
ubuntu_Does anybody get MAAS cloud based installs of ubuntu server there is rack and region options not fully sure about the difference...03:32
ubuntu_Is this really for cloud computing or for clustering?03:41
ubuntu_is there away to list the contents of a package one apt-cache search for but wants to look at the contents its going to install before installing it on his system something like a dpkg -L but not have to download it06:38
ubuntu_Because that would be greate in find /locate particular packages that have libraries or header file dependencies you want06:39
ubuntu_but cann't find easilly06:39
sarnoldubuntu_: it depends what you want; apt-get --simulate can do that. apt-file search can do the latter..06:40
ubuntu_Well i want to go thru apt-cache search . | grep "regex" then all the packages i get pack beable to dpkg -L there contents / search there internal contents before downloading06:41
sarnoldinstall apt-file06:44
ubuntu_I guess i could just download the whole repo's i guess then dpkg -L them greping the output06:44
sarnoldit'll do what you want06:44
sarnoldyou certainly can download the whole repo if you want; my mirror is around 1TB of data..06:45
ubuntu_I understand how does apt-file work is it using any HDD space06:46
ubuntu_or memory06:46
ubuntu_Or just reading remotely06:46
sarnoldapt-file requires around 33 megabytes06:47
sarnolda lot smaller than the whole archive :)06:47
ubuntu_of memory or disk space06:47
sarnolddisk space06:47
ubuntu_no not really that cool seems overly complicated just to do a search for a type of expression thru the repo and to bring back the packages that have the expression06:56
sarnoldhmm, I thought you wanted to find specific files06:59
ubuntu_i want to search for say a file say myfile.h  and bring back all packages in the repo that have that file in them. Just showing the package one can apt-get that has myfile.h in them say or some.so file say07:01
ubuntu_Seems like apt-file displays long file paths  ... , etc ,etc07:02
ubuntu_I wanted a tool to beable to search for files or folders or regex  thru out the repo and would bring back all packages that have them in them.07:03
sarnoldubuntu_: try "apt-file search -x 'lib.*ssl.*so'07:03
ubuntu_I hope you get what i am saying... this would make it 1000 times easier in finding packages you have to install to clear up your dependency issues on .h files or .so   at the preprocessor stage or the  compiling/linking stages07:04
ubuntu_ya thats what i want perfect07:06
ubuntu_so then apt-file search -x 'sys/exec.h'  bring back only libwibble-dev means that there is virtually no package that can clear this make error up in the standard ubuntu repo's07:14
ubuntu_csu/boot.h:39:22: fatal error: sys/exec.h: No such file or directory07:14
ubuntu_ #include <sys/exec.h>07:14
sarnoldwhichever project supplied your csu/boot.h file probably has a list of packages that needs to be installed07:15
ubuntu_granted i am trying to compile openbsd on ubuntu and have the bmake package installed07:16
ubuntu_where would that be it was downloaded from the openbsd source branch in there repo's07:17
sarnoldyou've got a very interesting project on your hands :)07:18
ubuntu_and i realized i need bmake the bsd make because i was getting all issues with no target,...etc issue... having got by all that i am left with the usual make header file issue or library dependencies missing07:18
ubuntu_so i thought if i had a tool like apt-file i could locate the missing packages more quickly or at least figure out if they exist in the standard repo's of ubuntu ...07:19
sarnoldprobably that file is supplied by the openbsd libc package07:19
ubuntu_I realize if apt-file is right there is no package07:20
ubuntu_ya but you still need the header files and libraries to compile/build the openbsd source .. and if there is not an equivalent ubuntu package for it how are you going to build the source ever07:21
sarnoldwell, from an openbsd machine :) hehe07:21
sarnoldbedtime here, have fun, good luck :)07:22
ubuntu_I guess one next move would be to hunt down the header/libary files maybe wget them from *bsd site and put symbolic links in the /usr/include directory07:22
sarnolddon't bother wget, just cvs the whole tree https://www.openbsd.org/anoncvs.html07:22
ubuntu_then bmake it07:22
sarnoldand don't pollute your own /usr/include07:22
sarnoldstick it in a home directory or /opt or something07:23
ubuntu_But this gets back into the chicken and egg problem of located header/library files obviously there cann't be a general search tool like apt-file for everything plus would probably be far to cumbersome...07:23
ubuntu_so a developer is always left with waiting on where the header files and libraries are07:24
ubuntu_I mean i feel pretty confident that if i found them i could just hopefully add symbolic links to folders in the /usr/include file07:25
sarnoldno :)07:25
ubuntu_for the installation instead of having to  add a 100 lines of -I  includes07:25
sarnoldthe openbsd libc is very closely tied to the openbsd kernel07:25
sarnoldthe openbsd applications are very closely tied to the openbsd libc07:26
sarnoldtrying to build the entirety of openbsd on a linux distribution is going to be a crazy amount of work07:26
ubuntu_So i am going to have to compile on a kvm based virtual machine on a linux not on bare metal linux07:26
sarnoldyou _might_ be able to do it07:26
sarnoldmaybe not07:26
sarnoldyes, running openbsd in qemu would be a significantly faster way to get there07:26
ubuntu_well the might beable to do it hinges on figure out all the packages i need to wget and placing them in the proper places for the bmake Makefile07:27
sarnoldhehe but they'll fall apart when they try to include structures from the C libraries, and the glibc structures won't line up with the openbsd structures, and the openbsd libc can't speak to the linux kernel...07:28
sarnoldtrust me, this is a far more difficult problem than just wgetting the right things07:28
ubuntu_I am curious if one was to figure out all the include dependencies/libraries and download them could he uses symlinks in the /usr/include file and keep the directories seperated from linuxes good include files?07:29
ubuntu_Or will Makefiles choke whent he see symlinks instead of files07:29
sarnoldhow? they both expect e.g. /usr/include/stdio.h to exist and be appropriate -- if you replaced /usr/include/stdio.h with the version from openbsd, you could not compile linux programs07:29
sarnoldand the openbsd /usr/include/stdio.h will include a thousand other files, all the way back to the headers that make systemcalls; the syscalls won't line up between the two systems07:30
ubuntu_Ok so then is there away to tell a Makefile to uses a different /usr/include something like a chroot to a different /usr/include where you store your openbsd user land stuff07:31
sarnoldif I were to tackle this problem I'd want a team of four or five geniuses and I'd expect the first program to run in a year or so.07:31
sarnoldubuntu_: CFLAGS=-I07:32
ubuntu_I ?07:32
sarnoldgcc uses -I to know where to look for <> headers07:32
ubuntu_you mean -I on command line . Or uses CFLAG=yourpathtobsdfiles07:33
sarnoldboth, CFLAGS=-I/path/to/openbsd/headers07:33
sarnoldyou've got ambitious goals, I'll give you that :) haha07:33
sarnoldnow it's really bed time07:33
sarnoldhave fun07:33
ubuntu_Ok not practical when it comes to calling kernel level stuff would have to  build the kernel first then the userland07:34
ubuntu_But building the kernel shouldn't depended on much external libraries as the userland depends on the kernel. The kernel itself should be doable provide you get all the headers for the kernel source07:36
ubuntu_I think it would all have to be self contained in bsd kernel source code... hummm confused07:36
ubuntu_think more about it later07:36
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Kiloshi Guest72125 join #ubuntu13:46
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Kilosyou welcome13:46
Guest72125Have a good day13:46
Kilosyou too ty13:46
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