
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== davmor2_ is now known as davmor2
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
Nishikino-Makihey i have question when i open some need root auth authority (like synaptic) it's not show the "type password" window11:14
davmor2Nishikino-Maki: possibly best to ask on #ubuntu11:16
Nishikino-Maki...my ubuntu is arm version11:19
k1l_do you start that program manually?11:19
Nishikino-Makiyes... if i click the synaptic button will be not showing that "type password" window(like gksu)11:20
k1l_does it work?11:21
k1l_and what ubuntu is it exactly?11:21
Nishikino-Makiin console type "gksu synaptic" it's work11:21
Nishikino-Makibut click button/icon? no11:21
k1l_does synaptic work without the manual start?11:21
Nishikino-Makiit just not show the "type password"(gksu) window11:22
k1l_but does it work without?11:23
Nishikino-Makiyou mean without console part?11:24
Nishikino-Makinot working11:24
k1l_does synaptic work as espected when you just run it by clicking?11:24
k1l_what ubuntu is that exactly?11:24
Nishikino-Makii using the mini version ubuntu(that mean is without desktop)and i install the desktop11:26
k1l_what desktop and how did you install it?11:26
Nishikino-Makijust type apt-get install xubuntu-desktop11:27
k1l_seems like you are missing the policykit for xfce11:31
Nishikino-Makiis... arm version ubuntu don't have policykit?11:35
k1l_i dont know what xfce is using to handle that. on gnome based its policykit11:37
Nishikino-Makiok i checked the list of software no policykit for xfce11:42
Nishikino-Makionly kde\mate have it11:42
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
=== Nishikino-Maki1 is now known as Nishikino-Maki
=== Nishikino-Maki1 is now known as Nishikino-Maki
=== Nishikino-Maki1 is now known as Nishikino-Maki
=== Nishikino-Maki1 is now known as Nishikino-Maki
=== Nishikino-Maki1 is now known as Nishikino-Maki
=== Nishikino-Maki1 is now known as Nishikino-Maki

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