
Kiloshi pavlushka 06:53
Kiloskewpie coffee on06:54
* kewpie washes some mugs06:54
pavlushkaGood Morning Kilos !06:55
Kiloshi pavlushka 06:55
pavlushkakewpie: cool, may be its last night's result kewpie :p06:56
kewpiepavlushka: Excuse me?06:56
pavlushkakewpie: you are excused :p06:56
kewpiepavlushka: One learns a new thing every day06:56
Kilosshe is a raw ibid06:56
Kilosuses ddg not google06:57
pavlushkagotta run, Friday prayers, be back within an hour, see ya Kilos !06:57
kewpieCoffee's ready for Kilos!06:58
Kiloskewpie thanks06:58
kewpieKilos: my pleasure06:58
Kilosgetting the bot to run on venv was a mission pavlushka 08:30
Kilosmany dependancies to hunt for08:30
pavlushkaKilos: but you did it, so Congratulations!08:31
Kiloshopefully na3il can rewrite the whole thing in py308:31
Kilosi was hoping to run it on a host somewhere, because now when i switch off its lots of work to get it going again08:32
Kiloshopefully Researcher can host it08:32
ashabadifew new faces tonight Kilos kewpie JediKnight Guest3781715:08
Kiloshi ashabadi 15:10
Kiloskewpie is a bot im trying out on the lappy15:11
ashabadiohhh ok...15:11
Kilosbit of a later version than QA 15:11
Kilosbut it needed work15:11
Kiloshave some guys going to rewrite the whole thoing in python 315:12
Kilosthe guest is rezwans bot i think15:12
Kiloshows things your side ah15:13
Kilosashabadi 15:13
Kilosubuntu-bd.org reirects to bd wiki which we can still edit15:14
Kilosso slowly moving ahead15:14
ashabadiI have been super busy with office work...15:14
ashabadidoes tareq & tux boy come over frequently?15:15
Kilostareg not too much but audacioustux almost daily15:15
Kilosand pavel daily as well15:15
Kiloswhen you have time ashabadi we can seriously start growing here15:17
ashabadisorry, I could not manage time to fix my laptop15:20
ashabadipower failed15:20
Kilosno problem15:20
ashabadianyway the thing is I'm poor at managing time...15:20
ashabadias I have told earlier I don't think I can give much time/effort to run the project anymore15:21
Kilosits ok, the youngsters can do the work15:21
ashabadiI can only give guidance/encouragement from time to time... that's it15:21
Kilosand i will be here all the time till things are going smoothly15:22
ashabadiI wish it was that easy...15:22
Kilosand most likely pavlushka wont let me leave even then15:22
ashabadiif youngstars were really interested then the project would have moved forward already15:22
Kiloswell we can only encourage them15:23
ashabadiit would be nice if we can talk to tux & tareq to know what suport they need.15:23
Kilosyeah its difficult to get everyone here at the same time15:23
Kiloswe should maybe try set a fixed date and time so all are notified15:24
ashabadiok will discuss it with them...15:25
Kiloscool ty15:25
ashabadifor that I have to catch both of them :P15:25
ashabadinot sure whether they will be online or not15:25
Kiloscan you not hang here even when away from keyboard15:25
Kilosthen you will be ablre to leave messages and read what went on15:26
ashabadiwell my machine is nearly dead15:26
Kilosor you can leave messages with QA 15:26
Kilosjust do QA tell nick and the message15:27
ashabadiKilos: do give me advice from your experience on how to manage time....15:27
ashabadiI'm really struggling to manage time15:27
Kilosyou have to prioritise15:27
Kilosimportant things like work and family first15:28
Kilosand then set 30 mins or whatever for other tasks15:28
ashabadiissue is all tasks gets important15:29
zakihi Kilos15:30
ashabadiI have long lists to go for... just not finding enough time to priotize15:30
ashabadihi zaki15:30
Kiloshi zaki 15:30
zakiashabadi: Kilos :)15:30
Kilosmaybe pavlushka will join us soon15:31
zakiKilos: how are you?15:33
Kilosok ty and you zaki ?15:33
zakieverything fine here. :)15:34
Kiloshow is your kde running?15:34
zakigreat. :p15:35
zakionly my bangla typing app not working. 15:35
Kiloshehe pavel will help15:36
zakinow i have to learn bangla jatiyo layout to type bangla.15:36
zakipavel suggest me that. :p for my own good. :)15:37
Kilosoh my15:37
ashabadiwhy not probhat??15:38
zakii can't type in probhat15:39
ashabadisorry got shut down again15:43
Kilosno prob15:43
Kilosthese things happen15:43
ashabadizaki: as I was saying why not learn probhat? it has been standardised across all linux platform15:43
zakihi kewpie15:46
ashabadiI even used probhat in my office for long time..15:46
ashabadikewpie: manual15:46
kewpieashabadi: Sorry...15:46
Kiloskewpie coffee on15:46
* kewpie starts grinding coffee15:46
ashabadikewpie: help15:46
kewpieashabadi: I can help you with: looking things up, remembering things, delivering messages, decisions, games, monitoring things, browsing the internet, conversions, silly fun stuff, calculations, system administration, software development and south african stuff.15:46
kewpieAsk me "help me with ..." for more details.15:46
ashabadikewpie: help me with QA15:46
kewpieashabadi: I'm afraid I don't know what you are asking about. Ask "what can you do" to browse my features.15:46
ashabadikewpie: what can you do?15:47
kewpieashabadi: I can help you with: looking things up, remembering things, delivering messages, decisions, games, monitoring things, browsing the internet, conversions, silly fun stuff, calculations, system administration, software development and south african stuff.15:47
kewpieAsk me "help me with ..." for more details.15:47
ashabadikewpie: help me with 15:47
kewpieashabadi: Huh?15:47
ashabadibot are long way to go...15:47
QAashabadi: Excuse me?15:47
kewpieashabadi: *blink*15:47
Kiloskewpie help me with delivering messages15:48
kewpieKilos: I use the following features for delivering messages: memo, remind and summon15:48
kewpieAsk me "how do I use ..." for more details.15:48
zakikewpie: define hell15:48
kewpiezaki: *blink*15:48
zakikewpie: define heaven 15:48
kewpiezaki: *blink*15:48
Kilosoh she hasnt got dictionaries to fall back on15:48
Kilosim just testing her here15:48
Kilosi dont have any dictionaries installed even15:49
kewpieCoffee's ready for Kilos!15:50
Kiloskewpie ty15:50
kewpieYou are welcome Kilos15:50
zakiis she a new bot Kilos?15:51
Kilosyes raw id=bid that uses ddg instead of google15:51
Kilosinstaller late last night15:51
zakiduck duck go?15:59
Kilossearch enjine15:59
Kilosi forgot how to spell that15:59
Kilosya that16:00
Kiloskewpie ddg bangladesh16:00
kewpieKilos: Bangladesh A country in South Asia. It is bordered by India to its west, north and east; Burma to its... :: "Bangla Desh" (song)A song by English musician George Harrison. :: Mr. BangladeshShondrae Crawford, better known by his stage names Bangladesh and Mr. Bangladesh, is a Grammy... :: BangladešA suburban settlement near Novi Sad, Serbia. :: Malatia-SebastiaMalatia-Sebastia is one of the 12 districts of the Armenian capital …16:00
ashabadikewpie ddg kilos16:01
kewpieashabadi: Kilogram or kilogrammeThe base unit of mass in the International System of Units and is defined as being equal to the... :: Kilo Kish An American vocalist, songwriter, visual artist, painter, and fashion/textile designer. :: Kilo AliAndrell D. Rogers, better known as Kilo Ali, formerly Kilo, is an American rap music Artist from... :: Kilo, EspooA district of Espoo, a city in Finland. Kilo is a place of homes and small indust…16:01
Kiloswhat are you looking for16:02
ashabadiyour home address ;)16:02
Kilosno search engine knows that16:02
zakikewpie: ddg kilos ubuntu16:02
kewpiezaki: Uhh... DuckDuckGo has no Instant Answer on that16:02
ashabadiKilos: if given enough time everyone's address can be found...16:03
Kilosyes ashabadi 16:03
Kilosall the security peeps know all addresses16:03
Kilosgoogle helps with everything being linked16:04
zakikewpie: ddg msdomdonner16:04
kewpiezaki: Uhh... DuckDuckGo has no Instant Answer on that16:04
zakiha ha.16:04
ashabadikewpie: ddg ddg16:04
kewpieashabadi: DuckDuckGoAn Internet search engine that emphasizes protecting searchers' privacy and avoiding the filter... :: Drop Dead, GorgeousAn American metalcore band from Denver, Colorado. :: DDG HansaA major German shipping company specialising in heavy freight and scheduled traffic between... :: Dried distillers' grain A cereal byproduct of the distillation process. :: Hull classificationThe United States Navy, United States Coast…16:04
Kiloskewpie ddg kilosubuntu16:04
kewpieKilos: Uhh... DuckDuckGo has no Instant Answer on that16:04
Kilosoh my16:04
ashabadibe right back16:05
zakiKilos: you guys done a lot of reserch with QA :p16:20
Kilosi want to try put her data base in kewpie but i think it will be a big job16:21
zakiher or his? :p16:22
Kiloshaha they both say cracks his knuckles so still lots of work to make a sex change16:22
zakiha ha. is JediKnight a bot too?16:24
Kilosi dont know16:24
pavlushkaওমা, কাকে দেখছি? Hello ashabadi !18:07
pavlushkaHello zaki !18:07
ashabadihello pavlushka18:07
ashabadia bit late tonight?18:07
pavlushkaand The Kilos !18:07
Kiloshi pavlushka 18:08
pavlushkapower cuts18:08
pavlushkaand was in somewhere else :)18:08
pavlushkaSo How are you ashabadi ?18:09
ashabadijust surviving18:11
ashabadihave been busy lately18:11
ashabadiwith office work18:11
ashabadiand still not managing times to cover all the pended tasks18:11
ashabadihave not fixed my lappy yet18:11
pavlushkaashabadi: you have bad disk I think.18:13
ashabadibad disk + bad batter + bad power adapter18:13
zakihi pavlushka Kilos & ashabadi :)18:14
Kiloshi zaki 18:14
ashabadiwelcome back zaki18:15
pavlushkaashabadi: are you using android then?18:16
zakity ashabadi18:16
ashabadino 18:17
ashabadijerked the power cable & battery to start the laptop18:17
ashabadiI know its not safe to do so.... but I had urgent application to type18:18
pavlushkaashabadi: may be you have no idea that me and Kilos uttering your name like "spell" most of the time18:18
ashabadidon't utter my name too much... I am off no use right now18:18
pavlushkaashabadi: your presence of 20 minutes will do just exactly what we need, ;p18:19
Kilos20 mins once a week for starters sounds good ashabadi 18:20
Kilosnurse the laptop18:20
Kiloskiss all its aches better18:20
ashabadiI've been online today for 4 hours I think?18:20
Kilosand great to have you here18:21
ashabadithen I think it should cover 12 days... :P18:21
pavlushkaashabadi: do a "lspci -nnk", and paste.ubuntu.com, I am just curious about your laptop.18:21
Kilosyou ate and slept half the time18:21
pavlushkaashabadi: lol @ covering18:21
pavlushkalal @ Kilos 18:21
ashabadistill 6 days18:22
Kilosum wait18:22
Kilosand then half that time you were offline18:22
Kilosso only 3 days18:22
Kilosse we see you next week again hehe18:22
pavlushkaKilos: oh goodness, you are even bargaining!!18:23
ashabadiI won't be available till Friday I suppose... :(18:23
Kilospavlushka tell him what we have achieved so far18:23
pavlushkaashabadi: no problem :) 18:24
Kilosfridays are good ashabadi 18:24
Kiloseven weekends18:24
ashabadiKilos: even then I have 5 tasks to take care on friday...18:24
ashabadias I said I am bad at managing time & tasks18:25
Kiloswe are patient ashabadi 18:25
ashabadipavlushka: http://pastebin.com/Dd8TgirG18:25
pavlushkaashabadi: 2-3 person created gpgkeys, signed COC, attended almost 2 meetings, Ubuntu-za, ubuntu-africa, almost revived #ubuntu-pk and zaki created a ubuntu wiki page. :)18:26
pavlushkaand Kilos introduced one more bot kewpie specially for us, did all the hard work and it was the very last night ;)18:27
pavlushkaKilos: I cant remember if there anything else.18:28
Kiloslol nor me18:28
Kilosoh and the site link is fixed18:28
zaki:) 18:29
Kilosoh and there are plans to build a new site18:31
pavlushkaashabadi: try to load ubuntu-bd.org :)18:31
ashabadiseen it18:32
ashabadiits good to see the link is redirecting properly :)18:33
pavlushkaok, the bot source is of paddatrapper from ZA and Kilos compiled it and running from his machine. Hats off to the ZA guys :)18:34
Kilosashabadi maybe we need to edit the page a bit18:35
pavlushkaSo kewpie will go to sleep with Kilos :p18:35
ashabadiyes kilos18:35
Kiloswe can discuss that sometime18:35
ashabadiit has not been worked on since 2010 I suppose.18:35
Kilosill leave kewpie running. but i must sleep19:10
Kilosnight guys, see you tomorrow19:10
ashabadigood night Kilos19:11
pavlushkaGood night Kilos 19:11
Kilosbe good guys19:11
Kilosdrink lots of coffee19:11
pavlushkawb zaki 19:15
zakity pavlushka19:19
zakikilos gone?19:19
pavlushkakewpie: ddg zaki19:20
kewpiepavlushka: Amr ZakiA retired Egyptian footballer who lastly played for Egyptian side Arab Contractors. :: Zaki al-ArsuziA Syrian philosopher, philologist, sociologist, historian, and Arab nationalist. :: Mona ZakiAn Egyptian actress. Although she had no interest at all on being an actress, Mona Zaki is now a...19:20
pavlushkakewpie: ddg ashabadi19:20
kewpiepavlushka: Uhh... DuckDuckGo has no Instant Answer on that19:20
pavlushkakewpie: ddg ashabadi.com19:20
kewpiepavlushka: Uhh... DuckDuckGo has no Instant Answer on that19:20
zakikewpie: ddg pavel19:20
kewpiezaki: Pavel Nedvěd A Czech retired footballer who played as a midfielder. :: Pavel BureA retired Russian professional ice hockey right winger. :: Pavel DatsyukA Russian professional ice hockey player currently playing for SKA Saint Petersburg of the...19:20
zakihe he.19:21
ashabadiashabadi is off unknown genere19:21
pavlushkakewpie: ddg Zaki Chowdhury19:21
kewpiepavlushka: Uhh... DuckDuckGo has no Instant Answer on that19:21
pavlushkakewpie: ddg "Pavel Sayekat"19:21
zakimay google can find some19:21
kewpiepavlushka: Uhh... DuckDuckGo has no Instant Answer on that19:21
pavlushkazaki: but kewpie uses ddg, it will not understand Google anymore19:22
zakiQA:  google pavel19:23
QAzaki: I'm not feeling too well19:23
zakikewpie: coffee please19:23
kewpiezaki: There isn't a pot on19:23
pavlushkaQA search ashabadi.com19:24
QApavlushka: I couldn't find anything that matched 'ashabadi.com'19:24
pavlushkaQA search pavlushka19:24
QApavlushka: I couldn't find anything that matched 'pavlushka'19:24
zakiQA: search zaki chowdhury19:24
QAzaki: I couldn't find anything that matched 'zaki chowdhury'19:24
zakiQA: search zaki19:24
QAzaki: I couldn't find anything that matched 'zaki'19:24
pavlushkabecause QA's google feature is broken.19:24
pavlushkaI know it doesn't work, was just checking.19:25
pavlushkaashabadi: :p19:25
pavlushka!help | ashabadi 19:26
lubotu2ashabadi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:26
pavlushkaashabadi: :p again19:26
zakiha ha. :D19:26
pavlushka!patience | ashabadi 19:26
lubotu2ashabadi: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:26
pavlushka!kubuntu | ashabadi 19:27
lubotu2ashabadi: Kubuntu is the Ubuntu flavour using KDE Software and the KDE Plasma Workspaces.  See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join  #kubuntu - See also !kde19:27
zakipavlushka: what are you doing?19:27
pavlushkazaki: just messing around with ashabadi :p19:28
walriderdhonnobad 19:28
pavlushkaHello walrider , welcome19:28
zakiwelcome to #ubuntu-bd19:28
zakikewpie: ddg walrider19:29
kewpiezaki: Uhh... DuckDuckGo has no Instant Answer on that19:29
zakikewpie: ddg Wal rider19:29
walriderthanko bhai 19:29
kewpiezaki: Uhh... DuckDuckGo has no Instant Answer on that19:29
walriderkewpie, who are u ?19:30
kewpiewalrider: I'm afraid I have no idea19:30
pavlushkazaki: come on, its just made last night, kewpie , still in its development, will be modified to suite A.sia19:30
walriderkewpie, lol 19:30
kewpiewalrider: What?19:31
zakiha ha. 19:31
kewpiewalrider: Excuse me?19:31
zakiwalrider: seems she likes you. :p19:31
pavlushkawalrider: kewpie is kind of a clone of QA.19:32
walriderbujhsi bhai 19:32
walrideri have won chat bot in mig33 communite ran from a software19:33
zakioh. 19:33
pavlushkawalrider: wow19:33
zakimig user :)19:34
walriderho :| lvl 123 :| 19:34
zakiuser name?19:34
zakimay be we have chat in mig.19:35
walriderbd flooder gang e silam felad ditam :D 19:35
walriderold memories 19:35
zakiQA: define flooder gang19:36
QAzaki: I don't have a definition for that. Is it even a word?19:36
pavlushkakewpie: ddg flooder19:36
kewpiepavlushka: Flood Category :: Arroyo (creek), aka, rambla and wadi. :: Cold drop - The cold drop is a weather phenomenon often occurring in the Spanish autumn. It is experienced particularly along the western Mediterranean and as such, most frequently affects the east coast of Spain. :: Cloudburst - A cloudburst is an extreme amount of precipitation, sometimes accompanied by hail and thunder, that normally lasts no longer than a few mi…19:36
walriderQA, what is text flood19:36
QAwalrider: Erk, dunno19:36
pavlushkaQA define flooder19:37
QApavlushka: Flooder \Flood"er\, n. One who floods anything. [1913 Webster]19:37
zakikewpie: ddg text flood19:37
kewpiezaki: Uhh... DuckDuckGo has no Instant Answer on that19:37
walriderrpm file namaisi 2 ta kivabe install dibo ??19:37
pavlushkawalrider: why you have downloaded rpm in first place?19:38
pavlushkawalrider: you need "alien" to convert the rpms to deb.19:38
walrideri need to install xchat19:38
walriderok 19:38
pavlushkawalrider: xchat is obsolete, Hexchat is its derivative.19:39
walriderdebian bassed distro te asi eta te avro install kora jhamela as i gave up on this several time 19:41
pavlushkalooks like avro phonetics has some issues, AudaciousTUX, zaki and now your's.19:42
walriderbad luck 19:42
pavlushkaall of your's avro is broken.19:42
walridernoobslab stuff19:43
pavlushkawalrider: so its not a bad luck.19:43
walriderrpm 2 deb command ki hobe ?19:44
zakigood night pavlushka 21:36

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