
roman_Hello MOTUs, I would like to continue the discussion https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2016/02/16/%23ubuntu-motu.html 15:40-16:24.15:58
roman_Most important parts from last discussion: I try to get a package included in Ubuntu, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/154225815:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1542258 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] logdata-anomaly-miner -- lightweight tool for log checking, log analysis" [Wishlist,In progress]15:59
roman_Last time package was not reviewed yet. Now it is included in Debian already. Current version V0.0.3-1 on Debian has a packaging bug, I'm currently uploading to be fixed.16:00
roman_Apart from that, there is a native Ubuntu Xenial package build available on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/154225816:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1542258 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] logdata-anomaly-miner -- lightweight tool for log checking, log analysis" [Wishlist,In progress]16:00
roman_I'm not sure if it is better to add the package to Ubuntu using the stuff from Launchpad or instead use native package from LP to build non-native package for Debian and then get the Debian package included in Ubuntu (perhaps overlaying it with some additional patches for the Debian2Ubuntu transition).16:02
roman_Sorry, got a call and have to sign out now. Will visit the chatlog later on, so no answers will be lost.16:17
tewardcorrect me if i'm wrong but isn't it too late to include in Xenial?16:18
teward(MOTUs: that was directed at you)16:18
Unit193Are there any more backporters apart from Mica?22:21

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