[08:20] djs, given the only thing you change is the kenrnel, that tends to indicate it is related to that rather doesn't it ? [09:58] hi [09:59] I'm getting errors with a ppa/mainline kernel [09:59] where should I report them ? [10:00] or, maybe, how ? [10:03] ddalex, those are debugging tools, so mostly not supported, we may be interested in some classes of issues as they may indicate issues coming down the line [10:04] apw, are these unmodified upstream kernels ? i.e. are the bug reports valid for bugzilla.kernel.org ? [10:04] they are unmodified indeed, they have an ubuntu-like configuration applied but otehr than that no changes [10:04] ddalex, so yes filing them upstream is not unreasonable [10:05] thanks, I'll fill upstream [12:09] ogasawara: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1607344 [12:09] Launchpad bug 1607344 in Snappy "snap gives confusing error messages if snap login was ran with sudo" [Undecided,New] [12:11] zyga: thanks! [13:27] does building the kernel require editing the Makefiles to disable -pie? is there some easier way to pass cflags into the build system? [13:29] attente, which series are you building on, and which kernel are you trying to build. depending on the combinations that can be true [13:29] attente, though there is a patch in recent ubuntu kernels for that [13:30] apw: building from git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-yakkety.git [13:31] apw: it's the current master with a small patch on top [13:31] Ubuntu-4.4.0-22.40 [13:32] attente, right but what are you building that _on_ as a local host, you should be building it in a [13:32] yakkety chroot, whcih wuold understand the pie bits [13:33] though -22 is very old, why that one of all of them, maybe that is too old to have the fix [13:33] apw: which branch is the development target? [13:34] for the 4.4 that is in the xenial repositories, we're working on 4.6 in the yakkety repo [14:44] apw: well, yes, the failure to decrypt the rootfs is definitely related to the kernel since that is the only thing changing [14:45] apw: I'm wondering whether it's a timing problem of some sort, I was poking through the initramfs-tools scripts a bit trying to see where it might be getting stuck [14:46] but so far no luck... booting with debug doesn't get me anywhere, the problem is earlier than that [14:47] djs, it was 4.7 you were trying out wasn't it [14:48] yeah [14:48] i would guess we have something useful turned off in that 4.7 build, like an encryption algo or something [14:50] yeah possibly... I was also looking over diffs between the 4.6.4 and 4.7.0 initrd and there definitely are some [14:50] so do those builds get refreshed from time to time or are they static? [14:53] builds are a one off, unless we find a clear config issue which gets fixed in our main branches, then i may chose to respin them [14:54] ok, so do you have any suggestions on how I ought to proceed? my interest in newer kernels is support for newer hardware in the laptop I'm running on [14:54] it's not too bad with 4.6.4 but I'm hoping a few issues will be fixed with 4.7 === JanC is now known as Guest85214 === JanC_ is now known as JanC