
=== tinwood is now known as tinwood-lunch
=== tinwood-lunch is now known as tinwood
xnoxpitti, i think slangasek said last week that you will run this meeting this week, no?!15:00
* xnox looks at chat logs15:01
xnox(cause sprints etc)15:01
pittioh, did he? ok15:01
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Jul 28 15:01:42 2016 UTC.  The chair is pitti. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.15:01
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick15:01
pitti#topic lightning round15:01
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: lightning round
pitti$ echo $(shuf -e barry doko bdmurray slangasek caribou infinity sil2100 robru cyphermox pitti tdaitx xnox chiluk)15:01
pitticaribou infinity slangasek cyphermox pitti tdaitx bdmurray robru sil2100 doko barry xnox chiluk15:01
pittino caribou or infinity, or slangasek  -- cyphermox ?15:04
cyphermoxoh really15:04
cyphermoxwell, I was on vacation for the past two weeks15:04
cyphermox- prepare new shim to fix LoadOptions bug on some firmwares15:04
cyphermox- grub2 bug fix for bug LP: #1229458 (UEFI IPv6 PXE booting -- routing broken)15:04
cyphermox- revision of the debconf prompts in shim-signed15:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1229458 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "grubnetx64.efi tftp client does not work over ipv6" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122945815:04
cyphermox- planning development work for key usage logic in shim15:05
cyphermox- ubiquity merges, bugfixing for scaling on HiDPI.15:05
cyphermox- email catch up15:05
cyphermox- testing new shim15:05
cyphermox- filed RT for shim signature15:05
cyphermox- catching up with installer work15:05
pittinetplan: further development, create LP project, land in yakkety (package "nplan"); please experiment and give feedback; started to write detailled documentation15:05
pittisystemd-session: convert further services, review landing silo problems; most of the necessary infra is in yakkety now, except systemd 231-1 (which just needs an mdadm merge, xnox is on it); planning to flip the switch next week15:05
pittimerges: apparmor, ebtables, nfs-utils, scsitools15:05
pittiBuild new full langpacks for trusty for point release15:05
pittiDebug and propose a fix for networking restart/ssh deadlock (#1584393)15:05
pittiDiscuss/investigate using systemd (for snaps) on trusty, have a PoC now (in https://launchpad.net/~pitti/+archive/ubuntu/systemd)15:05
pittiInvestigate apt regression in -proposed (#1607283)15:05
pittiNOTE: I will be on holidays for 1.5 weeks from next Wed on15:05
tdaitxShort week: Away on Thursday afternoon and Friday the whole day (moving to a new place); worked fewer hours on the remainig days (burned half-day 'vacation' to compensate)15:06
tdaitx= OpenJDK security update15:06
tdaitx- Packaging and testing IcedTea 2.6.7 pre0115:06
tdaitx= Merges15:06
tdaitx- Restarted work on isc-dhcp15:06
tdaitx= AOB15:06
tdaitx- Still no internet; working from a co-working space15:06
cyphermoxtdaitx: isc-dhcp?15:06
bdmurrayreported bug regarding canonical-is-charm for haproxy15:06
bdmurrayubuntu-release-upgrader bug triage15:06
bdmurrayreview of trusty HWE unit tests for update-manager15:06
bdmurrayuploaded update-manager with HWE support to yakkety15:06
bdmurrayuploaded update-manager ppa changelogs merge proposal15:06
bdmurrayreview of halted phased updates15:06
bdmurrayresearch into component-mismatches bug opened status issue15:06
bdmurraysubmitted merge proposal fixing component-mismatches bug15:06
bdmurraycode review for robru regarding bileto15:06
bdmurray✔ done15:06
tdaitxcyphermox, yes15:06
tdaitxit is a merge, I started working on that and then the openjdk security update happened15:07
cyphermoxah ok15:07
robruoh sorry15:08
robruone sec15:08
robru* finished, landed, and rolled out new status job15:08
robru* babysat rollout and fixed some issues that popped up in production15:08
robru* ripped out old status job15:08
sil2100- Landing team work, silo coordination, preparing landing e-mails15:08
sil2100- RTM status meetings15:08
sil2100- Various discussions related to future touch plans15:08
sil2100- Touch xenial:15:08
sil2100  * Fixing overall ubuntu-touch build failures due to dropped overlay changes15:08
sil2100  * Found missing binary package for gst-plugins-bad1.0 for arm6415:08
sil2100  * No hybris expert around, had to dig into hybris issues myself15:08
sil2100  * Fixed libhybris to be compatible with a stricter gcc15:08
sil2100  * Fixed unresolved symbols in libhybris for the mm linker, did a lot of debugging on a chroot15:08
sil2100  * Enabled gst hybris plugin for arm64 with the new hybris, forced hybris android version 23 for arm6415:09
sil2100- OTA-12:15:09
sil2100  * Preparing release notes, generating commitlogs15:09
sil2100  * Promoting images, phasing updates, sending announcements15:09
cyphermoxsil2100: poor you, hybris is ugly.15:09
sil2100- Publishing the unblocked address-book-app to yakkety15:09
sil2100- Adding a new script to landing-team-tools for generating commitlogs from selected manifests15:09
sil2100- Started work on switching commitlogs to new bileto published_versions15:09
sil2100- Discussing the possibility of backporting boost 1.58 to the overlay15:09
sil2100Yeah, it is15:09
sil2100But it was nice to see some C code again, I miss that15:09
pittidoko: ?15:11
xnoxsee email15:11
sil2100He sent his summary through e-mail15:11
pittiurgh, no barry either -- where is everyone/?15:11
xnoxFix partman-btrfs in yakkety - failing to install anything15:12
xnoxs390-zfcp - sponsor patch from ibm to debian,  sync to ubuntu, SRU to do15:12
xnoxpython-cassandra-driver - SRU python regression fix15:12
xnoxCPC - help with ubuntu on windows images15:12
xnoxfixed mdadm regressions, will be synced to ubuntu today15:12
xnoxbtrfs - uploaded into debian, and synced to ubuntu15:12
xnoxISMS mdadm - not looked into yet, need to shuffle 300GB of data off that raid first to test installer on it =)15:12
xnoxpitti, must be summer or something =)15:12
pittichiluk: ?15:13
pittixnox: yeah, with all my colleagues disappearing I better go off too :)15:13
pittiok, c'est ça apparently15:15
pitti#topic AOB15:15
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AOB
chilukwoops sorry pitti.. got distracted15:16
chilukIntel Power management issues15:16
chilukDetermined my reproducer to be related to my nvidia card.  However once the card was pulled, and the Intel graphics became primary, I found the processor to not spend as much time in low pc states even though it was now able to reach pc6.15:16
chilukWorked a bit on zfs services not starting cleanly on first-boot due to missing /etc/mtab.  LP not filed yet.15:16
bdmurrayCould somebody have a look at bug 1571679?15:16
ubottubug 1571679 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "fwupdate-signed doesn't get installed on upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157167915:16
pittithanks everyone15:17
pittiAOB, take II?15:18
xnoxbdmurray, i can look into that. i use fwupdate15:19
bdmurrayxnox: okay, thanks15:19
xnoxwe did plan to make -signed to be auto-installed at last release sprint with apw or some such15:19
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Jul 28 15:25:55 2016 UTC.15:25
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2016/ubuntu-meeting.2016-07-28-15.01.moin.txt15:25
=== JanC is now known as Guest85214
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos

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