quantibiliy | alright another issue now, when Hdmi is connected and i start up, main laptop screen remains blank while the second shows... i don't understand this issue | 00:16 |
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lucas_ai | I made a simple service and put it in /etc/init/potentialstudio.conf ... why am I getting this error: Failed to start potentialstudio.service: Unit potentialstudio.service not found. | 06:08 |
xubuntu71w | hi, just installed xubuntu 16.04.1, use dsl connect to internet and works well, but when I set up pptp vpn and has vpn connection established, get two problems: 1. (here i am currently in an internet censored country) cencored website such as google, twitter still could not connect, uncensored website could connect. 2. browser speed slow down appearently.(not vpn service reason, as i tried same one in other os, it works wel | 07:01 |
xubuntu71w | thanks in advance. | 07:01 |
lucas_ai_ | I changed to XFCE and my windows don't have any frame. How do I get them back? Or how do I go back to unity? | 07:38 |
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choki | hello | 08:42 |
choki | anyone already fixed this problem? https://askubuntu.com/questions/786146/text-partially-disappearing-in-many-applications-after-unlocking-on-xubuntu | 08:42 |
choki | should i update lightdm? | 08:42 |
extinct_potato | could someone help me with menu files? | 11:10 |
cfhowlett | !ask | 11:10 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 11:10 |
extinct_potato | i created a deb package which added a menu entry, removed the package but meny entry is still there. | 11:10 |
extinct_potato | i've already tried to remove it with alacarte or menulibre, but the menu entry doesn't appear to be there. | 11:11 |
extinct_potato | yes, i have read freedesktop documentation. | 11:11 |
extinct_potato | still have no fucking idea what to do. | 11:12 |
knome | extinct_potato, please note that this is a family-friendly channel. | 11:15 |
extinct_potato | knome, i'm sorry, didn't knwo. | 11:16 |
knome | the main reason why menu entries do not appear in menulibre is that they are invalid | 11:16 |
extinct_potato | *know. | 11:16 |
extinct_potato | knome, how can I remove them then? | 11:16 |
knome | remove them from the file system directly | 11:16 |
knome | (and as you said you created a package that installs a menu file, but it didn't get removed when the package was uninstalled, you did something wrong with that too) | 11:16 |
knome | and re: family-friendliness, the channel guidelines are posted to all joining users... | 11:17 |
extinct_potato | Yeah, you're right knome, it's my fault. | 11:18 |
extinct_potato | I removed the file. | 11:18 |
extinct_potato | It was in ~/.local/share/applications/ | 11:18 |
extinct_potato | but could you please tell me why there is such fragmentation when it comes to menu entries? | 11:19 |
extinct_potato | there are dozen of directories destined for menu entries. | 11:19 |
extinct_potato | both in system dir and in user dir. | 11:19 |
knome | there are basically one directory in both. | 11:20 |
extinct_potato | you're right with this one. | 11:21 |
extinct_potato | so which file does menulibre/alacarte edit in the end? | 11:22 |
knome | menulibre edits the menu entries in the user directory | 11:22 |
knome | well, | 11:22 |
knome | let's start with this: | 11:22 |
knome | first, menulibre looks for the system files | 11:23 |
knome | and then the user files | 11:23 |
knome | they can either add to or overwrite system files | 11:23 |
knome | so if a desktop entry for "app-x" doesn't exist in the user files, then the system files are used | 11:23 |
knome | when you "edit" the launcher for "app-x" and it only exists as a system file, menulibre essentially creates a new user file that overwrites the system one. | 11:24 |
knome | so in essence menulibre only touches the user files, but that can mean the system files are overridden | 11:24 |
extinct_potato | so is there any applications that lets me to edit system freedesktop files? | 11:25 |
knome | no. | 11:25 |
knome | well, at least as far as i know, and there's never a reason to do so. | 11:25 |
extinct_potato | okay, thanks for help knome! | 11:26 |
knome | np | 11:26 |
knome | so why would you want to edit the system files then? | 11:26 |
extinct_potato | because some apps have for eg. ugly icon, which I would like to edit system-wide | 11:27 |
extinct_potato | for all users. | 11:27 |
knome | ummh, unless the icons are hardcoded, that's related to the icon theme, not the desktop files | 11:29 |
knome | all desktop files *should* point to icon names only (not with paths) | 11:30 |
knome | the system then checks whether an icon of that name exists in the theme you are using, and then it's dependencies one-by-one until it finds one | 11:30 |
knome | the application can also install its fallback icon (without having to refer it to with the filename) | 11:31 |
knome | but if the packaging/desktop file is done right, icon themes can always override | 11:32 |
knome | i guess if you insist on using specific icons, you could create a skel directory that "installs" the desktop files for new users when they are created | 11:36 |
knome | though ultimately, they can simply remove these files | 11:36 |
knome | as they can change the icon theme, even if you created one that overrode some of the icons | 11:37 |
knome | (and that would have the limitation that the users could only use one base theme, unless you created those overriding themes for all icon themes available) | 11:37 |
knome | so - i would say - not worth the hassle, if other users think the icons are ugly enough for them, they can create the overriding launchers themself. | 11:38 |
extinct_potato | fair enough | 11:45 |
=== pavlushka is now known as Guest13413 | ||
=== Guest13413 is now known as pavlushka | ||
Karamel` | Hello | 14:43 |
mrkramps | hi | 14:46 |
Karamel` | I have xubuntu 15.10 on my laptop and I wish to upgrade to 16.04.1. When I first installed it I made 4 partitions 1-swap 2-/ 3-/home and 4-/mediadrive (for all my media files). Is there a way to install 16.04.1 on my system without loosing all my data/settings/preferences for the other programs that I already installed? | 14:47 |
Karamel` | I'm asking about install instead of upgrade because as I understand, it's better to install it from scratch, than to update all libraries by an upgrade. | 14:48 |
mrkramps | fresh install requires manual partitioning then | 14:49 |
Karamel` | by manual partition you mean the partitions I already made? | 14:49 |
mrkramps | yes, you can assign the mountpoint for partition with the installer | 14:50 |
Karamel` | and then assign the old mountpoints to be the correlating mountpoints for the new system, right? | 14:51 |
mrkramps | exactly | 14:51 |
mrkramps | the installer will only recognize the paritions and you have to tell him e.g. to use parition 2 for /home again | 14:52 |
mrkramps | make sure partitions will not be formated excpet for / | 14:52 |
mrkramps | and that's it | 14:52 |
mrkramps | i recommend creating a backup anyways | 14:52 |
Karamel` | before I ask about a backup - Can you explain one thing? Because I also thought to use the method that you just stated, but than re-thought about it and said to myself: When I first installed 15.10, the system put files on /home. So probably it will put these files now, again - only new files that will overwrite my old files. How come this method is suppose to work and not re-write on my old preferences' files? | 14:55 |
mrkramps | Karamel`, after installation a home folder will be created and populated with default settings at first system start or application start | 14:57 |
mrkramps | but only if NO folder exists | 14:57 |
mrkramps | make sure to use the same user name | 14:57 |
mrkramps | should be no issue than, home is not touched | 14:57 |
mrkramps | did it myself multiple time :) | 14:57 |
mrkramps | ok, there might be some preferences updated on first start when something's changed | 14:59 |
mrkramps | like Xfce 4.10 → 4.12 | 14:59 |
Karamel` | yeah, because those preferences are probably on / and not /home, right? | 15:00 |
Karamel` | But I don't care if I will just have to redefine my wallpaper | 15:01 |
mrkramps | user space configuration is all in /home | 15:03 |
mrkramps | system wide configuration generally in /etc | 15:03 |
Karamel` | oh, ok | 15:03 |
Karamel` | Now, is there a simple way to backup? And by backup, you mean also my mediadrive partition which is ntfs? | 15:03 |
mrkramps | copy everythin to an external drive | 15:04 |
mrkramps | and this is not just a recommendation for system upgrade, but a general recommendation | 15:05 |
mrkramps | without backup your data is not save | 15:05 |
Karamel` | Is there a good backup program for xubuntu/ubuntu? | 15:06 |
mrkramps | phew, personally i just copy ir use rsync | 15:08 |
mrkramps | *or | 15:08 |
Karamel` | mrkramps, and then after I upgraded, do I need to update wine for example? or other programs that aren't installed by default? Will xubuntu "know" that I need to update wine to a version that corresponds to xubuntu 16.04 and not to 15.10 which was previously installed? | 15:18 |
mrkramps | wine is part of the official repository, but i do not know how playonlinux will deal with a system upgrade | 15:19 |
mrkramps | all manually installed, self compiled and ppa applications need to be reinstalled | 15:20 |
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Karamel` | thanks mrkramps! | 15:57 |
xubuntu56w | Hey! I'm having a trouble downloading vlc, apt tries to download libproxy deb file from "http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/libp/libproxy/libproxy-tools_0.4.11-5ubuntu1_i386.deb" and it fails | 16:26 |
xubuntu56w | I'm using xubuntu xenial on an i368 cute laptop | 16:27 |
mrkramps | xubuntu56w, exact error message? | 16:33 |
xubuntu56w | Here you go, "Err:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/universe i386 libproxy-tools i386 0.4.11-5ubuntu1 400 Bad URI [IP: 80] E: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/libp/libproxy/libproxy-tools_0.4.11-5ubuntu1_i386.deb 400 Bad URI [IP: 80]" | 16:35 |
mrkramps | xubuntu56w, could you show me the ouput of the command 'locale' in a pastebin, pls | 16:39 |
xubuntu56w | http://pastebin.com/JJj4JUxW | 16:41 |
mrkramps | ok,red herring | 16:43 |
mrkramps | xubuntu56w, have you already tried updating your repository information? sudo apt-get update | 16:43 |
xubuntu56w | I have updated it many times, I have also used --fix-missing but with no success | 16:44 |
xubuntu56w | I will update it again because why not | 16:45 |
mrkramps | weird :\ | 16:45 |
xubuntu56w | I know :\ I will just use a different audio player | 16:46 |
xubuntu56w | Thanks for trying | 16:46 |
mrkramps | xubuntu56w, this is blind fire, but try updating your local with:$ sudo locale-gen | 16:47 |
xubuntu56w | okay, I'm doing it | 16:48 |
Unit193 | xubuntu56w: Are you using any proxy? | 16:49 |
xubuntu56w | I'm not | 16:49 |
Unit193 | What happens if you wget that link anyway? | 16:50 |
xubuntu56w | that's what I got, "HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 400 Bad URI" | 16:51 |
mrkramps | the link is working for me | 16:52 |
Unit193 | Very strange, that's why I asked if you had a proxy though. | 16:52 |
xubuntu56w | I guess it's because of my ip, I will try to use a proxy | 16:53 |
xubuntu56w | but I might try to use one to fix this problem because my country's ip adresses sometimes get blocked | 16:53 |
Unit193 | What happens if you use a local mirror? | 16:55 |
xubuntu56w | I haven't tried that | 16:55 |
xubuntu56w | I switched to a mirror, updated, tried installing, no hope | 17:06 |
xubuntu56w | I have also done "sudo locale-gen" as mrkramps told me | 17:07 |
xubuntu56w | I found the solution! all what I had to do is hide my Syrian proxy | 17:09 |
=== nikita is now known as Guest42635 | ||
m3rcury | sa | 22:03 |
mrkramps | wu | 22:10 |
bekks | uh | 22:10 |
Wayward_Vagabond | After my laptop has gone to sleep, it has glitches till X is restarted, panel doesn't render but can be interacted with via some careful trial and error, and terminal windows don't render either | 23:34 |
Wayward_Vagabond | Either empty black, or clear if another window has been drawn | 23:34 |
Wayward_Vagabond | I'm on xubuntu 14.04lts | 23:35 |
mrkramps | Wayward_Vagabond, lspci -nnk | grep "VGA\|'Kern'\|3D\|Display" -A2 | pastebinit | 23:37 |
Wayward_Vagabond | Er, how long of an output would that have? I don't think a shell supports copy-paste :s | 23:39 |
mrkramps | just a link | 23:39 |
Wayward_Vagabond | Ohh, nice, one second | 23:39 |
mrkramps | the numbers would be enough | 23:40 |
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