
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
abduli want to customize an ubantu 14.04 according to one operating system i m having with me12:38
abdulcan any body can help12:38
kalikianaabdul: I don't understand the question. Are you working on an app?12:47
abduli mean i am having an opoerating system uabntu 14.04 its name is ethos and i want to make same like ethos on ubantu 14.04 so can u assist me??12:48
abduli have bought this system online so want to make in m own company name12:49
abdulhope u undertsand12:49
ogra_abdul, this is for app development on ubuntu, not sure anyone here has any idea about customizing install media or fresh installs etc12:50
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renatuhey guys who has a owncloud server that could test something for me?13:51
renatuI am trying to implement native support for owncloud, but I can not get my server configured correct13:51
renatuI am getting: [ERROR] error code from SyncEvolution operation not allowed (remote, status 405): PROPFIND: Neon error code 1: 405 Method Not Allowed13:52
renatulooks like I need to config something in appache to allow that13:52
popeyrenatu: you know there's a nextcloud snap? could install that for testing?13:58
renatupopey, how I can do that ? :D13:58
popeysudo snap install nextcloud14:00
renatupopey, I have a owncloud server running, but looks like apache is blocking some methods necessary for syncevolution to discovery the databases14:07
renatuis working nice on myowncloud.com14:07
renatuI was hopping to find some apache expert to help me to configure that correct14:09
popeymaybe speak to dan wood who made the owncloud sync app?14:09
popeyhe may have some experience14:09
mcphailrenatu: i can share my nextcloud apache config file, if it helps. There's nothing fancy there, though, so it probably won't help14:17
renatumcphail, could you try this command from your desktop: syncevolution --print-databases backend=caldav username=<user> password=<password> syncURL=<owncloud-server>14:18
mcphailrenatu: i can try later, but I'm currently in a park...14:20
renatumcphail, ok thanks14:20
mcphailrenatu: you have switched off native dav in apache?14:22
renatumcphail, yes, I tried with it on and off :D14:23
renatumcphail, the web interface is working nice, only syncevolution and evolution app are failing to retrieve the calendar list14:24
renatuworks if you use the full calendar url14:24
mcphailok, I'll try to look later14:25
seb128I wonder if I'm the only one "priming" doesn't convey much sense to, I keep having to think about what that dir/step does14:26
seb128ups, wrong channel14:26
popeyrenatu: Dubstar_04 ^14:27
Dubstar_04renatu: popey said you had some questions regarding owncloud?14:28
renatuDubstar_04, I am having problems listing the calendars using syncevolution14:28
renatuDubstar_04, I am getting this error: PROPFIND: Neon error code 1: 405 Method Not Allowed14:29
renatuI believe that I need to configure something in apache14:29
renatuDubstar_04,  could you try this command from your desktop: syncevolution --print-databases backend=caldav username=<user> password=<password> syncURL=<owncloud-server>14:30
Dubstar_04renatu, that works for me but you need to supply the complete url to the calendars.14:40
Dubstar_04try: https://www.MYSERVER.com^Cwncloud/remote.php/caldav/calendars/USERNAME14:40
Dubstar_04renatu: ^^14:40
renatuDubstar_04, yes the same here. But it should work with the owncloud base url14:40
renatuDubstar_04, which error do you get with the basic url?14:41
renatuDubstar_04, it works with "https://my.owndrive.com/" service14:42
Dubstar_04try: https://www.MYSERVER.com/owncloud/remote.php/caldav/14:42
Dubstar_04renatu: without the full path i get. [ERROR] PROPFIND: Neon error code 1: 404 Not Found14:43
renatuwith that? https://www.MYSERVER.com/owncloud/14:45
Dubstar_04renatu: its based on sabredav. some great documentation here: http://sabre.io/dav/building-a-caldav-client/14:45
renatuDubstar_04, yeah works nice with  https://www.MYSERVER.com/owncloud/remote.php/caldav/14:46
renatuwith  https://www.MYSERVER.com/owncloud I am getting 405 Method Not Allowed14:46
Dubstar_04renatu: does that suit your requirement?14:46
renatuDubstar_04, yes I think I can hard code it to append: "remote.php/caldav/"14:47
Dubstar_04renatu: yeh thats what i do with the file sync and I don't believe anyone has had issues with it. (once that have managed to login)14:48
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renatuDubstar_04, thanks14:50
Dubstar_04renatu: np. if you want anything else ask popey to ping me.14:51
popeythanks Dubstar_0414:51
mcphailrenatu: isn't there some trick like using base.url/well-known/caldav or something?15:08
bfillerDubstar_04, we're getting close on calendar sync with owncloud through the calendar app :)15:08
mcphailbfiller: cool. Needs this!15:09
bfillermcphail, we just finished google multi-calendar sync, now trying to get owncloud multi-calendar sync working15:10
bfilleralmost there15:10
mcphailbfiller: great. I was jyst about to start investigating the command line method15:10
renatumcphail, this is exactly what syncevolution try to do. It try to find for this path but the server is blocking it15:10
Dubstar_04bfiller: thats great news!!15:11
mcphailrenatu: and mod_rewrite is enabled?15:11
renatumcphail, yes15:11
renatumcphail, is that working for you?15:12
mcphailrenatu: i haven't tried yet as still out, but spotted the rewrite rule in .htaccess file15:12
mcphailrenatu: have time to kill on my phone while daughter is on bouncy castle ;)15:14
renatumcphail, you can use that command on your phone too15:14
mcphailrenatu: i get a list of my calendars15:19
renatumcphail, which url did you use?15:20
mcphailrenatu: just my base url15:20
renatumcphail, great, then you apache is configured correct.15:20
renatumcphail, I would like to see you appache configuration15:21
mcphailrenatu: http://termbin.com/7wq715:21
mcphailrenatu: nothing fancy15:23
mcphailrenatu: but followed the nextcloud setup process (including changing permissions) to the letter15:23
Dubstar_04renatu: I will ask the guys in my owncloud telegram app to test it.15:24
renatuDubstar_04, thanks15:24
renatumcphail, yeah the only difference is that you are using ssl, I am using plain authentication15:33
renatuDubstar_04, are you using ssl to?15:34
Dubstar_04renatu: I need to pop out. I will email you once I have replies from people testing the commands. You're also welcome to join the group.15:35
renatuDubstar_04, nice, thanks15:35
renatuDubstar_04, @renato_filho15:36
Dubstar_04renatu: https://telegram.me/joinchat/BQHZRAiN_pnOeE4mT31YCQ15:36
renatuplease add me there15:36
renatuI will15:36
renatumcphail, could you send me your .htaccess file?15:37
mcphailrenatu: it is just the default: http://termbin.com/vr9715:40
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