
Elleojhodapp: what does media-hub do to make the sound indicator aware of its mpris service?00:28
drsn0wHello, I'm interested in porting Ubuntu Touch to Nexus 5X (bullhead) however I'm having many issues, and I think they're to do with the fact that bullhead is a 64-bit device, and the existing tree doesn't seem to have any of the required make files00:30
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swalladgewhere would i report a bug relating to wifi on ubuntu touch?06:17
swalladgesystem settings?06:18
lpotterthat would be ok. people will redirect it if needed06:20
swalladgeactually i might just ask on the answers.launchpad.net first06:23
swalladgemy M10 isn't remembering wifi ap's properly - ie. it saves info about it, but doesn't associate the network with saved ones06:24
swalladgeso in previous networks i have a list like MyWifinetwork1, MyWifinetwork2, MyWifinetwork3 .... etc., and asks for password to the network everytime i turn on the device06:25
swalladgeany ideas?06:25
minhaj3Anyone here??07:38
minhaj3I wanted to know what can i do to port in huawei honor holly?07:40
mardyDanChapman: https://code.launchpad.net/~mardy/dekko/+git/dekko/+merge/30145707:55
mardypopey: hi! I guess you are the most experienced in this: I want to put a click package in a silo, how do I do it?08:04
mardypopey: package is dekko, built from https://code.launchpad.net/~mardy/dekko/+git/dekko/+merge/30145708:04
popeywe generally just put a link to the click in citrain08:07
popeywhich may be hosted anywhere08:07
mardypopey: OK; and is there a way to let launchpad build an armhf click for you?08:20
popeymardy: dan usually builds the click.08:25
faenilduflu: great to see the wheel speed fix! :)08:35
duflufaenil: Yeah, but more exciting high-res touchpad scrolling comes for free from that08:35
dufluNeed to fix other components still08:36
dufluI can't figure out where the offending code that's slowing down Qt apps is08:36
faenilduflu: yeah :) glad you found the issue in the end08:37
faenilduflu: at least scopes are using custom maximumVelocity and the likes08:38
faenilduflu: not sure about codepath for browser. It could also be that the default Flickable maximumVelocity is too low08:38
duflufaenil: would the max be enforced while you're still touching it?08:39
dufluThat would explain lag08:39
faenilduflu: yeah I read your comment about that, I'm not sure, I don't think it should but I don't think I've ever actually read the logic there08:39
faenilduflu: let me have a quick peek and see if anything comes out08:40
dufluI don't know where to look or whether to look. It's approaching EOW08:40
faenilduflu: https://github.com/qt/qtdeclarative/blob/5.4/src/quick/items/qquickflickable.cpp08:40
duflufaenil: From the name alone it should be OK. It's not a "flick" if you're still touching the screen08:41
faenilduflu: wheel events surely are slowed down according to maxVelocity08:41
duflufaenil: I think wheel is a different problem - like wrong scaling factor (e.g. 15 instead of 120)08:42
faenilbut when your finger is on screen, that shouldn't affect it08:42
dufluIt's different code for wheel and touch08:42
faenilduflu: of course08:42
faenilduflu: https://github.com/qt/qtdeclarative/blob/5.4/src/quick/items/qquickflickable.cpp#L1269 this is how the wheel is slowed down08:42
faenilduflu: but mouseMove shouldn't be https://github.com/qt/qtdeclarative/blob/5.4/src/quick/items/qquickflickable.cpp#L98708:43
duflufaenil: I think angleDelta is wrong for Qt apps. And assume there is some project other than qtmir where we convert mir events into Qt??08:44
dufluEither that or we just have Qt logic with the wrong scale, and Mir is unrelated to the bug08:44
faenilduflu: what is the exact issue you see? the one related to the surface moving too slowly while the finger is on screen08:45
faenilthe bug report explains the wheel stuff08:45
faenilcould it not be just because we're 2-3 frames late at rendering?08:45
duflufaenil: Touch and wheels are completely separate bugs. I've been talking about multiple bugs here08:45
faenilduflu: yeah, do you have a bug report for the touch as well?08:45
duflufaenil: Touch is not bad. Only:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/152382308:46
ubot5Launchpad bug 1523823 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Dash touch scrolling is slower (more laggy) than web browser touch scrolling" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:46
faenilduflu: thanks, I don't think I've seen that before in my emails, let me read08:47
faenil(ps: I'm just trying to see if I can help here, I'm not the input handling guru ;) )08:47
dufluBug feel free to ignore that because we can live with it and ignore it for much longer than the wheel problem after the QtMir fix08:48
faenilduflu: at least on Krillin I can't see that. Aside from the natural lag, that imho comes from the fact that we're missing too many frames between input processing and rendering08:50
duflufaenil: Graphics lag is an issue yes, but does not explain why the dash is worse than the webbrowser on the same phone :)08:52
faenilduflu: browser and scopes seem to behave the same, on Krillin. Maybe it's device/resolution/whatever specific. Which08:52
faenildevice do you see it on?08:52
faenilif I just drag up and down without releasing my finger I see mostly the same (too much) lag on both browser and scopes08:53
faenilduflu: do you see it, right now, on krillin (BQ E4.5) on ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris.en channel?08:55
duflufaenil: Always. But it might just be because the dash has much higher CPU+GPU usage08:57
dufluAnyway, phone/touch bugs are not what I'm focusing on right now08:58
faenilduflu: I just want to make sure we're talking about the same thing, because I'm quite sensitive to these kind of things, and I can't see any relevant difference at this point between browser and scopes on krillin08:58
faenilboth are a few frames behind input08:58
faenilbut nothing like speed throttling, just rendering/input lag08:58
faenilso I'm wondering if I'm misunderstanding your report...do you have a video anywhere of the bug?08:59
duflufaenil: Don't worry about it. Long term I will finish frame notification that will kill all lag08:59
faenilduflu: looking forward to that day :) I still would like to see the video though, if you feel like it :)08:59
faenilbecause I do worry about it :)09:00
dufluWell it's 5pm on a Friday. I'm finishing smaller and simpler things right now09:00
faenilduflu: oh sure, no rush! enjoy your weekend! I did not mean to imply I want you to do it now ;)09:02
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Mister_Qswalladge just out of curiosity.. Did you use the bq oem tool to reflash your m10?09:30
hwk12:30 pm here09:33
faenilduflu: have you seen this? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/qtubuntu/trunk/view/head:/src/ubuntumirclient/input.cpp09:35
duflufaenil: That's what I missed. Thanks!09:37
faenilduflu: awesome!09:37
faenilnot sure it will help that much, but let's hope so :)09:38
mardyjgdx: hi! Do you have some time (and desire) to test https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1722 ? I've attached a dekko click to it, too09:42
duflufaenil: You rock. Webbrowser scrolling (etc) now fixed too09:45
faenilduflu: woooot :) well done!09:46
dufluWith high-res touchpad precision now09:46
faenilduflu: (now I'm even more curious to see what was the actual bug that I can't seem to reproduce on krilling :P )09:46
faenilah ok you meant you fixed wheel scrolling duflu, not touch, right?09:48
duflufaenil: yes, wheel and touchpads, not touch09:48
faenilduflu: ok, still super cool, yay09:48
jgdxmardy, yes09:58
jgdxtedg, hey, could you point me to the docs for ubuntu_app_launch_start_application from libubuntu-app-launch2-dev?10:11
jgdxtedg, I fail to launch an app using an appid, even if it seemingly conforms to the spec: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppStore/Interfaces/ApplicationId10:11
jgdxmardy, testing now…11:37
mardyjgdx: thanks!11:38
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jgdxmardy, I need to refresh in Dekko it seems. I guess Dekko has no means of getting notified?11:44
mardyjgdx: refresh? I'm not sure what do you mean11:44
mardyjgdx: you just have to give Dekko access to your gmail account, and that should be all11:45
jgdxmardy, I got a notification, tapped it, entered Dekko. The newly received email is not visible in Dekko lest I refresh11:45
mardyjgdx: mmm... here it refreshed automatically11:45
jgdxlemme try again11:46
mardyjgdx: anyway, the Dekko part still needs improvement, it should be made to open the new message right away11:46
zzarrwhen will Ubuntu launch on phones/tablets? (I mean when will devices be available in shops)11:48
k1l_zzarr: they are since some time. or do you mean a specific device?11:49
jgdxmardy, right, and Dekko is dispatched with an URL sufficient to do that. So it's up to Dekko, not account-polld, to implement this?11:50
zzarrI know they are available from ubuntu.com (I have an Ubuntu phone) I mean when operators will begin to sell them11:50
mardyjgdx: exactly11:51
k1l_zzarr: they do already11:51
k1l_zzarr: and ubuntu doesnt sell them. its the manufacturers who sell them11:51
jgdxmardy, rog. Okay, looks good here11:52
zzarrk1l_, I know, but service providers don't sell them yet (not in Sweden in any way)11:52
k1l_zzarr: this is from a german IT supermarket: https://twitter.com/toddyfranz/status/67246760555545395211:52
mardyjgdx: thanks, I also did some testing and didn't notice any issues; I'll hand it over to QA, then11:53
peat-psuwitHello. I'm porting Ubuntu Touch to Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0. The screen's native orientation is in landscape, but touchscreen expects the screen to be in portrait. So, how to set screen's native rotation? Or, alternatively, how to swap touchscreen's axes?11:53
k1l_zzarr: well, look at the manufacturers who have ubuntu phones and if they sell to sweden.11:53
zzarrk1l_, I didn't know they were sold in shops in Germany, but when I think about it I'm not surprised11:55
robinheromardy, What do you think, will this modification of account-polld available in OTA-13?11:55
mardyrobinhero: yes it will, unless we find some regression that forces us to pull it off11:56
zzarrk1l_, I know how to get a phone here11:56
robinheromardy, sounds good, thanks :)11:56
jgdxmardy, one sec, can you reproduce this: Open dekko, swipe away dekko, receive email, tap notification: i can't open the newly received mail11:56
zzarrk1l_, the reason for my question is when will the real native apps come, I mean there are already many very good apps11:58
k1l_zzarr: the manufacturers have very strange strategies with where to sell and how marketing should work. i dont understand where, when and why they are selling them or not selling them.11:58
robinheromardy, I'll be home in a few hours, and will give it a try on my testing device :)11:58
k1l_zzarr: what native apps?11:58
zzarrDekko is in fact the best mail browser I have used on a mobile device11:59
zzarrwell very many apps are webapps so far12:00
zzarrbut I think that native apps give a more solid feeling12:00
zzarrin any way, I'm impressed with the phone so far12:01
jgdxzzarr, yeah, I think we need quantum computers to make webapps feel native12:02
k1l_that depends on the developers beeing able to make native apps.12:02
zzarrjgdx ;)12:02
jgdxzzarr, :)12:02
mardyjgdx: trying...12:02
jgdxthere are a couple of preceding errors in the log, but not sure if pertinent or not12:04
jgdxmardy, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/21394369/12:06
mardyjgdx: ah! weird: Dekko refreshed, shows the e-mail, but indeed nothing happens if I tap it12:06
mardyjgdx: actually, I cannot open any message12:07
jgdxright, me neither12:07
jgdxseems to be triggered by the dispatcher, as performing the steps above without tapping a notification does not reproduce.12:08
mardyjgdx: seems like bug 157077412:11
ubot5bug 1570774 in Dekko "Cannot open message from inbox" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157077412:11
mardyjgdx: I'll add a comment to that bug12:11
jgdxmardy, I would think that became critical for that release though.12:12
jgdxs/release/silo 5512:12
mardyjgdx: indeed12:12
jhodappElleo, media-hub just exports the MPRIS dbus service12:51
swalladgeMister_Q: re flash tool: yes' because i somehow managed to semi brick it so had to fix the partitions...12:51
Mister_Qswalladge then that most likely explains your wifi bug :/ Did you "Format everything & Download" or just "Download" in the tool? Format everything deletes the imei partitions and that makes the network manager act weird even if it works on android. check if your serial number is something lik 0123412:53
swalladgeOh right wow. Yeah i'm pretty sure i formatted because just download didn't work12:57
Mister_Qswalladge you have to send it in to bq for an imei repair :/12:58
swalladgeI'll check out the serial numbers tomorrow.12:58
swalladgeOuch really? Surely the bq tool should put it to factory condition?12:58
Mister_Qswalladge unfortunately not12:58
swalladgeCould that explain it not recognizing/outputting to a monitor via HDMI as well?12:59
Mister_Qyes !12:59
Mister_Q"format everything" does literally what it says. including _every_partition12:59
swalladgeAaah well that explains everything. Thanks :)13:00
Mister_Qthats why I've wrote a tool for reflashing ubuntu devices. to stop people from using dangerous oem tools https://github.com/MariusQuabeck/magic-device-tool13:01
* Mister_Q may accidentally formatted everything once as well ;)13:02
swalladgeLol I'll literally have to send it half way around the world to get it fixed... (And then back again)13:05
Mister_Qyou cant restore the imei partitions yourself :/ bq has to do that13:07
Elleojhodapp: odd, I'm doing the same (i.e. registering org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.CuteSpotify) but sound-indicator doesn't pick up on it13:12
Elleojhodapp: wasn't sure if there was some extra call I need to make to something to make it aware of that13:12
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jhodappElleo, try doing a dbus capture of Rhythmbox on the desktop when it comes up and you'll capture it exporting MPRIS...that's the best and easiest example to capture and emulate13:32
Elleojhodapp: okay, thanks13:33
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jgdxdobey, hey, you get to take a look at that u-push hack?13:50
dobeyjgdx: i said in irc it looks ok, but maybe not what i'd necessarily do. i'd probably just get rid of the vendorizing and just rely on the packages if possible13:52
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jgdxdobey, sorry, missed that. Yeah, that's what I want too, but then we wouldn't get it to build on vivid due to a lack of deps.14:00
dobeyjgdx: eh? then how does it build on vivid in the archive today?14:00
jgdxdobey, yeah, but that's using the old deprecated go packages that does not exist upstream.14:01
jgdxe.g. the code.google.com go-sqlite has disappeared upstream, and it's replacement has no deb package in vivid14:02
jgdxas I understand it14:02
dobeyjgdx: oh, well, all code.google.com has disappeared because google shut down code14:02
dobeyjgdx: i'd probably kill the symlinks stuff and just fix the imports to reference the github stuff instead, if you have to use vendorized stuff there14:03
jgdxdobey, kill the symlink to usr/share/gocode/src… ?14:04
dobeyjgdx: no, in your MP you're making a symlink to preserve the "code.google.com/..." paths for the things that moved to github, rather than changing the imports that use them14:05
jgdxdobey, right, so if I change the imports for sqlite to use the recommended lib, I need to backport golang-github-mattn-go-sqlite3 to the overlay. IIUIC14:08
jgdxbecause otherwise the dev setup would be fine, but at build time, it would fail on vivid+overlay14:08
dobeyjgdx: didn't you just say the current things aren't packaged in vivid+overlay?14:09
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jgdxdobey, the code.google imports have debs, the things I'm symlinked do not have debs, but we just use the code.google debs.14:11
jgdxit's a mess14:12
dobeyjgdx: ok, then i guess we have to use the symlinks to work around that issue for now14:12
dobeyyeah, i am very not fond of golang14:12
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qraziQuick question: I installed multirom on my nexus 5, and my primary rom is stock Android 6.0.115:46
qraziWhen I install Ubuntu Touch through multirom, I cannot boot. It shows the Google logo for a bit, and then reboots15:47
qraziWhat could be the problem?15:47
Mister_Qqrazi, did you install a kexec capable kernel (as suggested in the multirom app)?15:48
qraziYes... (99% sure, but can't check as I left that phone at home... :-/ )15:49
olofmis the appstore broken at the moment? i can not find QVBA-M :(15:59
olofmit is listed in uapp explorer but i can not find it in the store16:00
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dobeyolafh: on a phone/tablet, or on a PC?16:56
dobeyolafh: are you on ota12?16:57
dobeyolafh: that app is using a long deprecated framework which was recently removed. the app needs to be udpated16:58
dobeyolafh: oops, sorry. that was for olofm who apparently left, but has a nick irresponsibly similar to yours :)16:59
ohyashmariogrip : ping17:16
ohyashis this page ever gonna show up? https://wiki.ubports.com/wiki/Porting-to-new-device17:16
geniiohyash: You can also refer to https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/phone/devices/porting-new-device/17:23
ohyashgenii : Doesnt seem to be updated in a long while. Does it still work?17:24
geniiohyash: The process has not changed much since then, it can still be used as a guide17:34
ohyashgenii : Interesting. Ubuntu's proting guide seems pretty straight foreward. I havent seen one like this anywhere else.17:36
ohyashSailfishOS' porting guide is pretty harder compared to this17:37
hwkis there a channel dedicated to debian-arm distro?17:46
hwkwas thinking if i can start systemd manually in a chroot environment17:47
ohyashtry talking in raspbian's channel. (if it exists, IDK)17:47
geniiThere's also #ubuntu-arm but it's usually somehwat quiet in there17:47
dobeymaybe #debian-arm ? :)17:49
hwkpopulation 10 :D17:51
ohyashhow hard would porting ubuntu-touch be if my device comes with cyanogenOS installed, sources are in git, and I've never ported any OS before?18:01
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hwkdo you know the source coude of you device well?18:06
hwkdrivers, apps which integrate with the drivers18:07
ohyashhwk, havent checked into it.. But I guess yes. They're opensource friendly, thats what they said when they launched to company. (YU)18:10
ohyashhwk, here : https://github.com/YUTeleventures/device_yu_lettuce18:12
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hwkdont see much code there18:25
ohyashHow do I use whatever's required from there?18:28
ohyashOh, and how much time approximately does final rom compilation take?18:28
dobeyit's not a matter of just compiling things and then it will work18:34
dobeyporting a device takes a whole lot of time, even for someone that knows what they are doing18:34
ohyashdobey, was just asking cuz my laptop run AMD A4. which takes half and hour to compile compiz. and almost 2 to compile wine18:36
dobeyohyash: right. i don't know how long it will take to cross-compile the stuff18:38
peat-psuwitCan anyone with supported device give me the content of /etc/ubuntu/devices.conf, please?18:39
DexterFhow does app separation / permission restrictions work on U/T? like: how does it keep a website from telling my location from the GPS module? keep games from telling my movement profile to their authors? etc18:52
dobeywell, if you allow a game to access your location, then while that game is being played, it can freely send your location data to somewhere on the internet18:53
dobeyhowever, while the screen is locked, or the app is in the background, it is not running, and can no longer process data18:53
dobeyif an app needs location data, then when it tries to use the API the first time, you get a popup asking if you want to allow/deny it access to location data18:54
dobeythere's similar popups for camera and mic access18:55
abcdI've got a nexus 4 which i've put ubuntu on. I've bought a slimport adapter to vga, the screen detects a signal, but just shows a black desktop.19:34
abcdare there problems with certain hardware?19:34
dobeyabcd: very possible, yes19:44
dobeyabcd: have you verified the adapter works with android?19:45
abcddobey: thanks19:45
abcddobey: nope, I could put android back on....19:45
abcdother than that can anybody recommend one that works?19:46
polyluxgood evening everyone, somebody around who is using syncevolution?19:46
dobeyabcd: well, i don't think anyone has tested any that would use vga anyway. i think only ones that have been tested are hdmi.19:47
DexterFdobey: I meant: where are these permissions defined? how does control work?20:01
DexterFwhere do I find documentation about Touch? api descriptions etc20:10
dobeyDexterF: https://developer.ubuntu.com20:20
DexterFdobey: thanks20:22
swalladgeMister_Q: yep, my M10's serial number is 0123456789ABCDEF23:14
Mister_Qswalladge then you have to send it to bq sorry23:14

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