
bluesabreevening all00:56
knomehello sean00:57
bluesabreheya pasi00:57
knomewhat's up?00:57
knomeplaying pokemon?00:57
bluesabrewife has my phone currently00:57
knomehuh, she playing?00:58
bluesabreI think she's evolving pidgeys like crazy to level me up00:58
Unit193bluesabre: Did I need to keep appfinder.png?04:05
flocculantknome: assuming mp for council is as expected, best to get team to vote in a mail thread or comment on mp?07:12
flexiondotorgbluesabre, I hear GTK 3.20 is landing in 16.10 proposed soon.09:38
flexiondotorgJust a heads up since themes will need a significant rework.09:38
flocculantflexiondotorg: afaik they've been working on themes11:10
flexiondotorgCool :-)11:11
flocculantbluesabre: anything happened with the intel/lock thing lately?11:23
ochosiflexiondotorg: just fyi, our theme already has gtk3.20 support14:23
flexiondotorgochosi, Thanks.14:23
flexiondotorgUpstream MATE themes are sorted.14:23
flexiondotorgThe Ubuntu MATE themes are nearly done.14:24
flocculantochosi: I did think so, but wasn't completely sure :)14:24
ochosigood to hear flocculant 14:31
ochosierr flexiondotorg 14:32
ochosigah, you guys should really sort out your nicknames!14:32
* flexiondotorg looks sheepish14:32
* flocculant looks sheepdogish14:44
flocculantflexiondotorg: don't let ochosi talk to infinity about nicks :p14:44
flexiondotorgI have actually been thinking about changing my IRC nick.14:48
=== flexiondotorg is now known as Wimpress
flocculantgood for you - just ftr I'm not doing that ever again :p14:50
WimpressIt is me, flexiondotorg14:51
WimpressA grouped nic.14:51
Wimpressochosi, Happy now! Look what you made me do ;-)14:51
flocculantWimpress: 2 burgers and a large fries please :p14:51
* Wimpress face palms14:51
ochosiWimpress: i'll keep my huge impact on you in mind and speak more carefully next time ;)14:52
flocculantnot seen a Wimpy for years :)14:52
Wimpressflocculant, I have. And my RL nickname is Wimpy.14:57
flocculantochosi: goven that akxwi-dave is going to take over for at least 6 months - can you add him to -release team, so I can spend some time with him on the trackers with real permissions there14:57
flocculantWimpress: :D not seen one locally for years - I thought that was long gone14:58
flocculantwell that was a few minutes of my life I'll not get back ... 15:01
Wimpressflocculant, One in my home town - http://www.localdatasearch.com/basingstoke/town_centre/fast_food_takeaway/wimpy-1245991415:01
flocculantoh my - you in basingstoke? 15:02
flocculant60 minutes up the m3 from me :)15:02
ochosiflocculant: yeah makes sense, will do that now15:03
Wimpressflocculant, Well, not in Basingstoke. But it is the closest town.15:03
ochosiflocculant: ok, done15:04
flocculantochosi: thanks :)15:05
flocculantWimpress: soton is closest to me15:06
Wimpressflocculant, So did you ever used to go to HantsLUG?15:14
flocculantnope - no transport15:14
flocculantdid think about it a few times15:15
WimpressOK. They used to be in soton. But that was years back.15:15
flocculantWimpress: on another note (ignore the language) you ever seen Turn off secure boot checkbox in installer? https://ibin.co/2pjePvirQnae.jpg15:15
flocculantyea - soton uni iirc15:16
bluesabreflocculant: it is said "no news is good news", I'll go with that15:23
flocculantwill it be out next week then :p15:24
bluesabreno, probably not15:24
flocculantbluesabre: I assume you saw mp for contr-docs for council 15:26
bluesabreflocculant: haven't looked, been on vacation this week15:26
bluesabregetting ready to resume being a contributing member to society15:26
bluesabrecleaned my desk today :D15:26
ochosibluesabre: the dead poets society..?15:29
bluesabreochosi: if dead poets contribute to xfce/xubuntu, yes15:29
ochosialso, does that mean i'm looking at an exo and xfce4-settings release this week? :D15:29
bluesabreochosi: at least exo in the next few days15:30
bluesabre-settings, soonish (many more bugs to sort out)15:30
ochosibtw, released a new notifyd15:33
flocculantakxwi-dave: at some point - logout of 'tracker(s)' then log back in, enable 'release team' when you do15:33
flocculanthave a look around - and we'll talk at some point about what you'll be able to do15:33
akxwi-davecheers will do15:33
bluesabreochosi: awesome15:33
flocculantbluesabre: not at all sure what went on here - but I appeared to lose desktop - had x-defualt-settings wanting upgrading and needing systemd from -proposed15:35
flocculantI got it sorted in the end after ending up with a default xfce desktop 15:35
flocculantwas too much before the second cup of tea :|15:36
bluesabreflocculant: xenial+ppa or yakkety?15:36
flocculantyak ppa's 15:36
bluesabreUnit193 might have a better idea of that15:36
flocculantalways going to be dev here - even next cycle lol 15:36
flocculanthe did say something - but that was the other day - and I couldn't even get to irc logs - nothing worked15:37
flocculantand of course I'd not sorted out the vanilla xenial yet ... 15:37
flocculantjust thought I'd let you know for Justin's Case15:37
bluesabreyou're probably just yakketing incorrectly15:38
akxwi-davehe didn't really say that did he..  ;-)15:39
flocculantI'd be sad if I was doing it properly 15:39
flocculantakxwi-dave: see what you're going to have to get used to :p15:39
akxwi-davestocking up on the Jameson's15:39
bluesabreakxwi-dave: I say things sometimes that make no sense to myself :D15:40
flocculantha ha ha 15:40
flocculantbluesabre: you could be Unit193 15:40
flocculantoh nvm15:40
flocculantyou said myself instead of everyone else :D15:40
flocculantWimpress: lol :)15:46
Unit193flocculant: Yeah, I figured you were using the daily builds of x-d-s and thusly you tried to switch to systemd user units.15:48
flocculantguess so - I know the systemd upgrade installed some dbus thing15:49
Unit193Technically that was the x-d-s upgrade, and as I said, dbus-user-session. :/15:50
Unit193Not thrilled with it all either. :/15:50
flocculantUnit193: what confused me is that I was sure it wasn't yesterday we *spoke*, was sure I'd rebooted with the un-upgraded and broken x-d-s15:51
bluesabreUnit193: any benefit from it?15:51
flocculantbluesabre: not for me - I lost hair 15:51
Unit193bluesabre: upstart user → systemd user.15:51
bluesabreUnit193: gotcha15:51
bluesabreflocculant: they have remedies for that15:51
Unit193bluesabre: Sooo, "Everything is better!" also we'll have to look into xfce4-indicator-plugin again.15:52
flocculantbluesabre: single bladed razor15:52
* bluesabre was going to suggest debian oldstable15:52
flocculantUnit193: so that'd be why the dropbox thing I had to have broke? 15:52
Unit193Dropbox thing?15:53
bluesabreUnit193: Everything is better/nothing is changed/its just an init system/everything is terrible (all at once)15:54
* flocculant has dropbox till he gets wedding pic - had the ind for it working - then it broke, had to remove the ind plugin, stop start dropbox and then put ind-plugin back on pane;15:54
Unit193flocculant: Ah, so just the typical missing icon.  You can either edit ~/.dropbox-dist/dropboxd and add unset DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS right before the exec, or fix it somehow else.15:55
flocculantI did somehow else iirc15:56
Unit193https://mail.xfce.org/pipermail/xfce/2016-July/035114.html so just a couple changes then.16:13
Unit193https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+3.0/3.20.6-1ubuntu1 fun times.16:17
bluesabreUnit193: yes, seems like just a few... dozen16:19
Unit193flexiondotorg: You need more SASL. :P16:20
Unit193bluesabre: Something is bound to be broken, but what? :D  Anyway, did you ever look at xfce4-settings packaging, for gtk3?16:21
bluesabreUnit193: not yet, but hopefully soon (probably mess with it tonight/this weekend)16:22
bluesabreheading out now, bbl16:22
Unit193Ok, what I had was in /source/, not sure the state of it.  Have fun.16:23
flocculantochosi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk2-engines-murrine/+bug/1598316/comments/7 can that be right if version of desktop is same as we released with?19:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1598316 in shimmer-themes (Ubuntu) "gtk2-engines-murrine desktop text shadow problem" [High,Triaged]19:20
flocculantand what I don't understand is how that update got through and screwed things up in the first place?19:20
flocculantUnit193: ^^19:20
flocculantpleia2: not sure who to say to - but we should lose 15.10 from http://docs.xubuntu.org/ EOL now19:25
flocculantgetting there19:25
Unit193Will you stab me if I give an idea? :319:26
flocculantonly etherstabbing19:26
flocculantso pretty painless :)19:26
Unit193Oh cool.  So if he thinks it is xfdesktop, what happens if someone replaces that with pcmanfm?  (It's what handles the desktop in LXDE.)19:27
flocculantso I'm right?19:30
flocculantseems pretty much slam dunk to me - if we were good and something else updates and we're broken - not us broke it 19:31
Unit193flocculant: Not tried it yet, but yeah an update to that engine broke things.  Technically, it's likely seen that it was broken before, but this just shows it.  I don't know.19:37
flocculantwell I guess reverting to old engine should fix it 19:37
flocculantI could upgrade and see19:38
flocculantbut on saturday :)19:38
ochosiUnit193, flocculant: not an issue with xfdesktop for sure. it's murrine. period.19:50
knomeflocculant, i'm no pleia2, but done.19:50
Unit193ochosi: I have a fixed Numix already, thanks! ;)19:53
flocculantknome: indeed and thanks :)20:01
knomere: xsd stuff, yes, we should probably just dump that on the mailing list (and CC the CC just in case)20:02
flocculantochosi: thanks to you too - just wanted to ask someone who'd have more clue than me :)20:02
flocculantknome: ack - I''ll do that shortly then20:02
knomei'd personally post the new section as-is on the mail (instead of a diff - and no worries if links disappear) for better legibility.20:06
knomesince we aren't really *changing* anything, that should be the best way to go20:07
knomebut of course link to the merge proposal too if somebody wants to double-check the diff.20:07
flocculantok - I'll do both for archive sake20:07
flocculantochosi knome and anyone else awake20:09
flocculanthow long 1 week? 2? 20:09
flocculantreally anoyyingly 10 days? 20:09
flocculantofc I'll spell it properly on a mail :p20:09
knomeIMO a week is long enough time for anybody active to reply/vote20:11
flocculantwell I'd say the same - but it needs to be a majority and it is the summer20:12
knomewell, the history here is that the team has generally accepted this direction, and this is very much in the exact same spirit20:12
knomeso, *shrug*20:12
knomei'd still say most of the active people are around within any 7 days20:13
knomeif we don't have the majority after 7 days, then extend20:13
flocculantok 20:13
knomelike if you count how many of the team have been active today alone20:13
knomethat's already a lot20:13
knomeand that's just IRC20:13
Unit193Well, IRC is more popular among Xubuntu folk. >_>20:13
knomebut then again, we can just point people on IRC who didn't read the ML stuff to do that.20:14
knomethis would be a totally different beast if the team was 100 people and of half of them we only ever heard via email and/or commit messages20:14
knome(that would be scary btw)20:14
flocculantochosi: I must say that I like the 'boom' in that response :D20:14
flocculantok - so that's away now20:15
ochosiyeah, couldn't help it ;)20:16
flocculantand voted20:17
flocculantochosi: :)20:17
flocculantshould have snipped ... 20:17
knomevoted as well20:17
knomesnipping is for ...snippers?20:17
flocculantwaiting for responses to me without snipping 20:17
flocculantha ha 20:17
ochosiwhat about all those missing spaces..? :)20:17
flocculantthey're full of snips ochosi 20:18
* ochosi wonders whether he shall really approve that...20:18
Unit193"Ending on" == "Ending after"?20:18
flocculantochosi: I think that's copying from a pad20:18
flocculantoh boo20:18
flocculantI didn't put a finish date on it :p20:19
knomeflocculant, gives us more freedom :P20:19
knomeagain, i'm sure most of us will reply in a timely manner20:19
flocculantme added that to end on 6th August20:19
knomenote to self: if you want to use an SSH key, please copy it on the system you are sitting at20:20
flocculantochosi: I don't see missing spaces20:20
flocculantperhaps it's your client :p20:21
flocculantI had more trouble with nested sections ...20:22
flocculanttill I realised you just nest them ... 20:22
knomei can confirm i see the non-space issue when i turn on "plain text only" mode on tb.20:22
knomeso it's totally do with the pad, it's always messing up the spaces with some html elements like that.20:23
knomeso it seems like i'll boot my desktop machine one more time today...20:23
flocculantI did just drag and drop from pad20:24
ochosithis is my client: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2016-July/011238.html20:24
knomeochosi, no, the mailing list moderators didn't order anything from you..20:25
flocculantI can confirm knome confirming that too 20:25
knomewho cares?20:25
flocculantochosi: check out the mp instead then :D20:25
knomethe correct stuff is available on the repository diff20:25
flocculant*I* was going to get silly and ask team to +1 as a comment on the mp :)20:26
flocculantas that's what we're really doing 20:26
knomethat's what we should have done...20:27
knomeadd everybody individually as a reviever20:27
knomereviewer too20:27
knomeUnit193, would you fancy voting on the ML now so we can see if mail reaches simon now?20:29
flocculantknome: I did think about it both seriously and half-seriously20:31
flocculantthen it was just loads of work - so I went to work20:32
flocculantI also thought that if anyone really wanted it that way then I could delete my branch and let them do it :p20:35
knomeochosi, got the mail now?20:36
ochosiknome: nope20:46
flocculantbluesabre: next meeting I will set for 12th August - what time you want - assuming post 18:00 UTCV20:58
flocculantwe should have a vote by then 20:59

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