=== JanC is now known as Guest88920 === JanC_ is now known as JanC === Celtor is now known as vitimiti === dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk [14:56] Saviq, I just now see your comment on greeter-apps. It got pulled from the train? pity. There isn't a backported lightdm because we don't need it yet -- the instructions for testing greeter-apps aren't something we support yet (greeter on the phone) -- I intend to backport lightdm to vivid when Robert finishes ironing out the in-session greeter support. [14:56] Saviq, I just now see your comment on greeter-apps. It got pulled from the train? pity. There isn't a backported lightdm because we don't need it yet -- the instructions for testing greeter-apps aren't something we support yet (greeter on the phone) -- I intend to backport lightdm to vivid when Robert finishes ironing out the in-session greeter support. [14:57] (You can test it on desktop though) [14:57] mterry, yeah sorry, it didn't start the session following the notes in description (likely because of wrong silo number) so I didn't wanna risk it without your vote [14:58] Saviq, oh yeah I may have released the silo after approval of the branch [14:58] I don't have the silo now at least [14:58] mterry, oh then not sure why, but it didn't start the session (I did add a comment on the MP what the error was I think?) [14:59] Saviq, yeah if you don't have backported lightdm and you tried to follow the instructions in the MP, it won't work for sure [14:59] Saviq, but following the instructions in the MP were just to verify that the code will work, once we get further along with lightdm. The code isn't really active now on the phone, since we don't have split greeter yet [15:00] Saviq, but the branch works fine (within limits like active u8 session) on the desktop today [15:00] mterry, sure, just didn't wanna land without clarifying with you :) [15:00] so blame the bug that hit you on Monday :) [15:01] Ugh, I need to set up a bouncer [15:01] Saviq, yeah if you don't have backported lightdm and you tried to follow the instructions in the MP, it won't work for sure [15:01] Saviq, but following the instructions in the MP were just to verify that the code will work, once we get further along with lightdm. The code isn't really active now on the phone, since we don't have split greeter yet [15:01] Saviq, but the branch works fine (within limits like active u8 session) on the desktop today [15:02] mterry, sure, just didn't wanna land without clarifying with you :) [15:02] got it [15:02] Well, next silo :( [15:02] so blame the bug that hit you on Monday :) [15:03] Fair :) You did the right thing, I just don't like missing silo windows. They come so few and far between :) === aaron is now known as Guest69044 === Guest69044 is now known as ahoneybun === dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader === JanC is now known as Guest94529 === JanC_ is now known as JanC [17:23] Building u8 on yakkety today, I get: /home/mike/Work/code/unity8/trunk/tests/utils/modules/Unity/Test/testutil.cpp:28:52: fatal error: UbuntuGestures/private/touchregistry_p.h: No such file or directory [17:24] Might just be me, but am curious if anyone knows what's up with that [17:26] libubuntugestures5-private-dev doesn't have that file... [17:42] mterry, need new uitk [17:44] dandrader, the one in proposed? [17:46] mterry, version 1.3.2030 [17:46] yup, in proposed. OK, will try [17:46] dandrader, thanks [17:48] * mterry suspects enabling proposed will break his system === dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk === dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader