
Kiloshellooooo africa06:14
pavlushkainetpro: a better approach may be, if I am allowed then please approve me on https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-africa. :)06:52
=== takwas is now known as acetakwas
Kiloshi CraigZim ongolaBoy08:11
KilosNa3iL morning, if you can get the code from that git place you can start rewriting it in python308:17
Kilosthis way one has to use venv thing which seems slower to me08:18
Kiloshi acetakwas ac3takwas08:28
ac3takwasHi Kilos :)08:37
elachecheSorry Kilos Na3iL I was AFK the whole day09:46
Kilosnp elacheche09:47
Na3iLHello Kilos elacheche12:26
Kiloshi Na3iL12:26
Na3iLhows your day Kilos12:27
Kilosquiet this side and there?12:27
Kilosdid you get that ibid from git12:27
Na3iLyep I get it but I should have a little time to rewrite with py312:30
Kiloshahaha how much time12:30
Na3iLI am actually busy a little with work you know..12:31
elachechehEy! Good ,u? re-write? using py3 what's that?12:31
Kilosyes thats why i laughed12:31
elachecheI am a total n00b, but I'd like to take a look and try to contributeto this12:32
Na3iLelacheche, the bot of this channel : https://github.com/ibid/ibid12:33
KilosNa3iL give him the link lets see how he fares12:33
Na3iLhaha :D elacheche btw happy sysadmin day12:33
elachecheHappy to you 212:33
elachecheWooW! That's a lot of code to rewrite in py3! Why you wanna port it (alone)!12:35
Na3iLNo, you are with me now :D12:35
elachecheWe're 2, the bot have 18 contriutor12:37
elachecheWhy you wanna port it to py3 anyway?12:37
Na3iLthe maintainer of the bot wanna rewrite it with py3, and I am not alone there's also another guy told that he will help the last meeting12:41
Na3iLdo you remember him Kilos12:42
elachecheOh! Nice!12:42
elachecheI'll star & fork it, so I don't forget12:43
Na3iLit takes time for sure, cause as much as I know about py3 there's a lot of modules and libraries that were changed in name and functionality12:44
Na3iLThat's cool! :D12:44
Kilosremember who Na3iL ?12:45
Na3iLKilos, the guy who said that he would like to help12:45
Kilosyes paddatrapper12:45
Kiloshe has make it workable on 14.04 venv12:45
Kilosim running it on lappy here buts was lots of work12:46
Kiloskewpie coffee on12:46
* kewpie starts grinding coffee12:46
KilosNa3iL elacheche have some coffee12:47
Na3iLYou just remind me to take another cup of coffee ty Kilos :D12:47
Kilossee this bot uses duckduckgo12:48
Kiloskewpie ddg tunisia12:48
kewpieKilos: "Official site" http://www.tunisie.gov.tn/index.php?lang=english :: Tunisia Category :: Index of Tunisia-related articles - Tunisia, officially the Tunisian Republic, is the northernmost country in Africa. It is a Maghreb country and is bordered by Algeria to the west, Libya to the southeast, and the Mediterranean Sea to the north and east. Its area is almost, with an estimated population of just over 10.4 million. :: Outliā€¦12:48
Na3iLhaha, cool! :D12:50
kewpieCoffee's ready for Kilos!12:50
Na3iLkewpie, mug of coffee please12:51
kewpieNa3iL: Huh?12:51
Na3iLI gtg, have a great day Kilos elacheche o/12:52
Kilosyou too ty Na3iL12:53
Na3iLelacheche, I remember, last meeting we talked about the twitter account associated to Ubuntu Africa, do you have the mail and pass to get into it?15:46
Kilosoh yes15:49
Kiloswell done Na3iL15:49
Kiloselacheche did you see we had two guys from ghana here for the meeting15:50
elachecheNa3iL: You didn't discuss that with me.. Mayvbe you discussed it with Kilos, inetpro or Sicelo15:50
elachecheHello guys!15:50
Kiloshi elacheche15:51
Kiloselacheche maybe read the minutes if Na3iL can give you the link15:55
Kilosthen you will see what the twitter discussion was about15:55
Na3iLSure, here is the link http://meetings.ubuntu-africa.info/freenode-%23ubuntu-africa/2016-07-27-19-01-23.html15:55
Kilosty Na3iL15:56
Na3iLyw :D15:56
elachechethe twitter owner is the one of the 1st persons in here.. Mayebe the one who owned the website as well..16:10
Kilosdid i make it16:10
Kilosi thought it was you16:11
Kiloshow do you see the owner16:11
elachecheI recommand that we use https://tweetdeck.twitter.com to have many admins using their twitter accounts and not the real account16:11
Kiloscan you sort it for us elacheche and keep Na3iL informed16:11
Kilosi will forget16:12
elachecheKilos: I can't see him.. you told me who is in here.. A long time ago, I can"t remember the nickname.. superfly or inetpro or ongolaBoy maybe16:12
elachecheOK Kilos I'll dig in my irc logs and public logs to findout the name16:12
elachecheyeah, maybe sjoe16:12
elachecheNot now.. When I'll be hiome :p16:13
Na3iL+1 for tweetdeck16:13
Kilosanytime that suits you is great16:13
elachechesee you soon..16:14
Kilosgo safe16:14
Kwakuwhat is going on18:24
Kiloshi Kwaku18:25
Kiloshi takwas18:25
Kwakuso what system admin course do u suggest I do18:26
KilosKwaku there was a suggestion to do tweetdeck18:26
Kwakui actually have all the know and i. am currently adminstrating one18:26
Kwakubut know one is recognizing me because of lack of certifucate18:27
Kiloslpi courses18:27
Kwakukilos I don't get u18:27
Kiloskewpie ddg linux profession courses18:28
kewpieKilos: Uhh... DuckDuckGo has no Instant Answer on that18:28
Kwakuare u talking about the Twitter thing kilos18:29
Kilosyes about the twitter thing elacheche suggested tweekdeck18:29
Kilosi dont use twitter much but the other guys do18:31
Kwakuni3l hasn't added me to the admin still18:32
Kwakuso who is the admin for the handle?18:32
Kiloswe dont know who opened it18:34
Kiloswe still trying to find out who18:34
KwakuI am back18:40
Kiloswb Kwaku18:40
Kiloshow does one find who is admin in ubuntuinafrica18:40
Kwakui don't know oo18:41
Kwakuok let me check18:41
KwakuI didn't get any leads on it oo18:46
Kiloswell if we keep tweeting to it sooner or later he will answer18:46
Kilosinetpro are you admin in ubuntuinafrica on twitter18:47

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