
masuberuI am deploying a software that runs on ubuntu 12.04 and I need to install git01:00
masuberuhowever apt-get can't find neither git nor git-core01:00
masuberuwhat can I do?01:00
sarnoldmasuberu: run "apt-cache policy git" .. it should show which repository it would install which version of the git package from01:03
masuberusarnold: N: Unable to locate package git01:04
sarnoldmasuberu: strange. how about "apt-cache policy bash"? you've probably got that installed anyway, i wonder how it got there.. :)01:04
sarnoldmasuberu: check your /etc/apt/sources.list file -- is the mirror there still valid?01:07
masuberusarnold: I doubt, it doesn't even do apt-get update01:07
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ubuntu_curious in the newer versions of ubuntu server i have come across when installing  MAAS install region or rack . I read about the hardware requirements i  know i don't have enough for those or openstack  more for large data centers then for small home networks. But curious what is the difference between region or rack installs?01:09
ubuntu_When would one do a region over a rack visa-versa01:09
ubuntu_As i understand it these are all cloud based computing technologies01:10
sarnoldmasuberu: owwwww. I have to admit I wasn't expecting this one ;)01:12
ubuntu_try using a different repo location01:12
sarnoldmasuberu: are there nameservers in /etc/resolv.conf ? do they work?01:12
tarpmanis the VM in question even connected to a network...? :)01:12
ubuntu_/etc/apt/source.list or uses the system control center or aptitude,...etc01:13
sarnoldubuntu_: there's some description of the rack controller vs region controller here https://maas.ubuntu.com/docs/install.html01:13
masuberuit is not resolving names ...01:13
sarnoldtarpman: ha :) good question01:13
masuberusorry my bad01:14
ubuntu_curious i know this is stupid but cloud computing seems to me like a virtual remote desktop  session to many different servers. Like a hyper-v on many different servers01:15
sarnoldubuntu_: most 'cloud' computers never have a desktop of any sort01:15
ubuntu_I know there is like paas, saas ,...etc distinctions of different clould services at different layers but seems as its all like a remote app , or rdp virtual session to different servers01:16
ubuntu_Right the cloud computer doesn't need a desktop just some hyper-v service base thing that clients with desktops connect to01:17
sarnoldmost of the time they don't have clients with desktops connecting to them either :)01:18
ubuntu_How is virtual remote desktop , remote apps,..etc anything different then what cloud is ... just cloud is using more computers but same prinicpals01:18
sarnoldthey run databases or webservers or fileservers or firewalls or streaming radio stations or antivirus scanners or irc bouncers or mathematica or openmpi or ... :)01:18
ubuntu_ya but at this level cloud is just like it was back in mainframe times just services on a remote computer that people could remote into uses... I get cloud makes it look pretty i guess thru web interfaces other stuff but non the less its not anything really new01:22
sarnoldthe basic "gist" of "cloud" is that there's an API that you can use to get new virtual machines or new storage devices or new IP addresses and attach them around01:23
sarnoldubuntu_: yes :)01:23
sarnoldwe've returned to the days of the "computing center", hehe01:23
sarnoldexcept instead of a shell account on the university mainframe, it's an API endpoint that can spawn machines as users used to spawn processes...01:24
ubuntu_that would be like remote desktop into a virtual machine01:25
sarnoldif that's a useful analogy for you, that's fine, but just be sure you know that most machines never run graphical programs and most never have any user interaction at all -- programs are installed and configured using tools like juju or chef or ansible, they run servers, and almost nothing ever actually interacts with humans...01:28
ubuntu_I get that01:29
ubuntu_What would you say grid computing and cloud computing differ... because i always confuse myself with the distinction of computing in the cloud as opposed to grid01:29
ubuntu_I would say they could be pretty much the same or over lap a lot01:30
sarnold'grid' always feels like it runs a single program that handles jobs; jobs are distributed, run, and then collected; cloud usually installs services on virtual machines01:30
=== Guest10278 is now known as spammy
Shamblesteward, sarnold -b worked with setfacl.  Everything looks clean again03:26
ShamblesReally it wasn't super important but I didn't want some random ACL to remain on the root of my wifes share03:27
ubuntu_ya but what is cluster computing isn03:30
ShamblesI need to train myself to use the man command instead of --help.  Thanks for the assistance03:31
ubuntu_cluster nodes just mirror images of each other for load balancing and fail over03:31
ubuntu_because if thats the case cluster computing is just  load balancing computing not  computing different services on different nodes03:31
ubuntu_what i mean is to do different computing on different nodes one would have to uses more then one cluster03:36
ubuntu_if i am understanding cluster computing correct... i have never need clusters all that much and the computing part never understood the term... i do understand the  point to clustering for redundancy , and load balancing but for COMPUTING?03:37
sarnoldShambles: great :)04:07
sarnoldubuntu_: clustering is very rarely used for mirroring entire machines04:07
ubuntu_wait so a node is only  take pieces of software and mirroring them and the other part of the nodes can be very different04:08
ubuntu_I am looking at clustering as some kind of network raid between servers called nodes04:09
ubuntu_But if it can be pieces of servers that are mirror images with the rest distinct sections of server04:10
ubuntu_I would think they have to be mirror nodes since how else would fail over work... if a system goes down you need a mirror node to take over?04:14
ubuntu_For NLB clusters  i could see  nodes being not mirrors just the application being mirrored that are part of the NLB cluster ... just not sure04:14
ubuntu_Unless fail over clusters can be just setup as well to just mirror sections of the whole server like a database, web server,applicaton server,..etc. But to me when i think of a cluster it is  network raid for redundancy /backup and load balancing performance04:26
sarnoldyou can do both; database sharding is quite common, failover is less common04:28
ubuntu_fail over is like when they do network raid  / mirroring the server through out the different nodes in the cluster for  redundancy and uptime protection right?04:37
ubuntu_And NLB is more for just mirroring sections of servers like , application ,database,..etc04:38
ubuntu_if i understand you correct04:38
ubuntu_and thats the most common way's data centers uses them04:38
temmi_hooclustering to solve computing problems is often done with splitting the problem to blocks handed out to large numbers of nodes04:38
temmi_hooseti@home is a very large geographically distributed approach in clustering04:39
ubuntu_ok but then cluster computing is just say i was accessing data from a data base it may uses  node1 and node2 so its just computing that splits up the same task04:39
ubuntu_network load balancing04:40
temmi_hooa database cluster is usually not a computational cluster04:41
temmi_hoothe database cluster might have a frontend machine or any node might act as a frontend, then the data is stored in a distributed fashion but the db user doesn't need to know where, upon making a db query the db cluster finds the data and hands it to the user04:42
ubuntu_what are these computational clusters your talking about .... because i can only see this type of computing between  different clusters not really different computations between nodes in a particular cluster04:42
temmi_hoocomputational clusters such as any modern supercomputer in the last oh forty or so years04:43
sarnoldcheck out this computational cluster :)  http://www.netlib.org/utk/people/JackDongarra/PAPERS/sunway-report-2016.pdf04:43
temmi_hooalso seti@home and the like04:43
temmi_hooanytime you see weather report the forecast is computed on a clustered machine04:43
ubuntu_And curious is it possible to do iscsi  clusters like SAN clustering04:43
temmi_hooit is04:43
temmi_hoostorage clustering can use iscsi or even nfs over ip as its communication media but in real performance oriented datacenters sas is used with specialized sas switching fabrics04:44
ubuntu_so cluster computing is just a form of distributive computing or splitting the database files pieces on seperate servers if its NLB based cluster... but if its fail over cluster you have to kind of have mirror images on nodes04:45
temmi_hoonot just database04:45
ubuntu_for your example04:45
ubuntu_Similar for other applications04:46
temmi_hooit can be block storage or filesystem level storage or .... or raw number crunching04:46
ubuntu_So then how is this different then grid computing04:46
temmi_hoothey're not dissimilar :)04:46
ubuntu_Ok just one larger then the other i guess :)04:46
temmi_hooyou can build your own virtual datacenter out of virtual servers that run somewhere in them clouds04:47
ubuntu_And cloud computing is this just virtualized cluster computing04:47
temmi_hoovagrant is one very cool tool to manage these kinds of systems04:47
temmi_hooit allows you to build your system in very low performance model running on your laptop and then provision exactly similar cluster running in a paid cloud service such as amazon ec2 or azure cloud or googles services or somewhere else04:49
ubuntu_nice thank you so much for clearing up my confusion on those things. I still don't get the MAAS , openstack stuff yet its supposed to be for cloud /grid but it looks similar like it could be used for clustering for the new ubuntu server installs04:49
temmi_hoovagrant can also be used to distribute your software and configuration as something called "immutable servers" so that every time you make a new version of anything, you're building a brand spanking new fresh and shiny cluster04:50
temmi_hoonow this might not be the solution most often recommended in this channel, i'm not always following what is being said in here :)04:51
ubuntu_For me when i was going thru windows 2012 r2 i got alot of the settings/how to configure stuff but  me being on such a small network  didn't get alot of the purpose so now i see the light with clustering / data center huge things04:51
temmi_hooanyway vagrant is really cool and you can manage a system of virtual windows/linux/bsd/whatever machines with it04:51
ubuntu_like a hyper-v04:52
temmi_hoohyper-v is the virtual machine hypervisor much like virtualbox or xen05:32
temmi_hoovagrant is the thing that lets you control hypervisors and the virtual machines in them with programmatical configuration scripts05:33
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cazorla19Does anyone know how to run service upstart job from unprivileged user withous sudo?09:41
cazorla19The issue: if I even run upstart job from unprivileged user but with sudo - the daemon process is going to be run with UID 0 which means root09:42
cazorla19It may be OK, but the issue in security: is it secure to run daemons as a root?09:43
cazorla19And how to reconfigure upstart to permit service launched as a trivial user with no sudo?09:43
cazorla19Upstart cookbook doesn't give any sense to solution: I tried to run "exec start-stop-daemon --start -u myapp --exec /usr/bin/myapp start"09:44
cazorla19But I still have upstart permission denied and also kicked out from SSH connection which looks such funny09:45
cazorla19Please if someone had this issue - help me09:46
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rbasaktyhicks: I'm reviewing a merge for cpaelzer and the Ubuntu->Ubuntu diff includes this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/21398245/13:01
rbasaktyhicks: do you know if this is OK please? Does apparmor/dh-apparmor require the package to drop in these directories?13:01
rbasakI suspect it's fine, but I thought I'd check.13:01
jdstrandI can answer that13:05
jdstrandunless someone changed dh_apparmor very recently without us knowing, ntp.dirs should not have dropped those entries13:05
jdstrandtyhicks: ^ (I answered rbasak)13:05
rbasakjdstrand: thanks!13:11
ctjctjWe have a number of users that have laptops.  Those laptops are running a VM with 14.04LTS server for development purposes.  We are having an issue where the user is moving from one network to another and the VM is not picking up this change "fast enough".  What is the best way to detect that the network has changed and that we should get a new lease from the dhcp servers?14:49
rbasakctjctj: how are the VM NICs configured? Is the host doing NAT, or are you bridging through, or something else?15:09
rbasakYou could perhaps arrange to tell the VM that the cable is disconnected when the laptop is disconnected, and vice versa.15:09
ctjctjrbasak, the NICs are setup as bridged running under virtualbox for most of them (I use kvm but they don't).  So all of the VMs are true internet entities within their little lan (Or if they get IPv6, so much the better)15:15
rbasakctjctj: my feeling is that this is best addressed at host level - by making the VM appear to have a disconnected cable at the appropriate times. I don't know to what extent virtualbox has an API-driven capability to do that though.15:18
rbasakctjctj: together with something like ifplugd in the guest assuming you're not using network manager.15:18
rbasakctjctj: alternatively using host-based NAT solves it too.15:20
ctjctjrbasak, *nods* I hear you and understand.  I'm not a VB expert so I don't want to go down that path.  I might just run a script every 5 minutes to do a network test to the defined router.  If it fails over 5 seconds perform an ifdown eth0; sleep 15; ifup eth0 to fetch the new configurations.15:20
rbasakctjctj: I wonder if dhclient can be configured to attempt very frequent renewals.15:21
ctjctjThat was my first hope.  I can tell it, via configuration, the data at which to renew/rebind but not a "no more than 1 hour between rebinds"15:22
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hackeronHi there, I have Ubuntu 16.04 installed on a raspberry pi, the ethernet shows up as enxb827ebd24e19. I try to create a network alias with ifconfig enxb827ebd24e19:0 but it just changes the interface IP rather than creating a second virtual interface-- any ideas?19:42
compdocpastebin ifconfig -a19:44
hackeroncompdoc: https://gist.github.com/xanview/5820c20c3500457be9754dfe7d3ae1e219:45
thenewonei get this error message23:00
thenewonewhen i try to install something23:00
thenewonedpkg: unrecoverable fatal erro, aborting:23:00
thenewonefiles list file for package 'linux-headers-4.4.0-32-generic' is missing final newline23:00
thenewoneE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an erro code (2)23:00
thenewonecan how can fix this and thanks23:01
RoyKthenewone: try apt-get update again23:03
thenewonei did it 3 times23:03
thenewonewith upgrade and dist-upgrade23:03
thenewonewith reboot23:03
sarnoldcheck dmesg; do you have any IO errors?23:03
RoyKand perhaps apt-get clean first23:04
thenewonei made a script with clean autoclean remove and autoremove23:05
thenewonesarnold, about that no error23:05
thenewoneactualy i was trying to install docker-engine and i inturpted the installation23:06
thenewonei followed the wiki23:06
thenewonewhen i tryed to install it agian23:06
thenewonedidn't work23:06
thenewonestart giving this error23:06
thenewonei think i should reinstall linux-headers ?23:07
van777hi! i've got ipv6 only address now. i've made port forwarding on the router for the ip webcam. How do i access it from ipv4 address??23:07
sarnoldand maybe delete the package from /var/cache/apt/....23:07
RoyKvan777: nat6423:08
van777RoyK: let me google it..23:09
thenewonesorry miss window :)23:09
van777RoyK: omg. nat64 is too hard to configure. it's built-in in cisco routers, i doubt about mine23:15
sarnoldvan777: you might be able to get a VPS somewhere that's dual-stacked and do some nc -l port forwarding kinds of things..23:23
van777a vps is too expensive ( i've been trying digital ocean for 4 months23:25
van777i might have luck with https://tunnelbroker.net23:32
RoyKvan777: crowncloud.com is rather cheap23:33
van777RoyK: Thanks!23:34
van777Wouldn't it be easier for me to change the ISP!!23:39
van777but crownclowd cheapest plan is $4/month . not bad23:41
sarnolda tiny little instance for $15/year too. neat.23:41
van777sarnold: wow23:42
van777sarnold: heh, that offer doesn't support ipv623:43
RoyKthey have ipv6 all the way23:44
sarnoldRoyK: not on this one https://crowncloud.net/clients/cart.php?gid=2323:44
RoyKbad boy buddy23:45
sarnoldpity, it seemed perfect :)23:45
RoyKsarnold: I have ipv6 on my vms23:45
RoyKfrom them23:45
sarnoldyeah most of their offers do, I think that's the only one that doesn't have at least an /8023:46
RoyKI have /8023:46
RoyKanyway - it's a vm, so it's ok23:46
RoyKI just asked on #crowncloud - they are pretty good at answering there23:47
RoyKyou get good support on irc from them23:47
sarnoldthat's worth its weight in gold :) heh23:47
RoyKthe weight of those bits? :D23:48
sarnoldRoyK: oh while you're there, "Temproary" on https://crowncloud.net/dedicated_servers.php23:49
RoyKoh - I only use their services for a mail server - I have a dedicated at bitraf.no that work well, albeit old23:51
sarnoldlooks cool :) but perhaps not universally useful :)23:54

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