | oh right, didn't think there was a distinction | 13:47 |
daftykins | i always train about when on the 'mainland' :) | 13:47 |
popey | southern go kinda south out of victoria, and southwest go kinda south-west out of waterloo | 13:47 |
popey | (mostly) | 13:47 |
daftykins | ah yeah | 13:47 |
popey | I went on both at the weekend as part of my "tour of nuclear power stations" trip | 13:48 |
zmoylan-pi | saw carriages over the weekend with compartments... didn't know we had any in ireland... | 13:48 |
daftykins | o0 what prompted that? :) | 13:48 |
diddledan | I'm on the waterloo/salisbury line | 13:48 |
popey | I was on a train in Germany on Thursday. Chatting to a friend. Some german bloke walked past. Stopped, and said "popey?" | 13:48 |
davmor2 | northwest is euston | 13:48 |
popey | Turns out he's a listener, user of Ubuntu and ubuntu phone owner | 13:48 |
diddledan | although I think basingstoke also serves the solent region so winchester, southampton etc. | 13:49 |
daftykins | XD | 13:49 |
penguin42 | popey: haha | 13:49 |
popey | daftykins: friend of mine organised a trip | 13:49 |
davmor2 | popey: you're infamous | 13:49 |
DJones | What is the conference that has happened in Liverpool around august over the last few years | 13:49 |
popey | oggcamp? | 13:49 |
daftykins | soon they'll be asking for autographs | 13:49 |
DJones | popey: Thanks, thats it | 13:49 |
popey | hah | 13:49 |
popey | he pinged me on telegram afterwards and said "should have taken a selfie" | 13:49 |
davmor2 | popey: it's the Lionel Blair cut | 13:50 |
diddledan | popey: wait till people call you mycroft :-p | 13:50 |
popey | hahah | 13:50 |
penguin42 | davmor2: I thought it was Elvis? | 13:50 |
davmor2 | penguin42: it's okay it's only an advert | 13:50 |
zmoylan-pi | soon they'll be wanting popey to put his autograph on parts of their body so they can get it tattooed later... ::me knows the people:: :-P | 13:50 |
DJones | If oggcamp happens in 2017, people from down south should be aware that there'll be a new bridge over the mersey open at runcorn that will be a toll bridge | 13:50 |
DJones | If it happens in Liverpool again | 13:51 |
davmor2 | Theres a toll theres a toll in the dungeon | 13:51 |
DJones | Old Runcorn-Widnes bridge will also be tolled/closed around then | 13:51 |
DJones | Which is the direct route to Liverpool from the M6 | 13:52 |
foobarry | das popey. | 13:52 |
DJones | via M56 | 13:52 |
foobarry | in some corny allo allo accent i hope | 13:52 |
penguin42 | DJones: Convenient for those running a toll bridge | 13:52 |
DJones | | 13:52 |
zmoylan-pi | the trolls can meet under it | 13:52 |
DJones | Causing road chaos at the moment for locals | 13:53 |
popey | the trip at the weekend was to Arthur Dents house, The Red Lion (where he and Ford prefect had 6 beers), , Dungeness, a secret underground bunker, alien trail in Rendlesham, tour of sizewell B... | 13:53 |
popey | busy weekend | 13:53 |
zmoylan-pi | the movie or the tv show? | 13:54 |
daftykins | my my | 13:54 |
diddledan | zmoylan-pi: radio :-p | 13:54 |
davmor2 | zmoylan-pi: the tv show | 13:55 |
popey | zmoylan-pi: tv show | 13:57 |
davmor2 | zmoylan-pi: | 13:57 |
zmoylan-pi | the tv show is all on youtube these days | 13:58 |
popey | yeah | 13:58 |
diddledan | davmor2: you're french? | 13:59 |
diddledan | I think you'll be able to read better if you used | 13:59 |
davmor2 | diddledan: no it was just the first image that showed the house from google images | 13:59 |
daftykins | sacré bleu | 13:59 |
diddledan | blue sugar? | 14:00 |
daftykins | nope | 14:00 |
diddledan | or lude sacrifice? | 14:00 |
daftykins | it's sacred blue, of course | 14:01 |
diddledan | nono, I think it's a naughty sacrifice (like blue-movie is a naughty movie) | 14:01 |
daftykins | the waiter says it a lot whilst the two NAMBLAs are chasing the South Park boys | 14:02 |
diddledan | Nambla? | 14:02 |
daftykins | y'know, the North American Marlon Brando Look-Alikes | 14:02 |
daftykins | and the other one isn't really appropriate to repeat in here | 14:02 |
popey | that one | 14:04 |
popey | | 14:04 |
popey | doesn't look a lot different now | 14:04 |
diddledan | defenders based on daredevil and jessica jones has a good teaser trailer from comicon this week: | 14:05 |
* daftykins makes it nice and big for zmoylan-pi - | 14:06 | |
diddledan | daftykins: he only has 10 inches, you need to shrink it for him, surely? | 14:06 |
zmoylan-pi | no plaque for the h2g2 fans? | 14:06 |
popey | i couldn't see one | 14:07 |
popey | didn't go too close as it's private land | 14:07 |
diddledan | ergh. chrome keeps crashing on me | 14:09 |
foobarry | where is the red lion? | 14:09 |
daftykins | there's one just north of town here on Guernsey ;) | 14:10 |
popey | foobarry: | 14:16 |
popey | really nice pub. had some food and not quite six beers | 14:16 |
zmoylan-pi | and no peanuts to replace the salt after transport? | 14:20 |
popey | i was tempted to buy some peanuts | 14:22 |
popey | but went for cheesy chips instead :) | 14:22 |
penguin42 | the dentrasi would not be impressed | 14:26 |
zmoylan-pi | probably did have to use babelfish to order from the foreign staff in pub mind... :-P | 14:28 |
penguin42 | the recent arrivals from Ursa-major-minor really don't understand the Southern accent that well | 14:29 |
zmoylan-pi | pfft, even the babelfish is thrown by some irish accents :-P | 14:30 |
popey | heh | 14:30 |
diddledan | zmoylan-pi: yeah but irish is like galifrayan - nobody understands it | 14:39 |
daftykins | gali what? | 14:39 |
diddledan | might be with an e | 14:41 |
diddledan | galifrey | 14:41 |
diddledan | either way | 14:41 |
diddledan | daftykins: if you don't know what galifrey is then please get your coat and check your geek card in at the door :-p | 14:41 |
zmoylan-pi | | 14:42 |
* daftykins gets his coat | 14:42 | |
diddledan | hehe | 14:42 |
* penguin42 offers diddledan a jelly baby | 14:42 | |
daftykins | i don't watch Dr. Who | 14:42 |
diddledan | :-o | 14:42 |
* penguin42 hasn't for a few decades, but still | 14:42 | |
diddledan | heretic! | 14:42 |
zmoylan-pi | and slips a sonic screwdriver into his pocket that will raise questions going through security... | 14:42 |
penguin42 | diddledan: It's never been any good after Tom Baker | 14:42 |
diddledan | lol | 14:42 |
daftykins | JamesTait: what day is it!? | 15:29 |
daftykins | i just called ebay to tell 'em their system doesn't accept local mobile numbers ;) | 15:29 |
daftykins | this ought to be good | 15:30 |
JamesTait | daftykins, I haven't even looked yet! | 15:31 |
JamesTait | Thread the Needle Day, according to several sources. Hot Fudge Sundae Day as well. | 15:32 |
diddledan | isn’t sundae day redundant usage of day? | 15:34 |
daftykins | it might be a bit confusing to write sunda(e/y) | 15:35 |
daftykins | that would have made more sense yesterday, too ;) | 15:35 |
JamesTait | A Sunday sundae? | 15:38 |
JamesTait | Or is it a sundae Sunday? | 15:38 |
daftykins | i bet that diddledan would have a Sunday Sundae on a Friday! | 15:45 |
daftykins | yay i'm getting my new mechanical keyboard sooner than expected \o/ go amazon! | 16:24 |
* zmoylan-pi rips open a pack of after eight mints in defiance of all social norms... | 17:45 | |
daftykins | with zeez after eight at before 7pm you are really spoiling uzz | 17:48 |
daftykins | </Ferrero Rochez parody> | 17:48 |
penguin42 | zmoylan-pi: Yes but will the pack survive until 8 ? | 17:48 |
daftykins | not if we work hard | 17:48 |
diddledan | | 17:53 |
diddledan | you’re welcome | 17:53 |
zmoylan-pi | the only animal to be born with horns... | 17:54 |
DJones | zmoylan-pi: Have you seen Donald Trump's baby photo's? | 18:01 |
DJones | Although, that might defeat the definition of "animal" | 18:02 |
zmoylan-pi | that assumes he was born and not as suspected by many... summoned... | 18:03 |
daftykins | grown or ejected | 18:04 |
DJones | ejected makes him sound like waste ectoplasm from ghostbusters | 18:05 |
DJones | But if the cap fits.... | 18:05 |
zmoylan-pi | once you cut 2 holes in it for his horns... | 18:09 |
foobarry | robot wars new series was fun \o/ | 19:06 |
popey | yeah | 19:14 |
popey | Sam hadn't heard of it, we sat and watched it together, he loved it | 19:14 |
popey | meant later bed time, which may be partly why he loved it | 19:14 |
zmoylan-pi | and then young dreams of making a killer robot... | 19:15 |
penguin42 | yeh just be careful where you leave your pi and chainsaw | 19:16 |
diddledan_ | just tried iplayering it and got told "This content cannot be played in our HTML5 Player" | 19:17 |
penguin42 | they have an HTML5 player? | 19:17 |
=== christel is now known as hipstel | ||
zmoylan-pi | it looked just like what i thought it would look like coming out of the box... :-) | 19:46 |
diddledan_ | how many amps does it take to run 20KW? | 19:49 |
zmoylan-pi | watch the vid, he has a rig for taking 100amps and outputting 90+ to the bulb | 19:50 |
zmoylan-pi | he's sweating just from the light... | 19:51 |
diddledan_ | why does he have that huge cable in his house?! | 19:55 |
zmoylan-pi | for overclocking his rasp pi for 2 nanoseconds... :-P | 19:55 |
diddledan_ | I wonder how many homes he's accidentally burnt-down? | 19:56 |
zmoylan-pi | i wonder if his eyesight came back | 19:56 |
zmoylan-pi | of course if a neighbour started playing loud music he could put that in the garden and fly a drone with mirror attached to reflect light into theirs... | 19:57 |
daftykins | - here's me finding bugs in games | 20:04 |
diddledan_ | o_O | 20:11 |
diddledan_ | teleport | 20:11 |
diddledan_ | and the curious case of the confused drinks glass | 20:12 |
daftykins | ;] | 20:13 |
daftykins | i put poison in it so completed an entire playthrough before i realised he had vanished | 20:13 |
daftykins | by chance i had an autosave there so i could see what was happening | 20:13 |
diddledan_ | so you tried to kill a guy but he decided to just cease existence rather than be killed by you? | 20:21 |
diddledan_ | that's not really very sporting of him is it? | 20:22 |
diddledan_ | watching robot wars - the second bout was carnage | 20:24 |
diddledan_ | wow carbide (robot) is a thing of pure evil | 20:49 |
daftykins | diddledan_: it is quite rude, though it was a sedative so he's having a very good nap in the afterlife | 20:49 |
=== hipstel is now known as christel | ||
m0nkey_ | Hmm.. Jimmy Carr is in Montreal this weekend | 23:07 |
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