[04:17] Dinosaurus called the ops in #ubuntu () [07:19] meh.. banned from main chan again... any reason why this keeps happening? [07:19] * Cannot join #ubuntu (You are banned). [07:39] crayon: What's your IP and/or host? (not your cloak) [07:40] crayon: Bans will match those as well, and it's possible you're getting hit as a part of those, but we can't find out/fix it until we know what that is. [07:43] * [crayon] is connecting from *@ [07:43] thanks for looking into it [07:45] crayon: Try that. [07:46] thank you so much [07:46] was that what it was? [07:46] crayon: Yep. [07:46] sorry about that!!! [07:46] i appreciate you helping me to resolve it [07:47] So, let us know if it happens again in the future, obviously someone who shares dynamic IPs with you sometimes causes trouble. [07:47] is it possible to add me to an invite list that way i can login and you can keep your ban active? [07:48] It is, but that's usually less discoverable for ops, so we like to avoid it. But if this becomes a frequent issue, we'll definitely consider it. [07:48] thanks Flannel [07:48] cheers [07:48] Like I said, let us know if it happens again, and we'll figure it out. [07:48] Have a nice day. [07:52] Weird, doesn't get a PIA cloak. [09:48] BIng GO [09:48] two great tastes bing and pokemon go [10:45] In #ubuntu, Arpho said: ubottu: this one is the closest for me: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookAir6-2/Wily [16:13] heh [16:13] wow [18:42] EriC^^ called the ops in #ubuntu (Krepay) [18:43] I can't see what those squares are. [18:55] Pici: italics, cursive. "I would like to inform you that no one gives a fuck about what you think" [18:57] ah [19:01] a hardy user too? [19:38] I do not know. I can only find three hits for it: join, this message, part [19:47] hggdh: sorry, I was referring to another user who was asking about a hardy problem. Earlier we had someone using breezy. [19:57] oh, OK