
ubottuIn #ubuntu, Karrde said: !server is incorrect since 12.04 ("Since 12.04, there is no difference in kernel between Ubuntu Desktop and Ubuntu Server since linux-image-server is merged into linux-image-generic.")02:10
ubottuOerHeks called the ops in #ubuntu ()02:11
ubottuwyseguy called the ops in #ubuntu ()02:12
ubottutgm4883 called the ops in #ubuntu ()04:15
dax15.10 dies today, right?19:00
ubottuUbuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) was the 23rd release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/15.10 - Read the release notes at http://ubottu.com/y/wily - Scheduled to go EOL in July, 201619:00
daxi guess stuff needs updating for that19:00
geniiHasn't gone to old-releases yet19:29
tomawthey've stopped boucning off the proxy scanner so maybe he gave up19:32
tomawthen again...19:35
k1l_yes 15.10 is dead from today on. but the repos stay alive some weeks.20:42
k1l_and the LTS upgrade to 16.04 is opened now20:42
PiciI'll give that a shot when I get home20:42
k1l_^ 15.10 going eol today20:43
k1l_http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-lts   there is xenial now, so the lts upgrade works20:44
ubottuThe automatic LTS upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04 was scheduled when 16.04.1 LTS was released on July 21st, but has been postponed for one week due to final bug testing.20:45
k1l_!no ltsupgrade is <reply> The automatic LTS upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04 was scheduled when 16.04.1 LTS was released on July 21st, but due to last bug testings it has been opened on July 28th.20:47
ubottuI'll remember that k1l_20:47
Picilooks like it would have worked here had I not used so many PPAs and other junk20:47
ikoniaso it's officially released now21:20
ikoniaPici: ahhh PPA's the bag of junk that ruins everyones machine21:20
* valorie torrents all the .1s21:20
ikoniathere needs to be a standard/guideline set for people hosting PPA's21:20
geniiikonia: This would definitely be an improvement over what we have now, which is a real mess21:29
ikoniayou have to sign up with a check box to say you've read and understand the guidelies21:29
ikoniathere are a few basic guidelines that would make it a lot safer, or clearer to use21:30
ikoniaif you are found to break the guidelines you agree to - you get your repo deleted and you can't post more21:30
geniiI still like the idea from a while ago now to use the launchpad API to give the user some stats about one when they use add-apt-repository21:36
Unit193What type?  And what guidelines?  People should really just be more careful when they decide to use a PPA, maybe using ppa-purge to back out too...21:38
ubottuUbuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) was the 23rd release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/15.10 - Read the release notes at http://ubottu.com/y/wily - Scheduled to go EOL in July, 201621:58
k1l_can someone with regex bot magic make that s/in July/on July 28th/ ?22:00
k1l_i dont want to break all the variables again :X22:00
ubottu15.10 is <alias> wily - added by Pici on 2015-05-04 14:33:4622:00
ubottuwily aliases: werewolf, 15.10 - added by Pici on 2015-05-04 14:33:33 - last edited by Pici on 2016-04-21 16:25:3322:00
dax!wily =~ s/in July/on July 28th/22:00
ubottuI'll remember that dax22:00
k1l_ok, i will try to keep that in mind :)22:02
ubottuamd is <alias> binarydriver - added by knome on 2015-08-03 19:17:31 - last edited by dax on 2016-06-29 17:11:4322:43
daxconsidering making an actual amd factoid :|22:43
Piciamd is <reply> people used to care about amd's cpus, now they just care about their video cards, which are just ATI's22:49
daxwatch out, you mentioned ati. ati was consumed by eternal glory amd so you should correct your post to glorious amd.22:50
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang

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