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cholcombebdx, as far as i'm aware it works08:21
cholcombebdx, are you having an issue with it?08:21
kjackalHello juju world09:04
lazyPowermornin #juju o/11:25
iceybdx: it doesn't 100% work as it doesn't get the info from the existing consul charm; I was working on a slight fork of the existing consul charm to be an agent charm, ie: local subordinate consul that doesn't run the gui but didn't get around to finishing / puyblishing it11:25
lazyPowericey - yeah, we really do need to upgrade that charm. thing is we dont have any consumers in ~containers anymore now that we've dropped the swarm work11:26
iceylazyPower: I have a vault charm that is a consumer :)11:26
lazyPowerand with swarms new self-contained bidniss shipping with docker.11:26
iceywell, would be if it related correctly :-P11:26
lazyPowerheh heh11:26
lazyPowershould be simple, its just ip:port11:26
iceybut lazyPower the consul docs suggest running a consul agent on EVERY machine and querying your local agent, rather than a remote agent...11:27
iceybasically no consul client has HA support where you can give it several IPs11:27
lazyPoweri mean, thats fine, it works either way11:28
lazyPoweryou can query remotely or query via the local proxy11:28
lazyPowerit all goes to the same place11:28
iceylazyPower: but querying remotely means I'm down if the node I'm talking to goes down since no HA love11:29
lazyPowerthats a possibility, yes11:29
iceyat least querying locally means if my machine is down nothing is different ;-)11:29
lazyPoweri guess? it'll buffer your writes11:30
lazyPowerbut not your reads11:30
iceylazyPower: yeah; I decided to work towards the doc suggested version of local agent but never got to finish that work; making the vault charm I've got use a remote consul shouldn't be too bad, besides the fact that it (vault) will not let you configure multiple consuls to talk to11:31
lazyPowermaking a local agent should be mostly done. fork the charm, convert it into a sub and drop the UI bits, add the relation and the template logic and you're done right?11:32
iceylazyPower: yeah11:32
lazyPoweralso i'm not 100% on it not buffing reads, it may give you a cache11:32
iceyand add a relation11:32
iceyfor the consul-agent11:32
iceyotherwise, yeah it's all there11:32
lazyPowerseems like that would be short sighted for them to not give you a minimal cache of the kv data11:33
lazyPowerso i bet they do11:33
lazyPowerbut i dont recall having read that anywhere11:33
jcastrolazyPower: the conjure up instructions for observable kubernetes doesn't seem to work for me12:18
lazyPowerjcastro - ok, can you describe whats happening?12:19
jcastroit seems like it's trying to install a package?12:19
jcastrojorge@ivory:~$ conjure-up cs:~containers/observable-kubernetes12:19
jcastroReading package lists...12:19
jcastroBuilding dependency tree...12:19
jcastroReading state information...12:19
jcastroE: Unable to locate package cs:~containers12:19
lazyPowerah you missed bundle/ in the url12:20
* lazyPower checks the readme12:20
jcastrosame error12:20
jcastroand I am following the readme12:20
lazyPowerhmm i wonder if we missed some metadata on our last publish or something12:20
lazyPowerstokachu - ping12:20
lazyPowerjcastro - one thing that i know is a grey area is we dont have that path under CI, so we've lost visibility into if we break that route. it should 'just work' but we're also manually having to set metadata points so conjure knows where to look for the bundle12:22
jcastrohmm, how do you guys feel like just all of us concentrating on a working bundle, updated revs across the board today?12:22
lazyPowerand i think thats the core of the issue12:22
lazyPowerjcastro - i'm eyeballs deep in this blog post, but i'm getting close to finishing. I think ~ 11/12 i'll be done.12:22
jcastroI guess I'll start my post but with the native bundle12:23
stokachujcastro: no cs:12:34
stokachujust ~containers/observable-kubernetes12:34
stokachujcastro: oh i see a bug in the code, we check for cs: and not cs:~12:35
lazyPowerstokachu thanks for taking a look12:37
jcastrolazyPower: ok so check this out, adding a # passes charm proof in the bundle12:49
jcastroso I will document the bundle itself for constraints12:49
jcastroand then by default not define any, so the primary use case should be pull, modidy, deploy, not deploy out of the store as-is. I'll update the readme and whatnot12:50
jcastroand then do a PR12:50
lazyPowerjcastro - ok, sounds good to me. I know that the target was intended to give machine constraints, but given the context of what we've found i think thats a better option12:57
jcastrolazyPower: does `juju run --application kubernetes is-leader` usually take a long time?13:16
lazyPowera couple seconds at most13:16
jcastroreadme is out of date on that too, fixing13:16
jcastrooh nm, cluster is not up yet13:16
jcastrolazyPower: upgrade worked: Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"3", GitVersion:"v1.3.1", GitCommit:"fe4aa01af2e1ce3d464e11bc465237e38dbcff27", GitTreeState:"clean"}13:36
lazyPowerjcastro - awesome. v1.3.3 is latest however. you did 1.3.1?13:36
lazyPowerbut i know we should be compliant. The only downside is what we've already discussed, the missing federation bits.13:37
jcastroyeah I wanted to see how that worked13:41
lazyPowerPretty spiffy how it tears down and reconstructs in place right?13:49
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