GGourlay | Hi, I asked a question about my USB wifi which I wanted to work, a user contacted me on private chat and after a command did not work (in his opinion), I did as he told, he asked to remote assist me with team viewer. Is this acceptable in Ubuntu's guidelines? | 11:55 |
k1l_ | !pm | 11:55 |
ubottu | Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. | 11:55 |
k1l_ | usually the support is only done in the channel and not in pm. and we do not want users to give other users access to their machines | 11:56 |
GGourlay | k1l_, I sould write !ops and then my message? | 12:00 |
GGourlay | in the ubuntu chat? | 12:00 |
GGourlay | should* | 12:00 |
k1l_ | no. you can tell that user that you only want support in the support chat so others could help if needed | 12:01 |
GGourlay | my main problem is that this user asked for remote access, could try to gather information. I don't think Ubuntu thinks this is acceptable. | 12:02 |
k1l_ | yes that is right. but you did put the support into pm , too | 12:03 |
GGourlay | Well, the user contacted me... should this user be permitted to keep asking for remote access on ubuntu channels? | 12:07 |
k1l_ | which user was it? | 12:07 |
GGourlay | his name is tatertots | 12:07 |
GGourlay | I have screen images of this | 12:07 |
k1l_ | well. tell that user that you dont want any more support in pm. and you should not let anyone do that again in pm since then you go outside of the scope of the support channel and the ops. | 12:09 |
GGourlay | can't you ban his ip? | 12:09 |
k1l_ | i will talk to that user. but its on your part also that you keep support in the channel. that way we and the supporters or other users can have a watch on it | 12:09 |
k1l_ | GGourlay: well, you were fine with getting support on the private messages as long as he didnt offer support with getting access to your system. this is quite difficult. since what people do in pm is outside of the scope of #ubuntu. and wanting access to support is not that uncommon, even thos in #ubuntu we dont want that. but again: dont go into pms if you want the ubuntu channel rules to be active | 12:12 |
GGourlay | k1l_, I understand, clearly. Here is the conversation: | 12:13 |
k1l_ | reading that i dont know if that is a malicious intention or just trying to speed up the support. | 12:20 |
k1l_ | i will talk to that user, but better you keep the support in the #ubuntu channel so other can peer review the advices | 12:21 |
GGourlay | yes, i will use the channel's chat and not pm. I know, he could definitely have both intentions, i don't know. thank's for the help. | 12:22 |
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