=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang [02:30] peterpan007 called the ops in #ubuntu () [02:31] inb4 forkbomb [02:35] that ip address has 3 klines to its name that i can see [02:46] seems it was part of a botnet in feb [03:58] peterpan007 called the ops in #ubuntu () [06:38] That was also on efnet's Tor RBL. [06:48] ducasse called the ops in #ubuntu (monsterdemon) [09:13] @random bashdows emacs HURD snappyclang [09:13] bashdows [09:13] what! [19:38] In #ubuntu, rick6860 said: ubottu, I have done that. there is some code to authenticate. have added that to ppd file, but not sure what it all means. [19:39] In #ubuntu, rick6860 said: ubottu, here is the code.*OpenGroup: Authentication [22:01] My browser isn't allowing me to access http://ubottu.com did someone let the https cert lapse or otherwise break things? [22:02] Jordan_U: Expires 2018, though looks like it doesn't have the full chain. [22:02] Looks like it's not that. Probably using a root CA I don't have. [22:02] Also, http: is accessible. [22:02] Unit193: Not for me, HSTS prevents me from using http for ubottu.com. [22:02] Firefox will cache roots, so if you visit another site that uses the same Gandi cert. [22:22] Unit193: Any chance at a proper fix? [22:25] Pici: Cert chain on ubottu.com is incomplete, care to fix it? [22:25] Jordan_U: That's all Pici's stuff.