
=== pavlushka_ is now known as Guest91131
=== Guest91131 is now known as pavlushka
tsimonq2wxl: ping22:59
wxltsimonq2: pöng23:00
tsimonq2wxl: see the call for testing?23:00
tsimonq2wxl: did you also see that my name is here? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YakketyYak/ReleaseTaskSignup23:01
tsimonq2wxl: I can't find a freaking yak quote for the life of me23:01
tsimonq2wxl: so I'm saying help :P23:01
Unit193"Don't talk back"23:01
tsimonq2Unit193: do you actually think I can manage that? :O23:02
tsimonq2Unit193: that's leaving Adam with all the hard ones :P23:02
lynorianhmm now I want a yak cowfile for cowsay23:02
wxlUnit193: did you see my note from the other day?23:04
Unit193wxl: Passing notes in class again, are we?  What note?23:09
wxlUnit193: could you make tsimonq2 manager on this channel or at least give him the ability to change the topic?23:09
Unit193wxl: He has the ability to change the topic, this channel isn't +t (I did that on purpose.)23:10
* tsimonq2 tries23:10
wxloh. just not through c. got it.23:10
Unit193tsimonq2: No playing with that.23:10
tsimonq2Unit193: I need to update it23:10
tsimonq2Unit193: and wxl gave me permission23:10
Unit193Changing != playing, so I'm good with that. :P23:11
wxlif you shake it more than three times..23:11
Unit193Exactly, wxl!23:11
=== tsimonq2 changed the topic of #lubuntu-devel to: Lubuntu QA/Development | Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/QA | Support: #lubuntu | Chat: #lubuntu-offtopic | Now Testing: Yakkety Yak Alpha 2 due 28 July | Upcoming: 14.04.5 due 04 August
=== tsimonq2 changed the topic of #lubuntu-devel to: Lubuntu QA/Development | Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/QA | Support: #lubuntu | Offtopic Chat: #lubuntu-offtopic | Now Testing: Yakkety Yak Alpha 2 milestone due 28 July | Upcoming: 14.04.5 due 04 August
wxluh oh, that's two23:13
tsimonq2wxl: huh?23:13
wxl1611 < wxl:#lubuntu-devel> if you shake it more than three times..23:14
=== tsimonq2 changed the topic of #lubuntu-devel to: Lubuntu QA/Development | Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/QA | Support: #lubuntu | Offtopic Chat: #lubuntu-offtopic | Now Testing: Yakkety Yak Alpha 2 milestone due 28 July | Upcoming: 14.04.5 due 04 August
wxlTHAT"S THREE!23:16
tsimonq2wxl: :O23:16
Unit193wxl: 323:17
wxlUnit193: hey come on. i said MORE than three times.23:17
Unit193wxl: I interpreted that as 3.23:17
wxlon the matter as whether or not 3 satisfies the condition of being more than 3, there is no ambiguity23:19
tsimonq2wxl: I agree :P23:19
wxlhowever, points for enthusiasm, Unit193 :)23:19
wxlew gedit23:20
lynorianwell gedit is better than visual studio or notepad but that is not saying much23:25
tsimonq2yeah lol lynorian23:26

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