[13:11] morning [13:12] morn [13:16] mourn [13:16] mourn for your soul...for it is not yet friday [13:18] hahahaah. oooh! this friday is the best one all year so far! [13:43] what's happening this Drifay? [13:45] i'm on vaca the following week. no work for a while! ;) [13:58] jrwren: doing anything away/fun? [13:58] jrwren: or stay-cationing it up? [13:58] jrwren: speaking of, wtf. How do you get so many date nights lately? Did you win free childcare for the year? :P [13:58] staying... [13:58] rick_h_: the kid is old. she spent a week with grandparents. [13:58] rick_h_: now she is at summer camp. [13:59] jrwren: how old now? [13:59] 9yo [13:59] in a few yrs she'll be good to stay home alone. date night all the time! ;] [13:59] lol [13:59] we were joking about needing to get our kid driving so he can pick us up from the bar [13:59] hahahaha [14:00] that beats calling an uber. [14:00] "best wine tour evar!" [14:00] well, not a ton of uber out here [14:00] yeah, I can imagine. [14:01] rick_h_: i took my kid to bfast at a cafe a couple weeks ago and it reminded me of the Baldwin Cafe. Ever go there? [14:01] no, /me goes to look up [14:02] at the corner of baldwin and walden [14:02] yea, just see it [14:02] it was the only place around when I was growing up. [14:03] My sister tells me it is now the setting of a TV show. [14:16] really? [14:18] yeah, some indie show that airs at 3am. [14:18] cmaloney: google it, you will see. [14:19] *eyeroll* [14:19] http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4900308/