[06:42] bazhang hey faggot [06:43] elky: suck baz dick [06:43] hi yehai pretending to be gitgud and uptime [06:43] how are you this fine evening [06:43] yes [06:43] you'll never be as cool as gitgud [06:43] i mean, gitgud isn't that cool [06:43] what you mean [06:43] so that's saying a lot [06:43] you will never reach zero cool. you are currently at negative cool [06:43] gitgud is a fuck kid [06:44] the term is fuccboi. and it's only used by silly people. [06:44] faggot land [06:50] welcome back yehai [06:50] how can we provide you with excellent customer service this evening [06:51] share your wife [06:51] i'm not sure she'd approve of that [06:52] you little english fag penis doesn't work [06:52] uh huh [06:53] you know [06:53] english are famous of abuse sex [06:53] and gay [06:54] i'm trying to figure out if it'd be more or less funny if you said this to somebody who's actually English [06:54] what are you [06:54] i'll give you a hint, my passport is blue [06:54] you ve got no balls [06:54] i can assure you he has those. [06:55] please stop trying to set me up with gitgud kthx [06:55] i have one that flashes and is bouncy. the cats didn't like it at first but they've grown used to it [06:55] elky: silence doesn't make you fool [06:55] then there's a few with bells in them, they like those a lot [06:55] perhaps not, but your lack of silence sure is making you a fool [06:56] rekt [07:00] dax: hope USA nigger put a bullet in your dickhead [07:00] clearly it's not that small, or that'd be rather difficult [07:01] i wonder if he spent the 4 minutes thinking that up [08:35] ikonia: i set a mute on that ip already [08:36] I just saw === aaron is now known as Guest69044 === Guest69044 is now known as ahoneybun [15:58] Does http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release still need to be updated to show 16.04.1 as an available upgrade [15:59] it points to the same urls, so I'm not sure. [16:01] Looking at the earlier LTS releases, they all show Version: 10.04.4 LTS, Version: 12.04.5 LTS, Version: 14.04.4 LTS which would suggest that 16.04 should show 16.04.1 LTS now [16:01] yeah [16:04] Just queried it in #ubuntu-release [16:08] For reference:- [16:08] 17:04 < infinity> DJones: They get shown there's a new release, but yes, the version should be bumped. [16:08] ty [16:08] 17:07 < infinity> DJones: Well, the check is cronned, and might be both weekly and staggered, so not everyone sees it right away. [20:37] In #lubuntu, developer32 said: !!! no one is listening me :( [21:34] hello borked [21:34] hello [21:35] do you understand why you were muted from the channel? [21:35] I don't really get why you mute me for just telling the truth. [21:35] it is not telling the truth that we do not like. It is being agressive [21:35] You cannot know whether I am agressive via a screen, sorry. [21:36] Since I am still problem solving, I'd say I am not. [21:36] So, I'd say that you just don't like what I had to say. [21:36] Because it hurts the Ubuntu image. [21:36] Just like all those blogs which say that people with AMD hardware can better *not* upgrade to 16.04. [21:36] no it does not hurt Ubuntu. You inability to provide hard data, and agressiveness hurts your chances of getting a response [21:37] I did provide some hard data. [21:37] It's just that your volunteers are not that experienced. [21:37] "emergency shell". Cannot take a picture. There are no logs. [21:37] borked: the issue with amd and the latest xorg version and fglrx will hit every distro releasing in 2016. so i dont see where its ubuntus fault when amd stops making fglrx [21:38] "Welcome to emergency mode!" [21:39] Anyway, *I* believe I gave enough details. [21:39] borked: so. If you want help, you need to provide data. Hard data. And you *need* to be courteous. [21:39] Whether or not you also believe that is rather irrelevant to me. [21:39] I make an assessment based on the replies I get of your skills. [21:39] so you are not going to change your behaviour? [21:39] That assessment told me that you are incompetent. [21:39] That's my right. [21:39] ok. I vote to keep the mute. [21:40] Do you wish to rule the planet someday like Erdogan? [21:40] borked: since you will not respect others, there is not much for us to talk about. [21:40] borked: now, please leave. The mute stays. [21:40] hggdh: uhm, that's jumping to conclusions. [21:41] hggdh: I didn't say that I didn't respect anyone. [21:41] hggdh: you seem to be having issues with reading. [21:41] borked: please leave. Now. [21:41] hggdh: because some teen says so? [21:41] /csop;/kick borked return in one week, please. [21:42] @comment 73556 unable to discuss behaviour. Mute on #u should stay on (my personal view) [21:42] Comment added. [21:43] Why do you allow people like hggdh to have any power? [21:43] borked: what can we do for you? If it is the same, just leave, please. [21:44] hggdh: you didn't listen to what I said. [21:44] I believe hggdh speaks for all of us, borked [21:44] hggdh: and you don't respect my opinion. [21:44] borked: your attitude is way out of line and you keep on going with it. we dont want such an attitude in our community. [21:44] I should be thanking people who have no clue? [21:44] What?! [21:44] right. So, let's move on. [21:44] Sorry, I will thank someone when he/she helps me. [21:45] Sofar you have only wasted my time. [21:45] borked: please leave. Nothing else to do. [21:45] borked: so if ubuntu is rubbish and the community are all noobs who dont know anything, then maybe its time to get a 1337 linux? eh? [21:45] *why [21:45] k1l_: I already moved a couple of systems off Ubuntu. [21:45] k1l_: so, yes, I will get rid of Ubuntu. [21:45] borked: we are done here. Please leave now. [21:46] hggdh: you failed to provide an argument. [21:46] hggdh: you only made conclusions. [21:46] borked: ok. then you dont need to get unmuted in #ubuntu anyway. have a good day, bye [21:46] I am still running it on one system. [21:46] I just said that. [21:46] How stupid are you? [21:46] @comment 73559 returned with same attitude [21:46] Comment added. [21:46] ... [21:48] thank you fine ops [21:48] @comment 73660 banning for 1 week from #u-ops,7d [21:48] I don't know any ban with id 73660. [21:48] Comment added. [21:48] @comment 73560 banning for 1 week from #u-ops,7d [21:48] Comment added. 73560 will be removed after 1 week. [21:53] sigh. Why are some so dense? [21:57] ah, he was the user from earlier called bobb and making a drama about amd not making fglrx anymore and instead of just testing it with a live ubuntu 16.04 kept on talking about [21:58] so no change in behaviour, just a change in pet peeve? [22:00] bobb_ > I suppose everyone who upgraded who didn't have any issues doesn't actually *use* their systems.