[10:12] Bug #1608203 opened: apt install maas fails without default gateway [10:24] Bug #1608203 changed: apt install maas fails without default gateway [10:36] Bug #1608203 opened: apt install maas fails without default gateway [13:03] Bug #1608203 changed: apt install maas fails without default gateway [13:15] Bug #1608203 opened: apt install maas fails without default gateway [13:27] Bug #1608203 changed: apt install maas fails without default gateway [22:47] Im having some problems bootstrapping juju on an Proliant SL170z. I get failed deployment and the following error "An error occured handling 'sda': OSError - [Errno 6] No such device or address: '/dev/sda2'". Anyone that has had the same error? [22:48] I think this may be related to https://bugs.launchpad.net/curtin/+bug/1562249 (Had this problem with cciss before with other hardware).