
Nuagethe NUC computers are now availble in tunisianet you guys15:08
Nuagewhen did they come :o15:09
Nuagei've been following them up in anandtech15:09
elachecheNuage: a link?15:20
Nuageelacheche: look at the first cheapest three computers, there is even the intel Mini PC available now http://www.tunisianet.com.tn/373-ordinateur-bureau-tunisie15:25
Nuageit's as big as a mere flash drive15:25
elachecheNice! I like them!15:27
Nuageelacheche: go buy one :o15:28
elachecheNah! Not in plan, or in my priorities for now..15:29
Nuagewhat might your priorities be about otherwise15:29
elachecheThat's confidential :)15:41
Nuagealright then.15:48

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