
powersjsmoser, jenkins URL is now externally available at: https://jenkins.ubuntu.com/server/14:46
powersjI am working this morning to update the URLs generated by the CI bot and to get venonat online for the vmtests.14:46
smoserpowersj, awesome!14:50
smoservenonat is offline14:50
smoser(just i saw that there, fyi)14:50
smoserpowersj, is it possible to hide things from non-logged in users ?14:51
smoseri could see doing something stupid in a slave config14:51
powersjyeah sounds like IS doesn't have access to it, so I have to manually update it's URL for Jenkins to the new one.14:51
smosersuch as exposing a credential or something in its log14:51
powersjsmoser, agreed, let me look into that14:51
powersjin fact I am going to blow away the slave-config logs we have14:52
rharperpowersj: nice!15:16
smoserharlowja, aorund ?18:26
smoserwe used bzr revno before18:27
smoserfor a ever-increasing number18:27
smoseri think pbr has a way of doing a similar thing18:27
smoserthat is failrly standard.18:27
smoserand i think you have at some point given sane way of getting that.18:27
rharpersmoser: don't you love the random last 7 chars of git hash ?18:29
smoserwell they dont always go up18:29
smoserthats what i dont like.18:29
rharperI know18:29
rharperwell, git describe --tags --long18:30
smosermaybe we can just go with that until we're unlucky18:30
rharperdoes prepend a number of commits since tag18:30
smoseryea, ok.18:30
rharperso you get 0.7.6, then 0.7.6-N-hash, and then 0.7.5-N+M-hash18:30
rharperthat sorta helps I think18:30
rharperI need to play with that to confirm18:31
smoserwhat is -N+M ?18:32
smoserwhats the M18:32
rharperM may be more than one commit since the previous number18:32
rharpersimilar to revno I guess then18:32
rharperit's offset in numbver of commits since tag18:33
rharpermaster reports as 1021 commits since  0.7.6 was tagged18:34
smoserbut why did you say '-M'18:34
smoserer.. +M18:34
rharperI just meant that it may be more than 1 since the last time you ran describe18:34
rharperI'm sure I confused you18:34
smoserits easy to do18:34
rharperno, head to keyboard transfer isn't always perfect18:35
rharperusually PBCAC for me18:35
smoserheres hwat sucks.18:39
smoserew can't use 0.7.6-XXX18:39
smoseras we've already released 0.7.7~bzrX18:40
smoserwhich is > 0.7.6-18:40
smoserrharper, so. ..18:49
smoser$ git describe --tags18:50
smoserwhat is g36e92d3 ?18:50
smoserah. the g . ii forgot about that.18:51
rharpergit describe --tags --long19:17
rharperthe g is hardcoded19:17
rharperfor whatever reason19:17
rharperg + 7 chars of the hash19:17
rharpersmoser: need to tag 0.7.719:18
rharperI rant into trouble with git since changlog has 0.7.7 but it's not bumped in the repo19:21
rharperbut since larsks branch drops the changelog building, it was no longer an issue;  that said, we should still tag it for a new deb build19:21
harlowjaso ya, pbr us one solution here19:42
harlowjathere is another one that can also help figure out the version to19:42
harlowjahttps://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools_scm is one19:44
harlowjathere are a few more19:44
harlowjai'm ok with any of them really19:45
harlowjais that fine with folks?19:46
harlowjathat one seems to be the 'the blessed package to manage your versions by scm tags'19:46
harlowjai guess from the pip folks?19:46
smoserharlowja, thanks.20:02
smoserrharper, or larsks is it ok for me to annotate tags and push them overwrite ?20:02
larskssmoser: it is okay to overwrite tags, sure.20:03
smoserrharper, i think the easiest answer to ~ or + is to just use + and to release an 0.7.720:03
smoserand then use + always fom here out.20:03
larskspeople who have checked out the repository will probably need to do an explicit get pull --tags to get the updated tags.20:04
smoserlarsks, yeah.20:04
smoserhow can i get the commit hash that a signed/annotated tag points to ?20:04
harlowja$ git checkout <tag> && git log -n 120:06
harlowjaprob a better way, ha20:06
smoser$ git show 0.7.6 | awk '$1 == "commit" { print $2 ; exit(0); }'20:06
harlowjaso https://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools_scm#default-versioning-scheme what we gona go with?20:06
harlowjai'd prefer that one over pbr (although its similar)20:07
harlowjahmmmm, ok, let me know when thats done20:09
harlowjai'll have to redo my fork and reviews i think20:09
harlowjathen i can get my jenkins stuff thats internally building cloud-init rpm back into shape20:13
harlowja(using new jenkins way)20:13
harlowja*git way20:14
smoserharlowja, it shoudlnt hur your checkout20:14
smoserit just changes the tags20:14
smoserthat is 'sign-tag' and me running it.20:22
smoseri'm going to push now to master20:23
harlowjaproof its u?20:25
harlowjahow do i really know20:25
harlowjau could be the fake-scott20:25
smoserharlowja, its the same key that signs important things.20:34
smoserlike cirros builds20:34
harlowjait better be20:35
harlowjaor i'm calling the police20:35
smoserlarsks, hey still arond ?20:56
larskssmoser: ^^^20:56
smoseri have some changes here to get bddeb to build20:56
smoseron top of your branch.20:56
smoserin bzr world, i'd just commit on yours, push and then request merge. of those20:57
smoserhow would i do this in a sane way.20:57
smoseri dont care really about the annotation just want to get somethign to you i guess.20:57
larsksI think I would approximately the same thing: I would start a new branch based on mine, push it, and request merge.20:57
larsksAnd then hope that launchpad isn't crazy.20:58
larsksAnd then merge your changes after mine merge...20:58
larsks(honestly, I just wish everyone in the world used gerrit for handling code submissions, because it has great handling of changeset dependencies)21:00
* larsks also wants a pony.21:00
smoserthe one thing that bzr did better.21:01
smoserit basically does --first-parent by default21:02
smoserso peopple chan have all these little silly commits, you can merge them into yours, then i can merge them into master21:02
smoserand if you git log on master, then you only see the one commit21:02
smoseras if you had squashed them all before i merged or pulled21:02
smoserthats why you see allthat nonsense little commits in git log now21:03
larsksTrue.  Although you can also adopt a policy of "one commit per change please", and reject patches that have all those little commits.21:03
smoserright, but thats just squashing21:09
smoserand yes, i would adopt such a thing. :)21:09
smoseri probaly use revision control more than i should21:09
smoserbut i really like reading history21:09
smoserand put a lot of stuff in it21:09
smoserand often would bzr log --include-merged21:09
smoserwhenever i would say WTH WAS I THINKING!21:10
smoser ./packages/bddeb  -S -v21:10
smoserthat works in my branch21:10
smoserlarsks, ^ thanks.21:11
smoserthats the last reference it hink to 'bzr' in the repo21:11
smoserthat uses bzr at least21:12
smoseraudios all21:14
rharpersmoser: later21:19
harlowjawhat's bzr21:35
* harlowja purges all knowledge of bzr21:35
harlowjasorry canonical21:35

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