[05:55] Good morning everyone [06:59] Morning all [07:27] 'm thinking of of changing my nick to "zwodder". [QI Elves on Twitter: ZWODDER: a drowsy, stupid state of mind and/or body] [07:29] "Dear boss, I shan't be at work today. I've got zwodder" ;-) === pavlushka_ is now known as Guest82875 === Guest82875 is now known as pavlushka [08:37] Morning all I have this stuck in my head this morning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuxdjVI-5r0 and I know it all means you have to watch the film again sorry :D [09:05] morning boys and girls. [09:09] Hmmh, I appear to have an IPV6 ip address [09:09] morning brobostigon [09:10] And an IPV4 one [09:10] DJones: I don't believe you, I can believe your router or computer might but not you :P [09:10] Heh, that could be true [09:10] morning knightwise [09:23] hows tricks brobostigon [09:23] knightwise: about the same as the last few weeks really, and you? [09:28] Same here , looking for a new freelance contract , wrapping up my current assignment. [09:28] So lots of interviews, emails etc [09:29] Aside from that trying to find the time to learn about kali linux [09:29] :) [09:29] naming a distro after the goddess of destruction... :-P [09:30] zmoylan-pi: or after an IPX-over-IP emulator thingy [09:30] there are a couple of network discovery tools in there I can really use [09:30] which is what I assumed the first time I saw people talk about it xD [09:31] http://www.techrepublic.com/article/pro-tip-install-kali-linux-tools-on-ubuntu-with-this-easy-script/ [09:45] Good morning all! Happy Tuesday, and happy Ice Cream Sandwich Day! 😃 [09:46] On this day in 201X google released Android ICS? [09:59] and in the next release they're adding back in the bottom edge swipe to reveal apps [10:07] they had that before? [10:08] JamesTait: got you covered https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1NXup3hDm8 [11:19] Good morning peeps :) [11:19] morning bigcalm how is the car sale going? [11:21] davmor2: it didn't sell. I've relisted to start on Thursday, last for 10 days, lower starting price and include a mobile number. Hopefully the extra time, including a weekend, will encourage people to arrange a viewing/test drive. [11:23] bigcalm: booo, but at least there is a plan \o/ [11:23] Yeah [11:23] correction... a cunning plan... [11:23] Was a little disheartening. Got to keep pushing on [11:24] a punning clan? [11:24] bigcalm: do you have a replacement vehichle? [11:30] popey: my parents have lent me their spare car - 1.2 Corsa. It's a little different from a 2.0 turbo diesel estate... But I'm very grateful [11:31] I need to sell the car now, while it's worth something. Will invest in a newer car in a few years [11:32] oh [11:33] I've turned my finances around. Being astute with assets (cars and other things) is part of that [11:33] trying to sell a diesel when vw has just borked the entire diesel market... [11:34] i am about to scrap my car [12:13] davmor2: I'd forgotten how awesome that song is (cry little sister) [12:17] and davmor2 , a song from 1927?! wow you really do have eclectic taste (which is awesome!) [12:29] wow, computers are terrible at not being leaky: https://blog.lukaszolejnik.com/battery-status-readout-as-a-privacy-risk/ [12:42] diddledan_: there is very little music I don't like some of. Mostly Really heavy metal where it just turns into a noise, and the modern ganster rap which just isn't as good as it was in the 80's and 90's [12:43] been listening to johnny flynn lately [12:43] https://twitter.com/duggan/status/664541126469226497 [12:43] foobarry: not lately no but if you sing it I can play it :P [12:45] you can't beat rufus harley playing jazz on bagpipes... :-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HYMwRtJHV8 [12:46] o0 [12:47] you can drown out any other form of music with that on public transport... :-) [12:48] diddledan_: to give you an example as I kid I went mad for Vivaldi's Four Season as played by Nigel Kennedy just cause I liked the sound of it [12:48] sweatist violinist ever... [12:48] but belted out great sounds [12:51] zmoylan-pi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZZM3bgmXE4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hg8Fa_EUQqY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHjpOzsQ9YI [12:53] zmoylan-pi: "sweatist violinist"? you have strange tastes [maybe literally]. I had gone with "sweetest", personally :-D [12:54] [but thanks for the laugh] [12:54] SuperEngineer: no that would be the 3 I posted :D [12:54] ;-) [12:55] SuperEngineer: I agree Nigel Kennedy did some amazing things with a violin but he really did sweat a lot [12:56] i think the first few rows at his performances were splash zones... [12:56] zmoylan-pi: You proved that how? .... no, please don't tell me! [12:58] [on the bright side, those first few rows probably didn't need to visit the bar at half tim ;-) [12:58] *time [12:59] * SuperEngineer has just gone off the meal he was cooking for some "unknown" reason [13:00] just turn the crotch pot down to simmer till you get your appetite back... :-P [13:00] ouch! [13:01] zmoylan-pi: you really should be toilet trained by now and not need a crotch pot :D [13:02] boom! [13:05] * SuperEngineer searches channel list for Ubuntu-Inuendo ;-) [13:05] it's listed as nudge-nudge-wink-wink-ubuntu [13:06] * daftykins is scarred [13:06] :-D [13:07] then you shouldn't handle pineapples that way... [13:08] zmoylan-pi: you have a wicked sense of humour... but imagining that...agreed! [13:09] * SuperEngineer mashes potatoes for fish pie & tries to wipe that image frop [13:10] from memory [13:10] thank you very much, don't try the veal till they burn down and rebuild the kitchen from scratch... :-P [13:20] from pork scratchings? [13:28] "A cocktail bar "forces" its customers to talk to each other by using an electronic shield to block mobile phone signals." [from BBC News feed]. Definitely #LIKE [13:29] omg [13:29] that's evil [13:29] what, talking? [13:29] nah!!! [13:29] yeah. [13:30] geeks don't "do" cocktails... city folk do - make 'em human & the rest of us might stand a chance of survival. [13:31] lol [13:31] good point [13:31] what if the mobiles are used to tell their wifes where they are? [13:31] i have around 64gb of media on my devices so am covered for a few days away from the web... :-P [13:31] or they will be another 1hr [13:31] geeks are more beer-drinkers if alcohol is involved. otherwise it's a staple diet of either coffee or cola [13:31] or...leaving now home soon x [13:32] TALK you city bums - stop costing us billions, TALK!!! [13:32] and isn't it illegal to block phone signals in case there is an emergency? [13:32] nope [13:32] what if you built the walls really thick? [13:32] lol @ https://twitter.com/georgia_dow/status/760468240145547265 [13:33] thicker than the occup[ants of a cocktail bar? [13:33] *occupants [13:33] every time someone brings up the idea of blocking signals in prisons the legal issues stop it here in ireland [13:33] wow, that's thick [13:34] zmoylan-pi: the question is would you use a phone that's been smuggled-in up someone's jacksee? [13:34] people seem to want their facebutt fix... [13:35] i do see the 'beat the boss' phones for sale all over dublin [13:36] 'beat up the boss' more likely [13:37] an american company makes a metal detecting chair for checking inmates called boss... https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2016/jan/07/metal-detecting-chair-at-goulburn-supermax-shows-prisoners-whos-boss [13:38] talking of the boss: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQ19mLUs0OQ [13:38] If only I could get my mits on a beat up the boss phone... I'd post it to him tommorrow! ;-) [13:38] and these phones have a very low metal content and can beat it [13:39] that's the lead-up I wanted this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJ-LWlmj3kQ [13:43] love that movie [13:43] love pretty much all pixar [13:44] ICE HIM! [13:44] & thanks, great fun [13:45] ICE EM ALL! [13:52] damn you diddledan ... now I'm watching them all! ;-) [13:52] Can somebody recommend a reliable registrar for co uk domains? Price isn't the most important things, customer service is important. [13:53] gandi [13:53] https://www.gandi.net/ [13:54] thanks popey [13:55] np [14:10] ujjain: I use easily.co.uk never had any issues with them [14:10] Ex-employer also used them for all their business websites [14:12] Certainly not 123-reg http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/08/02/123_reg_goes_titsup_again/ although they're saying is a ddos attempt now http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/08/02/123reg_suffers/ [14:14] ah ok, no godaddy either [14:17] From what I've read in the past, gandi has excellent reviews and customer loyalty [15:18] https://twitter.com/slashdot/status/760160177240760320 [16:11] Talk about stating the obvious http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-36958126 [16:12] If ever there was truth behind the illuminati or majestick 12, Donald Trump explains it all [16:14] * Rixon has joined #conspiracytalk [16:14] whuuut [16:15] Rixon: no advertising thanks [16:15] ;) [16:15] it was a joke, not an advert [16:15] ;P [16:18] DJones: that's some top notch journalism right there, they didn't have any article to go with the headline that explains all so it's just "This breaking news story is being updated and more details will be published shortly. Please refresh the page for the fullest version." [16:19] I can't imagine any more detail they could update it with [16:19] sensational bit now, facts later [16:19] that's the formula for all of BBC isn't it? [16:19] ha [16:20] s/BBC/your favourite 'we hate immigrants' outlet [16:21] it's doing my head in all this front page racism [16:22] [16:39] Hey, be honest, at least I didn't link a Daily Fail article :) [16:39] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQyTpPu0gvc [16:42] haha that's a great find === alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD [17:37] hrmm Windows 10 build 1607 (anniversary edition) ISOs are live [17:44] hi [17:44] who listens to Creative Commons music :) ? [17:57] seems the tumbleweed covered that one! [18:28] mozilla are totes down wid de yoof: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/48.0/releasenotes/ [18:59] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOO5S4vxi0o [21:19] https://www.dropbox.com/s/sr5ch0r1lem23at/Screen%20Shot%202016-08-02%20at%2022.18.25.png?dl=0 [21:20] XD [21:20] top cat must be ancient by now [21:21] someone's got a farty motorbike they're going about on in the distance [21:21] or as I like to term people of that ilk: moron [21:22] oof indeedy, i saw some news story about someone taking out a woman on the pavement in Northampton on a 'dirt bike' and then zipping off to hide [21:45] moron is too strong a word... i prefer organ donor... [21:45] haha [21:45] I like that term [21:45] a+e departments have been known to call bikes donor cycles... [21:46] the police do too [21:46] my brother did a "caused an accident therefore needs advanced schooling on dangerous driving to not get points on licence" course where they explained the term organ donor to him [21:47] :> [21:48] my personal best is going over front handlebars, sliding along the road for about 50 yards, taking the crossbar of the bike across the back of my head and using my face for a brake for the final few yards... [21:49] i left a dent in the crossbar using my skull. [21:49] D: [21:49] when the doctors x-rayed me they came to the conclusion that a helmet would have been wasted as my skull was too thick for them to detect damage [21:49] so i [21:50] so i've got that going for me... :-P [21:50] wow you Homer Simpson'd it [21:51] done 5 winders updates today :) [21:52] upgrade to windows 3.1? :-P [21:53] *shudder* [21:53] although i still double click the top left of windows to close them sometimes [21:54] https://twitter.com/XHNews/status/760473599019016192 <-- diddledan_ fancy taking a shortcut by "undertaking" this bus? [21:55] daftykins: they actually made those?! [21:55] i can't wait till it encounters grandmas coffin stored in someones roof rack... [21:55] seems so, it even has a bow up front! [21:55] I saw the visualisation viideo and decided they'd never do it [21:56] apparently it was going to have a glass floor, too [21:56] china is throwing money at everything and hopes some of it will make money down the road... [21:58] so they're building monorails, every type of motorway and bullet trains [21:59] I wonder what happens when there's a lorry on the road in front [21:59] a race... [22:00] or a car with a roofrack [22:00] having a roofrack will make one an enemy of the state... [22:06] that's mighty dangerous talk there, mr. dan of the diddlers [22:08] am I being subversive? [22:09] yep [22:16] mercy me, solid rain since yesterday afternoon [22:16] kerrrrrazy [22:29] £98 for a 525GB Crucial MX300 SSD O_O [22:30] :-o [22:31] whart?! [22:31] that's cheap as siliconchips [22:35] mmhmm [22:36] did i mention ordering some beginners soldering gear? :) [22:36] I want to start a meet-up for computery types called "silly con" [22:36] i aim to take a crack at that board with the blown caps [22:36] eep [22:37] shall I warn anyone? [22:37] i think England's outside the blast radius [22:47] Ugh. Just had to take my A/C apart to clean out the brown sludgy gunk and drill drainage holes. [22:47] :S [22:48] it was incontinent within its' own casing?! [22:48] it was disgusting [22:48] so i've found some plastic sheeting and made a makeshift canopy over it stop all the crap getting in [22:57] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBjoWMA5d84 [23:02] Hmm.. Apparently Microsoft has given me the Windows 10 Anniversary update [23:03] aww [23:06] ooh bash shell [23:06] ok, gotta reboot [23:06] back soon [23:29] ooh, linux subsystem :) [23:31] wtf.. it's ubuntu?! [23:33] i think i just had a crisis. [23:34] m0nkey_: yes it's ubuntu. as in exactly the same binaries [23:34] vim, midnight commander, tmux.. [23:34] me like [23:34] m0nkey_: check /etc/apt/sources.list and then run an apt-get [23:34] hmm [23:34] m0nkey_: EXACTLY the same binaries [23:34] weechat says not enough memory [23:35] holy crap, free command works [23:35] i may no longer need cygwin [23:35] m0nkey_: your c: can be accessed via /mnt/c [23:36] yeah, i see that [23:37] maybe i don't have swap? [23:38] nope. i got swap [23:40] ah, weechat uses /proc/meminfo to figure out what's free.. seems like MS hard coded some values [23:58] :>