=== DrBrownBear is now known as Guest9625 === Liz is now known as Guest8069 [00:09] I'm getting an error that says: cannot create temp file for here-document: No space left on device but when I logout and login it says 70% of the disk is used [00:09] any idea whats going on? [00:10] figure out the path it's saving to, probably no space on the partition it's trying to write to [00:12] jayjo: What does terminal commands ' df -h ; df -i ' relate about the space usage ? [00:12] jayjo: if it is the filesystem you think, check "df -hi" ... [00:13] upgrade to 16.04.1 from 14.04.4lts has broken system can't load X on boot also get sa-compile error [00:14] output of df -hi : https://bpaste.net/show/f58423efffda [00:14] looks normal [00:14] jayjo: nothing near 100% so inodes aren't the issue ;) good luck [00:15] chat1926: Busted proprietary graphic's driver ? what results booting with the nomodeset boot parameter ? [00:15] help I somehow cant messed up something in my windows computer but I read somewhere that I could restore it by using d ubuntu disk. Anyone know how to do this? [00:16] am i connected? [00:16] * zykotick9 isn't even sure what a xvda1 root directory means either... [00:17] chat, yes you are? [00:17] jayjo: any errors in /var/log/system or /var/log/messages ? something should be complaining [00:19] Hi All, I just installed Ubuntu 16.04 and I'm trying to get the right video card drivers installed to play Steam games. I have the following video card => http://pastebin.com/aTRRZLbb [00:19] I've been trying to get the right drivers installed for hours. Any suggestions? === darth_chaos7 is now known as chaos7theory [00:20] Hi guys , i have upgraded my system to Ubuntu 16.04 but i am unable to activate the WIFI .. any help? [00:21] on my tablet forgot how to log into irc have real issue with 14.04lts upgrade to 16.04lts === Bitch is now known as ^5 [00:38] hello [00:38] hello [00:38] <_adb> hi [00:39] been w8ing a while 4 someone to talk to XD [00:39] jojom8, this is ubuntu support only [00:39] sorry XD [00:40] #ubuntu-offtopic for chit chat [00:40] ill leave [00:40] AMR_KELEG AMD Radeon R9 285, R9 380/380X and R9 Fury/FuryX graphics cards are now supported by the AMDgpu driver [00:40] oh he left [00:40] I do have a question though [00:42] whenever i use amixer with Python, I get "Unable to connect to jack server or start jack server." [00:42] I am using a banana pi mk1 [00:43] with latest updates/ upgrades installed on Ubuntu Mate 16 [00:44] jojom8, marte for arm? [00:44] -r [00:45] I don't know, i only know that I am using the Banana Pi image provided on the official site. [00:45] !arm [00:45] ARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel. [00:46] not sure if you might need #ubuntu-mate, but the arm channel is a good start [00:46] maybe you need python-alsaaudio or mopidy-alsamixer for python support [00:47] ok, thanks for the help [00:47] <_adb> is alsamixer even installed by default anymore or is it all pulse? [00:47] it is, iirc [00:47] and, yes, i am using Arm prosesser i just looked it up [00:48] nobody asks support eating apple-pi :-( [00:51] upgrade to 16.04lts from 14.04lts takes me to tty1 not to graphical login Gnome [00:52] ChrisP_, hit ctl alt F7, for X login? [00:53] nothing happens no blinking cursor [00:53] at tty 1 [00:55] i can ssh in from tablet [00:56] hello. [00:57] <_adb> ChrisP_: did getty fail to start? anything in syslog? [00:58] can anyone recommend me good time management software in ubuntu? [00:58] "will have to look at it on tablet [01:00] Wakeup? [01:00] use the built-in calendar? [01:01] !find hamster [01:01] Found: hamster-applet, hamster-indicator, ruby-hamster [01:01] or mabey you would like to browse the Ubuntu store? [01:01] !info hamster-applet [01:01] hamster-applet (source: hamster-applet): time tracking applet for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.91.3+git20120514.b9fec3e1-1ubuntu2 (xenial), package size 320 kB, installed size 2866 kB [01:01] !find zeegaree [01:02] Package/file zeegaree does not exist in xenial [01:02] bazhang: hamster is unable to do automatic time tracking, right? [01:02] hi nerds [01:03] http://blog.hubstaff.com/ubuntu-time-tracking/ Miharu [01:03] all kinds of errors there however the upgrade went smooth as far as warnings went [01:03] one interface that I like is klock. [01:03] http://blog.hubstaff.com/ubuntu-time-tracking/ Miharu in case you missed it [01:04] -iuly}{16:#ubuntu- WE'RE JEWS AND WE LOVE #WRONGPLANET! לך תזדיין. WE'RE JEWS AND WE LOVE #WRONGPLANET! לך תזדיין. WE'RE JEWS AND WE LOVE #WRONGPLANET! לך תזדיין. WE'RE JEWS AND WE LOVE #WRONGPLANET! לך תזדיין. WE'RE JEWS AND WE LOVE #WRONGPLANET! לך תזדיין. WE'RE JEWS AND WE LOVE #WRONGPLANET! לך תזדיין. [01:04] -iuly}{16:#ubuntu- WE'RE JEWS AND WE LOVE #WRONGPLANET! לך תזדיין. WE'RE JEWS AND WE LOVE #WRONGPLANET! לך תזדיין. WE'RE JEWS AND WE LOVE #WRONGPLANET! לך תזדיין. WE'RE JEWS AND WE LOVE #WRONGPLANET! לך תזדיין. WE'RE JEWS AND WE LOVE #WRONGPLANET! לך תזדיין. WE'RE JEWS AND WE LOVE #WRONGPLANET! לך תזדיין. [01:04] -crisyna:#ubuntu- WE'RE JEWS AND WE LOVE #WRONGPLANET! לך תזדיין. WE'RE JEWS AND WE LOVE #WRONGPLANET! לך תזדיין. WE'RE JEWS AND WE LOVE #WRONGPLANET! לך תזדיין. WE'RE JEWS AND WE LOVE #WRONGPLANET! לך תזדיין. WE'RE JEWS AND WE LOVE #WRONGPLANET! לך תזדיין. WE'RE JEWS AND WE LOVE #WRONGPLANET! לך תזדיין. [01:04] -crisyna:#ubuntu- WE'RE JEWS AND WE LOVE #WRONGPLANET! לך תזדיין. WE'RE JEWS AND WE LOVE #WRONGPLANET! לך תזדיין. WE'RE JEWS AND WE LOVE #WRONGPLANET! לך תזדיין. WE'RE JEWS AND WE LOVE #WRONGPLANET! לך תזדיין. WE'RE JEWS AND WE LOVE #WRONGPLANET! לך תזדיין. WE'RE JEWS AND WE LOVE #WRONGPLANET! לך תזדיין. [01:04] -crisyna:#ubuntu- WE'RE JEWS AND WE LOVE #WRONGPLANET! לך תזדיין. WE'RE JEWS AND WE LOVE #WRONGPLANET! לך תזדיין. WE'RE JEWS AND WE LOVE #WRONGPLANET! לך תזדיין. WE'RE JEWS AND WE LOVE #WRONGPLANET! לך תזדיין. WE'RE JEWS AND WE LOVE #WRONGPLANET! לך תזדיין. WE'RE JEWS AND WE LOVE #WRONGPLANET! לך תזדיין. [01:04] -crisyna:#ubuntu- WE'RE JEWS AND WE LOVE #WRONGPLANET! לך תזדיין. WE'RE JEWS AND WE LOVE #WRONGPLANET! לך תזדיין. WE'RE JEWS AND WE LOVE #WRONGPLANET! לך תזדיין. WE'RE JEWS AND WE LOVE #WRONGPLANET! לך תזדיין. WE'RE JEWS AND WE LOVE #WRONGPLANET! לך תזדיין. WE'RE JEWS AND WE LOVE #WRONGPLANET! לך תזדיין. [01:04] -crisyna:#ubuntu- WE'RE JEWS AND WE LOVE #WRONGPLANET! לך תזדיין. WE'RE JEWS AND WE LOVE #WRONGPLANET! לך תזדיין. WE'RE JEWS AND WE LOVE #WRONGPLANET! לך תזדיין. WE'RE JEWS AND WE LOVE #WRONGPLANET! לך תזדיין. WE'RE JEWS AND WE LOVE #WRONGPLANET! לך תזדיין. WE'RE JEWS AND WE LOVE #WRONGPLANET! לך תזדיין. [01:04] I'm reading it /bazhang [01:04] i guess it's that time of day again *sigh* [01:05] if I want to update an application I got from the ubuntu software store, but the new verison isn't available from app store yet, what's the easiest way to update? [01:06] avionic, what app [01:06] handbrake [01:06] avionic, to wait, or to find an other source, ppa or other, or build it yourself, if you cannot wait [01:07] avionic, what version, the handbrake devs have recommended jtebbins ppa in the past [01:07] tbh, I'm using hamster... It has potential, but I feel something is missing... [01:07] ask them about that in the hanbrake channel avionic [01:07] app store has 0.10.2 but their website has 0.10.5 [01:07] http://askubuntu.com/questions/806325/having-problems-with-ipmi-via-sol <-- this is me, basically I cannot get ipmi SOL to work at 115200, only 19200. I've changed the speed in the bios and in grub but after the kernel and ramdisk load, I get only garbage/control characters. [01:08] !info handbrake [01:08] handbrake (source: handbrake): versatile DVD ripper and video transcoder (GTK+ GUI). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10.2+ds1-2build1 (xenial), package size 5449 kB, installed size 10491 kB (Only available for any-amd64; any-i386; powerpc) [01:08] avionic, and which is the stable release [01:09] avionic, their page points to a ppa, but carefull, you are on your own! https://handbrake.fr/downloads.php [01:09] what is a ppa? [01:09] !ppa | avionic [01:09] avionic: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge [01:10] which is the stable release avionic [01:10] it's .2 as far as I know avionic [01:10] ok thanks i'll keep what i have [01:10] welcome [01:12] don't know if this is the problem in recovery mode trying to run sa-compile is all borked up [01:25] chalcedony: Just checking ... and in recovery mode did you reset the root partition rw ? [01:27] ChrisP_: ^^ Apologies to chalcedony . [01:36] afaict it's in rw mode [01:45] ChrisP_: What does the system think ' cat /proc/cmdline ' ? [01:46] exit [01:50] boot_image=/boot/vmlinuz-4.4.0-31-generic root=uuid4254a7e9-429b-4f53-a08c-ae7ff839b98f root [01:52] while checking a minute ago saw error said /etc/X11/xorg.conf missing sure enough its not there [01:54] its on my backup usb drive but not sure how to open it [01:55] Should be ro at the end of the boot image line [01:55] hola [01:57] es posible q un ircop no te deje entra a un canal? [01:57] por que le salga de las narices [01:57] !ubuntu-es | babola [01:58] no lo digo en broma [01:58] I've definitely gotta remember the correct commands for that thing. [01:58] ChrisP_: Yeah .. should be 'ro' .. Not real sure now to see that root is now Read/Write . And /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is depreciated .. used in those special occassions . [01:59] babilen: Esta en #ubuntu-es-es [02:00] am I just screwed? [02:01] ChrisP_: So long as you can boot to a terminal and the system is stable in this environment .. then it is but a GUI layer on top of the kernel that has an issue . [02:03] ChrisP_: Try pressing 'e' at the grub menu and change "...98f root" to "...98f ro" then press ctrl+X to boot. [02:04] ChrisP_: Any idea why you have "root" in your kernel parameters in the first place? [02:05] got it I really need to get gnome to start its like X just doesn't want to start [02:07] nope no idea why its there [02:08] ChrisP_: I'm wondering if it might be interpreted as a synonym for "single", which would mean you're asking for X (and many other things) not to start. [02:08] timeout in locking authority file [02:09] when I do startx [02:09] ChrisP_: Before doing anything else, follow the steps I gave to boot without that kernel parameter. If you're lucky then it will fix everything and then we'll just have to make the fix permanent. [02:09] ChrisP_: I wouldn't expect startx to work anyway. [02:11] geez I'm getting too old for this its driving me nuts [02:12] ok I'll try that just saw what you said [02:12] Hi, using kubuntu 16.04 server. Was wondering if anyone could recommend a remote desktop solution? I've been playing with KRFB, but it seems clunky. [02:21] it's just 'ro' after 98f not root [02:22] ChrisP_: OK. What happens when you run "systemctl start lightdm"? [02:30] entered my password as asked got Authentication complete then job for lightdm.service failed because the control process exited with error code. see systemctl status and journalctl-despite [02:33] ChrisP_: And "systemctl status lightdm"? === Assailant is now known as Hexcise [02:41] hey folks ; just upgraded my thinkpad t420 from 14.04 ==> 16.04; it starts up fine, but then i saw this error messages, "sorry ubuntu 16.04 has experienced an internal error; and the executable path is /usr/sbin/smdb; do i need to do anything)? [02:41] also just got one for cron [02:42] What does 'apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop' do? [02:42] ubuntu-desktop is just a metapackage [02:42] is that for me ? [02:42] Will reinstalling a metapackage reinstalls its deps? [02:44] I'm asking a separate question ;-) [02:44] alexxey: sudo apt-get install -reinstall ubuntu-desktop [02:44] and, sudo apt-get build-dep ubuntu-desktop [02:46] n-iCe, Thanks, but I do not understand. What does build-dep have anything to do with this? [02:46] says loaded then process 3712 execstartpre=/bin/sh -c ["$(basename $(cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager 2>/dev/null))" = "lightdm" ] code=exited, status=1/failure [02:47] arooni, I assume your error message is with /usr/sbin/smbd instead of smdb [02:47] n-iCe: What do you expect "sudo apt-get build-dep ubuntu-desktop" to accomplish? [02:48] alexxey: yes indeed [02:49] there's more basically says it failed to start. lightdm.service: start request repeated too quickly [02:49] ChrisP_: What is the output of "cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager" ? [02:50] arooni, Then maybe you should check the log files under /var/log/samba and see if samba share functions correctly [02:51] also; how do i change my cursor; and cursor size on ubuntu 16.04? [02:51] hi all [02:52] nstall all dependencies for 'ubuntu-desktop' so that I can build it [02:52] whats the recommended process for upgrading a 1504 server to 1604? yes i know it was bad to had the original sitting on an inbetween-LTS release. but how do i go about this now? [02:52] http://askubuntu.com/questions/324845/whats-the-difference-between-apt-get-install-and-apt-get-build-dep [02:53] also how do i choose the fastest mirror to use? [02:53] n-iCe: You want to build the ubuntu-desktop metapackage from source? [02:54] arooni, Maybe you encounterd the old problem of non-changable cursur. === koiranpentu666 is now known as muskrat [02:54] alexxey: i got it changed via unity tweak tool; now i just need to find an american flag cursor :P [02:54] with I keep entering /usr/sbin/gdm3 [02:55] Just testing, bash for Win10 works pretty well [02:55] worked that time [02:55] !eolupgrade | dodobrain [02:55] dodobrain: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [02:56] ChrisP_: What worked exactly? [03:00] no graphical login works. I can boot to terminal login and that's it. when it boots to tty1 the cursor blinks a few times then stops I have to ctrl-alt f2 then ctrl-alt f1 then I can log in [03:02] anyone showed up who has experience with IPMI SOL? looking for a fix for a problem on 16.04 [03:02] can't change the baud rate from 19200 to 115200 [03:02] How can I fix my bluetooth on ubuntu 16.04? [03:03] ChrisP_: systemctl start gdm [03:04] ChrisP_: systemctl status gdm [03:04] here is the output of lspci -knn | grep Net -A3; lsubsb [03:04] http://paste.ubuntu.com/21984839/ [03:05] I ran systemctl start gdm3 I get no errors and says its running [03:06] status says gdm3 has been running for 41mins [03:07] ChrisP_: ctrl+alt+F7 [03:07] spartan2276, You got BCM43142, to fix bluetooth you need to install firmware [03:08] ...extracted and converted from the Windows driver pacakge. [03:08] should i upgrade to 16.04 ? [03:08] ok how can I do that? [03:08] spartan2276, wait a minuten and lemme check [03:08] Archeus, I'm using 16.04. I haven't had too much trouble with it, but I'm stil la newbie [03:08] is there a software that will allow me to do this. I also don't want my WiFi to break [03:09] whts the size of update ? [03:09] I'm at the beginning of deploying 2200 16.04 servers [03:09] it's worked well for us. [03:09] that takes me back to the tty1 login with no cursor [03:09] spyhermit, 2200 servers?! wow [03:10] I've done 1. ever [03:10] I have to agree the 16.04 server is solid, we are running them on 4 servers at work [03:10] spartan2276, see http://askubuntu.com/a/632348 [03:11] SuperMechaCow: yeah, this is why I would like to get ipmi over SOL working, because seriously, dammit, I just need working high speed ipmi and I can get this moving [03:11] ctrl-alt f1 takes me back to where I just was with the gdm3 status [03:11] yeah that's the cloud for yah. Lanscape is a pretty good service too [03:11] 12.04 is eol in april, so I kind of need to move up. [03:12] spartan2276, if you run dmesg | grep blue you should see firmware: failed to load brcm/BCM.hcd [03:12] @alexxey thanks! [03:12] spyhermit, I just heard a lot of acronyms. I just kicked Windows this week. [03:12] well, I don't expect you to understand. :) I'm mostly grumpy for effect. [03:12] as far as I can tell, nobody is using this config. :/ [03:14] hi [03:16] so I had a drive in exFAT format before. [03:16] a flash drive. [03:17] to read, I use sudo apt-get exfat-fuse exfat-utils [03:17] I successfully read it, and then I format it. [03:18] Using NTFS format, but it is failed, and the drive doesn't appear anymore. [03:18] how to fix this? [03:19] it is detected in Disks. [03:19] I just don't understand if systemctl status gdm3 says its running then why aren't I seeing the graphical desktop? [03:20] but no response from clicking that. === muskrat is now known as kruelty === kruelty is now known as muskrat [03:28] @jordan_U any other suggestions [03:33] status says session opened for user gdm by (uid=0) Should that read user Chris (me) [03:35] my PC shows tht skype is installed on my laptop [03:35] but i cant find it anywhere [03:35] wht to do ? [03:36] Archeus: use the search menu? [03:36] type 'skype' in a terminal? [03:36] used it but nothing there [03:36] wow [03:36] k opened now [03:37] thx [03:38] it [03:39] i just upgraded to ubuntu 16.04; i have a SSD ... i remember i had to set up like a weekly cron job to run fstrim (somethign to do with ssd drives). must i do that again on ubuntu 16.04 ? [03:40] arooni: http://askubuntu.com/questions/674320/what-ssd-optimization-are-needed-on-latest-ubuntu-version [03:40] maybe might help? [03:42] !trim [03:42] Many Solid State Drives support TRIM, which allows the drive to do garbage collection and improves performance. Ubuntu 14.04 activates it by default. For older versions, see http://askubuntu.com/a/19480 for information on activating it. [03:42] arooni, nope [03:43] check trim enabled [03:43] tail -n1 /etc/cron.weekly/fstrim [03:44] can anyone assist me in setting up a transparent proxy [03:45] hi [03:45] hi [03:45] i'm having some issues with dual-booting win10/ubuntu16.04 [03:46] the ethernet won't work. [03:46] OerHeks: in my weekly cron i see; /sbin/fstrim --all || true ... so that means i'm all set up? [03:46] arooni, yes you are [03:46] awesome thanks OerHeks ! [03:46] for all ssd devices, that is [03:47] really loving the new 16.04; i dont know whats new ; but certainly seems snappy even on my old thinkpad t420 [03:47] anyone able to help me with this proxy? [03:47] i have no clue about proxies, daved1058 [03:48] k1l, back again with a new query..lol [03:48] does anyone know how to fix ethernet issues on dualbooting? [03:48] kaz, such as? [03:48] but bootissues, kaz, maybe this windows 10 thing, called fastboot ( not secureboot) can do that [03:49] it occupies the hdd/ssd/wifi/network and other stuff [03:49] hmm [03:49] i'm dual booting win10 and ubuntu, and the ethernet doesn't connect. [03:49] i have that disabled. it's the BIOS option right? [03:49] no [03:49] kaz, are u having problems access windows folder from linux as all? [03:49] in windows itself [03:49] fastboot? [03:49] i'll look at it [03:50] it connects at first, and then it says it's disconnected [03:50] kaz, im dual booting windows 10 and ubuntu 16.04 with xubuntu desktop, im not having any problems with ethernet or wifi [03:51] when i run iwconfig it says "eno1 No wireless connections" which is weird because that's a wired connection. [03:51] kaz: because iwconfig is for wireless [03:51] how do i check for wired connections? [03:51] kaz, what about ifconfig? [03:52] kaz, also the issue with fastboot, wifidevice occupied [03:52] i'll check fastboot and ifconfig [03:52] kaz, something i learned about windows 10 [03:53] kaz, when u shutdown or reboot, it puts the hard drive and i think possibly devices in a "suspend like" state, as to start up faster. if you want to actually power them off when u power off the system, you have to do a reboot instead of a shutdown. [03:54] kaz, i was being specific to windows 10 [03:54] weird [03:54] disabling fastboot would do that indeed, shutdown completely [03:54] even if you do the thing where you hold it so that it turns off completely? [03:54] yes, but if u dont want to turn fastboot off [03:54] for whatever reason.. [03:54] kaz, that im not sure about.. [03:55] "except if you want to use ubuntu wifi" [03:55] kaz, i dont power my machine off like that unless forced to do so [03:55] but hey, test it out, or keep on asking :-D [03:55] ok [03:55] kaz, you could however, [03:55] ifconfig says some stuff [03:55] what should i look for? [03:55] kaz, tell it to reboot then when u get to grub just press the power button to shut the machine down [03:58] that didn't work either. [03:59] kaz, which one isnt working? [03:59] glitchd, shutting down in grub [03:59] glitchd: i did have fast startup on so i'm turning that off [04:00] kaz, probably a good move. [04:00] kaz, does ifconfig list any info at all? [04:00] kaz, or does it return an error? [04:01] glitchd: it shows some information but i don't know what i'm supposed to look for in it [04:01] kaz, does it show device names? [04:01] kaz, like your wireless card or ethernet port names? [04:02] glitchd: there are two header things. one about eno1 and one about lo [04:02] kaz, ie- wlan0 eth0 etc.. [04:02] ifconfig [04:02] whoops.. [04:02] yeah it shows eno1 and lo [04:02] hi. i have 2 networks on the same interface enp10s0.400 and enp10s0.400:1 .. thats on the one node. i need now to figure out how to get intervlan routing from another host to that network if that is possible at all. when i do a ping -I ens160 another host and ens160 is the same network as i get a rom icmp_seq=1 [04:02] kaz, try sudo ifconfig enol up [04:02] Redirect Host(New nexthop: [04:02] eno1 says Ethernet HWaddr next to it [04:03] ok thats fine [04:03] kaz, "sudo ifconfig enol up" [04:03] i did [04:03] nothing happened [04:04] your ethernet didnt connect after that? [04:04] etherne=lan cable [04:04] yeah no [04:04] it says connected [04:04] it says it has a connection [04:05] but it's not doing anything [04:05] i can't ping anything [04:05] but when u try to go to a website it doesnt let you, saying your not connected? [04:05] yeah [04:05] kaz: does it have anything like "inet address" when you do ifconfig [04:06] yeah [04:06] and it is....? [04:06] has 2 of those [04:06] do you have tried shutdown from grub only?.. that does not prevent fastboot, does it? [04:06] [04:06] this almost sounds like a resolv.conf problem [04:06] kaz, what version ubuntu are u on? [04:06] yes, wired can get an ip adress, but no traffic, seen this before [04:07] 16.04 [04:07] kaz: try ping [04:07] ping doesnt work he said.. [04:07] didn't say the target of the ping [04:07] it says "Destination Host Unreachable" [04:07] what is the output of "route" [04:07] kaz, just for knowledge sake, how are you online right now? [04:07] i have a laptop [04:08] it's fully ubuntu [04:08] kaz, so different computer then [04:08] but my desktop is dual-boot [04:08] yeah [04:08] * OerHeks wonders if fastboot is disabled from within windows now.. [04:08] yeah [04:08] fastboot is disabled [04:08] route shows 3 things inside a table [04:08] !paste [04:08] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [04:09] default, link-local, and [04:09] type the default one here [04:09] kaz, just use pastebin and give the whole output [04:09] default UG 100 0 0 eno1 [04:10] computer is offline guys, pastebin isn't going to work easily [04:10] i can't copy paste on the computer [04:10] yeah [04:10] i have to type it by looking [04:10] shit lol duh [04:10] 100 metric??? [04:10] my bad.. [04:10] i could put it on a flash drive text file but that might take a while === chaos7theory is now known as darth === darth is now known as chaos7theory [04:10] umm [04:10] yes 100 metric [04:11] thats... no good [04:11] link-local has 1000 metric [04:11] what's that mean [04:11] kaz, might be better than typing it all out tho.. [04:11] i can type quickly [04:11] it should be 0 [04:11] weird [04:11] what's a metric? [04:11] mine is 1 [04:11] i am using 16.04 lts... when will it notify me of the .1 update? [04:12] metric is like priority [04:12] avionic, i upgrade directly from 15.10 to 16.04.1 from the gui [04:13] glitchd: "software & updates" ? [04:13] avionic: if you do "sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade" you should have .1 [04:13] avionic, cat /etc/issue will tell you what you have [04:13] I read that it might have something to do with drivers? [04:13] seems unlikely [04:13] :~$ cat /etc/issue Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS \n \l [04:13] cheers [04:14] avionic, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade [04:14] How would I check if it was a driver issue? [04:14] glitchd: dist-upgrade [04:14] kaz: it wouldn't even come up as a network device probably [04:14] Ben64, yesyes much less typing [04:15] hi again. http://paste.ubuntu.com/21990244/ can somebody take a look at it please [04:15] hmm [04:15] kaz, did it ever work? [04:15] it works for the first second or two i connect to the network === david__ is now known as dmcglone [04:15] then it turns off [04:15] like it loads the first page [04:16] or if i had a page open from the last time that i tried going to it loads that, but then nothing [04:16] or if i had a page open from the last time that i tried going to it loads that, but then nothing [04:16] and it says it's connected [04:16] i reinstalled a different kind of linux just to fix it [04:16] Any programs you recommend that test cpu performance? [04:16] didn't wok [04:17] kaz, but it works from a live cd? [04:17] kaz, or does it do the same thing? [04:17] i have a drive and it works with that [04:18] during the installer [04:18] kaz, live-usb? [04:18] yeah [04:18] ok [04:18] well i dunno if it's live [04:18] but the usb to install ubuntu has that thing [04:18] right but all that matters is that it works [04:18] "try ubuntu without install" [04:18] yeah that works [04:19] live\installer usb [04:19] same thing basically [04:19] it has to work, because there's an option that said "download updates and drivers during installation" [04:19] and i clicked that and it seemed to work [04:20] kaz, if it were me, i would boot the usb and take a look at ifconfig, iwconifg, resolv.conf and see if there are any real differences between the 2 systems [04:20] take pictures with ur phone if you dont want to write it all down [04:20] i still think it's a problem with route [04:20] alright [04:20] will do [04:21] Ben64, i was thinking really it was gonna be a problem with the resolv.conf, but he says that he gets connected for a second then kicked basically [04:21] kaz, last resort i would reinstall.. [04:21] i typed in some command and it said "eth1 renamed to eno1" [04:21] and i already did reinstall [04:21] this is my third install [04:21] 2 different kinds of linux [04:21] do u know what command made the name change? [04:23] alright the live-usb is going to take a while to make [04:23] i'm using rufus [04:23] i have a faster way you can do it [04:24] kaz, do u have an iso? [04:24] glitchd: [04:24] glitchd: yeah [04:24] glitchd: i got the iso from the website [04:24] sudo dd if=name.iso of=/dev/sdx bs=1M;sync [04:25] glitchd: internet works on my windows boot, so if i boot up in windows that works fine [04:25] change the name of the iso and the device name "sdx" [04:25] glitchd: internet works on my windows boot, so if i boot up in windows that works fine [04:25] you want me to rename it to sdx? [04:25] so try iwconfig eno1 instead of eth1 >> https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/ [04:26] this is new stuff in 16.04 [04:26] i heard that iwconfig was wireless? [04:26] i'm concerned with wired connection, although wireless isn't working either [04:26] kaz, im sorry i forgot your in windows.. [04:26] or what your wifi adapter is called now* [04:27] kaz, just use rufus like you were gonna do [04:27] currently i am using ubuntu on my laptop [04:27] kaz, omg.. [04:27] the disk is done [04:27] kaz, if your in ubuntu then use the command i gave [04:27] kaz, if your in windows use rufus, clear? [04:28] yeah it's done [04:28] ok try to boot it [04:32] kaz, what did u rename "sdx" to? [04:32] it wasn't called sdc [04:32] sdx* [04:33] and the live-usb only loads one page as well [04:33] route shows the same thing except one row, local something [04:34] kaz, well if the live usb work, it doesnt matter what u renmaed it to because it worked [04:34] it only worked for one page [04:34] it's not working anymore [04:34] just like the regular system [04:35] kaz, im sorry but did u say u are physically connected or your on wifi? [04:35] dont want to screll back.. [04:35] physically connected [04:36] i have an ethernet cable [04:36] thats what i thought.. [04:36] yeah [04:36] ifconfig on my regular ubuntu without live-usb has an extra row [04:36] maybe its your ip? [04:37] it's called link-local, metric 1000 [04:37] probably not tho.. [04:37] my ip? [04:37] how would i check that? [04:37] sry i was thinking something else.. [04:37] since you said you could browse for a second then it cuts [04:38] but i think if it was an ip problem you would be able to browse even for a second because you connection would be refused [04:38] he's getting an IP address then? [04:39] lol i dont know if i asked him that directly [04:39] i have no idea how to check that [04:39] kaz, ifconfig [04:39] what's the IP address [04:39] is that the "inet addr" [04:39] yes [04:39] look for inet addr: [04:39] dam [04:39] lol [04:39] that's [04:40] wait [04:40] there's another one "lo" that shows localhost [04:40] what is it on you other computer? [04:40] [04:40] on my other computer? [04:40] that one is fine [04:40] yes [04:40] what is you ip on the other computer [04:40] [04:40] is the computer i'm currently using [04:41] can you ping it [04:41] ok just wanted to make sure u were connecting to the right network [04:41] ping myself? [04:41] or ping the other computer? [04:41] no, the other computer. [04:41] ping .98 from .105 or vice versa [04:41] just in case it was instead [04:41] is this from a livecd? [04:42] lets call first computer linux and second computer windows [04:42] but my second computer is running ubuntu [04:42] my first computer is dualboot [04:42] what can you not access, the internet or the other computer? [04:43] the computer that's not working is a pc, dualboot win10/ubuntu [04:43] and thats the one your trying to get linux internet with, right? [04:43] internet [04:43] yeah [04:43] internet doesn't work on the pc [04:43] for ubuntu [04:43] works for the windows half of that computer [04:43] ok and the "other" physical computer is a what? laptop? [04:44] or we've been talk about just 1 computer this whole time [04:44] no 2 computers [04:44] 1 pc 1 laptop [04:44] lapto=windows? [04:44] pc = dualboot, laptop = ubuntu [04:44] laptop is what i'm currently using [04:44] ok that makes a lil more sense [04:44] what's on second [04:45] Hello all! [04:45] ubuntu [04:45] he can't get wifi to work or ethernet? [04:45] either [04:45] kaz, i wonder if dmesg has any clues [04:45] kaz, can you ping another LAN IP? [04:45] yes or no [04:46] can you ping the gateway IP [04:46] i can't ping another ip after a minute or two [04:46] hi [04:46] om the ubuntu laptop, ping the desktop ubuntu machine [04:46] i would remove wired and wireless profile from network manager and set it up new, as last resort [04:47] can't ping the desktop [04:47] from the laptop [04:47] right? [04:47] yeah [04:47] I’ve got an issue when trying to perform an apt-get update… Suggests that I must perform a dpkg —configure, when I do, update-initramfs hangs at a mdadm error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/21991962/ — Can anyone provide some insight on this? [04:47] what about the other way around? [04:47] laptop -> pcubuntu doesn't work [04:48] pcubuntu -> laptop works for a second or two [04:48] but then stops working [04:49] OerHeks: how do i remove the profiles? [04:49] i would boot back into non working ubuntu and check the output of dmesg [04:49] cpdlevey, hangs as in a minute or two and you ctrl-c out of it or 30 minutes or more [04:49] network manager > edit connections > delete [04:50] cpdlevey, and that's a normal output from mdadm as you don't have any raid arrays defined, more than likely. [04:50] if you did, then I'd be worried. [04:50] OerHeks: oh i've done that before [04:50] tikun: I’ve tried letting it run overnight with no results, further ctrl+c doesn’t work, I have to open another terminal window and kill -9 the pid [04:50] glitchd: what should i be looking for in dmesg? [04:51] it says "eno1: NIC Up: 1 Gbps Full" [04:51] any errors or any post on or around the time that the connection stops working [04:51] cpdlevey, apt-get remove mdadm [04:52] Can’t use apt, I continuously receive the dpkg —configure error. [04:52] type apt-get install -f [04:52] kaz, ? [04:53] i'm looking through it [04:53] it's quite long [04:53] i don't see anything red [04:54] oh i found one [04:54] b43-phy0 ERROR [04:55] kaz: firmware issue with your NIC [04:56] kaz, im betting you have a broadcom card, huh? [04:56] alright i'll usb that over [04:56] wow i forgot to press return.. lol [04:56] i have a broadcom card for wifi and an atheros onboard thing for ethernet [04:57] what's your wifi's interface? [04:57] wlan0? [04:57] doubt it but worth a shot [04:57] tikun, enol [04:57] tikun, i believe [04:57] eno 1 [04:57] one [04:57] ifconfig eno1 down [04:57] eno1 [04:57] that will bring the interface down [04:57] then do the same for the atheros [04:57] but you're going to bring it back up [04:58] ifconfig eth0 up [04:58] try to access the internet then [04:58] if it works.. you need to disable your wifi [04:58] eth1 doesn't exist [04:58] eth1>ens1 [04:58] only devices i have are "lo" and "eno1" [04:58] sudo ifconfig enol up [04:58] new interface naming stuff [04:59] *eno1 [04:59] I forget to sudo, I always sudo -s when I open a terminal [04:59] its just a bug [04:59] uhh...what does that do? [04:59] man sudo [04:59] wrong to use for ubuntu, use sudo -i [04:59] when i did eno1 down and then up [04:59] lol i was actually about to right afer i asked [05:00] it started working again for another second [05:00] and then broke [05:00] still says it's connected tho [05:00] No matter what I try, seems I can’t get past this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/21992600/ [05:00] * cpdlevey steps away to smoke in frustration. [05:00] cpdlevey, apt-get install -f <-- did that do anything? [05:00] giving up until tomorrow gdm loads during boot but will not open graphical display [05:02] OerHeks, eh.. sudo -s works across every platform, I don't need different flags in my head for sudo on different platforms, lol. [05:03] kaz, sudo service network stop then start [05:03] kaz, sudo service network stop [05:03] kaz, sudo service network start [05:03] i'm trying to get the package the thing was talking about [05:04] the dmesg [05:04] what package is it? [05:04] tikun, it all depends on the current shell's environment > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo#Special_notes_on_sudo_and_shells [05:04] b34 for some hardware thing [05:04] it has to do with my wifi adapter [05:04] so if ethernet doesn't work that might [05:05] kaz, mmk then [05:06] ahaaaa [05:06] to install that i need internet on that computer [05:06] sounds great man [05:06] I managed to install a "weird" version of libgl1-mesa-* that's preventing steam from launching. How can I tell it to replace the locally installed versions with the ones from the apt repository? [05:07] And if i try to uninstall it, it of course tells me I'm going to uninstall all my packages first. :) [05:08] you've tried apt-get install --reinstall ? [05:09] kaz, ...huh? [05:09] spyhermit: it complains that it can't because it cannot be downloaded. [05:10] alternately you can try installing ppa-purge, then follow the documentation to remove the ppa packages, which will then install the ubuntu versions [05:10] if you installed it from a ppa that is [05:10] glitchd: i did the install commands for the b43 package [05:10] spyhermit: I must have... this was three weeks ago and i haven't managed to run into this yet. :P [05:10] glitchd: they tell you to install it with wired first [05:11] third alternate, get the versions from the debian repo, and do apt-get install pckage_name=version which should install the current version [05:11] u\ [05:11] why not the package libgl1-mesa-* from the ORIGINAL ubuntu repo ? [05:12] fourth, download the packages, and use dpkg --force [05:12] kaz, then substitute the wireless device name for the wire one and repeat the command [05:12] lets make a frankenstein-ubuntu :-D [05:12] oh wait, he already did [05:12] it needs you to use apt. it's not a device name thing [05:13] kaz, for one reason or another i thought that you had gotten the package on the other computer and were copy it to the usb drive and bring it over [05:14] i tried to [05:14] hey guys. its save to delete ~/.log/jack/jackdbus.log - right? [05:14] there's some command that forces you to run it on that computer [05:14] tikun: http://paste.ubuntu.com/21993234/ — Nope.... [05:14] kaz, that didnt work either? [05:14] no [05:15] cpdlevey, what's the output of dpkg --configure -a it just freezes on mdadm? if so, post the output of dmesg [05:15] cglocke: yes, it's fine, but you might look into log rotation. [05:15] kaz, either way youve tried said that you need a connection online to install it [05:15] OerHeks: that's the goal. :) PPA purge got it. [05:15] spyhermit .. log rotation? [05:15] I want to get rid of the file because it grew up to 25 gbyte [05:15] glitchd: that is the problem [05:16] @tikun correct, it just hangs/freezes there: http://paste.ubuntu.com/21993295/ [05:16] yeah, sorry, that wasn't an end user suggestion, cglocke [05:16] kaz, fudge [05:16] yes, you can remove it [05:16] np spyhermit :D [05:16] if it's in use you can do echo /dev/null > into the file [05:17] thx, jack is not running atm :) [05:17] but it's probably better to stop kxstudio and then delete the file. [05:17] is it common behavior that this log file grows that large? [05:19] cglocke: I'm reading a bug from 2010 where it was growing to 500 gb, looks like it's very common with this program [05:19] wtf 500 gb? XD [05:19] the maintainer said they would look at setting up log rotation, but you may not be using kxstudio which did that, you're probably using jack, which doesn't have external rotation enabled [05:19] well, I the earliest entry in my log is january 2016 ... so 25 GB within half a year ... :D ok those 500 gb are waaaay too much ^^ [05:20] thus my suggestion, which would be difficult for me to explain to an end user. [05:20] yes, I'm using plain jack with ardour [05:20] and I'm a bit of a jerk. [05:20] :D [05:20] I'll delete the file by hand and I'll remember doing this from time to time.. that solution is totally fine for me :D [05:21] thx spyhermit! [05:21] kaz, do you by chance know what you dns is? [05:22] i don't know what dns is [05:22] except that it has to do with dnslookup [05:22] cat /etc/resolv.conf, should be some numbers in it [05:23] kaz, click you network icon and go to connection information [05:23] [05:24] is Primary DNS [05:24] i think it's a driver issue [05:25] there's a lot of people with a driver issue with the alx driver on linux 4.4 [05:25] sounds like it to me, I would see if you could unload the alx driver and switch to a generic [05:26] how uh [05:26] i don't understand what you just said [05:26] which is probably what the install cd uses, which is why it would work [05:26] no the install cd has the same issue [05:26] yeah, I'm trying to think of how to explain this, and possibly even help you fix it [05:26] it works for a minute or two, then it doesn't work [05:26] hrm. well, that's a bad sign. === cigumo_ is now known as cigumo [05:28] kaz, does it work if u put the connection down then up? [05:28] yeah [05:28] works just like in the beginning [05:28] for a minute or two [05:28] maybe you got a bad iso? [05:29] have you reinstalled with the same iso each time? [05:29] maybe? [05:29] yeah [05:29] but i got it today [05:29] off of the website [05:29] hmm.. [05:29] and it's the same iso i'm using on my laptop [05:29] and this one seems to be fine [05:30] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-firmware/+bug/1520343 kaz [05:30] Launchpad bug 1520343 in linux-firmware (Ubuntu) "Qualcomm Atheros wireless card [168c:003e] (rev 32) not supported" [Medium,Confirmed] === sync|lap is now known as sync350 [05:31] so it looks like upgrading to a 4.5 or 4.6 kernel and a new firmware would probably resolve this, [05:32] but man, that's a long road to hoe for someone who's not familiar with linux internals [05:32] yaaay [05:32] how would i get on doing that? [05:33] on a previous installation of ubuntu i tried updating to 4.6.5 many times [05:33] and then it destroyed that installation [05:33] completely obliterated it [05:33] wow. [05:34] so, I'm reading the updates for this bug [05:34] and it's like, yeah, go to 4.5 or 4.6, install some firmware from a git repo [05:34] and it has a 75% chance of working [05:34] i'm reading it as well [05:34] i think this is the exact reason i tried doing it the last time [05:35] how do you install firmware? [05:35] i know how to use git [05:36] the directions are in there, [05:36] but man [05:36] it seems risky. [05:36] if you don't care, of course, go crazy [05:37] the annoying thing is it seems he's doing it to fix wireless [05:38] i don't even have a wired connection that works [05:38] using a wired connection [05:42] hi all, any alive? [05:47] kaz, did you ever try "sudo service network-manager restart"? [05:47] no, lemme do that === krystal is now known as irinix [05:48] if this linux is supposed to be easy to set up i can't imagine the more difficult ones [05:48] kaz, its hella easy, when there arent bugs like this [05:49] it was quite simple on my laptop [05:49] i'm tempted to just [05:49] save up and buy a whole new computer [05:49] kaz are you positive that you have a broadcom card? [05:50] yes [05:50] lspci? [05:50] Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM43228 802.11a/ [05:50] b/g/n [05:51] Ethernet controller: Qualcomm Atheros AR8161 Gigabit Ethernet (rev 08) [05:52] Hi all [05:53] hello [05:53] Kaz you having broadcom driver issues too [05:53] ? [05:53] holy yes [05:53] i'm having every network card driver issues [05:54] aha i feel your pain [05:54] i've been awake for 24 hours trying to fix this [05:54] my boss is like "should only take a couple hours" [05:54] the latest revision of lubuntu/ubuntu (and many other distros) wont recognize my network cards [05:54] same [05:54] and i only have a netbook (no ethernet port) [05:54] there is a fix alas! [05:54] and a quite easy one [05:54] i tried, ubuntu, xubuntu, linux mint [05:55] yup same [05:55] what is it? [05:55] do tell! [05:55] please [05:55] You need to get a "Plug & Play" Wireless usb dongle [05:55] fp [05:55] no driver install needed [05:55] this is for work [05:55] ah [05:55] Islah: easy on the enter button please [05:55] i can't just put a dongle on the man's machine [05:55] sorry! [05:55] rofl [05:56] i'm ded [05:56] Here lies kaz [05:56] fp [05:56] Well Kaz if you get a dongle, you can install the correct drivers (cause youll have internet) and then remove the dongle [05:56] fp [05:56] ...not a bad idea, but still.. [05:56] he tried really really hard to not be a proprietary windows kid [05:57] but in the end he was no match for linus torvalds [05:57] I only use linux on my netbook because it has 2GB of ram and lubuntu runs smooth as silk on it [05:57] kaz: please stay ontopic [05:57] sorry yeah === yuyueshihaoren1 is now known as yuyueshihaoren [05:57] it's strange that it works for a little bit and then turns off [05:57] lets focus on the real issue here guys [05:57] i don't even know what drivers to get [05:58] kaz: ubuntu version? [05:58] 16.04 [05:58] kaz: up to date to latest? 16.04.1? [05:58] no just [05:58] 16.04 [05:58] the one on their website [05:58] kaz: Does ethernet work from the 16.04.1 LiveUSB? [05:58] kaz: see if your up to date [05:59] i can't do that without internet [05:59] did the linux kernel for 16.04.1 change? [05:59] what's the linux kernel for that version? [05:59] kaz: alot of bug fixes in .1 [06:00] !info linux-image-generic [06:00] linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 11 kB [06:00] kaz: Yes, many minor patches have been released in the form of new kernel packages. Same major version though. [06:00] i heard that kernel version 4.5 fixes my issue [06:00] but i tried doing that and it broke my computer [06:01] kaz: did you try the STA broadcom driver yet? [06:01] lotuspsychje: no [06:01] !b43 | kaz [06:01] kaz: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx [06:02] kaz: Try a 16.04.1 live image, see if ethernet works from the live session (choose "try without installing"). If that doesn't work, go to sleep. You'll probabaly spend more than 8 hours bei g unproductive anyway with such littls sleep. [06:02] i think im gonna get dc crew to pull down 16.04.1 and try that see if it fixes my ipmi hair pulling [06:03] i'll try the 16.04.1 thing, try to get that driver, and then sleep [06:03] thank you everyone === yuyueshihaoren1 is now known as yuyueshihaoren [06:04] kaz: If you get ethernet working then from there the absolute first thing you should try to get wireless working is the graphical "additional drivers" tool. [06:04] yeah i saw that [06:04] clicked on some of the things, but it stops working after a minute [06:05] internet is fine until i try to load a page on firefox [06:05] i can ping, i can dnslookup, i can do whatever [06:05] but when i get into firefox and i open a page i have 20 seconds of internet and then it dies [06:06] it also broke when i finally tried to install the drivers [06:08] would buying a new network adapter fix this? [06:09] I've been told that kaz =p you only need the dongle until you install the proper drivers [06:10] what are the proper drivers? === stevecam is now known as Guest96828 [06:14] it depends on what the current broadcom driver you have [06:14] either b43 or bmcwl [06:14] i believe [06:16] I expended drive which contain ubuntu with some free space but now it show different space at diff places [06:16] http://uploadpie.com/xFcYf [06:16] How to correct it [06:17] hmm [06:17] hello === strass is now known as strass|away [06:17] hello guys === root is now known as Guest75069 [06:26] kaz i would really like to know what dmesg says [06:44] <_GHOST_> hello === croppa_ is now known as croppa [06:48] kaz, any luck yet? [06:49] kaz: Buy an Atheros or Intel *internal* wireless card and you should be great. I don't know what's up with your ethernet though. I'm suspecting it may be a network configuration problem rather than drivers though. [06:50] kaz: And I too would like to see the output of "dmesg" before and after ethernet stops working. === ken is now known as Guest37581 [06:50] not fastboot, not interface naming, removing network config,... it beats me too [06:56] kaz: Could there be an IP address collision? Maybe Windows is configured to use a static IP address and thus doesn't have that issue? [06:58] eth1: no IPv6 routers present what does this mean? [06:58] my wireless connection is on eth1 [06:59] kaz, AR8161 intermittent ethernet? [06:59] /exec dmesg | grep IPv6 [06:59] kaz, setting MTU=8192 might help [06:59] kaz, see https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=70761 [06:59] bugzilla.kernel.org bug 70761 in Network "AR8161 wir alx driver: Randomly stops to receive packets with small MTU" [Normal,New] [06:59] Morning all. I am trying to run wkhtmltopdf in Ubuntu Xenial (16.04), it was a headless server. I tried the newest version of wkhtmltopdf (which supports headless operation) but it didn't look as good. I installed lxde-core, in hopes of running X-server so I can get my wkhtmltopdf to run off the servers X session. [07:00] wkhtmltopdf still can't find an active session, any ideas? [07:00] /exec cat /var/log/syslog | grep net [07:01] oh im using IPv4 [07:01] Interface eth1.IPv4 [07:03] /exec cat /var/log/syslog | grep daemon [07:03] kaz, good luck figuring it out [07:05] Hi Guys [07:05] hi [07:05] I have 1 quick question [07:05] /exec cat /var/log/syslog | grep daemon [07:05] /exec ifconfig -a [07:06] Interface eth1.IPv4 [07:06] /exec dmesg | grep IPv6 [07:06] Does Ubuntu home partition is compatible with Fedora? [07:06] UbuntuLover, i would not use one home for both [07:06] UbuntuLover: no, unless you use different users with different uid's === muskrat is now known as krustacean [07:07] ok === krustacean is now known as muskrat [07:08] I am using Ubuntu from 3-4 years === muskrat is now known as skrutinize [07:08] but seems like Fedora is also good distro [07:08] any 1 tried Fedora before [07:09] do you have an ubuntu support question? other distros are not on topic here [07:09] !ot | UbuntuLover [07:09] UbuntuLover: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! === skrutinize is now known as muskrat [07:11] hello [07:17] [07:18] quit [07:19] Does anyone have any good examples / tutorials / videos on how to communicate / telnet to a HID usb device (has an atmel chip on it)? [07:20] it will depend on the device and if it listens on a clear port like that [07:20] Hello! I tried upgrading Ubuntu 14.04 to 16.04. But mysql fails. [07:20] Bomber4Chats: best ask the people who make it [07:20] I cannot even reinstall. [07:20] Emmanuel_Chanel: you'll need to provide more information than "fails" [07:20] Bomber4Chats: Probably the wrong channel.. but not directly, most likely if its just a HID device [07:21] orlock: ? [07:21] Bomber4Chats: They are pretty picky about things being ubuntu related here [07:21] K, but I can't talk on ##linux [07:21] you need to register [07:21] ask in #freenode how to register your nick [07:21] Bomber4Chats: try #robotics [07:22] Anyone remember - off hand - if it's the /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers that needs to be edited to create another X session on vt8? [07:22] ikonia: Yeah. [07:22] orlock, he did not mention other linux distro, so your answer is not valid [07:23] OerHeks: Ok, but the question actually has nothing to do with ubuntu [07:25] Hi, I've been having trouble with my hard drive and am trying to recover all files from it before getting a new one. I've booted an Ubuntu LiveUSB and had to do a long e2fsck on the corrupted Ubuntu (hard drive) before I was able to mount the installation. Now I can't see any of my files under /home/, and there is no /etc/ directory on the mounted partition. Is this normal? [07:27] ventil: Have you rebooted the machine again - and again used the liveUSB to view the drive? As well, when you ran "e2fsck" - did you use the "automatically fix" switch? [07:28] ventil: it depends on original filesystem on your hdd, also whether you fixed incostistencies or just checked [07:28] YankDownUnder: yeah I ran e2fsck -fyv /dev/sda1 , then I had to write some zeroes to beginning of it so the superblock could be rewritten, and then was able to mount it [07:28] I've been trying frantically to compile and load the module for VirtualBox, but without success; I'm on 16.04 and I get: vboxdrv.sh: failed: modprobe vboxdrv failed. Please use 'dmesg' to find out why. [07:28] And I have rebooted the machine and used the liveusb to look at it again but with the same result [07:29] from what I can read, it's something related to Linux 4.4 requiring modules to be signed before they can be loaded [07:29] ventil: Right - so you see nothing - or, at least you don't see the /etc or the /home? [07:29] ikonia: log: http://pastebin.com/xamtP4Qx [07:29] Additionally it says that ~130gb is used, but I can obnly see ~70gb used in the Disk Usage Analyzer [07:30] YankDownUnder: I don't see /etc/, I see /home/ with some other accounts that were set up before I received the computer, but not my account or a friend's account that I set up [07:30] Sorry, to clarify, gparted says 130gb is used, Disk Usage Analyzer says 70gb is used [07:31] ventil: Just for info, your "installation" was on a single drive, right? And /home resides on the root partition, right? [07:31] so I assume the missing 60gb are my files somewhere... [07:31] YankDownUnder: that's right, and yep I expect to see /home/myaccount and /etc/ but see neither (I assume that means root partition?) [07:32] ventil: Just off the bat, have you looked in the "lost+found" directory yet? [07:33] YankDownUnder: no, should that be in the root directory as well, where /etc/ should be and /home is? I don't see it === jatt is now known as Guest44685 [07:34] ventil: The "lost+found" sound reside in the root of the partition (/) => and you could check with "ls -CFalh" - to see if it's there... [07:34] ventil: Just a quickie about a tool that you might find useful: http://extundelete.sourceforge.net/ === muskrat is now known as skudge === skudge is now known as muskrat [07:35] YankDownUnder: Ah thanks I see it, I'll do sudo su and see what's inside [07:35] ventil: Be careful, bro. [07:35] madsj: If you are using VPS server, it's possible that server virtualization is intentionally denied. [07:37] madsj: to solve that, either sign the modules and add the key to the mok, or turn off secure boot. === jat-clone is now known as Guest92358 === alternat0r_ is now known as alternat0r [07:44] Does anyone have any good examples / tutorials / videos on how to communicate / telnet to a HID usb device (has an atmel chip on it)? [07:45] specificaly an atxmega [07:47] hi, mz [07:47] Bomber4Chats: have you not found a driver yet? [07:47] Not yet, but [07:47] I know what direction I need to look [07:47] I'm looking for an atmel driver [07:47] for atxmega [07:47] hi, my new 16.04.1 asks me for password BEFORE the login screen, says that my Hitachi-xxxx hard drive is encrypted [07:48] the thing is I only asked to encrypt my home folder during the installation [07:48] is there a way to "disable" the password prompt? [07:49] slazer: Did you put in the password that you used on your encrypted home directory? [07:49] coz' my mom would kill me if she sees it..the other solution would be to disable shutdown/restart altogether in favour of hibernation [07:49] Bomber4Chats: then there is little else we can do for you, really. did you try ##linux as i suggested yesterday? [07:49] YankDownUnder: yes and it worked [07:50] I'll head over, thanks [07:50] slazer: You're going to get that prompt because it's "mounting" the parition(s) - and that's how it's going to be. [07:50] when we are at ait, we could as well enable autologin, but I can probably do that myself [07:51] YankDownUnder: that sux, any way to fix that, autologin and mount home folder on demand? [07:52] slazer: Being that I do not use encryption - unless it's on external drives, I can't advise you on that, however, Google is your friend, and the Ubuntu wiki is there to be used, hmm? === muskrat is now known as koiranpentu666 [07:52] slazer: you need to enter the encryption password, easiest way around that is to reinstall without encryption. [07:55] slazer: Please pastebin the output of "mount". [07:56] Jordan_U: http://pastebin.com/d6LKfwuvhttp://pastebin.com/d6LKfwuv [07:56] Jordan_U: http://pastebin.com/d6LKfwuv === capri is now known as zz_capri [07:58] the main issue is, numlock is off on boot, and pushing numbers on numlock pad on boot causes CRAZY INSANE behaviour [07:58] which confuses me, let aside my mother [07:58] slazer: There should be an option in BIOS that "enables" the NUMLOCK on boot... [07:58] and the same situation repeats at the boot screen [07:59] YankDownUnder: its on, of course [07:59] YankDownUnder: why would that work, right? (sarcasm) [08:00] this being LTS, even point LTS release, I am kind of shocked [08:00] Fedora had less issues [08:01] alexxey: If you're still here, thank you so much! [08:01] alexxey : i got it working on my pc [08:01] is ubuntu the solution to a windows 10 upgrade... and why? #curious [08:02] slazer: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1922373 [08:02] letmeinthin: yes it is, faster, safer, faster and more productive [08:02] kaz, Is it the problem described in kernel bugzilla #70761? [08:04] alexxey: setting the MTU seems to have fixed it, yes [08:04] alexxey: his symptoms were the same as mine. would work for a bit until i checked something. that's definitely the solution [08:04] but ubuntu isn't really linux/unix; it's more google and and android right? [08:04] wo [08:05] - 1 and === zz_capri is now known as capri [08:05] I'm unsure which things on my computer is my distrobution and which is the software running on top of it. If I switch distro, but then download the same DE and packages, what will be the difference? [08:05] i am gay!!! are you feel sick??? [08:06] [08:06] letmeinthin: try #ubuntu-offtopic, this channel is for technical support [08:08] YankDownUnder: thats ancient..I am trying numlockx and Gnome Tweak Tool now [08:08] ducasse thanks [08:08] YankDownUnder: frankly, both failed on me on Fedora [08:09] letmeinthin: and no. your android, google and ubuntu comparison doesnt really make sense. [08:09] good morning Linux gods. Is it possible to have a remote desktop seshion to ubuntu using the Unity desktop? [08:09] Is there a full moon out tonight or something? Jeeeezzzz... [08:10] alexxey you're a god thank you so much. [08:10] kaz, I just happened to see this issue before :-) [08:10] as far as I can make out it's not actually possible, which is disapointing [08:11] horse: you could try x2go, maybe that will work [08:11] it seems to be fairly common alexxey, hopefully they address it soon. I looked on the bugreporting website, the last 10 queries were of the same thing [08:11] k1l it does if you used red hat 20 years ago [08:11] this might work, I'll restart --> http://askubuntu.com/questions/773804/ubuntu-16-04-turn-numlock-on-and-disable-numlock-key-permanently [08:13] ...later === koiranpentu666 is now known as muskrat [08:16] kaz: Now you should be able to try the Additional Drivers tool since you have a stable internet connection. Have you done so yet? === andyhuzhill1 is now known as andyhuzhill [08:23] I want to create following an index to MySQL in Doctrine. [08:23] e.g. CREATE INDEX xxxx ON my_table (start_date, end_date DESC); [08:23] https://gist.github.com/hbakhtiyor/0dbea842d52e2a06f943df0bc2e04b86 [08:23] how to achieve this? [08:24] Is Ubuntu the Google/Windows 10 Up*grade? #ImAsking [08:25] letmeinthin: Do you actually have any questions, or are you trolling? [08:25] !ot | letmeinthin [08:25] letmeinthin: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [08:27] YankDownUnder I just asked a question... [08:28] letmeinthin: and you were told this is a technical support channel [08:28] letmeinthin: we focus on technical ubuntu support in here. your attempts to be funny or provoke drama are not welcome in here. [08:29] letmeinthin: can you explain what you mean? your question makes no sense? [08:29] letmeinthin: do you mean is it a "worthy" upgrade from Windows 10? if so then that is subjective and there is no correct answer [08:30] ubuntu is not linux. that's what I mean [08:30] lol [08:30] hi. someone just tried to upgrade ubuntu 14.04 to 16.04... under windows 10 ;) [08:30] letmeinthin: you are correct, ubuntu is not Linux, its a GNU/Linux distro [08:31] thyphus_: what you just said makes no sense [08:31] hi all [08:31] thyphus_: do you actually have an ubuntu question ? [08:31] ikonia: there is a linux subsysteme with the newest version of windows 10 [08:31] ikonia: windows 10 anniversary-update [08:32] thyphus_: the binary elf compatibility layer [08:32] fuck windows [08:33] ikonia: what? [08:33] thyphus_: it ships with an elf compatibility layer to make it fully finary compatible [08:35] ikonia: but that does not answer my question [08:35] imo [08:35] thyphus_: you didn't ask a question [08:36] ikonia: i asked you if i can upgrade the ubuntu 14.04 subsystem in windows 10 to 16.04 [08:36] no you said someone did [08:36] not you... the channel [08:36] 09:30 < thyphus_> hi. someone just tried to upgrade ubuntu 14.04 to 16.04... under windows 10 ;) [08:36] ok, sorry. that's maybe the german way to ask ;) [08:36] is it possible to upgrade to 16.04? [08:36] thyphus_: try #ubuntu-for-windows, this is offtopic here [08:37] okay, thanks [08:37] I don't believe it's versioned the same way as the standard distribution, [08:37] you talking about with virtualbox? [08:37] or virtualmachine? [08:37] no. not a virtualbox, no vm [08:38] what are you talking about then? [08:38] !ubuwin | CoolBreeze227 [08:38] CoolBreeze227: Canonical and Microsoft have announced that Windows 10 will be able to run Ubuntu programs without needing porting/recompilation. This functionality is still in beta and is not supported in #ubuntu. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows. [08:38] wo [08:38] wow [08:38] that is odd [08:38] lol [08:38] CoolBreeze227: it's not that bad imho [08:39] thats a little weird but I guess that is more microsofts doing [08:39] CoolBreeze227: thyphus_: We really shouldn't need to remind you again that it's offtopic here. [08:44] hi [08:48] . === okan_ is now known as okans === Mob is now known as MobGod [08:56] disconnect === Zhao is now known as Guest16355 [09:00] clear [09:00] sam__: you might want to put a forward slash in front of that [09:00] C [09:00] thanks === Guest16355 is now known as oZhinny [09:09] Just started using 16.04.1 (from 14.04.4) on a Lenovo L450 with the R5 M240 graphics card. Am I correct that there is currently no driver for that card on 16.04.1? === alexxxey is now known as alexxey [09:11] folf: amd stopped making the fglrx for linux. they help in making the open soruce radeon and amd_gpu now. which are in the kernel. [09:13] k1l, yes I understand that. If your answer is then that there is driver support for the card, how do I switch to it? Currently using the HD Graphics 5500 [09:14] Hello people, does anyone know how you update pepper-flash for Opera? [09:14] hello all [09:15] folf: is it not supported with the kernel drivers? [09:16] k1l, I don't know ;-) That's why I'm asking [09:17] Luka00: as long as you installed pepperflash from apt, it should be handled as part of regulare updates [09:17] yo all [09:18] oh ok ducasse [09:18] you asked if there is no driver. but there is a driver as i explained. if you mean driver==prop.driver from amd. then i already explained, that there is no fglrx anymore. but a quick search says that people have no issue with that r5 card on 16.04 [09:21] k1l: I think he wants to know how to use the amd card. For example, my laptop has nvidia + intel hd graphics and I have to use primusrun to launch applications to use the nvidia card. I dont know how that works with amd. [09:24] hello does any one have a script that keeps the latest ubuntu iuo on my home always up to date? [09:25] since > 2 days the ipv6 address of security.ubuntu.com is not reachable *for me* .. is that a local problem or does anyone else experience this? [09:25] killall: which iso's? only the devel release has dailys. [09:27] saptarshic: amd_gpu is enabled by default if the chip is compatible === JanC is now known as Guest88920 === JanC_ is now known as JanC [09:29] hello, ive some issues with booting ubuntu [09:29] i am on the emergency sfreen [09:32] dreais: what errors do you get? what happens exactly? what did you do before? [09:33] just booted ubuntu on grub, and it took a minut with ""ubuntu ..."" screnn. [09:33] afterwhat it went on that emergency screen [09:33] and what did you do the last time on ubuntu? [09:34] OK, seems like there should be no problem with the card, so the question is: How do I choose to use the AMD graphics card instead of the one builtin on the CPU? [09:34] hello guys [09:34] nothing, yesterday i fixed my problems with grub. since that i cant go back on ubuntu [09:34] folf: as i said, that will be dont automatically [09:34] im on dual boot with w7 and ubuntu [09:35] i have a HTTP proxy enabled connection, and i wish to install various sofwares [09:35] *done [09:35] i added proxies to apt.conf file [09:35] but i can still get on w7 [09:35] but i cant seem to install any package [09:35] as it says" couold not loacte package", any help here? [09:35] dreais: so you changed the grub settings and now ubuntu doesnt boot? [09:36] i dont exactly know what i did, i got helped from here. yesterday grub wasnt showing w7 because of a lost partition, and we fixed it [09:37] we also changed partitions for windows so [09:37] right now im on the emergency mode [09:37] hey [09:39] haha [09:39] dreais: can you press ctrl+d? [09:39] btw i have nothing important on linux so i can reinstall it if needed [09:39] yes i just did [09:39] loading ubuntu as before, lets see [09:40] Hello. I try to update my 14.04 LTS server, with the 16.04.1 update, and it went wrong. [09:40] dreais: i guess you changed the partition scheme somehow and now the new partitionnumbers dont match the old settings in ubuntu and grub anymore [09:41] https://paste.ubuntu.com/22010047/ [09:41] k1l: still loading [09:41] im back in recovery mode [09:41] emergency* [09:41] so, wouldnt it be easier to reinstall by erasing the old linux ? [09:42] i think i'm between 2 steps, and i can upgrade more. [09:42] dreais: if you like, you can install ubuntu again and mark the old partitions to be used. [09:42] hm, i'll try then. brb [09:43] seeya if theres a problem haha [09:44] tachikomas: did you change a lot of upstart or sysvinit scripts, or had other PPA or 3rd party repos in us? [09:44] *use [09:44] k1l, nothing. Only a bacula dir and a mysql on the server. [09:47] k1l, thanks, but it doesn't change automatically for me. So any way to debug or force it to change? (I've got the xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu package installed) [09:47] folf: did you reboot into a 16.04? which driver is in use? [09:48] hey if i want to do a logic partition, how do i now from here [09:48] hi [09:48] is gnome 3.20 available for ubuntu? [09:48] no [09:48] folf: "lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use'" [09:48] ubuntu 16.04? [09:48] as you've been told already [09:49] k1l, it says i915 [09:49] UbuntuLover: no. you might look out for a PPA or other 3rd party repo. but since the release of gnome is always too short to the ubuntu release, ubuntu cant ship the newest gnome with the release. [09:49] hey guys [09:49] UbuntuLover: this has been explained to you at least 3 times [09:49] i'm trying to see ubuntu's files on windows - any way i can do that? [09:50] i'm on a dual boot [09:50] HalfOfAKebab: not safely [09:50] i have files on my ubuntu desktop i need to get onto windows [09:50] ikonia: i asked this question first time [09:50] HalfOfAKebab: there is a legacy ext file system driver for windows - but it is not to be trusted [09:50] create a ntfs partition? [09:50] how unsafe is it? [09:50] UbuntuLover: I've answered it for you multiple times [09:50] UbuntuLover: it will be standard on ubuntu 16.10 which will be released in fall this year [09:50] HalfOfAKebab: you can't measure it like that [09:50] ikonia: i am new here [09:50] 3.20 gnome has lot of feature compared with unity thats why asked this question [09:50] well, will it brick my drives, or do i run a slight chance of losing a file or two? [09:51] halfofakebab: i can access some files with D:/ on windows [09:51] www [09:51] i didnt lose anything but ask soemone else to do it with u === hu is now known as Guest44371 [09:51] UbuntuLover: unity uses the gnome base and is another shell for that base like gnome-shell is. [09:52] UbuntuLover: you're an Ubuntu lover and gnome lover, are you using unity? Why don't you use Ubuntu gnome edition? [09:52] folf: please show the outpu url of "lspci -nnk | nc termbin.com 9999" [09:52] Do you need a fast computer to use ubuntu [09:52] HalfOfAKebab: Why not doing it the other way around? Access your windows file system from ubuntu? Thats easier [09:52] bakwards: no. for old and slow hardware there is Lubuntu === MobGod is now known as Mob [09:52] madaeon because i don't have the files on windows, i have them on ubuntu :P [09:52] oh right [09:52] i get you [09:53] HalfOfAKebab: Cool :) [09:53] yeah i could do that actually [09:53] bakwards: how old is your system? [09:53] hi just have a question about installing and erase disk option, i have looked for an answer, not for very long but still: if i have two disks, what disk does "erase disk" refer to when installing? how can i tell? [09:53] k1l, http://termbin.com/4g0m [09:53] it came with windows xp [09:53] kallehjek it formats the partition [09:53] HalfOfAKebab: just make sure windows doesnt use the "fast reboot" feature, which is a hibernation in reality and block other OS accessing their partitions [09:53] note: not pertitions, two separate dissks [09:53] hey guys whats up === seek is now known as Seek [09:54] folf: it uses the radeon driver. [09:54] k1l how do i disable that? [09:54] hello seek [09:54] HalfOfAKebab: in the windows settings [09:54] how are you gridl0ck [09:54] HalfOfAKebab [09:54] is there a way to tell what disk is being used? [09:55] i am so glad i switched from windows to Linux it is so much faster [09:55] HalfOfAKebab: look at this: http://www.howtogeek.com/243901/the-pros-and-cons-of-windows-10s-fast-startup-mode/ [09:55] HalfOfAKebab: there are some programs for Windows to be able to read ext partitions if that's what you ask for...but dealing with them, installing or issues, would be a Windows issue [09:55] kallehjek it should tell you. it doesn't say the drive letter, or the name you gave it, but you can tell which is which by the amount of free disk space [09:55] k1l: under "Details" it says I'm using the HD graphics 5500, so that's wrong perhaps? [09:56] How do you tag somebody on IRC? [09:56] just type their name blau [09:56] HalfOfAKebab testing it [09:56] yep works [09:56] Seek: nice, which ubuntu flavour [09:56] folf: on some hybrid gpu setups the intel is always the output device and the amd/nvidia is only used for the computing [09:56] you mean in the popup where i confirm changes? or any other palce. guess i'll have to do it again because i missed it [09:56] folf: i am not too much into the amd setups there [09:57] HalfOfAKebab didn't seem tobut thanks ;) [09:57] blau your sent pings don't look special, but they're definitely working :p [09:57] like mine just looks like every other word [09:58] oh my friend has a problem when i was helping him install his Ubuntu he kept getting a black screen and shit so he never installed it complitly [09:58] any fixes [09:58] Seek: anything in the logs? [09:58] !modeset | Seek [09:58] handaxe Nah [09:58] !nomodeset | Seek [09:58] Seek: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter [09:59] Help [09:59] while installation it gives fatal error i.e " unable to install Grub on /dev/sda2/" . To fix it i have tried to create partition on hdd with Ubuntu Live session (i.e. Try Ubuntu without installing), actually i have mounted /dev/sda1/ with disks utility i.e mark * to it. which messed up booting process,now even when i am trying to boot Ubuntu 16.01 with Usb, it open initrams console. Can you please help me to fix this ?? [09:59] tachikomas: hmm. dont know if that worked now. issues with plymouth and such should not be that critical. make sure "linux-generic" is installed so you get the new 4.4er kernel [09:59] HalfOfAKebab I'm confused lol, doesn't matter anyway [09:59] thank you [09:59] blau basically, type someone's name and they get pinged === Cybert1nus is now known as Cybertinus [10:00] !tabcompletion | blau [10:00] blau: You can use your key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. [10:00] k1l, thanks for your time! Seems like I'll need to find a way to force it to change. At least now I know the driver is there. [10:00] k1l: its not only playmouth, but mountall cron initscripts dbus and somes other who are not installed correctly [10:01] HalfOfAKebab, okay thank you [10:01] can he fix it when he does not have it installed like i know you just change it to nomodeset but he dont have it fully installed and shit [10:01] k1l, oh yeah nice ! [10:01] ubottu, oh great I didn't know it worked there too ! Thanks :D [10:01] blau: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [10:01] Howdy folks [10:01] Seek: read the link, it explains it [10:01] ight [10:02] k1l: update-rc.d: error: insserv rejected the script header [10:02] ubottu, :'( [10:03] i have the same problem as abheet that install crashes when installing grub. any ideas? [10:06] kallehjek: I'm a bit vague on the details, but there has to be adequate space before (and alignment of) the first partitiion on the disk or GRUB won't install. If you're using a disk which was partitioned a few years ago, it won't meet the requirements. You have to delete the partitions or the MBR and start again [10:06] kallehjek: I've been caught out by this when reusing old disks for install [10:07] kallehjek: you get a clue if you try to install grub manually from the command line, after the installer fails to do it [10:08] (but I can't rememebr the specifics just now) [10:09] some kid this morning that linux is just used for hacking i facepalmed so hard [10:10] Does anyone know a good usb wifi dongle that requires no drivers (plug & play) for ubuntu/lubuntu ? [10:10] mcphail so i need a few emtyp mb before first partition? [10:10] kallehjek: are you using mbr or gpt partition layout? [10:11] kallehjek: as I said, I can't rememebr the specifics. But if you have an old disk with an MBR partition table, your GRUB install is likely going to fail. Gparted or the Ubuntu installer will do the correct thing with MBR or GPT these days if you wipe the partition table and restart [10:11] Islah: thinkpenguin.com [10:12] I heard about them, also i heard about the tl-wn722n [10:12] Hello, i've installed firefox on my vps and i would like to use it with x11forwading. i only get: Error: GDK_BACKEND does not match available displays [10:12] but i think ill give penguin a try :) === RudyValencia_ is now known as RudyValencia [10:12] kallehjek: I remember Googling the error message from grub-install, which pointed me in the right direction [10:13] kallehjek: sorry I can't be more specific, but this happened to me a year or so ago [10:13] I just tried to upgrade to 16.04, but then I read the release notes which state that fglrx is not supported anymore. [10:14] The open driver has always been complete crap. Are there any reports that it actually works now? [10:14] mcphail yeah when trying to install i remove the partition table and it creates a new one with 1 mb before the first one, i disliked this and creatyed a "correct one" from an old live cd thinking it might be a bug and then tried to isntall, but it is actually the correct way? [10:15] By that, I mean demonstrations with a wide variety of games, etc. and noise levels. [10:15] the first partiton i mean [10:15] I cancelled the "upgrade" just in time, but who is to blame for this? AMD? === Mob is now known as MobGod [10:16] bobb: amd stopped making flgrx and helps now on making open source drivers for the kernel [10:16] kallehjek: yep [10:17] kallehjek: don't ask me why, though ;) [10:17] k1l: that's what they said when they released the card I am using 5 years ago too. [10:17] mcphail awesome thanks. it should be noted in the installation or even hiden that first mb i think =) [10:17] mcphail no i wont ask i'll just accept the fact [10:17] =) [10:17] qq all [10:17] kallehjek: you're probably right. If you file a bug on launchpad, I'll +1 it [10:18] k1l: are you saying they have no proprietary bits in any driver anywhere? [10:18] bobb: look up "amd_gpu [10:18] k1l: does it have working power management? === mac_nibblet is now known as Guest50685 [10:21] bobb: that depends on the exact chip and how much amd contributed to amd_gpu. [10:21] k1l: I have a Radeon HD 5xxx series card. [10:22] k1l: when I check their website, their form doesn't work... [10:22] thumbs up [10:22] bobb: that is an old card? you need at least a cgn card, iirc [10:22] k1l: it works with 14.04 just fine. [10:23] k1l: I don't know what a cgn card is. [10:23] bobb: amd dropps support for video cards quite fast. so from one point your only choice is the open source driver then [10:23] k1l: which open source driver? [10:23] bobb: radeon [10:24] hello there, im back [10:24] what's wrong, i'll can't get root [10:24] rights in the console? [10:24] k1l: and that one has not been improved, I suppose? [10:24] *gcn [10:24] bobb: sure it has. [10:24] my ubuntu is stuck after i log in my session [10:24] k1l: I have used radeon a couple of times in the past and it always sucked (made much more noise). [10:24] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graphics_Core_Next so your 5000 amd card is too old [10:25] bobb: worth trying it from a livecd. The open source drivers work very well for some older cards these days [10:25] mcphail: I basically just want to use it to play an old game. [10:26] mcphail: installation is a slow process. [10:26] bobb: yep. Try it with the livecd before attempting the upgrade. I much prefer the open source drivers these days [10:26] eee why camt i log in on ubuntu without problen [10:26] mcphail: e.g. wine also needs to be configured "just right". [10:26] problems [10:26] mcphail: can I try these drivers *without* upgrading? [10:26] bobb: ubuntu isnt making those drivers. ubuntu only shipps what is there. so you have the open source driver made from the kernel guys, or (for new cards) there is amd support with amd_gpu. [10:26] mcphail: I am talking about recent versions, that is. [10:27] bobb: try a live image [10:27] bobb: yes, you will get the modern open source drivers by default from the livecd. They won't be the very latest, but new enough to tell [10:27] mcphail: which card do you have? [10:28] bobb: I use them with a couple of AMD APUs [10:28] mcphail: APUs are those integrated chips, right? Not discrete cards. [10:28] mcphail: I am concerned about the fan spinning at a million RPMs. [10:28] bobb: yep. My dad's computer has an old discrete card, which seems to run well enough too [10:29] bobb: i've got a 5xxx series chip in a laptop, works fine. [10:29] bobb: if you dont test it you will never know [10:29] ducasse: it doesn't sound like a jumbo jet? [10:29] sigkell: hello! [10:29] ducasse: i.e. have you ever tried fglrx too? [10:29] bobb: can't you just try yours? [10:37] Hello, i've installed firefox on my vps and i would like to use it with x11forwading. i only get: Error: GDK_BACKEND does not match available displays === czesmir_ is now known as czesmir [10:38] matthias____: how did you install firefox? just unpack a tarball from upstream? or did you "apt-get" it? [10:39] matthias____: you'll have to ensure you've got an X setup working on the VPS.. you know you can ssh -D to the VPS and create a socks proxy? Effectively rendering the sites locally but eminating from the vps ip [10:39] popey: apt install firefox [10:39] plus you need to set DISPLAY and all that stuff [10:39] joelio: i want to upload some files to another site from my vps, my home upload speed is very slow [10:39] * joelio high fives curl [10:40] saw that coming [10:40] joelio: it is a jquery based upload with socket.io [10:40] so a POST then? :) [10:40] you should just be able to "ssh -X " to your vps and then "export DISPLAY=:0.0" and run firefox [10:40] but yea, understood [10:42] fwiw I've had some success with nomachine / nx on remote boxes - better compression of X as it uses h264 or vp9 [10:42] and runs via ssh [10:42] x2go is also a good option [10:42] not used that will check it out [10:48] hey [10:48] What's your opinion about 16.04.1? Is it something which could better not have been released or does it actually Just Work? [10:48] Specifically in the upgrade scenario. [10:49] popey: joelio x2go looks nice [10:50] bobb: upgrades get automated testings before release. [10:50] k1l: can I see those tests? [10:50] k1l: or are they proprietary? [10:52] bobb: sure you can look at those tests. its not a secret. but i wonder what that helps you [10:52] k1l: http://mago.ubuntu.com/Coverage is a dead link on the Ubuntu wiki. [10:52] bobb: i upgraded all my machines to 16.04 - works fine here [10:52] upgraded an ubuntu mate system last night, all good [10:53] I will run the livecd and hope the open driver actually works. [10:55] hello [10:56] hiya [10:58] can anyone help my friend fix his black screen problem when he is in the middle of install ubuntu [10:58] ? === seek is now known as Seek [10:58] how can i configure postfix ?! [10:59] !postfix [10:59] postfix is the default !MTA and !MDA on Ubuntu. For help, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto - See also !MailServer [10:59] Seek: is it black screen of energy options he's getting? [10:59] hello [10:59] is there a way to update from 12.04 to 16.04.01 directly? [10:59] !upgrade | MaxFrames [10:59] MaxFrames: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade [11:00] I am running ubuntu 12.04 and it is proposing me the upgrade to 14.04 [11:00] idk like he will, be in the middle of installing it and it will just go black [11:00] MaxFrames, no, from LTS to LTS [11:00] MaxFrames: no. [11:00] MaxFrames: that's the correct upgrade path [11:00] MaxFrames: 12.04->14.04->16.04 [11:00] xangua: so I have to first install14.04 [11:00] Seek: try key on keyboard first, if that doesnt get you screen back try !nomodeset perhaps? [11:01] do you have skype and he can talk to you about it [11:02] !pm | Seek [11:02] Seek: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. [11:03] !pm lotuspsychje do you have skype so we you can tell him it like i think you can explain it better then i can [11:03] Seek: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [11:03] oops [11:03] Seek: you know wich ubuntu version he is installing? [11:03] can anyone tell me why theres a cross iconed mouse appearing on screen before I can open atom, I need to click once after that for atom to open up [11:03] 16.04.1 [11:04] Seek: what about his video card? [11:04] idk hold up i will askhim [11:04] !nomodeset | Seek try this? [11:04] Seek try this?: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter [11:08] lotuspsychje amb A10-700p === Hobbyboy|BNC is now known as Hobbyboy [11:09] 800p [11:09] sorry [11:09] 8000 [11:09] Seek: amd? [11:10] black screen middle of install, how about pressing the spacebar? [11:11] go to #heisdumb [11:11] screen [11:12] #heisnotdumbashisfriendcamehereforsupport [11:12] hello [11:12] wojemjy 6 [11:13] hi - just seen libreoffice 5.2 is out - where do you get the snap packages? [11:14] yossarianuk: snap find, to search snaps [11:14] during the 12.04-14.04 update: problem with unity. setup will continue but the package may not be installed. ??? [11:14] I'm having some trouble changing the icons in Ubuntu Gnome. When I choose another icon package, the app icons are not changed in the dash. Can anyone help me? [11:15] aaaargh. now same stuff with python-apt. "dependency problems. leaving unconfigured". [11:15] now please tell me what I should do. [11:15] jakobn: maybe the #ubuntu-gnome guys know that one? [11:15] MaxFrames: pastebin actual output [11:15] MaxFrames: did you disable external ppa's before upgrade? [11:15] lotuspsychje: I'll check there. [11:16] Ben64: I don't see other messages, just this error window [11:16] there's more information than what you put here [11:16] does ubuntu 14.04 come with a RAM-based folder that I can write to? because /tmp seems to be on disk for whatever reason :( [11:16] Ben64: not in what I am seeing. maybe in some log file? [11:16] BlaXpirit: /run/shm, but you could make /tmp ram if you want [11:17] lotuspsychje: how do I check? [11:17] yossarianuk, there is a Beta package https://skyfromme.wordpress.com/2016/06/14/libreoffice-5-2-0-beta2-as-a-snap-package/ [11:17] Ben64, hmm /run/shm is a bit of a weird location, isn't it? sure, I don't mind making /tmp ram [11:17] though that would probably require a reboot [11:17] BlaXpirit: it isn't, and it does [11:18] whatever, shm it is. thanks. [11:18] !next [11:19] "unable to install python-apt" (and gnome before that) - "the upgrade will continue, but the python-apt" (and gnome) "package may not be in a functional state. report this event as a bug" - "dependency problems - leaving unconfigured" [11:19] ^^ translated from italian language [11:19] hello [11:19] a question [11:19] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases [11:19] I am looking at end of life dates [11:20] later versions for 14.04 seems to have this month as end of life [11:20] while 14.04.1 has 2019 [11:20] anyone can help? do I abort the upgrade? [11:20] why is that? [11:20] ToAruShiroiNeko: click on it [11:20] ToAruShiroiNeko, those are point-releases [11:20] current is 14.04.4 iirc [11:21] what I mean is 14.04.1 lasts till 2019 while other two later (14.04.2, 14.04.3) sooner [11:21] yep, click on that for all the information you want === MobGod is now known as Mob [11:21] that would be a typo .. [11:21] "software center" is another problem package, and more "python-*" [11:21] OerHeks: it isn't a typo [11:22] i think that april 2019 should be one line down [11:22] MaxFrames: did you have external ppa's or not? [11:22] Hi guys, my system offered my to upgrade to ubuntu 16 (I have 14). I accepted and went to launch, came back and saw the lock screen, typed the password and got a black screen.... What should I do? [11:22] I dont quite see the why but it seems like it all imgrates to a higher version? [11:22] lotuspsychje: I don't know how to check and I would like someone to tell me [11:22] right now I am running the upgrade with the gui [11:22] looking at 14.04.x Ubuntu Kernel Support [11:22] I guess I need to type some command? [11:22] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack#Kernel.2BAC8-Support.A14.04.x_Ubuntu_Kernel_Support [11:23] ToAruShiroiNeko: yes, read that page [11:23] OerHeks it appears correct [11:23] Ben64, is this OK? "tmpfs /tmp tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev 0 0" [11:24] MaxFrames: you cant remember adding ppa's? [11:24] I don't remember. this machine has been inoperative for quite a while [11:25] I'm not even familiar with ubuntu anymore [11:25] BlaXpirit: i have tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime,mode=1777 0 0 [11:25] MaxFrames: check your sources.list [11:25] !sources | MaxFrames [11:25] MaxFrames: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories. [11:26] thanks [11:26] lotuspsychje: cheers [11:26] OerHeks: also thanks [11:27] yossarianuk, have fun! [11:27] path to sources.list...... [11:28] ok found it [11:29] it seems stock [11:29] meanwhile the upgrade is rolling [11:29] no more errors after those ones [11:30] I may end up without unity, python and software center. [11:30] in which case, I'll be damned if I know what to do. [11:30] MaxFrames: there always a liveusb to rescue stuff [11:31] but is there something I can do _now_ to fix things on a terminal? [11:31] it has halted again [11:32] this time on the unity-2dspread package [11:32] MaxFrames: halted? or is it just computing === YankDownUnder is now known as YDU_away [11:32] halted waiting input [11:32] sources here http://pastebin.com/Vc7pNm3X [11:33] these packages it cannot install are all dependent on unity [11:33] MaxFrames: what is the error? [11:33] k1l: I've pasted it before [11:34] "unable to install *some package* - the upgrade will continue, but *some package* may not be in a functional state. report this event as a bug" - "dependency problems - leaving unconfigured" [11:34] MaxFrames: now check everything in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ [11:34] MaxFrames: well. let the upgrade run [11:36] Ben64: this is ubuntu-defaults.list [11:36] # deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-defaults-it-team/ubuntu-defaults-it/ubuntu trusty main # disabilitato durante l'avanzamento a trusty [11:36] that's all. [11:36] Ben64: this is ubuntu-defaults.list.distUpgrade [11:36] deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-defaults-it-team/ubuntu-defaults-it/ubuntu precise main [11:36] (the end) [11:37] should I uncomment the source in the first file? [11:37] MaxFrames: what is the upgrade doining right now? [11:38] waiting for me to click on "close" on the nth error message, this time about the "rythmbox" package [11:38] it's a calvary [11:38] just go through them. we can reinstall packages afterwards [11:39] shouldn't ubuntu-defaults.list.distUpgrade point to some trusty repo? [11:39] it points to precise........ [11:39] MaxFrames: no [11:39] the .distupgrade ending shows it got disabled on the upgrade [11:39] what about ubuntu-defaults.list [11:39] the only line in it is commented [11:40] so that means that ppa is not enabled now. [11:40] and should it be enabled? [11:40] no [11:40] so my sources are all correct? [11:40] let the upgrade run as far as possible. then we can look what is the issue on the system [11:41] I hope it doesn't halt every 10 seconds..... [11:42] nightmarish upgrade experience..... lubuntu went quite well in comparison [11:42] !!!!! gedit [11:42] Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs, ed - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code [11:42] gedit also problem [11:42] MaxFrames: what problem? [11:43] same one [11:43] always same message [11:43] MaxFrames: details matter [11:43] identical. verbatim. to what I pasted before. [11:43] only the package name changes. [11:43] that befre wasnt specific enough to get any clue out of it [11:43] even "ubuntu-desktop"! [11:43] *before [11:43] so let it run. we try to fix things later on [11:43] k1l: I am sorry, but it's the whole complete error text. [11:44] there is no "details" or "more" or whatever [11:45] I asked if there was some log I could retrieve with more informations, but no one answered === seek is now known as Seek [11:45] all I have is a GUI, and the GUI reports that exact error. over and over. with only the package name changing. [11:45] MaxFrames: that doesnt help us right now. let the upgrade run [11:45] it will be painful. it stops every 10 seconds [11:48] I hope it doesn't always go like this... [11:48] with upgrades I mean [11:48] no [11:49] I just booted the system after a long time, and I got a request about 14.04 being available and if I wanted to install it [11:49] it's not like I did anything weird.... [11:50] as said before, the upgrades get automated testings. and in here we are used to users who "had done nothing" but the system is a mess. [11:50] well now it asks for reboot... let's see what happens [11:50] no [11:50] wait [11:50] please open a terminal and run "lsb_release- d" and show the output here [11:51] I am afraid I can't anymore... already clicked on reboot :( [11:52] I more or less have a desktop [11:53] and a few errors "system problem detected" and "software updates has to be closed" [11:53] and it's asking now if I want to upgrade to 16.04.01 (!) [11:53] stop [11:53] k1l> please open a terminal and run "lsb_release- d" and show the output here [11:54] command not found [11:54] maybe my typo [11:54] sorry, typo "lsb_release -d" [11:54] yep [11:54] Ubuntu 14.04.05 lts [11:55] ok. first run a "sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade" [11:56] hi [11:56] ok two unneeded packages [11:56] sudo apt-get autoremove [11:57] no other errors [11:57] MaxFrames: ok. first we make sure we have some common packages [11:57] Is Nagios still the leading monitoring tool or there are now better alternative to it? [11:57] it seems all working now. strange [11:57] MaxFrames: "sudo apt install linux-generic ubuntu-desktop " [11:58] I mean I have a unity desktop for example [11:58] yo my friend is having a really hard time with his ubuntu install he keeps black screening and i would how to fix it [11:59] Seek: did he try nomodeset? [11:59] k1l: says already installed [11:59] how [11:59] yeah [11:59] and now linux-generic is marked for manual install, whatever that means [11:59] he dont have it installed yey [11:59] yet [11:59] MaxFrames: ok. i would recommend to run the cli upgrade to 16.04 now "sudo do-release-upgrade" (and not close that terminal!) [12:00] do you have skype i can get you in a call with him and shit [12:00] right now I only seem to have a single problem. a "system error" pops up every now and then and it seems related to cupsd [12:00] Seek: we do support only in this channel. best is you get your friend in here. [12:01] ubuntu 14.04 has had an internal error. path /usr/sbin/cupsd [12:01] anyway... I'm doint the release upgrade in terminal [12:01] will go to eat something in the meantime [12:01] thanks cya in a while [12:02] do you know how hw can on windows? [12:03] i love lena [12:03] Seek: he can from the live ubuntu system. [12:03] :) [12:03] Seek: if that isnt loading you were asked several times to use nomodeset as kernel option. [12:03] Seek: but that is not for when its working and suddenly getting black. [12:05] yeah its on a part of the install he does then he got passed it then it fucked up again [12:06] Seek: please don't swear [12:06] ight my bad [12:07] Seek: so he has a fully wokring desktop in the live system? === EriC^^ is now known as opensource === opensource is now known as EriC^^ [12:08] yeah [12:08] its fine there [12:09] and then he starts the installation program on that live system and then happens what? [12:11] nah it is the update part it gos black on him [12:11] How can I list the versions a package has available and how can I install a specific one? [12:11] Seek: update? [12:11] Seek: your informations are too vague. i dont know what you are doing or what is failing [12:11] yeah the update part of the install [12:11] woo, ordered my wireless adapter [12:12] reactormonk: apt-cache policy package [12:12] reactormonk: and you can add the exact versionnumber on "apt install package:versionnumber [12:14] reactormonk, install synaptic, more detailed softwarecenter [12:15] OerHeks, kinda hard without an X :D [12:15] oh, that would be cruel [12:23] hi, I just bought a new graphic-card. I was wondering how should I remove earlier graphic-card driver from use, before installing the new one. [12:23] Shadowbird123: which was the old card and which is the new one? [12:24] K1l: I had amd radeon 6970 and the new one is nvidia gtx 960 [12:25] Shadowbird123: what is the output of "lsb_release -d"? [12:25] Description: Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS [12:26] hi all, posted on askubuntu about this but not got a reply: upgraded from 14.4 to 16.4, I get the drums on boot, but when I log in (gnome fallback compiz, rather than unity), I only see my usb headphones. Built in soundcard doesn't show in the list of sound sources. Scratching my head, any suggestions? [12:26] Shadowbird123: you should be able to just switch the cards. [12:27] ok, nice [12:27] whats up [12:27] Shadowbird123: if the system is only giving a black screen on the boot, then you could need setting "nomodeset" on boot. then install the nvidia driver from the ubuntu repo [12:28] how do you pm? [12:29] !pm | Seek [12:29] Seek: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. [12:29] thank you [12:32] Hi all! [12:32] Seek: if the install has problems installing updates, then install without, and update the system later - _then_ figure out any problems that moght show up. [12:32] you can skip the update? [12:33] Seek: yes, it's a checkbox in the installer - simply don't check it. [12:33] I did use sudo dd if=ubuntu-12.04.5-desktop-i386.iso of=/dev/sdc1 conv=fsync to install Ubuntu 12.04 to a usb-drive, but the filesystem got corrupt, did I miss something important in my dd command? [12:35] any thoughts? [12:36] zteam: /dev/sdc, not sdc1 [12:36] zteam: yes. dont dd to sdc1 but to sdc [12:36] hi, i am trying to change my mac address on wifi with mac-changer but when i try to connect to wifi network it resets to the permanent mac, how can i make it persist? [12:37] sruli: what's the problem with using the same mac address? [12:38] ahh, okey, I thought I was supposed to use the device name since dd does clone the whole parttion but that means it don't ? :-) [12:38] ducasse: i need to get a particular ip from my dhcp, i connect with different device each time [12:39] zteam: dd copies 1to1 bytewise. but the iso includes already a partition setup so it needs to be copied onto the bare metal and not into another partition [12:39] ducasse: the point is how can i use macchanger if it doesn’t persist when trying to connect to network [12:40] k1l, okey, then I get it, thanks :-) [12:41] tes [12:41] hello, can you hear me? [12:41] !tests | ohai_ [12:41] !test | ohai_ [12:41] ohai_: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... [12:42] looks like it works! trying to get into irc community, what irc clients do you use? [12:43] sruli: the last time you asked this, is was to get around restrictions on a free wifi... [12:44] multi devices using same mac and want to share the same lease??? [12:46] ohai_, tons of irc clients, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat [12:47] ducasse: i dont remember, must have been a very long time ago, [12:47] OerHeks: i dont connect them at teh same time [12:49] back === 17SAAUYQS is now known as marcin_ [12:53] the upgrade to 16.04.01 is going well for now... no errors [12:59] whats the ubu version of paint? ^^ [12:59] !info pinta [12:59] pinta (source: pinta): Simple drawing/painting program. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6-2 (xenial), package size 674 kB, installed size 2795 kB [13:01] when you are trying to help a friend fix his pc from black screening and he falls a sleep i swaer i would beat the shit out of him if i was there [13:02] Seek: i won't ask you again - stop swearing [13:03] Hi, is there a simple way to do : wget x.y.z > /dev/n [13:03] ull [13:03] -o [13:03] upgrade over... zero problems [13:03] thats the output flag [13:03] I wonder what was wrong with the upgrade to 14.04 [13:03] Hi sameer how are you [13:04] Hi Vibhu how are you === capri is now known as zz_capri [13:07] hello [13:13] anyone who knows how to get new laptops with uefi to boot on pxe? Trying to clone a bunch of new laptops at my school === zz_capri is now known as capri [13:14] embrik: not sure, but pxe booting is something you might get more help with in #ubuntu-server [13:14] wiki seems to be up2date https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UEFI/PXE-netboot-install [13:15] embrik, try this image https://sourceforge.net/projects/cyberorg-home/files/Li-f-e/ with instructions OerHeks posted ^^ [13:17] https://wiki.kubuntu.org/UEFI/SecureBoot-PXE-IPv6 [13:17] does anyone know if Arch Linux is good? [13:18] Seek: ask in ##linux or #archlinux [13:18] ight [13:18] Seek: it is if you have time to learn it. and spare time to maintain it [13:19] #archlinux [13:19] need help installing ubuntu 14 4 on my machine, Ubuntu installer is not detecting my partitions and I don't want to lose any data [13:20] if you don't have a backup of your data, it is not important. [13:20] hi, any news on ubuntu recover from sleep bug [13:20] guest2256: what is the output of "sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 9999" ? [13:21] k1l: just a sec [13:21] n1ghtmar3: there is not that one bug. most times its an issue with the hardware not beeing ready when the module is loaded [13:21] guest2256, what ubuntu are you trying to install, side-by-side? [13:22] k1l: i can't paste the output here, I'm installing on another machine [13:22] OerHeks: ubuntu 14 4 [13:22] buddy, it recovers fast but the menu bar remains transparent [13:22] it's annoying [13:23] i tried to dig deep in the code, but no luck [13:23] ubuntu's installer is not detecting my partitions on which i want to install ubuntu, I have set aside 20 GB of extra space but ubuntu's installer is not detecting the partitons [13:24] guest2256: we need the facts what setup there is. [13:24] k1l: I am unable to paste the output as the machine on which I'm trying to installubuntu doesm't have internet access [13:24] does the first part, sudo parted -l give a list? [13:24] OerHeks: yes [13:25] there is a list of sectors and numbers, oerk [13:25] OerHeks: ^ [13:26] OerHeks: but it is not showing the partition on which I want to install ubuntu [13:26] guest2256: can you make a screenshot with a smartphone or such? [13:27] guest2256: details matter here [13:27] k1l: i can do that, just a sec [13:27] details will help yes, does it mention GPT ? or is it an UEFI machine? [13:28] OerHeks: it says GPT: not present, and it is a UEFI machine [13:42] hey, i'm trying to follow this.. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/burn-a-dvd-on-ubuntu [13:42] but i don't see brasero in the software store [13:42] i'm on a live booted usb [13:44] hi [13:44] any idea why would "apt-get update" get stuck on 100% [1 InRelease gpgv 65.9 kB] ? [13:44] i tried several mirrors and i checked for weird proxy settings [13:45] echelon: its likely you don't have all the repos available on the livecd [13:45] you could enable them - then 'sudo apt-get update' [13:45] oh [13:45] which repo would i find brasero in [13:46] universe [13:46] thanks [13:46] http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial-updates/brasero [13:46] np === on247 is now known as Guest17106 [13:46] my screen is flickering when I reduce brightness. can you help me? [13:47] my driver is intel i915 [13:47] Anyone can help , see i cant login using ssh to my server but i can using remote KVM [13:47] hi all~ === Guest17106 is now known as on247 [13:48] how to fully remove unity desktop and use it as a server? === Nach0z_ is now known as Nach0z [13:48] or stop desktop [13:49] how to fully remove unity desktop and use it as a server or stop desktop? [13:49] join ubuntu-server [13:50] Can anyone suggest a solution for Ubuntu 16.04 ethernet problem ? ethernet does not connects to internet automatically disconnects [13:50] on247: I need it without reinstalling my mini PC [13:50] ok, for some reason it says there's only 325MB of free space on the blank dvd-r [13:50] sorry i meant "/join ubuntu-server" [13:50] should i just ignore it? [13:51] was just changing channel [13:51] I need it to stop or delete unity [13:52] vahe1: why ? [13:52] is there a way to reset the X idle timer? [13:52] from command line [13:53] if anything, temporarily disable idle based suspend [13:53] tachikomas: I bought a miniPC and want to use as the server and reinstall the OS very difficult as there emmc === magic is now known as Guest64841 [13:54] just tell me how to remove that would not be desktop or stop :) [13:55] how is china sever ? [13:56] Guest64841: yes china server [13:56] vahe1: remove ubuntu-desktop and all the xorg stuff, i guess. [13:56] PCG02U [13:57] vahe1: ? [13:57] unity 8 air? [13:57] dont know :( [13:57] apt-get remove unity? [13:58] hi, is there somewhere i can check ubuntu's default packages [13:58] or change chmod 644 [13:58] sudo [13:58] vahe1: i said 'ubuntu-desktop', that is the metapackage for unity. [13:58] my install failed to finish during grub install, and I've noticed that I not longer get the annoying update dialog at boot, even when disabled/re-enabled [13:59] sorry [14:00] ducasse: what do you suggest? [14:00] remove [14:00] vahe1: 'sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop' [14:01] maybe remove unity [14:03] sudo apt-get -y –auto-remove purge unity [14:03] sudo apt-get -y –auto-remove purge unity-commonp [14:03] sudo apt-get -y –auto-remove purge unity-lens* [14:03] sudo apt-get -y –auto-remove purge unity-services [14:03] sudo apt-get -y –auto-remove purge unity-asset-pool [14:04] !flood | Guest64841 [14:04] Guest64841: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [14:05] oerk [14:05] OerHeks: [14:05] found http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/allpackages [14:05] Thanks - the wiki-article helped me a lot [14:06] hey guys I’m struggling with getting a default route established. I’ve created a bonded nic with vlan overtop [14:06] despite the fact that I only have a gateway defined on the vlan [14:07] when I pull up the routes there’s not defaut defined [14:08] hey guys , I installed ubuntu on machine which windows was on it , now grub takes boot manager? in grub I have dual boot both ubuntu and windows right now ,? the Strange thing is that how did it happen? [14:08] thanks ducasse Guest64841 [14:09] Hello Guys , i have some probles updating from ubuntu 14.04 to ubuntu 16.04 ( both are LTS ), mysql-server is broken ... it gives me an error 11 with mysql-upgrade, can someone guide me into fixing it please? [14:12] even more strangely.. If I reboot the default route does not exist [14:12] But if I /etc/init.d/networking restart after reboot [14:12] it shows up [14:12] Barzogh: did you read this? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes/#MySQL_5.7 [14:13] pabed: what do you feel is wrong, and what would you have expected to happen? [14:14] pabed: not strange at all, windows boot manager can't boot linux, but grub can boot both. hence you use grub to boot. [14:15] hello [14:15] I am trying to follow http://gotechnies.com/install-magento2-ubuntu-lts-16-04-nginx-varnish-php7-mysql-server-lemp/ [14:15] ah wait [14:15] maybe I should try this [14:16] its telling me to pick a package [14:17] the HFS drive connected to Ubuntu if i use sudo, but cant otherwise. do i need to sudo chown -R the whole mount point or something? i mounted it with sudo mount -t hfsplus -o force,rw /dev/sdXY /media/mntpoint [14:17] http://pastebin.com/qC6BR1n7 [14:17] what exactly is this? [14:17] mcphail: Windows has a tendency to write its standard MBR boot loader when it’s installed and after installed ubuntu I expected to reinstall windows but it did not want to do [14:18] Hi guys, [14:19] mcphail: are you using UEFI ? [14:19] Also have you all seen this, win 10 anniversary edition wipes linux installs... -> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/08/windows-10-anniversary-update-delete-partition [14:20] ToAruShiroiNeko: looks like you are using some ppa? anyway, the message is pretty explicit in what it wants you to do - select _one_ of the packages it suggests for each virtual package. === evilnewbie is now known as beaver [14:20] I was installing kubuntu-desktop over unity when power failure happened. Now it shows that i have UNMET DEPENDENCIES [14:20] nothing installs now [14:21] hello === jorge_ is now known as Guest99761 [14:21] i have tried apt-get update & other options as in askubuntu, cant figure out whats wrong [14:22] helloi [14:22] knitt: 'sudo apt-get install -f' [14:22] knitt: run "sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade" and put all the output into paste.ubuntu.com [14:22] yes, that as well. Not working, its shows failure [14:23] HEllo i have pulse audio daemon but whenever i type a pacmd command i get No PulseAudio daemon running, or not running as session daemon. [14:23] ducasse: grub in either the MBR or the boot sector of a boot partition. Thus, it can either keep a Windows-style primary boot loader and direct the system to boot a kernel from a boot sector installation then first I have to face mbr boot loader , and boot loader gives boot mangment to grub [14:23] knitt: show the output. details matter [14:24] yep i read it ducasse i got the fixed version 5.7.13-0ubuntu0.16.04.2 but it won't work [14:25] !info php7.0-xsl | ToAruShiroiNeko [14:25] ToAruShiroiNeko: php7.0-xsl (source: php7.0): XSL module for PHP (dummy). In component universe, is optional. Version 7.0.8-0ubuntu0.16.04.2 (xenial), package size 0 kB, installed size 6 kB [14:25] !info php7.0-xml | ToAruShiroiNeko [14:25] ToAruShiroiNeko: php7.0-xml (source: php7.0): DOM, SimpleXML, WDDX, XML, and XSL module for PHP. In component main, is optional. Version 7.0.8-0ubuntu0.16.04.2 (xenial), package size 116 kB, installed size 437 kB [14:25] k1l_ : http://paste.ubuntu.com/22032972/ [14:25] this error pops every time [14:26] knitt: that is totally different from "i installed kde and got a depency error" [14:26] oh so I just define the version like that [14:26] thanks [14:26] I was a bit confused [14:26] pabed: i still don't understand what you think the problem is. [14:26] k1l_ : I installed kde, some packages are showing. [14:26] hi [14:26] knitt: what you showed is "i want to remove unity" [14:26] ToAruShiroiNeko, the first 2 pkgs are provided by php7.0-xml and the third is php7.0-xsl not php-xsl [14:27] k1l_ : In fact my desktop is broken in lightdm [14:27] knitt: run "sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade" and put all the output into paste.ubuntu.com [14:27] k1l_ : nothing opens. When i do STARTX then a broken lightdm opens [14:28] knitt: thing is kde doesnt use lightdm. and startx doesnt work at all on ubuntu standard setup. so we can try things that dont help at all or start debugging [14:29] k1l_ : yeah, my unity to fde migration failed & i cant revert back [14:29] *kde [14:31] k1l_ : Only command line is working :( [14:32] ducasse: my problem is that how grub takes boot managments ,if it installs in MBR that we lose windows boot loader , if it installs in boot sector of a boot partition that MBR loaded how find the windows boot partition? [14:34] ioria still a bit confused. so instead of apt-get php-dom I do apt-get php7.0-dom ? [14:34] is that the difference? [14:34] ToAruShiroiNeko, no [14:34] Anyone can help me sort out my ssh issue [14:34] ToAruShiroiNeko, the first 2 pkgs are provided by php7.0-xml [14:34] password works on console directly on server(KVM remote) [14:34] pabed: are you saying grub doesn't start windows? [14:35] it doesent work on ssh [14:35] I enable passworded login [14:35] ToAruShiroiNeko, php-dom and php-simplexml are both provided by php7.0-xml [14:35] ducasse: it starts but I want to know how ? [14:37] pabed: no idea, i don't use windows. try #grub. [14:39] pabed: i'm guessing it chainloads the necessary boot code for windows, read the grub config to see what it does. [14:40] ducasse: ok thanks === Celtor is now known as vitimiti [14:42] Hello. === sebbu3 is now known as sebbu [14:44] I'm having Lubuntu crash constantly since a few days ago. It's either a freeze (mouse doesn't move, keyboard doesn't do anything, REISUB and other commands don't work), kernel panic (not syncing: Attempted to kill the idle task!), or the screen just going black altogether until I restart the PC via the power button. I have tried reinstalling the OS, switching the hard drive for another and installing it there, but no dice. What can I do> [14:44] ? [14:45] ricebean, remove light-locker [14:45] ricebean, run a memtest86 run, from live iso [14:46] ioria, I'll try that. [14:46] ricebean, 16.04, right ? [14:46] 14.04 LTS [14:46] so i'm STILL trying to get remote desktop working into a 16.4 VM using the "unity" desktop environment. [14:46] ricebean, no, [14:47] how can this not be possible? [14:47] ricebean, don't remove it [14:47] ioria: ??? [14:47] Why? [14:47] horse: i told you vnc won't work, and why. [14:47] ricebean, light-locker it'a a little buggy on 16.04 not 14.04 [14:47] ducasse: : it just seems bizzare to me [14:47] ricebean, uname -r [14:48] OK. What can I do then? This is my work PC, and I have to make it work, else I don't have any money. [14:48] ricebean, uname -r [14:48] 4.2.0-27-generic [14:48] ricebean, seems more like bad ram, run a memtest86, from live iso [14:48] horse: yes, but there you are. use something besides unity, or find a solution that supports it. [14:48] And they happen when I'm doing Internet activities. [14:49] Internet is required for my work btw. [14:49] ricebean, and you need a full upgrade i think [14:49] hello [14:49] I don't think that would work, ioria. [14:49] i have a question [14:50] I mean the full upgrade. [14:50] horse: did you try the chrome remote desktop thing? maybe that works? i really don't know, though. [14:50] ducasse: this seems like a very odd decision (not to supprt RDP using the default desktop env) which this distro's maintainers have made [14:50] ricebean, you can say 'n' and the end ... just run apt update and apt full-upgrade [14:51] given that ubuntu is supposed to be a desktop friendly/user friendly distro [14:51] I'll try switching the RAM from my other PC. [14:51] i am needing to run Office 365 on Peppermint 7 [14:51] can it be done [14:51] horse, it is your responsability to set it up right, like firewall perhaps? [14:51] horse: afaik, there are no rdp servers for linux, and vnc does not support 3d accel. [14:52] marsh: ask the peppermint guys for help. this is ubuntu help [14:52] OerHeks - the difference is the firewall actually works [14:52] kil_:do you know the server [14:53] marsh: look at their website what support they offer [14:54] horse: you've been told what the problem is, and how you can solve it. === jstein_ is now known as jstein [14:55] ducasse: i'm just surprised that these design decisions where made in the first place [14:56] who want's a desktop that's impossible to remote into? for the sake of what? some "3D" rice? [14:56] horse: if you want to discuss that, try #ubuntu-devel or #ubuntu-discuss. this is not the place. [14:56] seems weird to me [14:56] ok thanks [14:57] horse: they are working on the new unity8 which is using a total different technic in the underlaying system. so the state of the actual unity7 is more in "keep running" mode than to make heavy changes. [14:58] horse: so there are some things with compiz etc that are not going to be changed since its way too much effort. they change those things in the new unity running on mir. (which is already running on the tablets and smartphones) [14:58] hi [14:58] k1l_ interesting. thanks [14:59] i'll shut up about this now [14:59] can anyone help me, i want to install ubuntu on my intel atom windows tablet, it has a keyboard attached to it, but when i put the usb in it and try to boot to it [14:59] it just goes to windows ignoring the flash drive, my other pc will boot the flash drive just fine, and the bios has no eufi setting [14:59] horse: and back then, when that decission was made, there was no interest in remote using a 3d desktop since internet was slow and most pcs were slow. === apb1963_ is now known as apb1963 [15:00] k1l_: but surely people must have wanted to log in minus the 3D stuff, what ever that actually is [15:00] alex___: those tablets need some special handling to install ubuntu on it. so best is to look out if someone managed to get that working already and if he made a exact howto [15:01] i did i couldnt find anything [15:01] horse: back then there was a 2d version, which is discontinued since gnome-base uses llvmpipe now since cpus are powerfull enough to make those 3d calculations in the cpu when the gpu is not for 3d [15:03] so theres no way to install it, i mean it has windows 10 on it but the bios has no eufi settings just a eufi shell, that says no mapping on any command i do [15:03] its like the smallest bios i ever seen only like 3 tabs and 4 configurable options [15:03] alex___: i didnt say that. but most times they need some awkward 32bit uefi support and maybe other special treatment. [15:04] alex___: you can look at what other tablets needed as handling. and if that works for you too [15:04] alex___, 32 bit? [15:04] its a 64 bit processor, but 32 bit windows [15:04] its a intel atom Z something [15:05] A window has gone postal. I can't get to it. Any way to get a window that I can't get to [15:05] Hi does anyone know what is Client Display Library is ? [15:05] ./configure is looking for cdl and cdl_open libraries. [15:06] alex___: It may be worth asking in #ubuntu-touch thats the main channel for tablet versions of Ubuntu, I'm guessing you want to install a full version of Ubuntu rather than the touch version, but people there may have some experience with your tablet [15:08] ok === Poof|| is now known as NoobsFlyNVFR [15:14] hi [15:15] does anybody know how to download the 32 bit version of ubuntu [15:15] I accidentally installed ubuntu kyle because i couldnt find another one [15:16] pls [15:16] help [15:16] howtodownload32b: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads You should be able to pick the iso from one of the torrents or mirror sites [15:16] hello [15:16] I checked that [15:17] But I don't want to download bit torrent [15:17] and I don't exactly know how to download a mirror image [15:18] howtodownload32b: Have a look at http://mirror.pnl.gov/releases/16.04.1/ [15:18] oh thanks! [15:18] thanks alot [15:18] howtodownload32b: 32 bit iso is at http://mirror.pnl.gov/releases/16.04.1/ubuntu-16.04.1-desktop-i386.iso [15:18] Back. The piece of RAM from the other PC didn't fit, and memtest86 shown 0 passed and loads of errors. It actually crashed in the process - the first time displaying Unexpected interrupt - halting, and the second time just staying at the same position. [15:19] Is it really bad RAM? [15:19] I just came back to linux after 4 months because of the infinite automatic repair thing [15:19] 4 gigabytes but i have a really old intel core duo 2 [15:19] http://i.imgur.com/ZDRiGEC.png [15:19] 7 year old laptop [15:19] ricebean: looks that way if memtest fails [15:20] well now i need to download and mount the iso again... [15:20] It didn't even complete the test before crashing. [15:20] thanks anyway! [15:20] bye [15:21] ricebean: then i would think either the ram is bad or you have another serious hardware problem. [15:21] ricebean, check each memory strip one-by-one to be sure [15:22] * with memtest86 [15:22] And how would I do that? [15:22] that would be the logical step when you find one error, but no clue what ram position [15:23] how? pull the powerplug, hold power button 10 seconds, open case, remove ram [15:24] I only have one stick of RAM, if that's what you're asking. === aaron is now known as Guest69044 [15:24] Was trying to install some software on Ubuntu 16.04 64bit... and the software said it needs: ia32-libs-gtk [15:24] I want to ask for a simple feature in ubuntu, that I need it has to have, where should I ask for it? [15:24] but I'm not finding that to install on 16.04 [15:24] ricebean, then you know what to do, replace it. [15:24] Can you do the same thing with RAM - reallocate the bad sectors - as you can do on an HDD? [15:25] if it's ECC ram, but it won't be in a laptop (generally) [15:25] It's a nettop, an Asus EEEBox EB-1007. === Guest69044 is now known as ahoneybun [15:25] can ia32-libs-gtk be install on 16.04 64bit? [15:25] ricebean: no, it wont' be only really in servers [15:26] smiler [15:26] never heard of reallocating bad ram 'sectors' [15:26] must be a marketing thing :-D [15:26] atralheaven_: what feature? [15:26] OerHeks: yea, semantics :) [15:27] hot plugable too ? [15:27] ducasse: being able to set a default language for login screen, so I won't type my password in wrong language anymore [15:27] Hi, I got a fresh install of Ubuntu Desktop 14.04.5 LTS (4.2.0-27-generic #32~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 22 15:32:26 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux) when running 'sudo apt-get build-dep qt5-default' I get an unmet dependency error. Does anyone know why could this be and how to solve it? I didn't find any useful information online === precise|6-0 is now known as precise [15:28] atralheaven_: that should follow the locale settings of the system, i would imagine. [15:28] mike_ser1: pastebin the error (assuming qt5 build dependencies can be got in 14.04) [15:29] I have done this before without problems on another machine. Actually did this yesterday on a Ubuntu Server fresh installation [15:29] seems to be from a quick checl [15:29] ok, so 1st thing did you do an apt-get update [15:29] before getting buildeps [15:30] @joelio: http://pastebin.com/cBSgjxZv [15:30] atralheaven_: try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration' [15:31] @joelio: I did an apt-get update and even upgrade when I got the error, but didn't help [15:31] ducasse: it doesn't have this option, I mean for login screen, the password input place, being able to set english, or another language as default. so even when my screen is locked when I was on the other language, it would be on english on login screen. its not a problem, its a feature im asking the developers to put in ubuntu [15:32] mike_ser1: do an apt-cache policy libopenvg1-mesa - and pastebin that too === precise is now known as onions === onions is now known as precise [15:34] joelio: apt-cache policy libopenvg1-mesa -> http://pastebin.com/jywE3iBz [15:35] atralheaven_: the lock screen will use the default system keyboard layout by default, but if you have switched to another layout it will of course use that. you can file a report on launchpad, but... [15:38] ducasse: imagine I locked my screen when I was typing in fr, now if I enter my password, it wont be in en, it would be in fr, and thats annoying. so if there was an option to set the default language for lock screen, that wouldn't happen. do you know what I mean? [15:38] when you type in french, why would that bug you ? [15:39] hmm, my tablet has a ufi partition with microsoft folder in it, i was able to do some tricks to mount it in windows, maybe thats why it wont boot to any usb. and also my bios has no uefi settings, so thats not changable, im using a intel atom tablet trying to get ubuntu on it, but like i said it always goes to windows anythime i use a bootable usb. [15:39] atralheaven_: yes, sort of, i just don't think it makes any sense. i would expect it to use whatever layout i had specified. there is also a menu for selecting layout if i'm not mistaken. [15:40] mike_ser1: *looks* ok - let me try it on a VM [15:40] joelio: I installed it and it had to also get many xserver packages, I wonder if the installation was incomplete [15:41] possibly, should work ok that afaict [15:42] привет [15:42] !ru | ubuntu-mate [15:42] ubuntu-mate: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. [15:42] joelio: thanks for your help. actually this is a step on a script that I have run before on a number of fresh installation. It must be have been an issue with this particular machine [15:43] ok, np [15:46] ducasse: now, when I want to enter the password in lock screen, the input language is whatever it was before locking, ok? what I want, it to be able to set the default input language for lock screen password input, so I wont type my password in wrong language, that happens alot for users who use more that one language [15:48] i think you hit bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/1286910 [15:48] Launchpad bug 1286910 in unity (Ubuntu) "Lock screen uses last active window's language instead of default keyboard language" [Medium,Confirmed] [15:50] in ubuntu by default does ti use alsa or pulse? [15:54] hello, if 16.04.01 is released then when Ubuntu will start pushing upgrade [15:55] summer is already gone by 2 halfs [15:55] ronaldsmazitis: It should be now, I think the updates were released at the end of last week [15:55] killall: both, pulse sits on top of alsa. [15:55] ubottu: thanks! [15:55] You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) [16:10] hello all, can any1 share a howto on LDAP SAMBA integration? [16:22] greet === JanC is now known as Guest94529 === JanC_ is now known as JanC [16:36] hello [16:37] what are your favorite aesthetic themes? [16:38] How do I generate the xorg.conf file for this? http://askubuntu.com/questions/418398/tear-free-disabled-in-intel-graphics-tearing-in-xubuntu [16:38] Or do I just add that one bit of text in an empty xorg.conf file? [16:38] guzzlefry: you don't generate it, you simply write it. [16:39] There has to be a way to generate it... [16:39] Or just enable that one option somehow. :P === nuclearbob is now known as nuclearbob_afk [16:40] guzzlefry: just add an xorg.conf snippet with the options you want, like the answer suggests. [16:40] okay, I'll try that. Thanks. [16:41] guzzlefry: sna should be on by default now, but you might also want to enable dri3 if your gpu supports it. [16:42] hi! I am wondering if there is a fix for the combination headphones and microphones, in order to get the microphone working? [16:42] bought it hat fivebelow [16:42] s/hat/at [16:46] hey guys, what's the best IRC app for ubuntu?? [16:47] asd_: Best is what suits you, most recommended seem to be hexchat with a gui interface (similar to MIRC etc) or from a command line - irssi [16:48] Hexchat has been good so far - GUI based [16:49] Is there a way to get Terminal to recognize Ctrl+V as paste command? [16:49] Hi all. Is sgfxi still the best/quickest way to get latest video drivers for nVidia cards on Ubuntu 14.04? [16:49] I'm gonna replace an old card with a new one [16:50] asd_: xchat used to be recommended, but thats no longer in active development and has pretty much been replaced by hexchat [16:52] skinux: ctrl+v is used by bash, so that would be a bad idea [16:52] Ahh okay [16:52] How about shift+ctrl+v? [16:53] isn't that default? [16:53] skinux: that's what is normally used by terminal emulators, or shift+insert for the selection buffer [16:53] thought it was using 'Insert' [16:53] Oh..didn't iknow [16:53] know* [16:53] shift-insert [16:55] DJones, Thanks. [16:59] \ [17:05] Hey guys, is it alright to ask linux general questions here? I got banned from #linux for asking something. [17:06] hgdhh, this is about ubuntu, you can try #ubuntu-offtopic [17:06] maybe it's an _ [17:07] It's kinda related to ubuntu. I wanted to install ubuntu on a pen and run it as a live-usb, using only RAM. The issue is I'm currently running SLAX, and have no idea how to do that. [17:08] * dax looks at hgdhh and hggdh and blinks [17:08] Hello. I'm looking for M.2 to PCIe x4 adapter that works with Ubuntu 16.04, and Windows 10. By work, I mean really work, so I want to be able to install and boot those systems from M.2 drive connected. Any advice? [17:08] dax: nope :-) [17:09] wtf [17:09] hgdhh: you can use unetbootin (for example) to create the pen-drive. [17:10] hgdhh: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-ubuntu ? [17:11] Yeah, that's where the more general question comes from, since I only had linux for a day I have no idea how to even install a program here. [17:13] hgdhh, tutorials -> http://www.pendrivelinux.com/ [17:13] hello [17:18] UNfortunatly I already tried the tutorials. They only have help for ubuntu, whcih i'm not running [17:18] hgdhh: Well... to create live-USB you just need to burn iso image to it. Nothing else. To install program - it depends on which linux. In Ubuntu either "Ubuntu Software" (GUI) or "apt" (apt-get, or aptitude - CLI tools) are for that. [17:18] hgdhh: Why are you asking in Ubuntu channel then? [17:19] Yeah ubuntu seems very documented. I'm on SLAX and there's no help or guides whatsoever. So I'm really lost here... I already tried the guides but they don't work in this distro. [17:20] hgdhh: Why did you choose slax? It's not really begginer-friendly. [17:21] what is [pdflush] for when i do ps ax [17:21] Because it's 100Mb. My HDD died yesterday and I had to install something. [17:21] what is [pdflush] ? [17:21] Hi all, having kind of an odd issue. Not sure where to look. Trying to use Google's "Hangouts Online" service, the other party can see me, but can't hear me even though the microphone is set correctly. The same microphone works just fine in Skype so I know its not a microphone issue. Any suggestions? (using Google Chrome to connect to it) [17:22] sometimes its running sometimes it not [17:22] orion7: http://www.makelinux.net/books/lkd2/ch15lev1sec4 [17:23] mike_papa, thanks [17:26] Couldn't hgdhh just dd his ubuntu .iso file to a new USB stick if he's having issues with 3rd party programs to do it? [17:27] 'lo all. anyone runnign their own mirror? i'm having issues on mine with the translation files for xenial, they are 404'ing... [17:27] or anyone know if Google offers IRC chat support? [17:28] katronix: officially, no. [17:28] bobb_: yeah I didn't think so [17:29] katronix: if you want to contact Google support, I think you can better just find a different service provider :) [17:30] katronix: #google exists, but its unofficial [17:30] I tried the LiveCD and am still upgrading my system. I hit around 4 release critical bugs thusfar. [17:30] E.g. fixing an instal-info problem with gcc-doc was the last issue. [17:30] Why do you release this? [17:31] It's crapware. [17:31] Pici: thanks! [17:32] I suppose everyone who upgraded who didn't have any issues doesn't actually *use* their systems. [17:32] Sure, if you are running just apache2 on a server, it will probably works. [17:32] work* [17:42] Ehoo [17:44] Can u tell me where can get about mail serve i have windows 08 serv ant centos for ruter but cant open lokali the mail with domain [17:44] what sound engine does Ubuntu 16.04 use? [17:47] I've got a system with LUKS and LVM where /dev/mapper shows that dm-0 uses the UUID instead of the e.g. sda5_crypt name. This causes a problem for initrd creation, but I know nothing about LVM setup -- this was just setup implicitly on a single-disk laptop. Anyone know I can influence the name used in /dev/mapper? [17:47] hello i have problem withy my ubuntu server [17:48] it's on rescue mode and i would want to mount raid drive but i have no idea how [17:49] Someone suggested that I disable linein, how would I do that in 16.04? [17:49] (using Plasma) === DrBrownBear is now known as Guest10167 [17:53] or would there be a better channel to ask in? [17:54] I could not login after changing my user name. i have followed this post http://askubuntu.com/questions/558669/renaming-user-name for changing user name. Now When I enter password, no error, system again ask for passwrod [17:54] Hi! I was trying to upgrade Ubuntu desktop from 14.04 to 16.04, but got "Could not calculate the upgrade. An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade ". [17:54] "grep Broken /var/log/dist-upgrade/apt.log" gives me about 670 rows. I don't understand what package is the source of the my problems, it looks like dependency hell. I need some kind of methodology how can I resolve this. [17:54] Appreciate any help. [17:58] etxzay: any ppas? [17:59] according to my system logs: systemd-logind: got pause for 13:76 Fatal server error, cannot open log file "home/xxxx/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.pid-3676.log" , Please consult the The X.org Foundation support, #011 at http://wiki.x.org, unable to run X server, gdm3: GdmDisplay: display lasted 0.56929 seconds [17:59] Please help me, I am not able to login in my system [18:01] hackingnerd: what happens? [18:01] ducasse: I was trying without third party ppas, it does not helps. And installation wizard turning them off anyway. [18:02] anyone know how to disable linein under kubuntu 16.04? [18:03] <_adb> hackingnerd: check that /home/xxxx/.local/share/xorg directory exists and that your user can write to it. also, it seems odd to me that the path cited in the error message does not begin with a leading / [18:05] _adb: yes i missed / when typing... [18:06] <_adb> ensure the user you're logging in as has permission to write to that directory. it might be sensible to chown -R xxxx /home/xxxx. if you created the home directory, for example, as the root user, and never chown'd it back, that can cause problems [18:07] how to install gvim on ubuntu [18:07] apt get install gvim doesnt work [18:07] apt-get install vim-gnome [18:07] _adb: /home/xxxx/.local directory is not exist at my system,,, Another thing I am using builtin encryption for my home folder [18:08] hola [18:08] geirha, but I am not using gnome interface [18:08] Codfection: there are multiple packages that provide graphical vim, vim-gnome is only one of them [18:09] <_adb> hackingnerd: i'm not sure if it'll help, and i don't know how encryption will change things, but i suggest trying to create the directory structure it's expecting. you can do that with a mkdir -p /home/xxxx/.local/share/xorg [18:12] Codfection: aptitude show gvim lists the packages that provide gvim, but I'm not sure how to get the same with the other apt front-ends [18:12] geirha: 'gvim' is a virtual package [18:12] geirha: provided by, e.g. 'vim-gnome' [18:12] nacc: yes [18:13] apt-cache rdepends maybe? [18:13] geirha: err, sorry, should have directed that at Codfection [18:13] EriC^^: iirc, virtual packages don't work so hot with rdepends [18:14] Codfection: here's the output from aptitude show gvim on a 16.04 install: http://sprunge.us/gfjG [18:19] http://askubuntu.com/questions/806709/microphone-and-google-hangouts can someone check this? does it have enough info for someone to help? a lot of times people tell me I don't include enough info, so wanting to double check [18:28] Hello. After unplugging headphones, I have no audio. (16.04, Nvidia card also in the computer) [18:31] explodes: to make sure its nothing simple, is speakers plugged into sound card? [18:31] Yea [18:31] They were working before, too [18:31] Selecting the correct output device in sound settings has no effect [18:33] explodes: is your nvidia card connected via hdmi? want to make sure its not sending the audio to that [18:34] It is HDMI but that is not the selected output device- I have no way to attach audio to that either to test it, unfortunately [18:36] explodes: might try restarting the sound engine, or restarting the computer (if all else fails) [18:37] i have a fresh installation of ubuntu-mate 16.04 it keeps on crashing, how do i start troubleshooting it? where do i look to start? [18:38] sruli: do you get an error box? [18:38] Do you have shell access, or can you access /var/log/syslog? [18:38] sruli start by analysing the error messages [18:38] katronix: there is but the user closed it, will have to wait for next crash === arekay is now known as arekay1243981203 [18:39] sruli: then you might want to look at syslog like explodes suggested [18:40] hi [18:40] i from Crimea [18:40] will wait for next crash to get a start and follow that to syslog, thanks [18:41] ? [18:41] vladimir_, he is not talking to you [18:41] 1944 people in here [18:41] vladimir_ great, simply ask your ubuntu question an wait [18:43] anyone able to suggest how I can disable linein via alsa? === arekay1243981203 is now known as aReKay29 [18:46] katronix try and ask in #ubuntustudio [18:46] MonkeyDust: thanks [18:51] I tried using the following command: "sudo apt-get install wkhtmltopdf" and it tells me it's a the most recent version of [] -- then when i do "wkhtmltopdf -V" I get the version [wkhtmltopdf 0.9.6]. Can someone tell me how to correct this so I'm using the most recent version? [18:51] daveomcd: check your path [18:52] you probably have multiple installed [18:52] katronix, how to i check/correct my path? [18:52] I have some "ip route" rules and I don't know if those are persistent after a reboot, if not, how can I persist that? [18:52] try type -a wkh.... [18:53] daveomcd: try http://www.linfo.org/path_env_var.html for more info [18:53] you might want to look at the which command also [18:54] ahhh ok thanks! [18:55] hay guys! [18:55] hi === mentat_ is now known as mentat__ [18:56] can you guys tell me how to get a ubuntu partnership for a competition [18:57] organized by university college [18:58] :/ [18:58] try http://partners.ubuntu.com/ [18:59] thanks [19:01] hey I'm trying to install archlinux from usb and I keep getting error msgs [19:01] can yall help? [19:01] this is #ubuntu JCM83. not #archlinux [19:01] /join #archlinux [19:01] they can be tough, just a heads up [19:01] [ 25.425245] xhci_hcd 0000:03:00.0: WARN: SuperSpeed Endpoint Companion descriptor for ep 0x83 does not support streams -- if i upgrade this might have a chance of working? [19:05] Ok now, somehow, there is a stream of audio being sent to the correct device from my music player, but there is no audible output [19:05] [22:04] == one00handed [~one00hand@c-68-53-162-217.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…] --- "gone to find my owner" would be a better qoute [19:07] explodes, do you have the right codec (decodec) ? [19:07] Hi so I tried installing ubuntu from a usb stick. I clicked erase disk and install. The installer then froze. So i rebooted. Now the entire boot sequence is messed up. I cant even enter bios settings. Anyone know what might have caused this? [19:08] ioria: It was working before, so I assume that I do [19:08] might be something corupt on you usb data [19:08] Ubuntu 16.04.1 must be the most buggy and generally horrible experience I've never had just booting a live dist. [19:09] yeah, updating didnt fix my issue.... any suggestions anyone? got a seagate usb3 hdd [19:09] explodes, check SystemSettings -> Sound [19:09] And that's: "ever had" [19:09] when i plug it into a usb3 port i get the error above, when connected to the usb2 port it work, but with "crappy usb2" speeds [19:10] running on 14, too afraid to upgrade to 16 [19:10] ioria: in pavucontrol, I see the correct device, and the volume meter is jumping, but there is no actual audio [19:10] xentity1x: your box may be UEFI...if so, there's a 50/50 chance you're bricked [19:10] * QuinnStorm glares at UEFI [19:11] quinnstorm, what does that mean [19:11] explodes, but sound is working (in general) or is a specific stream issue ? [19:11] hwk: I was just about to pull my guts together and upgrade myself, but after 10 minutes with that live dist, I'm not at all convinced that this will even run on my computer. [19:11] (basically UEFI requires certain files in a special partition on the disk, without them it depends on the machine if it'll boot) [19:11] ioria: sound works through the headphones [19:11] explodes, no speakers ? [19:11] xentity1x: live dist :D for now [19:11] you may be able to recover with uefi files on an external disk [19:11] sound does not work through the speakers [19:12] * QuinnStorm nods "many live dists come with uefi boot files" [19:12] hwk, im not sure i understand [19:12] xentity1x: QuinnStorm: There is *not* a 50% chance your hardware is bricked. [19:12] well, in the old world, bios was in rom or flash ram and all was good [19:12] Jordan_U: sorry, I was being figurative [19:12] xentity1x: What exactly happens when you try to boot? [19:12] * QuinnStorm steps back and lets Jordan_U handle this, apologizing [19:13] explodes, have you checked alsamixer ? [19:13] QuinnStorm: The boot firmware is still in flash on the motherboard with UEFI. [19:13] I get to a screen that says press del if you want to enter the bios. Whether I press it or not I get a black screen after. [19:13] I've initiated an upgrade from 14 to 16. I want to see if this really works. [19:14] ioria: yea, everything looks good [19:14] Hello, I was here a couple days ago, and I reported an issue with not being able to boot a Ubuntu live USB on a laptop (tried everything I could think of, including nomodeset). After ruling out every other possibility, I think the reason why it won't boot is because it has a openSUSE btrfs partition. Because I remember being able to boot Ubuntu 16.04 in this laptop before having the btrfs partition. [19:14] Jordan_U: but if its misconfigured and can't find a bootia32/64.efi it won't help [19:14] Should I report a bug or something? I can't find anything related with this online [19:14] I also have this stupid software asus express gate. it runs before the bios. It says the installation of that software is incomplete. [19:14] xentity1x: What model comouter (ideally what model motherboard if you know)? [19:14] Jordan_U: I've seen some that refuse to boot one on an external device [19:14] xentity1x: try pressing the button repeatetly and faster [19:15] asus m4a79t deluxe [19:15] jordan_u^ [19:15] ioria: i guess it is possible my speaker system died.. but i had a weird issue in previous versions of ubuntu where the speaker output wouldnt work after unplugging headphones. i would have to use pavucontrol to reselect the device manually. now that is no longer working (16.04) [19:15] of course this laptop is the exact opposite, it defaults to bios mode if it finds an mbr disk as its only disk [19:15] is my hard drive screwed? [19:15] Zta: drop a line when your done and share if its stable [19:16] im running it as vm [19:16] explodes, pavucontrol -> Configuration ? [19:16] hwk: Will do. [19:16] xentity1x: not forever, almost certainly, its just a matter of recovery [19:16] ioria: tried that, too [19:16] I let my personal feelings toward uefi get in the way earlier and spoke hyperbolically [19:16] quinnstorm, any idea how i can do that? I cant even load the bios. [19:16] explodes, when exactly stopped working ? [19:16] hwk: How do start the vm? [19:17] ioria: of all available output (not "unplugged") output devices, only the two headphones devices play actual audio [19:17] hwk: qemu? and what options? [19:17] xentity1x: work with Jordan_U , I think they are doing sensibly here [19:17] ioria: the speaker devices, although receiving audio streams as indicating by their jumping volume meters, play no actual audio through the speakers [19:17] i recently installed 16.04 on an asus laptop but i can't seem to insert text into a field using shift-insert like on other pc's - the asus manual is no help and it appears that it's not a common problem since i can't find an answer with a search engine [19:17] ahh im using vmware rightnow [19:17] oh [19:17] and the their toolkit is busted as well for 14.04 [19:17] explodes, ok... but when exactly stopped working ? [19:17] Jordan_U: asus m4a79t deluxe [19:18] the precompiled one doesnt work for shares/mounts [19:18] Ah, this seems to boot something: qemu-system-x86_64 downloads/ubuntu-16.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso [19:18] when trying to compile i get some kguid error [19:18] xentity1x: Is the Ubuntu LiveUSB still plugged in? Do you have a bootable DVD you can try using? [19:18] maybe i got a bad kernel version [19:19] jordan_u, i unplugged the usb. I dont have a dvd. [19:19] used to compile android stuff which worked no issues [19:19] ioria: my gf was playing a game with a headphone set with a microphone. when it was unplugged it got messed up, even through restarts [19:19] booting ubuntu 16.04.1 image like that crashes [19:19] ioria: im gonna try using a microphone i may have lying around, maybe that will trick the system or whatever [19:20] xentity1x: http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/275878-31-asus-m4a79xtd-bios-help says that you need to start pressing delete immediately after powering on the machine. [19:20] explodes, do you have a liveusb at hand ? [19:20] ioria: i just wiped it a few days ago :\ [19:20] ioria: what would you have me do? [19:20] ioria: boot and test? [19:20] explodes, just try it [19:21] explodes, yep [19:21] ioria: well that is curious. it isnt detecting a microphone [19:21] i wonder if this is all caused by a shitty mobo [19:22] explodes, laptop or desktop ? [19:22] desktop [19:22] Hello, I am having trouble connection to repos after upgrading to 16.04 [19:22] when i run sudo apt update it sticks on 0% [Working] for about 30 seconds [19:22] jordan_u, thanks but that doesnt solve the problem. I still get sent to the same black screen with a blinking cursor [19:22] and when i try to install anything in apt or synaptic it hangs in the same way [19:23] also, installed kodi and the repos time out [19:23] some sftp sites are slow to connect. once these things finally connect, the download speed is fine [19:23] i disabled ipv6 and added usedns no to my ssh config but this didn't fix the problem [19:23] hey folks; i'm loving ubuntu 16.04 ; but question; gnome-do has a feature to suspend my computer; which appears not to work, even though clicking the power button then hitting suspend works fine. any ideas on how i can quickly suspend the laptop via a gnome-do/spotlight/alfred type approach? thanks! === octacian_ is now known as octacian [19:26] explodes, do you have a Built-in Audio in Systesettin-g> Sound or in Pavucontrol ? [19:26] Anyone get Ubuntu working with an Intel® SSD DC P3700 ? Im having problems with it. Under ubuntu 16.04, the drives were detected and the OS installed, but it doesnt look like GRUB accepted the entry. Not sure of my next step. [19:27] Repeating question: Any M.2 to PCIe 4x adapters knowing to be 100% Ubuntu 16.04 compatible (install & boot included). [19:27] known* [19:28] xentity1x: OK, since your internal drive is already wiped, you could physically put the hard drive in another computer and put an Ubuntu live system on it. [19:28] I want Samsung 950 Pro ssd drive in my desktop. [19:28] ioria: yea "Digital Output (S/PDIF)" [19:28] explodes, no, Analog [19:28] when I build a desktop I want a Raid0 of SSD's :-P [19:28] ioria: oh, nope. [19:28] joradn_u, im not sure it is wiped. It seems like it was only partially wiped. I think that might be the problem. [19:29] xentity1x type jor, then hit tab to autocomplete [19:29] xentity1x: (Installing Ubuntu normally on the drive then moving it back won't work with UEFI for reasons I don't have time to explain at the moment) === ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube [19:30] explodes, do you have a dedicated sound card or is integrated on the mb ? [19:30] Does UEFI prove us anything good? Or is it just MS being assholes? [19:30] ioria: integrated [19:30] MonkeyDust, I cant even get to a terminal. [19:30] Zta: That's a question for #ubuntu-offtopic . [19:31] explodes, no sound if you play a youtube video ? [19:31] Jordan_U: A simple "the first" or "the latter" won't cut it? =) [19:32] ioria: headphones only [19:32] xentity1x: I need to go unfortunately. You might also try ##hardware, and maybe try just physically removing the hard drive entirely and see whst happens when you boot with no drives, or with just the LiveUSB. [19:33] explodes, speaker-test -D plug:surround51 -c 6 -l 1 -t wav [19:34] Playback open error: -16,Device or resource busy [19:35] when i select the speakers as output, the speaker-test plays through headphones [19:36] <_adb> does anyone have recommendations for allowing users to switch keyboard languages on the fly? i remember unity having something like this built in, but the current DE i'm working with is openbox [19:37] !ask | rajkane [19:37] rajkane: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [19:39] I give up D: [19:39] my screen is flickering when I reduce brightness [19:40] explodes, sudo alsa force-reload [19:42] http://pastebin.com/7YNGD8u4 [19:42] explodes, and ... ? no sound ? [19:42] not through speakers [19:43] jordanu_u: thanks! [19:43] when installing ubuntu - can I load a driver for the install? or does that have to be built into the install image .iso ? === yoni is now known as Guest11557 [19:46] !install | ubottu [19:46] ortsvorsteher: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate [19:49] explodes, try a liveusb (or read this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure) [19:51] hola [19:51] ioria: ok. thanks for your help, I appreciate it [19:51] explodes, good luck mate [19:51] #ARGENTINA === minux is now known as Guest7424 [19:52] #EARTH [19:53] hjkhgkjh [19:53] * eelstrebor is going to roll back to 14.04 - too many issues with 16.04 [19:56] mike_papa, thanks [19:57] oops [19:57] typo === sandeepkr is now known as X7R [19:58] hi [19:58] can anyone tell me in a multi nic box why the default route doesn’t get established on boot? [19:58] eelstrebor: I installed 16 and my grub write didnt even take, buh. [19:58] yet if I restart the networking with the exact config [19:58] the route get’s established [19:59] so far switching from freebsd -> ubuntu hasn’t been smooth at all === bildramer1 is now known as bildramer [20:00] hello [20:01] hello, can anybody hep me? [20:01] rmota_ start with a question [20:02] bigpic: Does only one NIC connect to a network with a DHCP server that's advertising a default gateway? [20:02] hey all [20:02] I can't do a cURL from my server to its public IP [20:02] I'm trynna boot from USB archlinux distro [20:02] hi guys, I borked my ubuntu a while back after upgrade and now I only get grub rescue> wile booting and an error saying file '/boot/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod' not found. If I do an 'ls' I see a bunch of filesystems, all of which say "unkown filesystem" if i ls it (ie. ls (hd0)) - except for (hd0,msdos1) but that looks empty if I ls it .. any hints? [20:02] the message is that it can't connect to server [20:03] JCM83 wrong channel, this is is ubuntu only [20:03] but when I do it from client machine it works perfecctly [20:03] I'm trynna boot from USB archlinux distro and I'm getting ""/dev/disk/by-label/ARCH_201608" device did not show up after 30 seconds.... [20:03] falling back to interactive prompt [20:03] and then I'm in ramfs$ [20:03] no one is a local interface the other is a public interface [20:03] any ideas what to do here? I'm wasting so much of my life on this. [20:03] I want to set the default route to the public interface [20:03] http://pastebin.com/e6zs2enb [20:03] JCM83 ask in a arch linux channel, not here [20:04] i’ve tried with and without the bonding and ucarp [20:04] no diff [20:04] the up script doesn’t do anything === ubuntu is now known as Guest2377 [20:04] yet if i do a sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart [20:04] i want to set my chat log files on a remote server and mount it so all log files are accessible from all my PC's, what would be the best file server to setup for this? ftp nfs, webdav, other? [20:04] I can 2 routes [20:05] I get* [20:05] MonkeyDust wait is archlinux not ubuntu [20:06] ? [20:06] son of a bitch what a waste of time [20:06] bigpic: What version of Ubuntu are you using? [20:06] 16.04 [20:07] bigpic: Then you should be using systemctl. Don't ever call init scripts directly or they can't be properly monitored by init. [20:08] that doesn’t explain why the routes are non existent on boot [20:11] bigpic: Please pastebin the output of "journalctl --boot". [20:11] Hello, I've just installed a 16.04 computer and have installed dnsmasq. Unfortunately DNSMasq seems to start before the computer's interfaces are up so it fails to start [20:11] can anyone tell me how to delay dnsmasq's start please? [20:11] bigpic: journalctl --boot | pastebinit [20:12] that’s a nifty option [20:12] http://paste.ubuntu.com/22074605/ [20:14] could this be it? [20:14] Aug 03 15:29:43 db2 kernel: IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): vlan100: link is not ready [20:16] bigpic: I wonder if "Aug 03 15:29:43 db2 sh[1935]: ifquery: recursion detected for interface bond0 in pre-up phase" is related === X7R is now known as sandeep [20:21] Hi can anyone help me with installing shout with ubuntu Snappy? === sandeep is now known as sandeepkr [20:22] I'm getting an error saying "unsupported protocol scheme" [20:22] hi [20:23] hi fuad, do you know anything about ubuntu snappy? [20:24] I still can't get gnome to come up on boot after my upgrade from 14.04 >16.04 gdm is loaded and running - http://paste.ubuntu.com/22074768 I'm at a loss as to what I should do now === kouki_ is now known as kouki [20:26] ChrisP_: Have you tried "systemctl restart gdm"? [20:27] I just did a fresh install of 16.04.1. Clean install. I have no sound. alsamixer and pavucontrol show the correct sound device selected and unmuted with volume at max... [20:27] I'm at a loss now. [20:28] ChrisP_: Also, does "sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade" confirm that packages have in fact been successfully upgraded? [20:29] I've got one dash now in the upper left corner of the monitor [20:29] nothing else [20:30] Does anyone have any idea as to why I have no sound? [20:30] yes the only issue is with sa-compile [20:30] wtf is sa-compile? [20:30] In all my googling for the last hour, that has not come up at all. [20:31] oh, nvm. not me. [20:31] my bad [20:31] ctrl-alt f1 takes me back to the console [20:32] part of spamassassin [20:34] hi, can any1 explain 2 me how 2 use pyvnc2swf (screen recorder) on linux mint? thnx [20:34] Anyone know what iOS Live Photos look like in Shotwell? [20:37] still no sound and speaker-test doesn't output anything. [20:41] when booting I press 'e' when the kernel I want to run is highlighted. On one of the lines that brings up there is an 'ro' at the end. I can't save it to paste to paste in but I can write it down and put in a file if it would help [20:41] so I guess nobody knows anything about why 16.04.1 doesn't have sound... [20:41] Good to know [20:42] if I could boot into gnome I'd check for q [20:42] Hello [20:43] ChrisP_: Have you tried "systemctl restart gdm"? [20:43] ChrisP_: Also, does "sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade" confirm that packages have in fact been successfully upgraded? [20:43] Jordan_U: if I move the gateway definition out of the vlan onto the bonded interface the route get’s established [20:43] =\ [20:43] kinda flaky [20:44] Hi. Anyone available to help with a Ubuntu/Firefox question? [20:44] hi, it would seem that "grub-mkrescue -o grub.iso" doesn't work. please text if on 16.04 [20:45] it doesn't create a file grub.iso [20:45] grub-mkrescue (GRUB) 2.02~beta2-36ubuntu3.1 [20:45] s/text/test [20:46] Firefox downloaded from Ubuntu Software has a menu bar (file/edit/view etc) integrated into the Ubuntu desktop. A Firefox build downloaded from Mozilla does not. What is the difference? How can I "fix" a Mozilla build? [20:49] yes the only issue is sa-compile [20:50] Any ideas? [20:54] Seburo: prob. an optional package of firefox unity or something, let me check for you [20:54] http://pastebin.com/5uN1J4n9 problems start happening on line 266 [20:54] skylakeMX: Thank you, appreciate any help you can provide. === YDU_away is now known as YankDownUnder === ntpttr- is now known as ntpttr [20:56] Seburo: could you navigate to about:config and search for 'unity' and report back what you found? [20:57] Seburo: because you should create if it's not there 'ui.use_unity_menubar' and set it to true [20:58] skylakemx: Six entries, but not that one... let me give that a try. [20:58] Seburo: could you also send a pastebin link with the ones you have? [20:59] skylakemx: How do you create an entry? [20:59] Seburo: Just use right-click on some space where no entries are; New -> Boolean, insert name and switch it to true [21:00] Seburo: Just a small note that i'm not using ubuntu myself :P so some things are hard to check myself like the existing entries [21:00] skylakeMX: no problem, fully understand [21:02] SkylakeMX: Just have to restart Fx, back shortly. [21:02] v [21:04] Top shows gdm3, gdm-session-wor, gdm-x-session and gnome-session-b running. Xorg also is running. [21:04] Hey, if I just "apt remove lubuntu" is that gonna mess up my unity? [21:06] oi [21:06] Seburo: u there? [21:06] Seburo: hey, did it work? [21:06] SkylakeMX: tried that entry, but no luck. [21:06] abrasil [21:07] Sebuto: could you post a pastebin with all your unity entries? [21:07] SkylakeMX: Will create a pastebin. [21:08] How can I use /var bind mounted from /home/operatingsystem/var such that systemd doesn't put me in an emergency shell? [21:08] On 16.04.1 [21:08] This did work on 14.04.4. [21:09] Another problem I have with the emergency shell is that it doesn't tell me *why* it puts me in an emergency shell. [21:10] SkylakeMX: http://pastebin.com/1TJeGVmg [21:10] Sebuto: did you delete the added one already? [21:11] Yes, happy to put back if required. [21:11] Sebuto: let me check for another solution first [21:11] Ok [21:12] Sebuto. funny nick [21:12] i got hilighted from it [21:12] :D [21:12] Seb* [21:12] My computer seems to be randomly shuting down after a while or its crashing. Not exactly sure. what logs should i be looking at? [21:12] Sebastian: Ouch, sorry about that. [21:13] no dont worry [21:13] :) [21:13] i find it funny [21:14] Sebuto: may I ask you why you exactly use the one from mozilla and not from the repos? [21:15] SkylakeMX: Recomended to me by some mozillians to help provide feedback to mozilla through using the nightly build. [21:16] sarek: /var/log/syslog give any hints ?? .. could be overheating . [21:16] Sebuto: But you could also provide feedback from the repository one? [21:17] Hmmm Bashing-om its a desktop that it sutting down when its idle and asleep [21:17] Lemme take a look [21:17] Is it time to upgrade 14.04 to 16.04 now? [21:17] salam 3likom [21:17] SkylakeMX: Fair point, now that telemetry has been fixed. Still interested to understand this difference though, if only to feedback to Mozilla. [21:18] How can I reboot from the moment the kernel loads instead of rebooting the whole machine? [21:18] knobo: the LTS upgrade is open now. but you have time till the end of 14.04 support time to do the upgrade [21:18] knobo: ubuntu upgrade is completely broken. [21:18] Sebuto: I've read on some forums that the repository one contains some patches that make the integration work smoothly, not to sure if that's done by an extra dependency or something [21:18] knobo: there are at least 5 bugs which I have hit already. [21:18] knobo: dont listen to borked [21:19] knobo: While one can release upgrade, why If 14.04 is stable and does all you want ?? [21:19] k1l_: why shouldn't he/she? [21:19] borked: upgrades get automated testings. so the question is: what did you change on your system [21:19] Sebuto: If you could, could you put the result of 'sudo apt-get install firefox' on paste bin so I know what packages will be installed, are optional and will get removed etc.? [21:19] SkylakeMX: Okay. Thank you for your time and your help. Appreciate it. [21:19] k1l_: then obviously the tests are not exhaustive... duh [21:19] Sebuto: u don't need to install, but if you do that output would help too [21:19] Bashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/22083430/ i dont see anything there that might indicate as to why its shutting down or crashing http://paste.ubuntu.com/22083430/ [21:20] I would like systemd to keep my services up. [21:20] k1l_: all the issues I am talking about have been acknowledged by 50+ users. [21:20] borked: and systemd is very picky about what is allowed and working with the fstab. upstart did boot a lot better. [21:20] sarek: I look, see if I see aught . [21:20] Sebuto: no problem, glad to help [21:20] k1l_: yes, like /var bind mounts. [21:20] k1l_: and an upgrade should take that into account, which it doesn't. [21:20] SkylakeMX: I have to go now, but thanks for the offer and your time. Bye. :-) [21:21] On 16.04, I want to script windows launching to certain positions on certain workspaces (running 8x8 workspaces) what would be the best way? [21:21] I like systemd so far. [21:21] Sebuto: no problem, cya [21:21] k1l_: so, no, it's not tested in any meaningful way. [21:21] thank you Bashing-om [21:21] borked: so you made customs mounts that dont work with systemd? and you blame ubuntu now? [21:21] k1l_: you must be getting paid to say these things. [21:21] I have not read the negative things about systemd. So I don't know what it would be. [21:22] k1l_: yes, it's Ubuntu, isn't it? [21:22] borked: i dont get paid, i just see your attitude which is way out of line [21:22] I have used systemd on archlinux since the transition. [21:22] k1l_: why should I not expect that to work? [21:22] here is syslog Bashing-om http://paste.ubuntu.com/22083773/ [21:22] But I will never put archlinux on my servers. [21:22] never. [21:22] k1l_: if upgrades don't work with changed configuration, then it means nobody can write to /etc/fstab. [21:22] I think. [21:22] borked: the question is: why do the systemd guys dont expect such settings and make systemd work with that? [21:23] knobo: I use archlinux as my development / home OS, but I would strongly to don't recomment it too as server since the bleeding edge rolling :D [21:23] k1l_: no, Ubuntu choose to use systemd. [21:23] chose* [21:23] k1l_: why are you now blaming anything on systemd guys? [21:23] borked: ubuntu can only ship the software as it is. if systemd is broken what do you expect ubuntu to do? [21:23] k1l_: to not roll that systemd update. [21:23] how can i know my vga memory [21:23] That's why I want to upgrade to 16.10... to get systemd. [21:23] k1l_: no, Ubuntu could have ... tested it first. [21:24] Then I will have the same initscript on my dev/laptop as prod. [21:24] k1l_: the bugs I am talking about have existed for over a year. [21:24] k1l_: so, not releasing would have been my preferred solution. [21:24] borked: please propose a test to test your issue. Both Ubuntu QA and the systemd folks would be happy [21:24] SkylakeMX: there is no maintained other solution. if you know about inits then you would not say such a thing. [21:24] [21:24] borked: what kind of bugs did you find? [21:24] borked: stop that pointless rantings in here. its enough [21:25] k1l_: uhm, pointless ranting? I am just saying that Ubuntu upgrades are broken (the whole internet is full of blogs saying the same thing). [21:25] borked: there is currently a bug that causes a minute hang up because a systemd is trying to get a network device link, you mean that one? [21:25] knobo: one was the gcc-doc bug. [21:25] knobo: another one is that /var via bind mounts results in an emergency shell. [21:25] any way to network mount amazon cloud drive in ubuntu 16.04 ? [21:25] knobo: I still have that problem. [21:26] knobo: I asked a question above, which nobody answered. [21:26] sarek: I would be concerned that Internet file system sharing is causing the system to go nuts . /22083430/ is filled with reports . Maybe ' df -h ' see if errors have filled up the log partition ?? [21:26] Presumably because everyone believes that Ubuntu has no bugs. [21:26] borked: what was your question? [21:26] borked: indeed. Why don't you ask on a channel that can actually look at the code involved? [21:26] borked: I don't understand the bug. "/var via bind mounts results in an emergency shell" [21:26] SkylakeMX: my 16.04.1 install starts with an emergency shell. I don't have any idea why. [21:27] knobo: then perhaps you lack the skills to help. Thanks for inquiring, though. [21:27] borked: if you want help please stop with your ranting [21:27] borked: you mean the grub rescue one? [21:27] SkylakeMX: *no* [21:27] borked: nobody understands your bug description. [21:27] SkylakeMX: I think it's a systemd rescue shell. [21:28] emergency shell* [21:28] borked: could you post a image / log? It's a bit hard to do it without any information [21:28] Bashing-om: is there anything i can do about that? Im sharing my external drive with my mac [21:28] SkylakeMX: sorry, the system is broken. [21:28] SkylakeMX: how am I going to make a picture of that? [21:28] borked: with a phone? [21:28] SkylakeMX: and besides, you would know what I am talking about if you had a clue. [21:28] If someone comes along with a clue, talk to me. [21:28] arooni: what protocol is it? sftp? sshfs? nautilus works with sftp and such [21:29] borked: last warning. Stop being agressive [21:29] Otherwise, please don't "try to help". [21:29] borked: some people try to help you but if you can't clarify your issue then we can't help [21:29] hggdh: why is just explaining that you aren't such great helpers agressive? [21:29] hggdh: it's not. Thanks. [21:30] borked: please go elsewhere and return with patience and education. [21:30] Any way maybe i can minimize those reports or disable them so it doesnt shut down Bashing-om [21:30] If you want to tell people that the Ubuntu upgrade actually works, I would say you should first do a search for all the bugs and if there is a result saying "upgrade", it probably isn't bug free. [21:30] !attitude | borked [21:30] borked: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines [21:31] borked: the upgrade does actually work, but yes a clean install would be better tho. [21:31] this is community support by volunteers. if you cant act according to common community standards and just get aggressive and rant then this might not be the right place for you. maybe you better try on askubuntu, ubuntuforums, discourse or mailinglists. [21:32] borked: do you mean some error like this? http://i.stack.imgur.com/r8EXO.jpg [21:32] nothing? [21:32] SkylakeMX, the user has been muted from the channel. [21:32] How would I launch a windows application on login in 16.04? [21:32] Sebastien: ok, thank you for notifying me [21:32] np <3 [21:32] hmmm. now I remember why I do upgrades inside tmux [21:32] arca_vorago, using wine? [21:32] irc is still a nice place to communicate [21:32] atleast not in X [21:33] depends of the days [21:33] windowed* [21:33] and time of day [21:33] sorry not windows [21:33] lol === fifty-sevenC_ is now known as fifty-sevenC [21:33] SkylakeMX: is that picture from you? [21:33] k1l_: ofcourse it isn't, I handle my linux systems with care <3 [21:33] I am doing an 8x8 workspaces setup but I want to auto launch all the apps on the right workspaces [21:34] sarek: Over my head .. I also do not know why the wireless interface is being hit so hard . Lots of request . [21:34] Probably because i have the hard drive smb mounted and am on wireless Bashing-om [21:35] k1l_: what version of ubuntu do you run? [21:35] SkylakeMX: different ones. but all are at least 16.04 [21:35] is this addressing the issue Bashing-om ? [21:35] k1l_: any issues so far? [21:35] * sarek http://askubuntu.com/questions/9269/system-hangs-on-shutdown-if-windows-network-drive-in-fstab [21:37] <_adb> i'm looking for the application and relevant package names for the graphical input/language selector built into unity, or something similar. the need is to change from english to russian, for example, and back. any suggestions? for what it's worth, i'm running openbox on ubuntu server 14.04 === nuclearbob_afk is now known as nuclearbob [21:37] sarek: Xferring many files ".. All I can suggest at this point is to read the logs when returning form a shutdown/crash . Looking at the link . [21:38] does anyone here do upgrades inside tmux? [21:38] yeah i dont think that is addressing the issue in that link [21:38] im not even sure what to google [21:39] the reason this is happening is because i have my ubuntu hard drive being shared smb wirelesly to my mac and a lot of activity on that smb hard drive [21:39] screen but samessame [21:39] Bashing-om: [21:40] _adb: is this relevant to your issue? http://askubuntu.com/questions/289190/how-to-change-system-language [21:40] im not sure how that would cause the computer to crash/shut down [21:40] hello [21:40] knobo: the do-release-upgrade does launch a screensession (or tmux) for the upgrade. it even makes a nother ssh port for the case the ssh gets updated and something goes wrong [21:40] <_adb> SkylakeMX: probably. looking into it now. thank you [21:41] _adb: please report back if it doesn't, I will keep looking for a solution then [21:41] sarek: The lonk is not releavent . And sharing files with your Mac .. no experience, can not advise . But you can see in the logs the system is not happy with the way the interface is run . [21:41] k1l_: how do I access that tmux session then? [21:41] i see Bashing-om [21:42] knobo: iirc its a screensession and should be listed in "screen -ls" [21:43] exit [21:43] I remember once I did the upgrade inside tmux. Then tmux it self was upgraded, and I could no longer connect to the tmux server. [21:44] so I used /proc/PID/exe to connect. [21:44] sarek: Might start my making sure of your mountpoints and permissions in the config file /etc/fstab, and that any and all UUIDs agree with ' sudo blkid' . [21:45] this is all i have in fstab Bashing-om /dev/sdb2 /media/storage hfsplus defaults 0 0 [21:45] <_adb> SkylakeMX: i've complicated things for myself here by not running gnome (or any real full-featured DE), but this is a starting point. i'll have to come back to it tomorrow though. thank you, again [21:46] _adb: your welcome, good luck tomorrow! [21:46] hi [21:46] gurnoor: hey [21:46] hey [21:47] Bashing-om: https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/tm19BREo/ [21:47] gurnoor: having any problems? [21:48] what do we do here just chat [21:48] Bashing-om: the hfs one is the one smb mounted [21:48] gurnoor: no, this is the technical support channel for ubuntu. for chat we have #ubuntu-offtopic [21:48] umm [21:49] i did not get anything [21:49] are you gone [21:49] So, there.. My laptop is upgraded :) [21:51] !uuid [21:51] To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) [21:53] sarek: ^^ I would go with UUIDs rather than "/dev/sdb2" that identifier is subject to change . Then the system has no valid reference . Then I can see why the fault reports . [21:53] ok thanks Bashing-om [21:54] Did the problems begin with this mount ? or when activating the file sharing ?? That then would indicate where the problem lies . [21:56] So Firefox was released today, but becuase of the Ubuntu package management system it seems that I have to wait a couple extra days to get the newest version. Can anybody help me figure out how long exactly I'll have to wait? [21:58] deadmund: you can always just download firefox from mozilla.org, it comes in a bzip2 file that you can simply unzip, and then run "firefox" from it [21:58] bprompt: Then I will be off the package manager track correct? [21:58] deadmund: or just wait till it makes it to the repository [21:58] deadmund: correct [21:58] bprompt: I planned on waiting till it hits the repo. How long does it take? [21:59] Are you talking like 1 day? or like 1 month? [21:59] deadmund: that... I dunno [21:59] mmm [21:59] deadmund: are you looking/waiting for version 47? [22:00] bprompt: Currently running 47 (from the repos). Looking for 48 (released today I think) [22:02] deadmund: depends on if its over one weekend or in the working week etc. i would say its about 3 days [22:02] k1l_: thanks! [22:04] war nen script *schäm === Jochen_wvdT is now known as Schlawiner [22:04] deadmund: firefox48 is already in proposed in the development 16.10. so i guess it will come to proposed for the other ubuntus in the next days for the automated testings and if they pass with all related packages then it gets put into the main repo [22:04] Bashing-om: i will mount using uuid and see if the problem persists [22:04] k1l_: thanks again! [22:05] sarek: Good deal .. we see then . [22:06] ciao a tutti ragazzi [22:07] https://vVYUnwzN my Xorg.0.log if it helps [22:09] carp I screwed that up https://paste I [22:10] ChrisP_: holysh1t, that link hehe === Warrigal is now known as tswett [22:10] ChrisP_: that url still doesnt work :) [22:10] hehe [22:11] when the clipboard, attacks [22:11] https://pastebin.com/vVYUnwzN [22:12] someway to turn the upgrade notification off ? [22:12] ChrisP_: what was the issue? [22:12] fat fingers on my tablet keyboard [22:12] bprompt: I'm having that problem a lot with archlinux and i3 window manager hehe, there is no ctrl+c and ctrl+v :') [22:12] ChrisP_: no, not with the url :) with your system [22:13] SkylakeMX: get AutoKey then :) [22:13] when I boot it won't load gnome stops at a console login [22:14] thanks again Bashing-om [22:14] bprompt: I'm going to check that out, thanks :D [22:14] Does anybody know what would cause my lxde not to show up in my DM after i've installed it? [22:14] ChrisP_: can you show the dmesg or syslog file? i dont see an obvious error in the xorg.log [22:15] ChrisP_: is lightdm installed? [22:15] SkylakeMX: I use it for quite a few things, specially for my IDE, to automate some coding stuff [22:15] bprompt: but it does not solve copy pasting which I need to do with middle-click right? [22:16] Top shows gdm and other related processes running. sure I have to pull it from the desktop via ssh [22:16] upgrade notification to 16.04 appears when pc boots. how to get rid of it? what do I have to remove. I always do my updates manually anyway. [22:16] SkylakeMX: well, dunno i3 WM, but I"m pretty sure it's configurable to do that, though find it odd it's not [22:16] ChrisP_: ok, so gdm is running. hmm [22:18] sarek: Hey .. not done much .. let's wait and see if the fix is in befor the thanks . [22:18] bprompt: have to say that I haven't really got to much time to figure out my clipboard, programming is more my priority too hehe [22:20] that gave me an error but systemctl shows gdm running. === francisco is now known as Guest39181 [22:20] is there a way to get to the purple grub menu with having it installed? [22:21] i mean grub menu in general [22:22] What's a good app to create a bootable USB on ubuntu note I am not creating a bootable USB of ubuntu I am using ubuntu to create a bootable USB of another OS [22:22] No answers hello.. can I just remove the update-manager, with apt-get remove update-manager [22:23] Abe_: no [22:23] will notifications to 16.04 go away then? [22:23] k1l_: why I do upgrades updates manually over terminal [22:23] k1l: copying dmesg to the tablet [22:23] Bray90820: the regular tools like: dd, unetbootin, usb-creator schould work [22:23] I don't need gui help actually [22:24] to do my upgrades [22:24] k1l_: sudo dd if? === irinix is now known as zebiz [22:25] Abe_ its in the [art when he is installing ubuntulmfao [22:25] http://askubuntu.com/questions/218755/how-to-disable-the-update-manager-popup tells me different though [22:25] Abe_: i dont understand why you want to uninstall the update-manager [22:25] cuz it's annoying === zebiz is now known as irinix [22:26] Abe_: what ubuntu are you using? [22:26] 14.04 [22:26] I can still do release-upgrade if I want to [22:26] ok. you could try removing it [22:27] k hope the 16.04 upgrade goes away with it too then [22:27] _quit [22:29] ChrisP_: what did you do before the system didnt boot to the dm? [22:33] It is recommended to update ubuntu 14.04 to ubuntu 16.04 ? [22:33] k1l upgraded from 14.04.4 > 16.04.1 [22:34] gjo: yes. any time from now to the end of the support for 14.04 you need to upgrade. [22:34] ChrisP_: what ? [22:34] ChrisP_: ah ok. its still using the 14.04 kernel and xorg. [22:35] ChrisP_: did the upgrade work? what does "lsb_release -d" bring you? [22:35] critikal: ei sharp [22:35] :gnome upgraded from 14.04lts [22:36] erm, ok. i would have expected a 16.04 there [22:36] "lsb_release -a"? [22:36] k1l_: It is recommeded to ubuntu 14.04 to 16.04 ? [22:37] I can't type I upgraded from [22:37] gjo: its your choice. you can use 14.04 for 2,5 more years or upgrade to 16.04 now [22:38] explora: thanks [22:38] :k1l ubuntu 16.04.1lts [22:38] k1l_: Yes, however, I'm with a problem. The dash not open with keyboard super. [22:38] anyone know how i can network mount a ubuntu ext3 drive for read/write access on my mac mini (but only allow an authenticated user on the network to access it )? [22:40] arooni: If you install "netatalk" on the Ubuntu machine, access by the Mac will be easy enough...which then makes it even easier if you create a user on the Ubuntu box with that particular share setup for that user only...does that make sense? [22:41] dmesg https://pastebin.com/sTqM8hAH === mirami is now known as loa_notebook [22:42] ChrisP_: uh, using a 4.7 kernel? the xorg.log did say a 4.4er trusty kernel [22:42] YankDownUnder: hey thanks! all makes sense except the part of me having to create a user on the Ubuntu box... why would i Need this? im the only user of this laptop and only need to access my only user account on the laptop [22:43] i think intel have best driver stack for video, i wonder why they don't do full blown gpus =/ [22:44] arooni: Fair enough - that's how my "home" system is setup...*I* am on the Mac accessing specific shares on the Ubuntu server/workstation - however, there are public shares on the Ubuntu server/workstation that others on the home network can see - but as far as "special" shares, they're only accessible to ME via "Apple Sharing" through my "home" directory on the server... [22:45] I've got various kernels installed I have been using 4.4.0-31 that's what's running now [22:45] Why Dash not open with super keyboard ? [22:46] hello. I'm trying to configure dovecot on ubuntu, using tls. it seems the dovecot service is runnig as non-root? I'm not sure how that happens. hopefully someone here might have a suggestion? [22:46] ChrisP_: i dont see any error in the log [22:46] BrokenCog: Have you asked in #dovecot yet? [22:47] ztane: [22:47] YankDownUnder: crickets ... [22:47] ztane: how is the update? === newguy is now known as Guest45894 [22:50] so ive got this remote server i rented today, with ubuntu 14.04. i didnt mention any instructions for partitioning.. but now i see when i run df -h i see that /boot hags 268M size, 213M available (15% used).. and / is the rest of the space, 910 GB size. my question is, when i upgrade kernels in the future, via apt-get dist-upgrade, is the kernel goign to be installed to /boot ? i reckon it [22:50] would be. would 213mb be enough space ? i mean it should be right? [22:50] super keyboard not open Dash on Ubuntu 14.04. Someone can me help ? [22:50] gjo: does the key work? [22:51] k1l_: what ? [22:51] stacks88: When you've done the upgrade (if you're going to do the upgrade) you can use "sudo apt autoremove" to clear up space if required. You should be good to go, but. [22:51] k1l: running $gnome-shell outputs 'clutter-CRITICAL unable to initialize clutter unable to open display you have to set the display environment variable or use the--display command line argument [22:51] stacks88: new ubuntu should be removing old kernels when there is a new kernel update [22:52] k1l_ yeah, just wanted to make sure or double check with you guys, i figure it should be fine [22:52] thx [22:53] Hello. After a lot of trial and error, I think I found the cause of a Ubuntu bug, can anyone help me on how to report it with useful info? [22:53] I don't have experience reporting bugs [22:53] Is everyone on 16.04 now? How are people liking it? I am still on 14.04, but i guess sometime this year ill upgrade [22:53] i am a big fan of the LTS releases [22:54] stacks88: It works quite well. Stressing "quite". [22:54] ChrisP_: well, i dont know what is going wrong. the xorg.log is from an old state (before the upgrade). the dmesg is with 4.7 kernel which is not the regular one. you say gdm is running. maybe try installing lightdm and see if that is working? [22:55] I'll give it a q [22:55] try [22:56] says it's already installed :( [22:57] "sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm" [22:57] goodnight ppl [22:58] YankDownUnder: so netatalk will only work to share ubuntu drives ==> mac's ? is it a two way street? would the same approach work for windows? or not [22:59] in Synaptic Package Manager if it says "instaled version" thats the current version right? [23:00] tht is installed on the system [23:03] ran it in test mode. failed to get D-bus connection tried sudo lightdm goes back to $doesn't even ask for pw [23:03] no dont sudo lightdm [23:04] sudo service lightdm restart [23:04] and what is "test mode"? [23:06] q [23:08] ChrisP_: well, i got to go. maybe others in here can help you from here on. [23:08] hey ciao a tutti [23:13] k1l: that came up when I ran just $ lightdm. the sudo command you gave shows job for lightdm service failed because the control process exited error code systemctl status shows loaded: not-found no such file or directory. running off to eat be back in a bit [23:14] hi can anyone help me output display to a secondary monitor with nvidia optimus. I have optimus and everything setup, but I'm not sure how to get it to output display. [23:15] last time i tried optimus, i needed to start apps via bumblebee arg to get gpu usage [23:16] it possible that in the meantime (2yrs) some things might have changed [23:17] hwk, i think you still need to do that. There's apparently a way to get it to output to external monitor. I'm having a little trouble following the guide https://github.com/Bumblebee-Project/Bumblebee/wiki/Multi-monitor-setup [23:17] hey everyone. i'm trying to configure my ubuntu 16.04 laptop such that my mac mini running 10.11.6 (on same wireless network) can access its files (all of them). i only want my mac to be able to access them... perhaps with some sort of passowrd? would love your help setting it up [23:18] hey all, I have had an issue which I believe was caused by dpms being enabled, however am hoping to confirm this... is anyone aware of a log which would record actions taken by dpms? [23:19] xentity1x: there is a ppa i think which has proper nvidia drivers compiled [23:19] xentity1x: from there you need figure out how you run apps with gpu support [23:19] arooni: If you're using the laptop to access the Mac - nearly "natively" - make sure you install "netatalk" - and you'll be able to locate the Mac on the network, mount your "Home" and use it that way (yes, there will be a password) - sharing has to be enabled on the Mac (System Preferences => Sharing => go through the settings properly) [23:20] some apps like hmm, steam "start themselved" with gpu support [23:20] YankDownUnder: but this link https://kremalicious.com/ubuntu-as-mac-file-server-and-time-machine-volume/ suggests that since i'm running a version of os x > 10.9 that i need to use samba [23:20] hello everyone. [23:21] I need help fixing a broken dist upgrade from within a chroot. [23:21] if someone else can help with some more recent insights, regarding this.... [23:21] specifically I cannot run "sudo dpkg --configure -a" or "apt-get -f install" becuause of errors [23:22] arooni: I'm only telling you exactly what I'm using here - right now - right this minute. But you can use what you wish. SMB transfers end up being slow, and I don't like slow - therefore, I stick with using the AFP protocols - speed...ease...whatever...BUT, that being said, your choice, mate. If anything, you can always check in #MacOS as well... [23:22] last time i tried samba (1 day ago) for a 72gb file transfer (read) it crashed :) [23:22] "/usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d: 1: /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d: /sbin/runlevel: not found" [23:22] YankDownUnder: gotcha; it was talking about how smb had advantages over afp [23:23] YankDownUnder: what version of mac os x do you have? [23:23] fileroller reading a file on a samba share [23:23] arooni: 10.11.6 [23:23] H all :) [23:23] hello [23:24] YankDownUnder: is it secure? [23:24] YankDownUnder: (afp) [23:25] arooni: Hehehehe..."secure" is a matter of perspective - however, that being said, the "MS" machines on the network here at home cannot see nor access anything that I have under OSX/afp... [23:25] hmm; do you have a guide to follow? [23:25] maybe that one i linked to earlier? [23:25] gr1dl0ck: hi, I'll just type out my question :) [23:26] arooni: I've been linking Macs & linux boxes for more than 16 years...um...so it's kinda second nature - HOWEVER, that being said, you should be able to find ample stuff via Google...like AMPLE...hmm... [23:26] ok on 64bit ubuntu what do i type to get 32bit libstdc++ ? i have a program that specifically needs the 32bit package [23:27] YankDownUnder: gotcha ; i will investigate [23:27] truexfan81: you'd install the 'libstdc++:i386' package [23:27] k I didn't remove update-manager, I just looked under "software-properties-gtk" Software & Updates > Updates > Notify me of new a new Ubuntu Version and checked "Never"... should have solved my problem [23:27] tgm4883: thanks [23:27] I'm getting sick of not having sound...I've force reloaded alsa, made sure nothing is muted, added myself to the audio group and did it all again. Even --purged alsa and pavucontrol then reinstalled...nothing is getting sound. Someone Please come up with something that the first two pages of Google can't tell me. [23:28] hi can anyone tell me how to downlaod adobe flash player for chromium web browser on ubuntu 15.10 or 16.04 [23:28] also is there a channel for ubuntu on windows? or would those questions be asked here? [23:28] truexfan81: #ubuntu-on-windows [23:29] truexfan81: hatred question :) [23:29] truexfan81: you should enable i3 packages by :sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 [23:29] ahmed751995: that should't be necessary [23:30] does the guest os has a linux kernel (heart) :P [23:30] i'll try the i386 package when it finishes installing tomcat7 [23:30] i'm just working my way through the list of deps needed to run Forsaken World server [23:30] i have it running on an ovh dedi, i'm now setting up a test server on my pc [23:31] try some virtualization solution if possible [23:31] can't [23:31] Is there a utility like yes that can yield random integers? [23:31] not enough ram [23:31] This is just rediculous. I have never had an ubuntu install that had sound working off the first boot, but never has it been this complicated to fix. [23:32] ..... why did you bought windows in the first place? [23:33] or get a trial of possible [23:33] to see if the os suits your needs [23:33] that seems off topic [23:34] for ubuntu for windows should i be worried about this error? initctl: Unable to connect to Upstart: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused [23:34] truexfan81: You do realise that the linux subsystem in MS is NOT a full blown system, correct? [23:35] YankDownUnder: so long as it will run apache2, mariadb server and tomcat7 it will be fine [23:35] it sound offtopic, but it more like common sense guidelines --- wich ubuntu has a well example [23:35] How do I over come these dpkg --remove errors?: http://pastebin.com/raw/dAeYv0cg [23:36] truexfan81: Um...have you actually considered Virtualbox do accomplish that task properly...? [23:36] YankDownUnder: can't, pc only has 4GB ram, can only give 2GB to a vm and forsaken world server won't start with less than 3.1GB [23:36] im waiting for other os's to launch their live version [23:36] .... not going to happen [23:37] !info brscan2 [23:37] Package brscan2 does not exist in xenial [23:37] Huawei mobile wifi modem not working , I need help [23:38] truexfan81: In considering all of the "what could go wrong?" bits - you're kinda creating a "chaos", don't ya reckon? Either which, I'm sure you'll dig and have patience enough to figure it all out if that is what you're truly desiring. Kinda a bit unrealistic from a Microsoft standpoint, really...but hey, that's your goal, not mine. [23:39] truexfan81: #ubuntu-on-windows for ubuwin support. === max__ is now known as Guest93655 [23:40] anybody know a ubuntu webcam app? [23:41] Guest93655: try cheese [23:41] So, does anyone know how to get sound working in ubuntu 16.04? [23:41] Hey guys. Does anyone know what would cause newly installed LXDE to not show in my DM? [23:42] (Kinda funny to think that after all the time and effort and money chucked into a distro, that they'd forget a webcam app...) :) [23:42] GnomeKris, have you checked the additonal drivers? [23:42] Yup, I'm using literally the only driver available on that screen. [23:43] YankDownUnder: how many people use a webcam app... [23:43] GnomeKris, I used this: http://yktoo.com/en/software/indicator-sound-switcher [23:43] dunno if that will help [23:43] Bashing-om: dpkg !info brscan2 isn't a valid command. [23:44] nvm. i guess all of that is already in the system settings [23:44] tgm4883: That I honestly couldn't tell you - however, for *me*, I've used webcams for more than 10yr on linux - in some version or another...ditto with my Macs...so, for me, it's like asking if you can use a keyboard and mouse with linux...nearly a redundant question - does that make sense? [23:44] xcyclist: echo $RANDOM [23:44] But seriously, does anybody have any ideas why lxde is not in my DM? [23:45] xcyclist: What is your end goal though? [23:45] YankDownUnder: not really. How often do you use a webcam to just take a picture or look at yourself vs using it to communicate with other people [23:45] YankDownUnder: there is already a sound indicator plugin included with ubuntu 16.04, and it works well. I believe my problem is deeper than that. [23:45] shoot. wrong person [23:45] SuperMechaCow. [23:45] Thanks. I needed a list of integers to test a sort algorithm. Thank you. [23:45] GnomeKris, yea I realized that after I said it [23:46] YankDownUnder: my point being, which webcam app should be included? [23:46] tgm4883: I use it to communicate to my parents - 15k km away...not take pictures of my ancient grey skull... :) ...but that's me... [23:46] YankDownUnder: exactly [23:47] tgm4883: I used to like Ekiga, but, well, Cheese is better...(linux side) - for the Mac, well, duh, Facetime...(have always avoided Skye like the plague) [23:48] Jitsi is nice. [23:48] And Tox hopefully, when it's ready. [23:50] Oh cheese is installed by default anyway [23:50] tgm4883: :) Shore iz! [23:56] Steven_M: My though was to see if that package is from the repo .. appears not .. maybe 3rd party stuff ? ' apt-cache policy brscan2 ' give any hints where it came from ? [23:57] Isn't "brscan2" from the Brother drivers? (Third party drivers for Brother Printer/Scanner units) [23:58] YankDownUnder: Steven_M Sounds likely so to me . [23:58] Anyone using Ubuntu on Windows 10? [23:59] !ubuwin | sencha [23:59] sencha: Canonical and Microsoft have announced that Windows 10 will be able to run Ubuntu programs without needing porting/recompilation. This functionality is still in beta and is not supported in #ubuntu. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows. [23:59] tgm4883: No support needed. :) Thanks though, I'll visit there.